The first thing that hit me was the blinding light. Was I in heaven? In an instant, a high pitched beeping pierced my ears like a bullet. No longer had I barely processed these sensations before I saw a blurry face, felt the prick of a needle, followed by blackness once again.

No, I was in hell.

The second time I opened my eyes, my body felt like it was on fire. I was immediately screaming my lungs out, writhing furiously in what was restraining me.

"Subject Alpha, eleven-fourty-four, serum appears to be working as intended..."

I could barely process speech due to the pain coursing through me as a white, coated figure came up to my face and looked me over. I'd never seen this person in my life, yet all of a sudden I had this uncontrollable urge to claw his eyes out.

"Dermis transformation is almost complete, keratin growth looking positive."

I didn't know what any of that meant. I didn't care. All I felt right now was rage.

"Heart rate... rising? That shouldn't be..."

I could feel adrenaline rushing through my body as I began to pull hard against the restraints.

"Tranq him... tranq him!", the main exclaimed, fear ringing in his voice. Wonderful, satisfying fear.

With a snap I was free, my hand catching his chest and staining it red. A whizzing sound passed my ear as I lunged forward... right onto something sharp. A sudden rush of ice entering me, I froze and blacked out once again.

This time, the first thing that hit me was the smell of blood. I sniffed frantically a couple times, the strong stench overwhelming me. Opening my eyes slowly, the scene around me was no less unpleasant. Streaks of blood practically painted the glass panes of the room, a man in an armoured vest - or what was left of it - slumped on the floor beneath it. I lifted my hand to the torn and equally blood-stained bed beside me, and found that lifting myself with it was much more awkward that it should have been. I fell back and almost hit myself with my... what? In front of me, slithering across the floor from side to side, was only what I could describe as a tail. Initially common sense led me to think that it belonged to something else here with me, yet the longer I stared at it, the more it felt part of me. I could feel each muscle contracting and relaxing within it, every tile it brushed against on the floor, the cool air making it shiver ever so slightly. My hand instinctively moved forward to touch it... and instead poked into it, making my 'tail' whip away from the prick of pain it caused. I stretched whatever my hand now was out, claws on it glistening in clinical white light.

I was quite sure I was hallucinating at this point, so I tried to scramble to my feet. This was surprisingly easy, as I found my feet oddly anchored to the ground. Almost simultaneously, I caught sight of... something in the glass. I jerked backward initially, as the creature standing there was rather frightening. It looked like some sort of dinosaur... like a... raptor? Oh...

Suddenly, everything hit me at once. I craned my scaled head back and forth, stumbling around and growling fearfully. What had those bastards done to me? Head abuzz with panic, I stumbled over the cracked monitor on the glass desk in front of me. The characters on it were barely distinguishable.


I didn't really try and understand this, as an intense anger began to bubble up within me again. A loud growl left my serrated mouth as I turned to the door and practically smashed through it, breaking into a sprint down the hallway.

I felt like running, and more worryingly..

...I felt like killing.