Authors note: This is my first multi-chapter Loud House story. i haven't done a multi-chapter story in quite a while so please forgive me if somethings are a bit rushed. It originally started off as another oneshot but i kept getting more ideas so i hope you all enjoy. also to prevent confusion, boy Lynn will be labeled as Lynn Jr.

Due to several reviews i've gotten i would like to point out that this story is set in the same continuity as my previous Loud House fics, hence why certain aspects about the Loud family are so different from how they are in the show.

Lisa was in her lab working on a small device "And there. Finally after months of hard work, I believe I've perfected my dimension portal generator" Lisa declared proudly as she held up a device that looked sort of like a watch "now lets give this baby a field test" she said and she exited her lab. Standing in the middle of the backyard she typed in some co-ordinance and pressed a green button causing a swirling red and orange vortex to appear "huh? It was blue and green last time". She was just about to step through it when the dimension portal generator began to shake, spark, and smoke "uh oh"


In another dimension Lincoln and Lynn Jr. were having a rumble in the backyard, as always Lynn Jr. was the one to start it and Lincoln was more or less forced to retaliate otherwise he would be beaten to a bloody pulp. Normally Lincoln simply defended himself but after having his brother's abusing him the whole morning, his patience had been warn out so now he was truly fighting back, unfortunately though Lynn Jr. was leagues above him in anything remotely athletic, including fighting. He had managed to get a few hits in, but they hardly phased him as he kept fighting his little brother. Catching him off guard Lincoln gave Lynn Jr. a right hook to the face just as a swirling vortex appeared. Grabbing his older brother by the front of his jersey and the hem of his pants he swung him around and threw him, sending him flying through the vortex which he only just noticed "what the?" he said before it closed up

Back with Lisa

Seeing her dimension portal generator was about to blow she tore it off her wrist she threw it to the side before she was bowled over by something which was followed by an explosion. Sitting up she saw that the portal was now gone and the smoking pieces of the generator were scattered about the area "well that was a waste" she said before she heard a voice

"Where the hell did snowflake go" turning around her eyes widened as she saw someone could only be described as Lynn without a ponytail

"Uh oh" Lisa muttered, the two looked at each other

"Levi? *snickers* why do you look like a girl? Did one of your experiments backfire again?"

"No, I am not this Levi you speak of, my name is Lisa *sigh* I regret to inform you that you are now stuck in this dimension, due to the device that accidentally brought you here blowing up"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa back up, I'm in another dimension?!"

"Yes, and to be clear, I didn't intend on bringing you here, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time"

"Can you get me back to my dimension?"

"I can, but it may take over a week to make another one as well as find out what made it explode. Come with me, I'll show you to my parents" Lisa said and she walked off with Lynn Jr. following.

Lisa soon found her Parents working on the garden "eh hem, mother, father" she started, getting their attention "due to a problem with a dimension portal generator, this boy version of my sister/your daughter Lynn was accidentally sent through a portal and is now stuck here until I can make a new dimension portal generator" Lisa explained

"Wait you mean there's a version of me who has more than one son?" Lynn Sr. questioned

"Yeah, you have 11 sons in my dimension" Lynn Jr. replied

"So what's your name sweetie" Rita asked

"Lynn Jr." he replied

"Well, this'll be a bit confusing"

"What do you mean?"

"Our girl version of you is also named Lynn Jr."

"Really? That's odd for a girl"

"Well my husband and I thought that Lynn was going to be the last kid we'd have, so he decided to name her after himself due to Lynn being a gender neutral name"

"That's pretty much the same reason why my name is Lynn, but about 2 years after me, my mum and dad came home with my wussy brother Lincoln, which was then followed by her giving birth to 5 more boys" he said

"I wonder what it would be like to have 11 sons instead of 10 daughters and one son" Lynn Sr. wondered out loud

"Well from what shrimpy here says, you'll be having 2 sons for a week"

"Word of warning Junior, our Lincoln is no push over…anymore" Lisa said

"A Lincoln with a backbone? Now I've heard everything" Lynn Jr. said

"Well seeing as how you'll be staying with us for a week, we'd better introduce you to everyone and find you a place to sleep" Rita said, taking off her gloves she brushed herself off before heading inside with everyone else following "Kids. Foyer. Now" and within seconds all of the Loud kids (minus Lori and Leni) were standing in front of them, now with looks of either shock or surprise on their faces. After an explanation of what happened, the girls introduced themselves to Lynn Jr. one by one, going from youngest to oldest.

When they reached Lincoln, Lynn Jr. raised his fist but Lincoln didn't even flinch "try it and you'll be spending the rest of the week in the hospital" Lincoln said sternly

"I'd take his advice bro, he really can carry out a threat like that" Luna said

"Ha I like you already" he and Lincoln then shook hands before he moved on to his doppelganger, the two just looked at each other in silence

"Add or remove a ponytail and some weight and you can't tell them apart" Lucy said with everyone silently agreeing.

"Hmm didn't think I'd look so hot as a chick"

Lynn went crimson at this "uh thanks" she said in a meek voice, that was the first time anyone outside of her family had complemented her on her looks positively.

Lynn Jr then did a head count "um are you missing 3 girls" he asked

"2 actually, our oldest daughters Lori and Leni are currently at work" Rita explained

"So you didn't have a kid between Luna and Lynn?" he took note that everyone's faces hardened at this "okay just forget I asked that question"

"Thank you" Lynn Sr. said making everyone minus Lincoln relax

"Lucy, you don't mind sharing a room with Lola until Lynn Jr. can leave, do you?" Rita asked

"Nope" Lucy replied and she gave Lola a hug

"Please let go of me" Lola said

"Don't let go of you you say" and she hugged tighter

"Too. Much. Love"

"Alright, that's enough Little Miss Sunshine" Lynn Sr. said and Lucy let go of Lola

"I think I'm gonna enjoy it here" Lynn Jr. said with a grin.

After spending most of the day with his female counterpart and getting to know both her and her siblings, he was surprised to learn at how much they were the same, while at the same time learning how different they were. He had also learned what had happened to Lane's counterpart Luan and had made a mental note to get him checked out, just encase. He was also introduced to Lori and Leni, to which he burst out laughing when he found out that the two girls had the same annoying habit and personality his two eldest brothers had. Lori with her texting and constant use of the word 'literally' and Leni being as dim as a post.

It was now dinner time and he was eating like an absolute pig. Realising that everyone was looking at him, he stopped and looked "what?" he asked while spewing out half a mouthful of Succotash

"Didn't your parents teach you how to eat properly?" Luna questioned

Swallowing his mouthful he replied "my brother's and I always eat like this" he replied before scooping up another spoonful of Succotash

"Well a this table young man, we eat like civilised people, so eat properly" Rita said firmly, Lynn Jr. rolled his eyes and ate his dinner like everyone else. Once everyone had finished dinner as well as dessert they all headed into the lounge room to watch Love Boat. As everyone got comfy Lynn Jr., who was still standing, looked at Lincoln and his parallel dad

"Seriously, you two like this show?" he questioned

"Yeah, why?" Lincoln asked

"Oh gee I don't know, maybe because it's a chick show!"

"Just shut up and watch doofus" Lynn said before she grabbed his hand and yanked him down, making him fall into her lap. Getting off her he sat down next to her and watched getting ready to fall asleep if necessary.

To his surprise however he found the show rather enjoyable and even got into it just as much as his parallel family. When it was over he couldn't help but voice his opinion "I can't believe they kicked off Brock this early, he should have lasted a bit longer than that"

"I agree, if anyone should have gone this round it should have been that sleezebag Trent" Lynn said with the rest of the family agreeing

"well kids time for bed, Junior you'll be sleeping in Lucy's bed seeing as how it'll be heck in a hand basket if you slept in Lana's old bed" Lynn Sr. stated and the group of kids headed upstairs.

Soon all of the kids were in bed, Lynn Jr. had been surprised when he found out that Lincoln's room was a converted linin closet, though when he thought about it, it kinda made sense, he also seemed to recall his Lincoln once asked where his room was while looking in the linin closet, but he just brushed it off as his brothers weirdness. He was now in Lucy's bed which was amazingly comfy "you know Lynn it's funny" he started

"What is?" Lynn asked

"My version of your Lucy, Lars, is all doom and gloom while Lucy is as your dad put it 'Little Miss Sunshine'"

"Well the truth is Lucy used to be doom and gloom as well, but after taking some Overdrive she was cured of her birth defect which turned her skin colour normal, she then cut her bangs, changed her hair to its original colour, and then got a whole new wardrobe"

"Wow…uh what's Overdrive?"

"It's a miracle drug that Lisa made that can cure birth defects as well as heal any injury a person can sustain, it also increases your strength"

"Wow, she's gonna be rich when she sells it"

"Yeah, though I've learned about its negative effects the hard way"

"Twice!" they heard Lynn's siblings call out

"Yes twice"

"And what are the negative effects?"

Lynn gave a sad sigh "because I overdosed on it, as well as it's successor, my body is now almost completely useless. Hell, I get exhausted from just walking from one class to another *sigh* and it's because of my inability to do any exercise in general, that has made me so fat"

"So that's why you pretty much did nothing but play video games today"

"Yeah, my sports career is over before it even began, but I guess video games are the next best thing as long as they're challenging"

"True…do you miss being able to play sports?"

"Yes, but I guess this is what I deserve"

"Why do you deserve to have your body ruined?" Lynn then told him what she had done during the times she had overdosed on Overdrive.

When she was done she rolled onto her side facing away from him "night Lynn"

"Night Lynn" the two couldn't help but snicker at this before the room went silent.

Though the silence didn't last long, Lynn Jr.'s eyes opened when he heard crying, his eyes now adjusted to the dark he could see Lynn shaking as she cried. He may have been a dumb meathead but even he hated hearing girls cry. Getting out of his bed he walked over to Lynn's and hopped in while also wrapping an arm around her "wha-what are y-you d-doing?" she asked quietly

"I hate hearing girls cry, especially beautiful girls" Lynn rolled over to look at her counterpart

"You really think I'm beautiful?"

"Of course, besides it would only make sense that because I'm so devilishly handsome, my girl counterpart would be so stunningly beautiful" Lynn couldn't help but giggle at that "that's better" he added before he held her closer "I'm not a genius but I do know that you'll find something else besides sports you've just got to keep trying different things"

"Thanks Lynn" Lynn said and she held him tightly with him reciprocating, and after a few minutes they were both out like a light, snoring in perfect sync.

Authors note: Well theres the first chapter, let me know what you think, cheers