The Guardians

Rating: K
Summary: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi are sent to find out the truth from miners reports of another possible candidate for the Jedi.
Notes: This story is a sequel to Initus.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are owned by the Great Flanneled one, and now Disney. All others are mine. I make no money off this.

Timeline: 43 BBY

Speech: " "
Training bond communication: /
Internal thoughts: italics

Chapter Eight

If there was anything good that came out of the harrowing events Obi-Wan was forced to participate in, it was that the medication was procured. It was now over an hour since his master drank all of the concoction. At least he hadn't grown any worse. The problem was, he hadn't improved either.

Healer Doel had told him some time earlier that with medication that was taken, sometimes it took a day before it started working. Medications for headaches normally worked within an hour. Maybe Qui-Gon's recovery would take some time before any changes begin showing. Rising to his feet, he stretched and reached for his lightsaber, only realizing after the fact that it was gone. At this point there was nothing he could do about it. He hadn't even brought any reading materials from his classes.

A gentle nudge from the Force caught Obi-Wan's attention. He looked around, trying to pinpoint where it came from. Semo's actions were telling, though. Apparently the older man had heard something. Obi-Wan had no idea how, but he did. He could only sense the movement through the Force. As the disturbance grew, so did Semo's wariness.

While keeping an eye out on the edge of the forest, Obi-Wan focused his attention on the hunter. He wasn't like Dinah, or Qui-Gon, or even Darna. In fact, he didn't use the Force at all. Knowing that Qui-Gon was stable, at least for now, Obi-Wan went over to Semo. Just as he reached the man, forms appeared off in the distance. As they neared, he realized that they held no weapons. Semo nodded to him and walked into the forest.

As Obi-Wan moved back towards Qui-Gon, Darna came towards him, a questioning look in her eyes. Not knowing exactly how to answer, he gave her a shrug. For a moment he felt bad dumping everything into to the villager's laps, but at the same time his master was, or had been deathly ill.

Just as Obi-Wan sat back down beside Qui-Gon, Semo returned along with several men and women. They all gathered around Darna and started speaking. He chose to ignore what was happening, so he could focus on his master. Placing a hand on Qui-Gon's chest, he reached out with the Force. The older Jedi was still struggling, but not like before. Thinking it could be of some help, Obi-Wan reached out and helped with the healing. This allowed Qui-Gon to rest. He didn't heal per se, but it was more along the lines of helping Qui-Gon have a stronger connection to the Force.

A couple of moments later Qui-Gon shuddered as if he were trying to fight it off. /Please, Master. Don't fight it. I'm only trying to help./

A short time later Obi-Wan felt Qui-Gon take what was offered and began using it. It was an odd feeling having your energy and strength drained out of you. It could be dangerous giving up too much of oneself. Long before Obi-Wan reached the point of no return, he backed his presence away. Opening his eyes, he glanced down then yawned. Qui-Gon actually looked a little bit better, ether that or it was something that he desperately wanted to believe.

/What you did was dangerous, Padawan./

Obi-Wan frowned. /You needed it because you weren't getting any better. Plus, you would have done the same thing for me./

Qui-Gon remained silent for a time. /What about the guardian?/

Obi-Wan turned his attention back to the gathered crowd. They were on the other side of the clearing. If anything it felt as if there was a reunion of sorts going on. /I'm not sure, Master. He, Semo, appears to have the same abilities as a trained Jedi…but…I don't feel the Force swirling in and around him the way you or any of the knights and masters at the Temple./

Qui-Gon's eyes actually opened. For a moment he looked at him before closing them again. When he answered he sounded weaker, /Interesting./

/Save your strength for healing, Master./ Obi-Wan placed a hand on Qui-Gon's chest.


Not knowing who it was, Obi-Wan turned his attention to the small group. Several had come near and then began speaking. "Not again," he muttered as he raised his hands in supplication. "I can't understand you."

Dinah pushed her way through the unknown men and women then turned around and folded her arms. She said something and then pointed back to him. At least anger wasn't coming from the group. Whatever it was before had morphed into curiosity, and then compassion.

They want to help, Dinah's voice floated into his mind.


There was more discussion. Instead of sending him a message Dinah and the group scattered and began collecting things. At first Obi-Wan had no idea what they were doing until they all came back and began to construct what turned out to be a litter.

With gentle hands Qui-Gon was moved to conveyance.

Compared to them being kicked out several days ago, the return trip took half the time.

Qui-Gon opened his eyes only to find that he wasn't out in the open anymore. Above him was the rafters of a circular hut, or shelter, and it looked as if some type of leather was stretched across it, keeping the outside elements from inside. He shifted and felt either blankets or a mat under him.

Just as he was about to try to sit up Obi-Wan came inside with a bowl. "How are you, Master?" he asked as he knelt beside him.

"Weak, but my mind feels clearer." He watched as Obi-Wan put the bowl off to the side and then leaned over to help him sit up. Before he could roll back down, Obi-Wan reached out his hand and pulled through the Force to him what looked like a backrest. "Thank you, Padawan."

Closing his eyes, he tried to remember the past few days, but everything felt like it was a blur. He could have sworn that they were in some sort of clearing, but that was about it. "How long have I been here?" Qui-Gon asked as Obi-Wan placed the bowl in his hands. His hands trembled, but his fingers were able to grasp onto the surface. The smell wafting from it ignited his hunger, and his mouth began watering.

"Not that long. Around a day." Obi-Wan gave him what he interpreted as a critical look then helped him bring the bowl to his mouth to drink what turned out to be broth. "Dinah mentioned that you might not remember what happened."

"Who is this Dinah?"

"A healer. She's also Force sensitive." Obi-Wan paused, "But that's not all. I think I found the 'guardians' the miners spoke about. There's a man here who has some of our abilities, but it's not through the Force. I'm not sure what to think about him."

"Interesting." Qui-Gon too another sip, "And the girl?"

Obi-Wan shook his head. "She's too old for Jedi training."

"How old is she?"

"At least 14 standard I would think. Plus, she's a very adept healer, and I don't want to take her away from her people." He fiddled with the end of his cloak.

The movement drew Qui-Gon's eyes to where Obi-Wan's lightsaber would normally be located. It wasn't there. "Padawan?" he raised an eyebrow.

Obi-Wan's face flushed for a moment as he looked away. "Yes, I know. I didn't loose it on purpose. It's actually in a pit, and one I do not want to go down into because I was almost killed."

That caught Qui-Gon's full attention. "What was required of you?"

Obi-Wan's head shot up. "It's not like that at all. The Priestess," he swallowed hard, "tried to have me executed for being what she called a sedt." His voice lowered, "I had no choice."

Qui-Gon sent understanding through their bond. "Sometimes things like that happen, Padawan. I also feel that you're not telling me everything."

Obi-Wan shook his head and he looked away again, "I don't want to talk about it."

Qui-Gon knew it would be a battle lost if he tried to push Obi-Wan. "I will ask if it involves the girl."

"No, Master. There's nothing between us. What I do find odd is that I can somehow hear her through the Force. It's almost as if her voice floats on the eddies that the Force creates." Obi-Wan gave him a confused look. "I've heard that it's theoretically possible, but I'm not sure."

Feeling a disturbance in the Force they both turned to look at the opening. The leather was pulled back and a girl a little smaller than Obi-Wan entered. Her hair was almost the same shade as Obi-Wan's while her face and eyes were almost a perfect match for him. The Force easily shown out from her. "Bone. Vi vekas," she nodded to both of them as she came over and knelt down.

Removing one of the bandages, she placed her hand on Qui-Gon's skin and reached out to the Force. Soon he felt the muscles loosening and he found it easier to breath. "Thank you, young one."

This time she gave him a confused look as she sat back on her heels. She glanced over to Obi-Wan and cocked her head to the side. After a moment she nodded then looked to the bowl to see if the broth had been consumed. When she was satisfied, she took the bowl and left them.

"That's Dinah, Master."

Qui-Gon contemplated the entrance for a few moments. "She's very bright."

Obi-Wan's gaze followed his. "Yes, though I didn't really notice how bright it was before." He paused and added a smile, "I wouldn't cross her path though, she's determined that you stay here until you're healthy enough for traveling."

Qui-Gon folded his arms. "Typical healer," he grumbled.

Room of a Thousand Fountains

Obi-Wan sat, legs folded and eyes closed in his favorite spot. This was the first time he had any time to himself after he and his master made it back to Coruiscant safely. He knew he would miss Dinah, but it was the way of life. Only in the last few days while Qui-Gon was regaining his strength, that he he had begun learning their odd sounding language. Maybe he should have started earlier, but he was too busy trying to keep his Master from dying. He did not want to be apprenticed to anyone else, even if it was Master Numa.

Out of curiosity, he cast his mind out to see if he could sense her. There was nothing. Oh well, he sighed.

"There you are, Padawan."

Obi-Wan looked up from his position. Qui-Gon stood over him. For a moment he felt like he had been in this position before, but he couldn't recall when it happened. He scowled, "I needed to get away from everything."

Qui-Gon lowered himself down. "I know." He smiled, "Now you know how I feel at the Council's incessant questions."

Obi-Wan furrowed his brow, then shook his head. "When would that happen?"

The older Jedi answered with an even wider smile. "More often than not when you were in your classes." He paused, "You're thinking about Dinah, aren't you?"

"Yes." Obi-Wan ducked his head down. "I was, am still to a point fond of her, but not in the way you think."

Qui-Gon leaned forward and placed a hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. "I understand better than you realize."

Obi-Wan shifted position so that he had one leg folded under him with the other bent in front. It forced Qui-Gon to lean back to his initial position. "I'm surprised that her mother was elected leader. I wonder why."

"That is something that you need not think, or brood about. I've stated before and will state again, you are wiser than your years. I also believe that Darna will do just fine as her village leader."
