(do not make a lame climax of story joke do not make a lame climax of story joke do not make a lame climax of story joke do not make a lame climax of story joke do not make a lame climax of story joke do not make a lame climax of story joke)

Without further adieu, the conclusion to our story...

(Nailed it.)

Pairings in Chapter 5: Nathan/Haley

"Brooke, if you think you're crashing here tonight, try again. You've got your own damn house," Nathan muttered as he lay on the couch, Haley curled tightly into his side.

"Why, Superstar, you're so smooth. It's a wonder Haley can even manage to leave your bed, what with such great post-coital sweet talk and all."

"Haley has nothing to complain about in the bedroom," he sniped back.

Haley smacked his chest and rolled her eyes as he and Brooke continued bickering. She giggled at the sight they made: Haley's naked chest pressed against her husband's side, a blanket loosely thrown over their lower halves while Brooke, naked except for a small quilt covering her lap, slumped against the couch. The lack of clothing aside, she could almost imagine they were having a relaxing, lazy movie night.

Well, it wasn't a completely lazy night, Haley thought to herself as she stretched along the length of Nathan's body, feeling utterly boneless after their earlier sexcapades.

". . . Well, at least she's getting some on a regular basis."

"You're such a dick, Nathan," Brooke grumbled, shifting on the hardwood floor.

"Says the woman who just had her lips wrapped around my dick," Nathan laughed, his arm tightening around Haley's waist.

Growing tired of their bitching, she elbowed Nathan hard in the side, grinning unrepentantly at his irritated yelp. She shook her head when he turned to her, opening his mouth to no doubt blame Brooke, and Haley gave him her most stern look, the one she usually reserved for their son when he was misbehaving. He shrugged, his face not at all apologetic for his comments.

The three sat quietly for several minutes, Nathan and Haley cuddling together on the couch and Brooke attempting to find a more comfortable spot on the floor. The quiet was shattered when Nathan nudged Brooke with his foot and told her to get her ass home.

Haley rolled her eyes as the childish bickering started once again. Not wanting to listen to them and needing some alone time with Nathan, she stood up, taking the blanket with her and ignoring Nathan's cry of protest, and reached a hand down to Brooke.

"C'mon, Brooke, you can take a shower in our bathroom if you want," she told her friend as she helped her stand.

"Care to join me?" Brooke waggled her eyebrows suggestively, laughing when Haley shook her head.

"Brooke, as fun as tonight was, and it really was, I thought we agre—"

"Tutor Wife, I was only kidding. Tonight was tonight, and I get that. Besides, I don't want to get in the way of the boring married sex you have," Brooke teased.

Haley stuck out her tongue and smacked Brooke on the arm. If her friend only knew just how not boring her and Nathan's sex life was. . .

"Brooke, go take a shower, go home, I don't care. Just be anywhere but here," Nathan growled as he sat up, adjusting the pillow he used to cover himself after Haley swiped the blanket.

"Hmmm, I guess Superstar is ready for some alone time with his wife. Good thing I got her warmed up for you, huh, Nate?" Brooke smirked as she gathered her discarded clothes before darting out of the room. "Haley, I'm going to grab a quick shower and then get out of here," she tossed back over her shoulder as she disappeared down the hall.

Haley shrieked when Nathan grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back onto the couch. She turned her head slightly to meet his gaze, his chin resting on her shoulder.

"You know, you could be a little nicer to Brooke. You didn't have to be so rude," she chastised him, her voice playful despite the firm words.

"What? I'm ready to be alone with you. Alone being the key word," he told her as he began to trail kisses down the slender column of her throat.

She snuggled into his chest, resting her arms on his. Despite the strangeness of the situation—naked cuddling on the couch with her husband while one of her best friends was taking a shower in their bathroom after a really hot, really intense threesome—she felt content and at peace, more so than she thought she would. She certainly didn't regret anything, and she was surprised at how comfortable she felt in the wake of what happened between the three of them.

It's just sex, she thought to herself, rolling her head to the side when Nathan hit a particular sensitive spot on her neck. Who cares what we do in our bedr—oh, god. . .

All thoughts flew from her mind when Nathan brought his hands to her breasts, cupping and kneading them gently. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts further into his hands, and Nathan took the hint. He traced her areolas, teasingly close to her nipples but never quite touching them. He continued his teasing until Haley was squirming against him, desperate for more.

"Pinch, baby," she breathed, her voice low and throaty as her arousal spiked. She let out a low keen when he complied, the spark of pleasure shooting straight to her pussy.

"How long until Brooke is done with her shower?" He whispered against her throat.

Haley fought to clear the lust clouding her mind, but it was so difficult when he kept touching her like th—

"Oh god," she cried out when he sharply pinched her nipples again. She rocked against him, his cock pulsing against her lower back, and she nearly wept with how much she wanted him inside her.

"Long enough for me to take you right now, right here on the couch?"

She nodded frantically, unable to speak. He moved his hand to her cunt, his fingers dancing lightly over the tender flesh, and she was lost.

God, Haley felt good. So warm and wet, absolutely luscious, and his cock twitched as he thought about how amazing she would feel when he was inside her.

There was nothing better than being inside his wife.

"You think we have enough time before Brooke comes back in?"

His words were hot against her throat, and he couldn't help but grin as she shuddered against him. She pressed back against him, his cock slipping between the cheeks of her ass, and he bit back a moan. They didn't regularly engage in anal sex, but whenever they did, and especially when Haley played with his ass, his orgasm was nothing short of brain-meltingly explosive.

"Please, Nathan," she breathed as she continued to rock against him.

"Please what?"

"F-finger me."

He grinned. "What the lady wants, the lady gets."

His fingers shifted through the wiry hair covering her mound, and he groaned at the profusion of wetness that met his fingers. He traced her lower lips, his index finger dipping in slightly to tease her clit. He rubbed the hardened nub just for a moment, wanting to drive Haley to the edge without sending her over. When her breathing became heavy, he abandoned her clit, lowering his finger to circle her entrance. He continued his teasing, alternating between her clit and her entrance, until she was fairly shaking in his arms.

When she thrust back against him, her bottom wriggling against his hard cock, he decided to grant her some relief. He eased a finger inside her, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the tightwetheat surrounding the digit.

Goddamn his wife felt so good.

He established a slow, lazy rhythm, his pace intending to heighten her arousal. She thrust her hips upwards, trying to increase the speed of his movements, but Nathan slowed even further.

"Easy, baby. Just let it happen," he soothed her as he continued his easy pace. He placed his thumb at her clit, letting her movement control the pressure against her sensitive point.

"Na-Nathan," she begged, her voice hoarse with desire. She brought a hand to his wrist and pressed his hand closer to her center as her thrusts quickened. "Need m-more fingers."

He was always happy to oblige where his wife was concerned.

"Like this, Hales," he whispered as he added another finger. He continued to stroke his fingers in and out of her pussy, his thumb maintaining a firm pressure on her clit. She was so wet, so goddamn tight, and his eyes crossed as he thought about how good she would feel around his cock.

"God, baby, you're so fucking tight. I love fucking you with my fingers and my cock," he said. "Do you know what I thought about when I was screwing Brooke? I was thinking how much better you feel around my cock and how I can't wait to bend you over the couch and fuck you silly."

When she moaned low in her throat, he knew she was close to climaxing, and he increased the pace of his fingers, determined to bring her off. Moments later, she tightened around his fingers, throwing her head back against his shoulder as she came.

He maintained a slow, steady rhythm as she came down from her high, her body burrowing further into his chest. After a few moments he reluctantly pulled his fingers from her pussy, and tightened his arm across her chest. He shifted Haley to his side, slipping from behind her to kneel on the floor.

"What are you doing, babe?" Haley asked as she raised her head to meet his gaze.

Instead of answering, he nudged her legs apart and moved forward until he was only a breath away from her center. He smirked at her when she muttered a low, "Oh."

He cocked his head as if he heard some distant sound and stared at Haley. "How many more times do you think I can make you come before Brooke comes back downstairs?"

"Nathan!" Haley blushed furiously at his heated statement, and Nathan swore his cock twitched at the rosy flush. Six years on and he still hardened at the sight of his wife blushing.

"Can't talk, Hales," he told her as he moved his head closer to her center. "Ticking clock and all."

She shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips, but didn't stop him. Instead, she brushed her fingers through his hair, clutching the strands and all but shoving his face into her pussy.

"Better get started then."

"Oh fuck, oh god, oh god, Nathan, I'm coming!"

Haley swore she felt her brain actually melt, the pleasure Nathan was wringing from her body so intense. Their sex life was always incredible—she still blushed when she thought about certain nights—but tonight, with the heightened energy in the air and the threat of Brooke walking in on them at any moment, it was explosive.

Her husband pulled away from her cunt enough to murmur, "That's two" before resuming his task yet again.

Not able to muster the energy needed to smack him, she instead rolled her eyes and collapsed against the sofa. Her legs flopped uselessly against his back, and although Haley was tired and sore, she couldn't stop the excitement that raced through her as Nathan continued to lick and nibble and tease her to another orgasm.

God, how long did Brooke take in the shower? And why was she so concerned about Brooke when her husband was eating her out like a fucking virtuoso?

"About ten minutes ago and I don't know," Nathan answered, and Haley jumped at his muffled voice against her pussy, not realizing she had spoken out loud.


He sat back and shot her an extremely satisfied grin. "I am damn good. You didn't hear Brooke come tromping down the stairs, yelling she was leaving?"

Haley shook her head.

His grin widened even further, if possible. "Yep, I am so damn good."

"If she left ten minutes ago, why are you still counting my orgasms?"

"For bragging purposes, of course. After all, I have to top Lucas' claim of six in one night for Lindsay," he told her, laughing at her embarrassed shriek.

"Nathan Scott! You are not telling my best friend and your brother how many times I. . . you know, in one night!"

Oh god, her husband was absolutely incorrigible. She glared at him as he grinned unashamedly at her, faltering when he ran his tongue along her slit. Yes, Nathan was absolutely incorrigible but god, he was so fucking good in bed.

"You taste so sweet, I could eat you for hours, Hales," he whispered against her skin, his tongue darting out to circle her rock hard clit.

She dropped her head back against the couch, unable to chastise Nathan further when he was tormenting her so deliciously. She could never get enough of him wanting, needing her, and tightened her fingers in his hair as she raised her hips to his mouth. Mewling as he relentlessly sucked her clit, she felt her stomach tighten, her approaching release burning through her veins. He continued to tease her, his fingers and tongue driving her ever closer to the edge.

"Nat-Nathan, more, baby," she begged as her head thrashed against the sofa. "Please."

Oh god, she was almost there, just a bit more and she would shatter. . .

"Fuck!" She called out when he abruptly pulled away and sat back on his heels. "Goddamnit, Nathan, I was so close."

She sat up, eyes flashing with pent up desire, intent on giving her husband a piece of her mind when she faltered, completely unprepared for the sight before her: Nathan, his hair mussed into a million different directions by her fingers, his hand lazily stroking his cock.

Without a doubt, he was the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen.

He smiled, a soft, gentle smile, as he continued to masturbate in front of her. He rose to his knees, hand never stopping, and moved closer to the sofa. His eyes met hers for a moment, Haley's arousal sparking at the heat in his gaze, before dropping to stare at her pussy.

"Mmm, you're so open for me, Hales. So wet and pink and perfect." He leaned forward and kissed her lower lips, a light kiss that only served to heighten her arousal. "And you smell so fucking good."

She groaned, her hand snaking down to his nape in order to pull him back into her cunt. She wanted to come, damnit, and as much as she loved the teasing, the heated banter, she needed to come!

"Nuh-uh, baby," he said as he pushed back against her, breaking her hold on his neck. "I want something else."

"What? Just tell me, Nathan, and stop this damn teasing!"

"I love it when you get bossy," he grinned, winking when she let out a frustrated growl. "What do I want? I want to put this," a long, slow stroke of his cock, "here," a quick thrust of his finger into her pussy. "Does that sound okay to you, Ms. Bossy?"

She nodded, unable to speak as her brain was threatening to short-circuit with the images flashing before her: Nathan bending her over the arm of the sofa, taking her from behind; Nathan sprawled on the cushions as she rode him desperately. . .

God, she needed to come.

She whimpered as he released his cock, but Nathan just grinned as he rose to his feet and helped Haley stand. He cupped her face in his hands and pressed a sweet kiss to her nose.

"Hales," he stated, "I love you and I love making love with you but right now? Right now I just want to fuck you." He smirked and slapped her ass lightly. "So ride me fast and hard."

Haley scoffed and rolled her eyes before shoving his chest, causing Nathan to tumble onto the couch. "When don't I do that?" She shot back her reply as she straddled his waist, sliding backwards his cock pressed against her ass.

Automatically, Nathan's hands drifted to her waist, but Haley shook her head, grabbing his wrists and pinning them above his head. He shot her a frustrated glare, and she grinned, loving the power she had over him.

"I thought you liked it when I was bossy, baby," she purred, lowering her face to his before engaging in a furious kiss. When she pulled back, she let go of his wrists but commanded, "Keep your hands up. It's my turn to play."

Nathan reluctantly nodded, although Haley could feel how eager he truly was as his cock pulsed at her demand. She reached behind her to run her hand along his cock; stopping to gently cup his balls.

"Sweet Christ, Hales," he breathed as she prolonged the pleasurable torment. "Fuck me, babe."

"Only when I'm good and ready," she teased, one finger dipping to press against the sensitive spot behind his testicles that always drove him wild. She sat up on her knees and moved to hover over his erect cock. "Good thing I'm ready now," she said as she lowered on his cock in one quick breath, her inner muscles rippling around his rigid length.

"Oh fuck," Nathan groaned. "So goddamn tight."

She leaned forward to kiss him, her erect nipples brushing against his hard chest, moaning as her movements caused him to shift inside her.

"Ready for the ride of your life, Nathan?"

Before he could answer, Haley started to fuck him, setting a fast and furious pace that left them both burning for more. Unable to use his hands, Nathan watched as she played with her breasts, pinching and tugging her nipples, and she grinned wickedly when he groaned and licked his lips at the sight. Lowering her hands to her cunt, she toyed with her clit before teasing his cock on every upstroke. She brought her hand to her mouth and made a show of licking one slender finger.

"Wanna taste?"

He nodded and leaned forward, opening his mouth. She laughed and shook her head before moving her hand back to her chest.

"I just asked if you wanted to, I didn't say you could," she teased, her voice light and breathless as she continued to rock against him.

"Haaaales," he whined, causing Haley to giggle at the desperation on his face. He growled and Haley felt the vibration shoot straight to her clit.

A particularly sharp thrust of his hips prevented any reply. Okay, the time for teasing was over. There was some serious fucking to be done.

Haley eagerly rode him, her breasts bouncing as she chased her orgasm. She ground her clit against his pubic bone on every down stroke, but needing more, she entwined her fingers with his and brought their joined hands to her center.

"Thought you said no touching," he choked out.

"A woman can always change her mind, right?"

"Thank god," he said as he raised his hips to meet hers.

"No, thank Haley," she giggled before he pinched her clit, the move unexpectedly spiraling her towards climax. She cried out as a million pinpricks of light flashed behind her closed eyes. The pleasure washed over, the shockwaves radiating from her center to the tips of her fingers and toes.

Wanting Nathan to experience the same bliss, she continued to thrust against him, her body operating on auto-pilot as her orgasm burned through her. A few moments later, Nathan climaxed, his release triggering another climax for Haley. She collapsed against his chest, her nearly boneless body limp with exhaustion.

Without a doubt, that was one of their most intense experiences yet.

Long minutes passed before either recovered. Haley was the first, propping her elbows on his chest to look down at Nathan. His was one of complete adoration, and she felt her heart thump with the immense love she felt for him at that moment.

Before she could say anything, he raised his head to lightly kiss her.

"That's three."
