"Time Breach?" Steve questioned what Thor said.

"Yes, Heimdall realized there was a significant change in time. The world, universe is going to change soon enough," Thor said.

"He did see it right," Tony said. "I noticed some changes, too."

"First of all, who is this?" Howard said, pointing at Thor.

In his eyes, Thor looked like an ancient prince or something, someone who didn't belong in this time period. Howard knew he was out of time, but Thor looked way out of time.

"I could ask the same for you," Thor said. "I haven't seen you around. Did Stark found his long-lost twin while I was gone?"

There were some laughs in the room.

"He's not my twin, Point Break. He's my dad," Tony said, putting an emphasis on 'Point Break.'

Thor grunted at the nickname, before realizing what Tony just said.

"W-What did you say? Your dad?!" Thor yelled.

"Howard Stark," Howard introduced himself for like tenth time since he got here.

"Thor Odinson."

"He was a friend of mine back in World War II," Steve explained. "This is Agent Peggy Carter."

Peggy smiled at Thor, he smiled back.

"Wait a minute, how did they get here? I don't know much about World War II, but I do know your dad isn't same age as you, Stark."

"Well, he built a time machine," Natasha answered for Tony.

"Is no one going to acknowledge the fact that Thor said 'we have to go back in time to fix it'? I mean, that's some serious issue," Bruce pointed out.

"Only way to fix time breach is to go back in time," Thor said.

"You don't get to decide that," Tony argued. "I am the expert here. I'm going to figure this out."

Thor rolled his eyes at Tony. He put the hammer on the table and sat down on the couch.

"How are we going to do that anyway? It's not like—" Natasha cut herself off, because she knew the answer. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me."

If they had to go back in time to fix the breach, they would have to use the time machine again. The same brought that brought Howard and Peggy to 2015.

"Can you explain what exactly a time breach is?" Steve asked.

"Time breach is when there is a gap in time, which means a part of history or future is erased," Thor said. "Now, this could be a huge problem, because if a piece of time is gone, many, many people can be gone, too."

"…That's why some of my videos are gone missing," Tony said. "Because now, they never happened."

Tony quickly stood in front of the huge screen, and called out his A.I.'s name.

"JARVIS, pull up all the records about time travel from the year 1945 to 1956," Tony commanded.

"Yes, sir."

Soon, there were tons of documents, videos, and lab reports on the screen.

"Wait, JARVIS? I know a man named Edwin Jarvis," Howard said. "He's our family butler."

"Yes, I know, Dad," Tony said. "I was close to him when I was young. I named my A.I. system after him."

Howard looked at the screen, amazed at how technology can develop in 60 years. An artificial voice was doing everything for Tony!

"Narrow them down to those related to Howard Stark and HYDRA."

"Yes, sir."

Now there were only a few documents and videos left. Among them, there was one document titled as 'VALKYRIE.'

"That's mine," Howard pointed it out.

"You named it after the plane I was on before I went down," Steve said.

"I told you I did this for you, Cap," Howard smiled as he said it.

As Tony looked through the document, he didn't see anything out of the place. I mean, there wasn't much information on it, except for the blueprint of the machine and a summary of his work.

"I don't see anything unusual here," Tony said.

"Of course you don't," Howard said. "There's nothing unusual about it because I managed to figure most of it out in my head."

"Building a time machine is very unusual!" Peggy said.

She still couldn't believe Howard built a time machine. She never saw him working on it, even though the machine was hidden in the basement. She wondered how Howard managed to hide everything for 11 years—he didn't have much time to be alone.

"Look, we have to hurry," Thor said. "If we don't leave now, it would be too late to fix everything."

"I'm not going back to 1940s or whatever," Tony said. "I can't live without my technologies, my suits, and my popularity."

"Hey! Watch how you speak! This is my time you're talking about," Howard yelled, a bit offended.

Yes, 2015 is pretty cool and technologies are so much better, but it was fine back in the 1940s. He created Captain America and (almost) hoovering car, didn't he?

People laughed, enjoying the conversation between two Starks. No one in the room thought Tony would meet Howard again. The fact that Howard was very young just shocked everyone even more.

That was when Steve felt pain in his chest. He didn't know what was causing the pain, but it was getting worse. It was like ice pounding on his chest. He suddenly felt cold, freezing.

"Steve? Are you alright?" Peggy asked with a worried look.

"I'm f-ahhh!"

Steve was on the ground, screaming. His face turned pale, and lips were blue. It was like if he was in the ice all over again. Peggy was next to him, trying calm him down, but it was useless. Steve started to scream, as loud as he can. He wanted to stop, but he couldn't.

"He's cold! He's freezing again!" Peggy shouted, almost crying.

"JARVIS, why is this happening? What's wrong with Cap?" Tony asked.

"I believe this is because of the Time Breach, sir," JARVIS replied.

"T-there was an explosion right before we got here," Peggy said. "It must've destroyed the S.H.I.E.L.D. base."

Steve was freezing more and more, and his heartbeat was slowing down.

"Agent Carter is correct, sir," JARVIS said. "After the explosion in 1956, there was no more S.H.I.E.L.D. and only a few people survived the attack. Among them were Howard Stark and Agent Carter."

"If the organization was gone…." Natasha said.

"….They never found Cap," Tony finished her sentence.

It took almost 70 years for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to find Captain America. They found him long after Howard Stark's death, when Nick Fury became the director of the organization. But if the organization was gone in 1956, no one would search for Captain America, which meant he would still be in the ice somewhere.

Steve shuddered with cold. He didn't know how he was still alive, but he knew he would die or at least be unconscious very soon. He wasn't sure if he could survive the cold for the second time.

"JARVIS, is there anything we can do for Cap?" Tony asked.

"Not at this moment, sir," JARVIS replied. "He is affected by the Time Breach. I do not know how to fix this exactly, though. This is beyond my capability."

"We have to go back, Tony," Bruce said. "Or else he is going to die."

Tony stared at Steve, who was shivering from the cold. He could see some ice forming around him, like when he was found the first time.

"Suit up, everyone," Tony finally said. "We are about to time travel."

Surprisingly, it only took about 5 minutes for everyone to pack and suit up, because Tony was bringing most of his technology and Iron Man suits with him. Earlier this year, Tony partnered up with Hank Pym, who created suits that could be shrunk to a size of an ant, and he got similar technologies from him that could do the same to the lab.

Thor carried Steve all the way to the time machine, and everyone else got on board. Howard and Peggy were watching the others getting ready, and they couldn't help but be surprised at the technologies and weapons they owned. They almost screamed when a robot-like person walked into the machine.

"Chill, it's just me," Tony said as he pressed his arc reactor to get rid of his suit.

"Oh my god, did you make that?" Peggy asked with surprise.

"Yes, didn't I say I was the Iron Man?" Tony said.

Howard couldn't take his eyes off of his son. He couldn't believe that he actually invented that. It was like a robot, but it wasn't; it was more like a suit, as Tony described it.

"You are brilliant," Howard said. "You really are my son."

Tony couldn't help but get chocked up by what Howard just said. He just complimented him, didn't he? He was starting to like this version of Howard.

"We need to go," Thor reminded them. "Captain's not looking great at all."

"When are we going?" Howard asked to the team.

"1945," Tony answered. "We need to stop you from making the time machine."

"How are we going to come home, then?" Natasha asked Tony.

"Don't worry, Agent Romanoff. We'll find something. I'll find something." Tony smiled.

A bright light and loud noised filled the basement once again.