Hello my readers! Sorry for taking so long to write this chapter...I wanted time to collect my thoughts and see what you guys seemed to want in this story. Your comments are all so positive and really give me motivation, so thank you to all who reviewed and favorited/followed. :D Now time for the next chapter!
Haruhi was in the kitchen searching through the freezer until she found what she was searching for. Got it! Haruhi sighed. The host club worked so hard to please everyone, whether it be their guests at the club or their own parents. Maybe they forgot to take care of themselves too...and therefore they got sick. Really, the Host club should take better care of themselves! With that in mind Haruhi proceeded to bring the ice to the host club, when she caught sight of some ingredients in the kitchen. Hmm maybe I can cook something for them to help with the recovery? I see all the basic necessities for a stew pot here...I think that is the best course of action at the moment. Haruhi started making the stew pot.
Back at the Host club
Everyone decided to wait until Haruhi came back with the ice, because at the very least it could get rid of some of the members red faces. Eventually their blushes went away on their own, thank goodness. Then one of the members realized something.
"Hey Kyo-chan where is Haruhi?" Honey asked curiously.
"She went to the kitchen approximately 8 and a half minutes ago and I don't think Haruhi would take that long to just find ice. Anyone volunteer to go check on her?"Kyoya said.
"I will go check up on my daughter!" Tamaki stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"We'll go too! Someone has to make sure that the boss doesn't do anything perverted to Haruhi." The twins exclaimed.
"We'll go too right Takashi? Honey stated.
"Hm" Mori replied.
"I'll just stay here" replied Kyoya. Besides I have to prepare for the downfall of Fujioka he thought evilly.
Everyone proceeded to the kitchen when they started to smell a wonderful aroma. They entered the kitchen to find Haruhi cooking a stew pot! Though it wasn't the fact that she was cooking that made them stop in their tracks...it was Haruhi's singing. It was so beautiful! Or like Tamaki would put it, it was as if an angel decided to grace their ears with a melody sweet as honey. (A/N i'm so sorry that sentence was so corny that I think I'll start coughing up rainbows and puppies soon...I just...that was so bad sorryyyy!) Haruhi didn't even realize that they were in the room yet so imagine the surprise when she came face to face with a dumbstruck Tamaki.
"Ah!" Haruhi yelped.
Thankfully for Haruhi she wasnt holding anything dangerous that could cause harm when she punched Tamaki!(Lightly, but if she was holding a knife...)
"Oh no! Senpai I'm so sorry, you shouldn't startle someone when their cooking! Seriously you are so much like my dad sometimes..." Haruhi huffed irritated.
Tamaki perked up at the mention of "being like her father". I knew it! Thought Tamaki. I'm her fatherly figure which means my feelings of jealousy were justified! At this point the other members were already over the initial shock of Haruhi's angelic singing.
"Hey Haru-chan where did you learn how to sing so well?" Honey asked.
Haruhi looked down and had a forlorn expression on her face. She then looked up and said
"I used to sing for my mother when she was sick in the hospital, and even after she died I decided to keep practicing because I think my mother wouldn't want me to be moping around after she was gone. The host club was silent.
"Oh Haru-chan! I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked! Now I made you sad..." Honey exclaimed with tears in his eyes. He trapped Haruhi in a bear hug.
"No, it's okay Honey! Really, you couldn't possibly know about that! I'm fine." Haruhi said with a sincere smile. Honey brightened up and said
"Okay, but to make up for it come have some cake with me!"
"But Honey I made a stew pot for everyone. It would ruin your appetites, and the stew should make you guys feel better."
Everyone remembered the stew pot and gladly sat down to eat.
"Okay i'll bring it out."
Tamaki's inner mind theater started to begin.
Haruhi walks over in a maid/cooking outfit.
"Here Tamaki I made this stew just for you! I hope it's to your liking"Haruhi cooes.
"I'm sure anything you cook will be just as good as you"Tamaki replies smoothly holding her chin.
"Oh Tamaki!"Haruhi swoons.
Tamakiiiii Tamakiii TAMAKI!
Haruhi starts snapping at Tamaki who is currently in a weird daze. Tamaki wakes up and sees Haruhi very close to his face and his face turns into a blood red shade. Tamaki looks around and realizes that Haruhi put out bowls for all of the hosts, and he was the only one who wasn't eating already. Haruhi raised a hand up to his head. There was only one thing on his train of thought in that moment. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! To the rest of the hosts it seemed like Tamaki's very soul floated out of his body.
"Hm Tamaki it seems like you're getting that fever again. Eat the stew, it should help."
Haruhi still thinks that were sick...all the hosts facepalm, minus Kyoya who is still in the other room...plotting.
"Don't mind the boss, he's probably just thinking perverted thoughts Haruhi" Kaoru and Hikaru say.
" Just eat the stew will you?" Haruhi sighs.
The host club eats their stew contently not knowing Haruhi's future will change very rapidly in the next few weeks.
"Rose bring me Haruhi tomorrow evening. We will need to...discuss some things." ? says.
"Yes miss" Rose says.
"Good, I hope Haruhi is ready for the challenges to come." ? says.
"I'm almost done with the plan!" Kyoya exclaims.
"This will teach the commoner to not mess with the host club, and most importantly the Ottori's!"
My feelings will no longer exist and I can put these weird thoughts of making Haruhi "Happy" out of my head...I really need to sleep. HARUHI WON'T KNOW WHAT HIT HER!
Lot's of mystery! Anyone wanna guess who the mystery person is? I bet you can't! Though you guys are smarter than me...so you'll probably get it anyways.I'm sorry for posting late but...actually I have no excuse I'M SORRY! I'll post a longer chapter next time for you guys to make it up for it! Anyways everyone have a good day/night! :)