Mars, ONI Outpost DM1-5


Sergeant James Shepard walked with his comrades, this was Mercury Squad. A squad that consisted of four UNSC Marines, including himself. ONI had tasked his squad with a "special" mission. The protection of an item which was classified as PRIORITY:ALPHA.

"Sarge, what the hell are we doing guarding this thing? We need to be out there, getting those Covie bastards off our planet!" A voice called, Shepard recognized this voice alright, it was Lance Corporal Chhun who said that.

"Because, this package right here can potentially change the entire fate of this war and ONI wants it back to Earth, stat." Shepard replied.

"Oh come on, what can be so special about this package?" Chhun asked, and as soon as Shepard was about to respond, loud bangs were heard throughout the facility.

"Shit… the Covies found us. Alright, Mercury! Get ready, we're going to defend this package with our lives you understand?" Shepard questioned, and everyone quickly responded and shouted.

"Sir, yes sir!" They all screamed.

"Wallace, get your ass to the back. Chhun, you take that shotgun of yours and go up front. Donald and Kenway, with me." Shepard stated, as he aimed his MA5C at the front door. Soon The Covenant would come in, they would try to take the package. He knew it, and his squad knew it. The bangings were louder, and louder, and they continued getting louder. Soon, the door would be busted open, and Mercury Squad would be prepared for their last battle.

Many years ago….

Alternate Dimension
Mars, UAC Facility

The Doom Slayer glared at the machine in front of him. Samuel Hayden had done what he had expected right whenever he first heard his voice from the communication panels. He betrayed him, now the only question was, what would happen to him? Would Samuel kill him? Imprison him like the Demons did?

"You think the only way is to kill them all, leave nothing behind. You might be right, but we can't just shut it all down. Without Argent Energy, it will be worse, I don't expect you to agree." He then took the Crucible from The Slayer, and he looked at it's bright red glow.

"But with this, we can continue our work." He spoke. Then the scientist looked at The Slayer once again.

"I am not the villain in this story, I do what I do because there is no choice." The machine said.

"Tether coordinates, rerouted." The base's AI spoke.

"I can't kill you," Hayden calmly stated.

"However, I cannot have you stand in our way." He spoke, as he then activated the crucible, it's bright red light blade soon shined and Hayden then walked off. Electricity soon surrounded The Doom Slayer, and he was soon sent away.


"Release this crypt!" Cried a deep violent voice. The Doom Slayer stirred around, he was finally awake. He was trapped though, encased in some tomb, just like before.

"We can't! It's locked too tight!" A much higher pitched voice screamed

"Do it now you welps, or you will be food by the end of this!"

The Doom Slayer didn't want to be locked in this damn crypt, he hated tight places, and he also hated being locked up. His body moved, with what little ability it had and the crypt quickly opened.

"Ah, I see you're awake." A voice spoke, The Slayer was shocked to hear it, but he quickly recognized it.

"Don't be alarmed. You remember me, yes?" The voice questioned. The Slayer did his best to tell his new companion that he remembered. This voice was the AI known as VEGA, the AI that he managed to save back on…

Back on where? It took a few moments for The Doom Slayer to recall, but he quickly remembered. He saved him back on that facility, on Mars.

"Judging by your brainwaves, you remember." The Slayer stared at what was in front of him, the Praetor suit's HUD quickly booted up, and he began analyzing the outside world. He was in some sort of facility, and there were several creatures, creatures that didn't look human or demon what so ever. There were a few which were small, wore gas masks and carried tiny pistols, and there was one large one which reminded The Slayer of an ape and there were also corpses.

The Slayer analyzed the corpses further and quickly realized that these were human, human corpses. The sight of this angered The Slayer, his fellow man were being slaughtered once again and the things that had happened to these people filled The Doom Slayer with an unyielding rage, a rage hot enough to where it could burn the toughest metals and melt the most powerful of spirits.

"This is an artifact made by The Gods…? It looks so… majestic," The large ape alien spoke. It reached it's hand out, and was about to touch the green suit of armor. Instinct and rage soon kicked in, and The Slayer took this ape creature by the arm and began crushing the bones in this creature's body. He let out a loud scream as The Slayer's grip began tightening and tightening, the loud cracking and snapping of bones were heard and he soon twisted the arm and pulled, and as he continued harming the ape he finally began smelling the all too familiar scent of flesh, a bit of it was charred, but most of it was blood. Human blood.

As The Slayer smelled the awful stench he had grown so used to over the years, his anger finally reached the boiling point and he pulled on the ape's arm, tearing it off.

"By the Gods! Run!" The smaller aliens cried. They then started to flee, however, The Slayer saw this. He kicked the large alien as hard as he could, sending his body flying and onto two of the smaller aliens. He stared at the corpses of soldiers and began inspecting their bodies.

"A majority of these weapons appear to be not functional, however this sidearm appears to be intact." VEGA spoke calmly, and The Slayer's HUD soon lit up, information was being displayed.

"Misriah M6G Magnum…" The first set of text read, the rest were specifications for the firearm, it carried eight rounds in the magazine and it fired fifty caliber explosive rounds.

Explosive rounds…

The Doom Slayer smiled under his helmet, he was going to have so much fun with this. He took more magazines from the dead soldier. and then loaded a fresh magazine into the weapon, and ran out of the room. He would avenge these soldiers alright, he would avenge them doing what he did best. The one thing he had been doing for so many years, something he did even before he went to Mars and was sent to Hell through that damned portal.

He would rip and tear, just like he did before.

Just like before…