I'm still shook from Avengers Infinity War, as I'm sure everyone is. I'm heartbroken from many scenes from the movie. I hope that Ant-Man and the Wasp is less depressing. I didn't like how little screen time Loki got and I didn't want him to be dead, so I wrote this. I wrote this on my phone, so there may be some errors. I appreciate every review. Some scenes aren't word for word from the movie and may be a little different. Read and review! :)
All rights go to Marvel. Spoilers and possible feels.
Part One: Big Trouble In Little Valhalla
It happened too fast for them to process it. One moment the brothers were enjoying peace and quiet, and the next the ship was being attacked.
Thor was the first one to realize that the ship was taking fire. He pushed his little brother to the side before a blast of fire hit where they were just standing, seconds after they moved.
Loki slid on the ground and came to a stop against the charred wall. Thor was kneeling protectively on top of him. "What the Helheim?!" Loki shouted. Thor's face was inches from his, his breath hot and slightly panicked.
"Warn the others. I'll hold them off," Thor said and made to stand up, but Loki grabbed hold of his collar and pulled him back down.
"Don't you dare," Loki said firmly.
"Loki, we're under attack. I'm protecting the ship," Thor argued.
"And you'll get yourself killed in the process!" Loki exclaimed.
"No I won't. I've taken down the Hulk. I can handle this."
"No, you can't. I know who they are. We're doomed unless we find a way to escape."
"I'm not running like a coward," Thor spat and tried to stand up again, but Loki's grip on his armour wasn't moving. Thor glared down at his brother. Loki's face was a mixture of fear and determination.
"I'm not going to let you do this. We'll leave together. We'll warn the others and hope that we make it out alive. It'll be better if we stick together. You remember last time?" Loki asked.
Thor remembered clearly. He was escaping on this ship with the citizens of Asgard. He watched as Surtur destroyed his home. Loki had started Ragnarök. Everybody else was fine, except Loki. Apparently, Loki was stuck on Asgard, his own ship crushed by fallen beams. Loki, himself, was pinned beneath a pile of rubble. The fire was so intense for a Frost Giant, that Loki passed out. He told Thor later that his magic saved him from being disintegrated with Asgard, but Loki didn't mention the fact that he had the Tesseract and his magic triggered it; causing him to be teleported onto Thor's ship.
"I know, but-"
Thor's reply was cut short by another blast of fire. Thor took the brute of it, shielding Loki from the flames.
Loki pulled Thor behind a wall once the flames died down. Thor's hair was singed, along with the back of his armour. "Are you alright?" Loki asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine," Thor said and ran a hand through his burned hair, shaking out the soot. "You said you knew these people."
Loki gulped. Suddenly it was hard to meet Thor's gaze. "Loki."
Loki took breath of smoky air and coughed. Another jet of fire blasted through before he could answer. Thor grabbed Loki's wrist and tugged him forward, away from the heat. "Explain on the run. We have to warn the others now!"
Loki ran after Thor, taking only a second to look behind him. Where the viewing window was supposed to be, only stood a few small panes of glass. The floor was covered in shards of glass and pieces of metal from the walls. The whole area of was full of burn marks and small patches of fire. The vacuum of space from the hole was hard to run against. Each step felt like he was running in glue with weights attached to his boots.
Loki slipped on a large shard of glass. The vacuum threatened to pull Loki out into space, but Thor grabbed hold of Loki's hand and yanked him back. The air was definitely getting thinner. What wasn't being sucked out into the cosmos was full of smoke and soot. Thor and Loki could breathe in space, but it wasn't enjoyable. They tried to avoid it at all costs, since it takes a number on their lungs.
With help from Thor, Loki managed to escape the vacuum's clutches and close a door, stopping it from having more things pulled out of the ship. Bruce, Heimdall, and Valkyrie weren't that far away, but the run to the makeshift throne room seemed to take forever. Eventually the two found their way to the throne room. Nobody was in there but Korg and Miek. They were doing some sort of martial arts/dancing routine.
"Hi there!" Korg said happily. It was hard to find Korg when he wasn't in a good mood.
"Korg! Where's Heimdall?" Thor asked.
"The creepy, seer guy?" Korg asked.
"Yes. Where is he?" Thor was getting worried.
"Off somewhere in the ship," Korg answered. Miek chittered his own response.
"Oh, that's helpful," Loki stated sourly. "It's important. The ship has taken fire. We're under attack. Where is Heimdall?"
Miek stopped his kick aimed at Korg's leg. "Oh!" Korg blinked. "Did they print enough pamphlets? If they don't have pamphlets, then their attack isn't official."
"Shut up about the pamphlets, Korg!" Thor shouted. Korg was sweet but his happiness sometimes got really annoying, especially if the whole ship was in danger.
"There's no need for pamphlets." The four turned to see that Heimdall, Bruce, and Valkyrie showed up.
"I saw this was going to happen," Heimdall said. "But it was foggy and I was unsure about the future. I'm sorry, Thor. I should have warned you before hand."
"Its fine. All we need to do is hold them off," Thor replied. "Korg, Miek, go gather all warriors or anyone willing to fight." Korg and Miek nodded and dashed out of the room.
"Loki, you said you knew who they were. Is there a way to stop them?" Thor asked.
"Not that I know of. They're fierce and really hard to kill," Loki answered.
"Wait. What are we talking about?" Bruce piped up. He had to turn back to human since the Hulk took up too much space and ate most of their food supplies.
"T-The Black Order. T-Thanos' kids," Loki stuttered.
"The people who tortured you?! They're here?! Why?" Bruce was turning a little green.
"I don't know," Loki lied, but the others bought it. He knew why they were here, but he wasn't going to blow his cover.
"I thought they wanted the Infinity Stones. Will Thanos come himself?" Thor questioned.
"I don't know," Loki answered.
"We don't have any Infinity Stones," Valkyrie pointed out.
"Maybe they're coming to take Loki," Bruce added.
Thor took a step closer to his brother. "Well, I'm not going to allow that. Nobody's hurting my brother. If they want him, they have to go through me!" Thor exclaimed.
"Thor. If the lives of the citizens depends on my life, do me a favor; don't stop them from taking me," Loki said quietly.
Thor stared at his brother in shock. "I won't let them take you."
"I can handle it. If its me they want, they should leave everybody else alone."
"You're my brother!"
"Is one life of a criminal worth more than hundreds of innocent people?!"
"You're not a criminal, Loki. What Thanos made you do, it wasn't your fault. You had no control over your mind, let alone your actions. Stop beating yourself up over the New York Incident!"
"Thor," Loki muttered.
Thor shook his head stubbornly. "No, let me finish. You're a good person. Its not your-"
"Thor!" Loki said a little louder. Thor stopped talking immediately to glare at Loki.
"What?" Thor asked angrily.
"Something's wrong. Its too quiet-"
Suddenly, a large explosion shook the whole ship. The group was thrown off balance by the blast. Bruce hit his head and landed behind the throne, out of sight of the figures who were entering the room with such an air of confidence like they owned the place.
"Rejoice! You are saved by the Children of Thanos!" a figure in black with short, gray hair called out above the roar of flames.
Thor, who was getting back on his feet, scoffed. "I doubt we're saved," Thor whispered to Loki. Too the intruders, Thor said: "Who are you and what do you want?"
"We are the Children of Thanos. The Black Order. Behold! Our father!" the same figure announced. The intruders stepped to the side and bowed as a large form appeared and stepped into the light. He was a bit bigger than the Hulk, and an ugly shade of purple. He was wearing dark blue and gold armour. A helmet of gold covered his bald head and a golden glove with a single, glowing, purple stone embedded in it was on his left hand. His face was covered in scars and his chin looked like it got stuck halfway in a paper shredder.
Thor heard Loki gasp. He glanced over and saw that Loki was shaking violently. He rested a reassuring hand on his back, but it didn't help calm Loki's nerves. "Its alright. I won't let him hurt you," Thor whispered gently.
Loki didn't respond. Valkyrie and Heimdall were already standing, their weapons drawn. Korg and Miek burst into the room followed by at least half the remaining Asgardian population. "This fight has come to an end!" Korg shouted, but stopped short once he saw Thanos. Miek squeaked nervously.
Thor helped Loki stand up. Loki's legs were shaking so badly that he had to lean against Thor to stay upright. Bruce was still behind the throne, but neither Thanos nor the Black Order knew he was there.
Thor opened his mouth to let everyone attack when Loki clamped a hand over his mouth. "Don't. They're too powerful. Just give them what they want and maybe they'll leave," Loki whispered in Thor's ear.
"If we don't do anything, they'll take you!" Thor protested.
"It doesn't matter. Thanos always gets what he wants," Loki said.
Thor gritted his teeth. He wasn't going to let his people suffer because of an ugly, purple titan. "Who are the other creatures next to Thanos? Is there a way to beat them?"
"They are the Black Order, Thanos' children. The orangish-brown one is Black Dwarf. The female is Proxima Midnight. She is the wife of Corvus Glaive, the creature with a hood. The first one who spoke is Ebony Maw. We're doomed if Thanos has all of them here, including himself," Loki explained.
Thanos, who was gaining nothing from the nervous Asgardians, stepped forward. "Give us the Infinity Stone and we'll leave peacefully."
"We don't have an Infinity Stone," Thor said, his hands beginning to spark. Loki shifted uncomfortably next to Thor. Unlike his older brother, he wasn't immune to electricity.
Loki suddenly felt eyes on him. He turned his head and saw Heimdall glaring accusingly at him, his golden eyes seeing straight into Loki's soul.
"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Either way, I will get what I want," Thanos growled.
The Asgardians stepped closer, their weapons raised, waiting for Thor's word. A young man with short, brown hair spoke up impatiently. "Are we putting an end to this intruder or not, my king?"
Thanos interrupted before Thor could reply. "King? KING?! I'm the only king who is worthy enough to rule the universe. Give me the Infinity Stone. I know you have it. Hand it over now or you will suffer."
"If we give it to you, you will destroy half the universe with it. So, no," Thor said stubbornly.
Thanos chuckled, which shocked everyone. It was an ugly sound. "I see that my pet has told you about my plans. Don't worry, he'll get what he deserves. You have angered me with your refusal to give up what is truly mine. Prepare to die, Asgardians!" Thanos raised his left hand and aimed it at the group of Asgardians. A beam of purple light left the glove and landed right in the middle of the group. Screams were heard as Asgardians dropped left and right.
Valkyrie gasped. Heimdall raised his sword. Lightning was sparking off the walls and floor as Thor charged at Thanos. Loki shouted as Thor aimed a punch at the Titan. Thanos caught Thor mid-flight and threw him back against the wall. The wall cracked where Thor hit it, chunks of metal and plaster falling onto the floor.
Valkyrie raised her sword and ran directly at Thanos. Proxima Midnight stepped in front to block Valkyrie's sword. Valkyrie jumped over her, twisted in the air, and reached around to stab Proxima Midnight through the stomach. Proxima screeched with fury and pulled the sword out of her stomach. She whirled around to smack Valkyrie upside the head. Valkyrie crumpled and hit her head even harder on the ground.
Black Dwarf was off fighting Korg and Miek not too far from Valkyrie. Korg was surprisingly holding his own, taking the brute of Black Dwarf's blows as Miek darted around creature's legs and stabbing whenever he had an opening.
Heimdall had singled out Corvus Glaive. Heimdall, being able to see far off things and a little into the future, was preventing Corvus from getting a hit in. Despite this, Heimdall was getting tired. Corvus showed no signs of slowing down. Corvus was swinging his weapon left and right, and managed to hit the Gatekeeper in the back of the leg, causing Heimdall to fall. Heimdall retaliated and swept his own sword under Corvus' feet. Corvus tripped and barely moved out of the way as Heimdall thrust his sword towards the creatures' chest.
Loki regained his senses just as Ebony Maw threw a door at his head.
"Don't worry. Thanos will reclaim his slave," Ebony Maw said, his voice scratchy but yet intriguing. "You will be saved from the danger of being killed by us."
Loki drew his dagger. "I somehow doubt that I'm saved from the likes of you."
Ebony chuckled. "Feisty as ever. Thanos likes your stubbornness. There is no joy in torturing a completely submissive slave. Where is the fun in that?"
Loki looked over Ebony's shoulder. Thor was barely holding up. It wouldn't be much longer before he would give out. Loki had to think of something, and fast.
"Well, life isn't fun without a little mischief," Loki said, hoping to distract Ebony by talking.
The plan seemed to be working. Loki was slowly inching his way closer to Thor. All Loki needed was Ebony near enough for Thor to consider him as threat and rush in to save his little brother. The two of them could take down Ebony Maw and then help the others once Ebony was out of the fight.
"Talkative too. I guess it will be more fun breaking you again," Ebony Maw snarled. Loki took another step back. Only a few more meters and they would be in Thor's field of vision. It would be much easier if Thor had both of his eyes, so that he could see more.
"Stupid Thor. Stupid eye," Loki thought and twirled his dagger nervously in his hand. "Stupid Black Order. Everything's stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid!"
Ebony advanced on Loki. "Where is your silver-tongue, trickster? Or are you too scared to speak?"
"I don't feel like wasting words on the likes of you," Loki spat.
Ebony mocked being hurt. "Oh, your words cut like a dagger."
"They'll do more than that. As the saying goes, 'The pen is mightier than the sword." Only a hundred meters left.
"Then maybe I'll cut off your tongue."
"You'll have to get close enough to do that. Or are you too scared?"
"I don't need to get close. Just a simple spell and you shall speak no longer," Ebony Maw jeered, and raised his hand.
Loki was ready, though. He counterattacked Ebony's spell and blasted him in the chest with a ball of energy. Ebony flew back and landed near Valkyrie and Proxima Midnight. Valkyrie jabbed her sword into Ebony's stomach and used the leverage to throw him at Proxima.
"Get off and fight," Proxima growled at Ebony. Ebony Maw scrambled off of her and stood up to glare at Loki. Loki cocked his head innocently.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did Valkyrie hurt your feelings?" Loki asked mockingly.
"Your girlfriend will pay for that." Ebony Maw snapped his fingers. Valkyrie crumbled, clutching her head. Blood started leaking from her eyes, mouth, nose, and ears.
"She's not my girlfriend," Loki said, but nevertheless cast a reverse spell. Valkyrie straighten and reached for her sword, but Proxima Midnight kicked it away.
"I don't think that's necessary." Proxima grabbed a fist full of Valkyrie's hair. "Hand over the Tesseract or your girlfriend will get it."
"Like I said. She's not my girlfriend," Loki corrected.
"You do have a girlfriend, do you not?" Ebony questioned. Loki's expression of worry answered Ebony's question. "You do. She'll suffer greatly if you don't give us the Tesseract."
Loki's fingers started twitching, green light spiralling around them. "You'll never get to her. She's somewhere safe where nobody can find."
"Hiding her from the world, huh? What good is a lover if you never see her?"
"I've sent her away to keep her safe from you," Loki said angrily. "I don't want your filthy hands touching her."
Ebony Maw smiled, showing white teeth. Proxima tugged harder on Valkyrie's hair, winning a small yelp. Valkyrie tried to reach her sword, despite the tight grip on her hair, but the sword was just out of her reach.
"Your girlfriend is much better off with us. I doubt that after what happened in the Void that you even have enough courage to take that wench of yours too your bed," Ebony Maw taunted.
At that, Loki lost it. He shot bolts of energy at the creature. Proxima released her hold on Valkyrie's hair, allowing Valkyrie to grab her sword and swing it into Proxima's legs. Ebony Maw dodged Loki's blasts with an air of boredom. That was a fatal mistake for him, though. Loki's rage at his girlfriend being insulted left Ebony Maw in a bad situation. Green magic swirled through the air, making it hard to see. Tendrils of energy shot up and wrapped themselves around Ebony's legs. Loki spun his daggers in his hands and sent a dark spell of pain into the metal weapons. He gripped the daggers tightly, green magic dripping from the tip and onto the floor, burning the floor as the magic hissed with contact. With a sudden move, Loki plunged the daggers into Ebony's chest, causing the alien to howl in pain. The magic seeped into Ebony's viens and spread within the bloodstream. Loki twisted the blades, causing more screams. He bent in closer to whisper into Ebony's ear.
"Here's a lesson for you: Never, never, insult my girlfriend," Loki spat, giving the daggers another hard twist. He jumped slightly as a large hand suddenly gripped his shoulder.
"Now, now, my pet. I don't think that's a good idea, hurting my children," Thanos said almost gently and yanked Loki away. Loki's resolve melted, even though he managed to smile a bit once he saw that his daggers were still firmly lodged in Ebony's chest.
Thanos let Loki slip from his grasp. Loki retaliated, but stopped once he saw he was surrounded by the Black Order. Valkyrie, Korg, and Miek were nowhere in sight, presumably leading the other Asgardians to escape. Heimdall was laying against a pile of rubble, clearly too injured to move. Bruce was still behind the throne, although Loki could see him waiting for the perfect time to Hulk out and destroy the purple Titan.
Thanos stepped over Asgardian bodies, and picked up Thor by the head. Thor was barely conscious, his face covered in grime and bruises. He was bleeding from several cuts and wounds. Sweat was plastered to his face as well, probably making the cuts worse with the salty liquid. Thanos twisted Thor so that he was kneeling and facing Loki. He was only staying upright because of Thanos' tight grip on his head.
"The Tesseract or your brother's head," Thanos growled and squeezed Thor's head for emphasis.
Loki bit his bottom lip in worry. How had Thanos found out that he had the Tesseract? He took a step forward, but Proxima Midnight jabbed her weapon closer to him.
"We don't have the Tesseract," Thor said weakly and spit out a mouthful of blood.
"Well, that's too bad. Right, Loki?" Thanos jeered. Loki wisely kept his mouth shut. "Nothing to say, huh? Maybe you don't love your brother enough to give me the Tesseract."
"Torture away," Loki shot back. Thanos grinned and pushed the purple Power Stone against Thor's head. Thor screamed as purple light spread through his body. Loki fought to keep his angry tears from falling. He didn't like watching Thor being tortured over a stupid Infinity Stone.
"Alright, stop!" Loki shouted, finally having enough of watching Thor writhe in pain.
Thanos released Thor and motioned for Loki to continue. Loki summoned the Tesseract and held it out for Thanos to grab.
"I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again," Loki said to Thor.
"You really are the worst brother," Thor managed to joke back, but Loki's expression was grim. Thanos grabbed the Tesseract and crushed it, causing it to shatter and reveal the blue Space Stone.
Thanos blew gently, removing a few small pieces of the stone's housing. In a slow, gentle movement, Thanos added the Space Stone to the Gauntlet.
"See, Loki. It wasn't that hard, now was it?" Thanos asked. "I have two Infinity Stones-"
"Yeah huh," Loki interrupted. "But we have a Hulk."
Bruce transformed into the Hulk and rushed to tackle Thanos. Loki dived and somersaulted under Thanos' legs to Thor's side.
Hulk was managing to hold his own, but Thanos was stronger. The Black Order had backed off and let Thanos fight his own battle. Thor and Loki were left standing awkwardly in the corner, watching the Hulk slowly tire. With one quick move, Thanos picked the Hulk up and slammed him down on the ground.
"Is that all you have?" Thanos said, his tone jaunty with confidence.
Nobody said or did anything. The Hulk was beat too quickly for anyone to comprehend. Satisfied with the silence, Thanos raised his gloved fist. Heimdall stirred right before Thanos hit the Hulk. A rainbow of colors swirled around the green giant and teleported him away.
"You'll pay for that, Asgardian," Thanos growled to Heimdall. Heimdall managed a small smirk before Proxima Midnight sank her weapon into him. Thor yelled in shock, and rushed to attack Thanos. Thanos blocked Thor's attack. Thor tumbled to the ground, exhausted. Ebony Maw waved his hands, sending large sheets of metal to wrap around Thor, chaining him in place.
"You'll never win," Thor snarled. Ebony Maw put a finger to his lips-a universal symbol for silence, and sent more metal to cover Thor's mouth.
"Let us go, my children. We have more Stones to collect." Thanos motioned for the Black Order to follow him. Loki stepped from his spot in the corner and summoned his dagger behind his back, out of sight of the intruders.
"Wait!" Loki shouted before they could leave.
"Have you finally decided to join us?" Thanos ridiculed.
"Yes," Loki swallowed nervously to keep his voice from wavering. "I, Loki, Prince of Asgard...Odinson.." Loki glanced at Thor. Thor seemed slightly shocked at Loki's bold move. "The rightful king of Jotunheim," Loki continued, "God of Mischief, pledge my allegiance to you, my m-master. Undying loyalty."
With that, Loki stepped to stab Thanos through the throat, but Thanos caught his arm in a bubble of power.
"Undying loyalty, yes." Thanos smiled grimly and grabbed Loki's wrist. Loki grunted as Thanos twisted Loki's wrist, causing his dagger to clatter to the ground. Thanos wrapped a large hand around Loki's neck, cutting off Loki's air circulation. Loki gasped for air, but Thanos' grip was too tight. He tried kicking the Titan, but Thanos pulled him up to eye level without blinking.
"You have betrayed me for the last time, trickster. Who's side are you on?" Thanos asked.
"Obviously not yours," Loki choked out, his face turning red from lack of air. He took a shallow breath. "You'll never be... a god."
Thanos snarled and squeezed even harder. Suddenly, there was an unmistakable sound of Loki's neck shattering. Thor screamed against the gag, lightning sparking off of him in rage. Thunder rumbled in the distance.
"No more resurrections," Thanos said and dropped Loki's limp form unmercifully in front of Thor. Loki laid still, all the color drained from his face as his clouded, green eyes stared unblinking.
Thanos stepped closer to the Black Order and gave Thor a smirk of satisfaction. He raised his left fist, bathing himself and his children in blue light as the Space Stone sent them off Norns-knows-where.
The metal pinning Thor fell to the ground harmlessly, allowing Thor to crawl forward.
"Loki," Thor whispered, tears filling his eyes. "Loki, please. Don't be dead. Norns, no! Please just be another trick. Loki!"
Thor rested his head on Loki's body, allowing the tears to fall.
"I promised never to let anything hurt you. I swear that your life will be avenged," Thor sobbed. "I promise, little brother, Thanos will pay for this!"
Thor built up enough strength to cradle his baby brother in his arms. Thor closed Loki's eyes and sobbed into the raven-colored hair, shaking with rage and despair.
Then the ship exploded.
Sigyn was worried. Loki had sent her to Valhalla to keep her safe from Thanos' wrath. Hela, Loki's daughter, helped her settle in; even though it was hard to be comfortable when she was one of the only living people in the land of full of the dead. Sigyn was kept busy trying to make sure that Jormungandr and Fenris, Hela's older brothers, stayed out of trouble. Sleipnir, the only somewhat responsible elder child, helped out the best he could, but even he was a child of the God of Mischief.
Sigyn sighed and looked out her bedroom window. The landscape matched that of Asgard's down to the last blade of grass. Hela had designed it to match the landscapes of every planet and realm in all the universes. It was nice, so the dead could go on "living" in the comfort of their homes.
Sigyn was stirred from her daydream by a knock on the door.
"Mom?" a teenage boy's voice asked.
Sigyn stood up from her window seat and opened the door. A boy about fourteen stood there. He smiled sadly. His short black hair that faded out to brown contrasted his hazel eyes, which were shining with unshed tears. Sigyn smiled back and let him in.
"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not your mother," Sigyn said.
The boy shrugged tiredly. "Well, since you're dating my father, I thought I should get used to calling you 'mom.'"
"We're not getting married yet. We're too young," Sigyn replied. The boy turned and stared at her, hazel eyes meeting her own violet ones. His high cheekbones reminded her of Loki.
"Yeah, but still…"
"Is there something you want, Sleipnir?" Sigyn asked and sat down on a chair. Sleipnir remained standing.
"I just got news that Thanos is active."
"Thanos?!" Sigyn stood up quickly. "What do you mean?"
Sleipnir took a deep breath. "He just attacked the refugee ship that dad's on."
"Is he alright?" Sigyn's worry was increasing.
Sleipnir shook his head. "Hela found out that he-um-passed into the land of Valhalla this morning. Hela's already sent out a reaper to collect his soul. T-Thor's alive, but Hela's afraid that Thanos will end up collecting all the Infinity Stones, and wipe out half the universe. If that happens, Valhalla will be in chaos."
Sigyn was silent. "Loki? He didn't make it?"
"No. Thanos broke his neck-" Sleipnir couldn't hold together any longer and broke down crying. Sigyn hugged him close, tears falling from her own eyes.
"He'll be alright, right? I mean, will he be in Valhalla, not Helheim?' Sleipnir asked, his voice wavering.
"That is out of our hands," Sigyn answered, even though she wasn't sure that Loki would make it into Valhalla, especially his crimes against New York. "If anything, they'll give a fair trial."
"He's innocent, though. Hela s-said that T-Thanos made f-father attack New York. Thanos is the one r-responsible for the N-New Y-York Incident."
Sigyn said nothing, but she was surprised. Loki never told her about what happened after he fell from the Bifrost. She assumed it was bad, though, since she knew that Loki would never hurt someone on purpose.
Sleipnir sniffled and wiped his eyes with back of his hand. "Hela said that he should be here in about an hour."
"Give me a minute alone," Sigyn muttered. "I'll meet you there."
Sleipnir nodded and left Sigyn alone in her room. Sigyn grabbed a tissue from her desk and wiped her eyes.
"Oh, Loki." Sigyn collapsed on her bed and broke down crying. She couldn't believe it. Her boyfriend of nearly a thousand years was dead, and officially this time. She doubted that he would be coming back from the dead this time.
Loki couldn't breath. He couldn't see. Everything was black. All that he remembered was Thanos forcing him to hand over the Tesseract and suddenly, the lack of air.
"Loki." A voice rang out in the dark. Loki couldn't place who the voice was coming from, but he sensed it was close.
"Loki," the voice said again. Suddenly Loki could see clearly. He was standing in the refugee ship, purple fire burning in patches. A man in a black tuxedo was standing a few feet away. The man's brown hair was covered in a black top hat.
"Who are you?" Loki asked and felt around for his daggers.
"I'm Vincent. I'm a reaper, here to take your soul to the Queen in Valhalla," the man replied.
"You heard me. You're dead, Loki. Thanos shattered your neck after choking you. It was a bold move taking on the Titan alone," Vincent explained.
"What?" Loki asked again. Vincent wasn't making any sense. Dead? Him?
"Look around you, Loki. Can't you tell? There's no going back. Its official this time. That time on Svartalfheim when you had a near-death experience, you didn't have a reaper, right?"
"No," Loki admitted. He looked down to hide his tears. He froze suddenly as he noticed something laying on the ground. It was his body, laying there cold and blank. Loki could see that Thor was cradling him and sobbing.
"What?" Loki gasped.
Vincent sighed. "I'm sorry, Loki, but its time to go," Vincent said and extended his hand.
"Because you're dead. That's why. Now if you don't hurry up and come with me, you'll end up staying here forever as a restless spirit. Is that something you want?"
Loki shook his head. "Can I have five minutes alone?"
Vincent pulled out a silver pocket watch. "Five minutes, and then we're going."
Loki nodded as Vincent disappeared. He turned back to face Thor. He knelt down beside his older brother and whispered, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I just want to let you know that I love you even if you think that I'm the worst brother in existence."
Thor continued to cry, clearly not hearing Loki. Loki rested a hand on Thor's shoulder, but it passed right through. Thor shivered as if cold, but said nothing.
Loki frowned and wiped a tear from his eye. Why couldn't Thor hear him?
Vincent reappeared and gave Loki a sad smile.
"Time's up. Are you ready?" Vincent asked.
Loki nodded in reply. Vincent extended his hand. Loki took it and together they disappeared in a flash of white light.
Loki didn't see his brother survive the explosion that happened seconds after they disappeared.
Hela tapped her foot nervously and glanced at her phone's digital clock. Vincent was taking too long to retrieve her father's soul. Maybe something was wrong. No, although he could be impatient sometimes, Vincent was her best reaper. He would never give up on souls. He surely wouldn't lose Loki's; it radiated too much power. She was about ready to call him when a bright white light lit up her throne room. The light didn't affect her; she was used to it. Reapers had a tendency to arrive in a flashy manner.
Hela pocketed her phone and sat up straight. "Well?" she asked.
Vincent gently nudged a dark haired man forward. The man looked up into Hela's face, his expression somber and slightly disoriented.
"He's having a hard time," Vincent explained.
"Yes, dying has that effect on certain people," Hela replied. "How did he die?"
"Thanos choked him to death and then shattered his neck. It was a tragic scene to watch," Vincent said. The man shuddered at the mention of Thanos, but didn't say anything.
Hela grimaced. She knew about Loki's death for weeks, but she didn't expect it to be Thanos who ended up killing the Trickster. Thanos usually wanted to keep his slaves alive. Why the sudden change?
"That means Thanos is on the rise," Hela stated bitterly. "The universe's end is closer than I imagined. Are the Avengers and Guardians aware of his actions?"
Vincent smoothed down his tie. "The creature they call the Hulk and some of the Asgardians escaped. The Hulk is on his way to earth as we speak, thanks to Heimdall's fast reflexes. Sadly, Heimdall did not make it. The Avengers will most likely be warned by the Hulk, but I am unsure about the Guardians."
"What about Uncle Thor? Is he alright?" Hela asked, her voice full of concern.
"His is at the moment, but since Thanos has both the Power and Space Stones, he might not be safe much longer."
Hela cursed under her breath. She really hated Thanos. He disrupted the natural order of life and death.
Hela leaned back in her dark green throne and waved in Vincent's direction. "Thank you, Vincent. Keep me posted on any changes. I would like a word with my father alone. Go take a quick rest. I heard there are donuts in the break room."
Vincent bowed and left the same way he arrived. Hela stood up and descended down the stairs to Loki's side. She placed a hand on his shoulder and turned him to face her. The similarity between the two was uncanny. Hela had black hair and pale skin just like her father. The only difference in appearance was that Hela's eyes were a pale greenish-gray while Loki's were a pure emerald green.
"Dad?" Hela whispered. Loki looked into Hela's eyes, his face streaked with tears.
"Hela?" Loki asked, unsure about the girl in front of him.
"Yes, it's me, your daughter," Hela replied.
"I have a… daughter?" Loki was confused.
Hela let go of her father's shoulder. She was sure that he would have recognized her.
"Yes. I'm the youngest and the only girl out of four children. You probably don't remember because Odin cursed you and us to forget who we were. He didn't like the idea that a Prince of Asgard had four 'monstrous' children. That's why you don't recognize me," Hela explained; and she wasn't lying. Odin did curse them because he was ashamed that his adopted son had four kids, who were considered "monsters," long before his son was old enough to even understand where babies came from. Magic messed things up a lot, which is why Hela swore to never have kids until she was married. She didn't want to end up like Loki, even though she and her brothers were not his fault. All four of them were results of a way to get out of a dangerous situation; and none of them were consensual on Loki's part.
Loki's slowly lit up with recognition. "Hela, I'm so sorry for leaving you here alone. You were just a baby," Loki apologized.
"It's alright. I, mean, it's not your fault. It's Odin's. At least we are together now, even though I wish it was because of better reasons," Hela muttered. She wished that she knew her father growing up. Maybe then she wouldn't have attacked Asgard. It was hard to explain to countless Asgardian who ended up in Valhalla why she killed them. Sometimes being the Queen of Valhalla had it's downs.
"What about Odin?" Loki's question jerked Hela from her thoughts. "Is he in Valhalla?"
Hela shook her head no. "We held a trial and everything. We finally decided that he was to spend some time in Helheim for kidnapping you, cursing us, and other crimes he committed. It won't be permanent," Hela asked once she saw that Loki looked confused. "It's only punishment for his crimes when he was alive. After he finishes it, he will be allowed into Valhalla."
There was silence for a few awkward minutes before Hela decided to change the subject. Things were getting too feely for her. She gestured around the throne room. "Do you like what I did with the place?" she asked.
Loki nodded and fully took in his surroundings. Tall pillars of beautifully carved marble stood proudly at the edges of the hall. The ceiling matched the pillars, both cream colored with silver flakes embedded in the stone. The floor was made out of black granite. Balls of fire were set in silver bowls that were connected to the pillars, which lit up the area with a soft glow. The walls were the same cream-colored marble as the pillars, but in addition, had tall windows of glass that looked out over the garden. Granite steps led up to Hela's throne, dark silver shaped into a high-backed chair with armrests and dark green leather padding that looked surprisingly comfortable. It was a simply designed throne, but it sat up there proudly. It seemed to invite people over, but still cast an air of authority. The whole design was modeled after Asgard's throne room, minus all the gold.
"I remodeled a bit," Hela continued. "The former ruler, Death, had terrible designs. As cool as walls and floors made out of bone is, I didn't think it would have gone over well with the residents. Being dead is scary enough. They don't need a queen who sits on a throne made out of bones on top of all that."
Loki nodded in agreement. "It is beautiful."
Hela laughed, her voice echoing around the spacious hall. "Wait until you see everything else." She led Loki out of the and towards the "Asgardian Soul Section." "I modeled everything after the spirits' homelands and houses. It made Valhalla seem more welcoming," she shrugged, "and 'homey.'"
Loki smiled for the first time since Thor's stupid joke on the refugee ship before they were attacked. "I imagine it would."
"Sigyn is here." Loki perked up at the mention of his girlfriend's name. "Thanos hasn't been able to reach us. Valhalla is safe...for now. We don't know the full extent of Thanos' powers, but if he gets the Soul stone, he'll be able to control both the living and the dead," Hela stated gravely.
Loki bit his bottom lip; it was a bad habit of his. "But you do have the armies of Valhalla, do you not?" he asked.
Hela nodded. "If it comes to that extreme, it'll be like Ragnarok."
Loki stopped mid-stride. Hela had walked a few paces before she noticed her father wasn't next to her. Hela looked at Loki, a puzzled expression on her face. Loki made eye contact with his daughter, his own face set in a serious mask. "What happened on Asgard wasn't the real Ragnarok, was it?" Loki questioned.
Hela took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She was clearly shocked.
Loki continued, "Surtur was there, but the Gates of Valhalla weren't opened. There was no army of the undead. Granted you found the bodies buried under the castle, but they were not from Valhalla. You just reanimated their corpses, but they weren't full fledged Valhallian warriors. It wasn't Ragnarok. Well, not all of it. The full prophecy wasn't completed."
"There's a prophecy?" Hela blinked in confusion.
"There's a prophecy for almost anything. The mortals got most of it correct with their myths of us. The prophecy is: Everything has its end. A dawn to new a beginning. Fire and bone shall destroy the City of Gold. The Gates of Valhalla will open and life shall perish into chaos. Because for a beginning to start, something has to end," Loki recited.
Hela was speechless. She would never had guessed that her destruction of Asgard wasn't truly Ragnarok.
Loki spoke up before she could answer. "There's also a prophecy for Thanos."
"What?!" Hela choked out.
Loki nodded, his green eyes blazing with renewed energy. "Yes. Stones of infinite power will be collected. Dust and blood with spread through the universe. Half will fall. Half will stand. A former slave of a Titan has to rise up and defy an untimely death. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives for the Titan only courts death."
Loki suddenly gasped, eyes widening with sudden realization.
"I'm the only one who can stop Thanos! I'm the former slave! That's why Thanos killed me! He knew about the prophecy! He didn't want me standing in his way!"
Hela clamped a hand over mouth to keep herself from screaming in shock. "It can't be! You're dead! How can you take down Thanos?" Hela asked.
"I don't know," Loki admitted. He suddenly grabbed Hela's shoulders and looked at her dead in the eye. "We need to see Sigyn. She'll help us warn Thor."
Hela didn't say anything, just grasped her father's hand took off running, pulling him towards a set of granite stairs and around several corners. The two collided into Sleipnir.
"Sorry. I wasn't paying attention. You alright?" Sleipnir complained and dusted off his blue jeans. He fixed his hair and squinted at Hela and Loki. "Sis? Dad? Is that our dad?"
"No time to explain. We need to find mom," Hela cut him off. "Go find Jormungandr and Fenris and meet us in the throne room."
Sleipnir nodded, but she had already taken off. Hela burst into Sigyn's room with barely a knock, startling Sigyn who reflexively reached for the sword on her her table and swung it at Hela. The metal bounced off of Hela's side without a scratch on the young goddess.
Hela threw up her hands in surrender. "It's just me. We need y-"
Hela found that Sigyn wasn't standing where she was a moment before. Hela let her arms drop and she turned to find a slightly disturbing sight for kid to see…
Sigyn had her arms wrapped around Loki's shoulders Loki's own hands pulled Sigyn closer; the two of them locked in a tight, passionate kiss.
Hela faked throwing up, which caused the two to unlock lips. Both of their faces were streaked in tears with cheeks tinged pink.
Loki, still clung tightly to his girlfriend, spoke up first. "Sigyn, we need your help…"
"Let me get this straight," Sigyn said. "You're one who has to kill Thanos even though you're dead?"
"Yes," Loki said. They were standing in the throne room with Hela, Sleipnir, and two other boys. It had taken a while to explain everything; how he died, if he was alright, the prophecies, and Hela's idea to bring Loki back to life so he could kill Thanos.
Sigyn furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "And you need me to help Hela bring you back to life, so you can kill Thanos and stop him from wiping out half the universe?"
"Yes," Loki repeated.
"How am I supposed to do that? I'm a Healer, not a necromancer. I can't bring people back to life, especially if we can't their body is lost in space and their soul is a source of immense power. It's impossible!"
"It's been done before," Hela piped up.
Sigyn shifted her gaze onto the dark-haired girl. "Yes, but it was human soul who had no magical abilities whatsoever."
"So?" Hela asked.
"It's much harder to bring a powerful sorcerer, probably the most powerful sorcerer in the universe, back to life. And what if Thanos can't be stopped. What if the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy loose. What then?! The universe would be in worse chaos than it already is!" Sigyn took a deep breath and rubbed her temples. A small headache was starting form. She continued in a softer tone, "I'm sorry if I seem too upset. It's not everyday your boyfriend shows up dead in Valhalla."
Loki pulled Sigyn into a hug and kissed her for head. "I'm sorry. I know it's a lot to ask for, but we don't have another plan and doubt the Avengers will be able to take him down."
One of the boys standing off to the side, raised his hand tentatively. His chocolate brown eyes were full of concern. "If I may, can I say something?"
"Of course, Fenris," Loki said softly to his youngest son.
Fenris pushed his curly, dark brown hair out of his perfectly tanned face and continued. "I know it may sound obvious, but dad's dead now. That means he's a ghost. Ghosts can travel into the land of the living. Maybe we can use that to our advantage and defeat Thanos some other way if bringing him back to life is nearly impossible," Fenris explained.
Everyone was quiet for a moment. The other boy, the one with green hair and pierced ears, clapped Fenris on the back. "Wonderfully explained. For once you aren't a total useless, piece of sh-"
"Jormungandr," Loki cut the boy off. "Be nice to your brother." Too Hela he said, "Does that work? Can I still stop Thanos if I'm a ghost?"
"It'll take a while get used to being around the living while you're nothing more than a spirit, but yeah, I'm sure we can figure out a way."
Hela pulled out her phone and started typing down plans. This might actually work out okay.
A one-shot was too long and I didn't want to break it into short chapters, so I decided just to break it into parts. Part Two coming soon! Hope I didn't emotional scar you. (Though I doubt that my writing could do that. I don't think my writing's very good). I love all reviews and readers. :)