33.1 - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. On the screen was a picture of a wireframe bowl of sticks. The words 'when you're here, you're here' covered the bottom half of the image.
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.2 - "Music is Literature!" by Venku
"Excuse me?" Monika asked. In all her time ever since she started Looping, she was unsure if she had ever heard what she thought she did.
"You heard me. This is the literature club. Yet you're not hosting review on one of the oldest forms of literature: Songs. Music" MC repeated. This loop had him named Makoto Inoue. Sayori, as per loop standards, had introduced him to the Literature Club. Remembering that his personality had started to change due to what Ganesha had mentioned, each of the Doki Doki Literature Loopers were aware, when Awake, that they would be dealing with a man who was more than just the listless bundle of codes he was Baseline. Someone with a bit of a personality.
She just didn't expect him to approach her after the end of the club meeting and chastise her for focusing only on poetry!
"Fine" she blurted. If she sounded exasperated, she would apologize to him later. She turned a small smile to Makoto for a moment before flashing a bit of a grin. "Look. I get what you're saying, and you're right. However poetry itself can be used in music. Rappers such as Ai, Ken the 390 and others have to make their verses rhyme, right?" With his head nodding in agreement, Monika pressed on. "Let's work on the poetry and later, once I'm certain everyone is ok with it, we can see if the others are ok with a brief history of music and literature."
Makoto's mood lightened for a moment before Monika added "That means though you'll have to suffer through other music than what you normally prefer. AND" she added, seeing him act crestfallen for a moment. "If we're going to acquiesce to your review on music, we're going to open it up to others discussions as well. If Natsuki wants to review Manga or Yuri horror, I expect full participation from you as well. Are we clear?"
"Yes Senpai" Makoto commented, offering a respectful bow. Monika noted that his mood was only a little bit lighter than normal. "Please let Sayori-chan know I'll be outside when she's done?"
"I will."
As Makoto left, Monika let loose a small sign before calling out. "Veep. What the hell was that?"
Sayori, who was entertaining herself by drawing a kitten picture on the chalkboard, approached. "I honestly don't know. All I know is when this Loop began, besides you, Yuri and Natsuki pinging, Makoto" and she paused to be sure to use his right name for this loop. "Just wouldn't shut up about music. While I'm grateful he's more than just code…"
"We're still slowly having to get used to him having something other than being a walking hormone as per Baseline." Monika finished for her. She sighed for a moment before a small nod. "Do let Yuri and Natsuki know of this when you can please?" she asks. "I'm planning on brushing up on my understanding of music. Maybe I could see if I had saved some Greek tragedies in my Pocket."
Sayori nodded her head as she walked out to meet Makoto.
"And Sayori?"
"Add that the others leave their ear plugs behind."
Sayori groaned. "Of course this version of him would have him like music, while sounding like a cat with its tail stepped on '' she groaned as she walked out to meet Makoto.
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. On the screen was a picture of a cartoon lumberjack, holding his head in his hands. A tree had been chopped down, and was tearing into the background, revealing a wall of static behind it. A speech bubble connected to the lumberjack saying 'dear lord what have I done.'
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.3 - A Chocolate Attack, by Venku
It was a perfectly ordinary day at the literature club, aside from the excavator Sayori had crashed through the floor.
The excavator was your typical standard model. Bright yellow coloring with stenciled ownership on the side. Hydraulic crane being balanced by a cab with controls in the middle. Exterior was pristine, and it looked fresh off the model.
The only thing which might have made this excavator stand out was the pink haired driver wearing a schoolgirl seifuku and a bright red bow laughing like a maniac.
"Ahhahaahahh! I'm going to get to the chocolate fountain buried under the school! I smell it! It smells so good!" Sayori exclaimed as she operated the machine. Her mind was set on one goal. Sweet, delicious chocolate!
What were the others doing while Sayori was in the middle of her interior redecoration?
MC, named Motoki Chano this Loop iteration, was currently being consoled by Natsuki of all people. As per her standard at the start of the loop, she had sent out a Ping and received three back. They both had entered the Club in deep gossip about the most recent Dragon Ball Super Manga Arc. Natsuki had to admit that this go round, the mass of binary code could hold a conversation. She personally felt that he was a bit airheaded and prone to flights of fancy, but she could relate to this version of MC.
When Sayori started her digging spree, Motoki began to shout. "WHAT? HOW? SAYORI DAMN IT!" he bit his tongue. "I HATE SAYING THIS BUT DUM-" he couldn't finish the rest out as Natsuki elbowed him in the stomach and dragged him out.
"It's not worth it dummy. Sayori appears to have cracked due to exam pressure" Natsuki hissed, forcing him to pay attention to her. "Come on. Let's go to the school nurse and see if there's someone who could help."
Leading MC away, Natsuki bypassed Monika and Yuri who had heard the shouting. Yuri, sensing something was up, distracted MC with a conversation about the Manga version of a series she hoped would not loop, Natsuki exchanged a few hissed words with Monika who just nodded.
"Yuri. Come with me please" the Club President asked. As Natsuki led MC onward, Yuri fell in step as Monika led the way to the club room. When they were well enough away, Yuri cleared her throat. "If you're about to ask if this is a fused loop, I don't know." Satisfied with Monika's answer, Yuri kept her mouth shut as they rushed to the club room.
Entering, they were treated to a unique sight. A dark liquid fountain erupted from the middle of the room where the excavator was parked. The smell of chocolate came from the liquid, and Sayori was humming to herself while drinking a glass of chocolate milk.
Though her back was to the others, Sayori turned around to face them with a small smile on her face and a chirp. "Hi" she replied. A small wave of her hand to the fountain as she asked. "Bet you would like to know what happened" she added.
"Would be nice" Yuri quipped.
"See. A few loops ago I looped into the Adventure Time Loop. Y'know with Princess Bubblegum?" As both of the other women nodded their heads in understanding, "And y'know how the Princess could alter her biomass with candy?"
"You're not a Majin though" Yuri pointed out.
"I get that! I do" Sayori explained. "But I can still 'smell' it. I think it's due to where I was connected to all the candy everywhere. And when I walked into the room, the lovely smell of chocolate hit my nose" Sayori explained.
"So you thought to 'get' the candy here. I get that but.." Monika sighed as she looked at Sayori. "You know MC is more responsive. And he might have had an issue with seeing you destroy the club room."
"Ehehhheh..." Sayori remarked. "Ehh. I forgot about that."
Monika sighed as Natsuki entered the room. "Alright fuckers" the smallest Doki called out. "Someone wanna tell me what the hell that monstrosity is about?" she asked, pointing to the fountain.
"Sayori looped as Bubblegum and could 'smell the chocolate'" Yuri explained. "And the Tree being the Tree there is a big fountain of chocolate."
"Figures" Natsuki replied. "And while it's good for you, your body can't rapidly process it" as Natsuki transformed into her Majin form. "Like I can."
"Well yeah. So it just begs the question.." Sayori paused before rummaging through her pocket. A few tubs of ice cream and milk were pulled out with four spoons.
"Wanna join me?"
Natsuki was the first in line.
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. It was the number 69, on a black background in black text.
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.4 - Horror Discourse, by Venku
"What do you mean what types of horror am I interested in?" Yuri asked.
Yuri had woken up this loop and sent out a ping, receiving three in return. The loop started out as normal, when she arrived and Sayori introduced MC. Apparently this loop he was referred to as 'Majime Chino, please call me MC'. Everything seemed to be going ok until he asked her about horror.
"You heard me," MC responded. While thinking about how to respond, Yuri scanned the room. Natsuki and Sayori hadn't arrived yet while Monika was busy scribbling in her notebook. As she tapped the Portrait of Markov book, MC clarified. "Is that something with social experimentation? Psychological torture? Or something like the Biohazard games with flesh eating zombies." Overhearing their discussion, Monika briefly shuddered with the reference to zombies.
Yuri drummed her fingers on the spine of the book for a moment, lost in thought. "You know, that is a good question," she replied. "If I had to place any sort of classification on this book it'd be a mix of psychological and religious horror. You have references to the Third Eye but also of a government project kidnapping girls all in the name of a Roman Goddess of Burials."
"To be blunt" she added, after getting MC and herself a cup of tea. "Though horror is my preferred genre, it depends more on the mood I'm in when I look for a book. You have Dante's Divine Comedy which is almost a staple of religious horror especially in the Inferno. Philosophical horror would go more with Frankenstein or Clive Barker." She paused at MC's look of incredulity. "Don't give me that" she snapped. A mock accusatory finger was pointed at him. "Literature, especially horror, requires a person to be at least familiar with all genres."
"Fine fine! Fair point that" MC replied. Monika had briefly looked their way, and seeing no other rising issues, resumed her writing. "I'm honestly just surprised is all. While a good religious horror could send one into church, what's your take on the Lovecraftian mythos?"
Yuri briefly chuckled. While she personally had heard of Alucard scaring Cthulhu, she thought it was an inappropriate discussion for now. "It's an interesting concept. Ancient societies and of gods who could destroy everything if awakened. 'That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die','" she quoted, in a mock serious tone.
This had the desired effect of making even Monika laugh. A brief smirk to both MC and Monika before Yuri finished. "As I said, it just depends on my mood. And you?"
"While I'm more driven to the post apocalyptic settings, your Dawn of the Dead and the like" MC began. "As it's familiar to some of the Manga and games I play, I just like series regardless which shows that in the end basic kindness and decency triumph. Your Stephen King, your 'The Crow'..and I'm aware of how the story ended" he added for clarity.
Yuri was going to ask another question before a loud THUMP was heard by the door. Their attention turned toward it, the other Literature Club members watched as Natsuki and Sayori entered.
Sayori had a small bruise on her head while Natsuki was holding onto the supplies and grumbling. "If you had watched where you were going instead of skipping down the hall…"
"My head hurts! Can we hold off talking about me running into a wall until we see if I look like a unicorn?" Sayori interrupted.
MC sighed. "Excuse me" he replied to Yuri before approaching Sayori. "What happened? Didn't I tell you to watch where you were going?" he teasingly chided. "Alright dummy" he replied in an affectionate tone. "Let's find you some ice."
As they disappeared, Yuri paused. Interesting. His discussion about his preference and how he treated Sayori had caused Yuri to examine him in a new light. Lost in thought, she hadn't realized she spoke aloud until Natsuki approached.
"What's interesting?" Natsuki asked.
"Oh ah. Heh. Just the discussion MC and I had before you came in, short stuff." Yuri quipped. A small smirk as Natsuki started her mock growling. "Help me put away the tea and I'll share his take on the horror genre."
Yuri smiled internally. Shame this won't carry over but it's nice seeing the romantic, horror loving side of him
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. It was an illustrated picture of Zeus pointing at the camera, with the caption 'I want you to stop crashing all these god damn loops do you know how much harder you're making my life.'
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.5 (12.5 con't.) - Into the Dream Part 2, by Black Omochao
"I feel like we might have taken a wrong turn somewhere…" Sayori muttered as she and Monika trudged through a snowy forest.
"Wrong turn? Sayori, we don't even know where we want to go," Monika pointed out with a small sigh.
"Well…yeah, but I'm sure we didn't want to end up covered in snow," Sayori shivered a bit.
Monika nodded in acknowledgement of her friend's concerns, glancing around the area for any signs of some exit from the snow…
"Hey, is that a person…?" Sayori questioned, pointing to the left from where Monika was looking.
"A person?" Monika blinked, looking to where Sayori was pointing, hoping it was perhaps Yuri or Natsuki, but one look of the shape in the distance, and she immediately knew it couldn't be; this person was far too small.
Despite the person not being either of their friends, the two Loopers decided to move closer to the strange person, standing out in this blizzard. As they continued to approach, more features became visible; the person was a very short girl, only about up to their knees in height. She had pale skin, long, dark-blue hair, and was wearing an icy blue kimono.
Despite the small size, it wasn't long before the two girls noticed the similarities in appearance to a certain creature from Japanese folklore.
"A yuki-onna…?" Sayori concluded once she and Monika had made it to the small snow woman. Sayori hunched down to the ghost-like girl's eye level, curiously.
The, supposed, yuki-onna just gave Sayori a blank stare in return.
Monika looked between the two for a moment, both the silence, and cold, setting in, before she gave a slight groan, "Um, excuse me? I don't mean to be rude, but; do you speak?"
At the question, the yuki-onna turned to look towards Monika, but said nothing.
Sayori didn't seem to mind the attention being taken off her, keeping interested eyes on the short humanoid.
Monika did her best to put on a friendly smile, "You don't have to speak, if you can't, or don't want to, but do you perhaps think you can point us to a way out of the cold? We're… not as adept to it, as you are…"
More silence and staring followed this question…
After nearly thirty seconds of blank staring, Monika and Sayori both let out defeated sighs.
"W-We're sorry we bothered you," Sayori muttered unsurely.
"Yes…we'll find a way out of here, I'm sure," Monika assured, still doing her best to smile, despite the awkwardness.
The yuki-onna kept staring at Monika…before suddenly jumping towards her.
"Huh!?" Monika jumped back in shock at the sudden attack.
"Monika!?" Sayori called out in concern, looking ready to jump forward and fight off her friend's attacker; but it proved to be unnecessary, "Huh…?"
Monika blinked in confusion; one minute the yuki-onna had been jumping towards her, the next; it was gone, and she didn't feel cold anymore…
"M-Monika, is that you…?" Sayori questioned slowly, looking at her friend cautiously.
The Anchor gave the other girl a strange look, "What do you mean, Sayori? Of course, it's me, why wouldn't it…?" blinking, Monika took notice of her change of attire; her arm was covered by the long sleeves of an icy blue kimono, her hand was also much paler than her usual skin tone…
It didn't take Monika too long to realize that she had been transformed into a yuki-onna, "…What?"
"Yeah, that seems like the appropriate reaction," Sayori admitted, a sweatdrop forming on her head.
Meanwhile, in a world of darkness, the other two Dokis were having a…more exciting experience…
"Give it back! Give it back! GIVE IT BACK!"
"Yuri, just give her the knife!" Natsuki shouted as she and her friend ran from the rampaging girl.
"Sure, let me just turn around and offer it to her!" Yuri countered with a slightly sarcastic tone.
"GIVE IT BACK!" Madotsuki screamed, dark particles shooting after the two Loopers and attempting to strangle them.
"Is this really the time for sarcasm!?" Natsuki yelped.
"I'll try, but she doesn't seem very reasonable!" Yuri relented, against her better judgement, halting her running. She turned to face the charging Madotsuki.
"Here," Yuri offered the knife.
Suddenly, to both Yuri and Natsuki's surprise, the dark tornado that seemed to have been enveloping the young girl dissipated, her enraged expression changing to a more neutral one as she took the knife from the taller girl's hand.
"…Mine," Madotsuki muttered as she stared at the knife, before opening what seemed to be a window in her shirt and placing it inside. "My friend…" she gave a soft smile as she put her hands to her chest.
"…Oookay," Natsuki gave a weirded-out look, before turning to Yuri. "I'll never call your interest in knives strange again."
Yuri gave the pink-haired girl a strange look, "…You called my interest in knives 'strange…?'"
Natsuki just sighed as she put a hand to her forehead, "Let's just change the subject, why don't we…?"
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. It was the first four notes of Megalovania on sheet music. A dog was t-posing in the background.
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.6 - Solo Una Incursión Demoníaca, by Awesomedude17
"Draw four. Green," Yuri said.
"Oof," Sayori drew four cards before placing down a reverse card.
"Draw four. Blue."
"Are you kidding me? How many draw fours do you have there?" Natsuki said.
"I won't answer that."
"Ugh..." Natsuki drew four cards before placing down a wild card. "Yellow,"
"Oof," Sayori drew a card.
"Draw four. Blue."
A loud slam quickly drew the attention of the three as a very drunk Monika appeared in the room wielding a bloodied double barrel shotgun as a massive man in green armor followed her in with a squirming demon.
"Go to Heaven and tell the Devil I'm drunk!" Monika declared as she shot the demon into giblets right before cheering, vomiting and passing out, not necessarily in that order.
"My bad, ladies. Zombies with guns happened thanks to Hell, and I was around," Doomguy apologized before leaving.
Everyone went straight back to their game of Uno.
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. It showed Natsuki and Yuri sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.7 - Feeling Crabby, by Awesomedude17.
Monika looked at the bowl of egg salad, with some strange bits mixed in.
"Egg salad?"
"Crab salad." Natsuki replied. "Made It myself."
"Not having any."
"Relax, Monika. It's not real crab. It's imitation crab."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah," Natsuki took out a packet of crab sticks. "See. These are definitely not real crab legs."
"Alright then." Monika took out a spoon and tried the salad. "Hmm...Alright. Definitely fishy."
"What's fishy?" Yuri poked her head into the room.
"Natsuki's imitation crab salad. It's not bad."
"I thought you were a vegetarian. Isn't fake crab made of surimi, or does minced fish not count?"
Monika didn't take long to glare at Natsuki before grabbing the bowl and splattering the contents of it on Natsuki's head. As Monika quietly left, Yuri gave a forlogned look at Natsuki. "Was that on purpose?"
"Nnnnnnooo..." Natsuki replied.
Yuri sighed. When especially embarrassed, Natsuki was absolutely abysmal at lying.
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo and Wookywok
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
It was a picture of the planet Saturn, with muscular arms and legs hastily edited onto it. "Is your planet running?" It read at the top. "Well, you better go CATCH IT."
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.8 - Wherein the Dokies Do Not ENJOY THEMSELVES, by Wookywok.
Natsuki grumbled as she flopped down on the beanbag, the bright magenta checkerboard pattern shifting under her weight. "I've said it before and I'll say it again," she muttered into the seat. "I fucking hate running on older systems. Windows 95 just feels so sluggish compared to even Windows 7."
Sayori shrugged, tracing her hand against the bark of a poorly-rendered palm tree. "Meh. I don't care too much about that. It's the giant marble busts everywhere that are creeping me out."
All of a sudden, Yuri burst into the clubroom, a pair of pink mirrorshades on her face. "【卄乇ㄥ卩, 丨 匚卂几'ㄒ 丂ㄒㄖ卩 ㄒ卂ㄥҜ丨几Ꮆ ㄥ丨Ҝ乇 ㄒ卄丨丂!】," she yelled, in a voice nobody could quite pick out.
Meanwhile, in another room, not noticing nor noticed by her club members, Monika continued to listen to her vaporwave.
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo and Wookywok
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. On the screen was a painting of a large man with a writhing beard made of tentacles, flexing with a poorly edited dumbbell in his arms. The top had text that said "CTHULHU'S SECRET BODYBUILDING COUSIN." The bottom of the image was obscured by messy black scratches, with the name "Jordan" overlaying it.
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.9 - Pizza Time, by Awesomedude17.
(DDLC)/(Five Nights at Freddy's)
"Freddy Fazbear's pizza, in a revolutionary move, has cheese as an available topping! Come today to try it out!"
"The cheese is so... real!"
"Ah crap, it's one of those Loops." Natsuki said as she bit into her pineapple, ham and sweet pepper pizza.
"Oh yeah. I remember you mentioning that place Nats. Actually, I was there myself. I think I burned it down getting too close to the oven." Sayori remarked after swallowing a bite of anchovy, pineapple and chorizo pizza.
"I think I burned it down one day too... or was it the awful 'horror' attraction?" Yuri said as she fanned herself with her hand, looking somewhat uncomfortable with the excess garlic in her everything possible pizza.
"You guys think we should visit tonight?" Monika asked after finishing her vegan cheese margherita pizza.
"We got nothing better to do." Natsuki shrugged.
"Alright. I kinda forgot this place was a thing." Yuri admitted.
Freddy and Co glared at the four, especially Yuri. Freddy held up a sign that said it all.
No. No. Fuck this. I still remember the last time you looped here!
"It was an accident!"
Freddy flipped the sign and it now read,
What do you call setting the pizzeria on fire?
"A really energetic stroll."
"We need to limit your collateral involving 'walks', effective immediately Yuri." Monika said.
"Well, thanks for not killing us." Sayori said with a nervous smile.
Don't think we forgot about you either, bow girl.
"I said I was sorry!"
Natsuki groaned. "This was a dumb idea for a different reason than I expected."
Foxy tapped something out in morse code.
"Monika, translation?"
"He says he still likes you, Nats."
"Thank you Foxy."
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. She recognized it as a cognitohazard from the SCP foundation. The colors spilled out of the phone, pouring into the floor and painting the tiles maroon. The windows shimmered, before sprouting wings and flying away. The nearby desks inverted on themselves, rippling and glistening with crescent-shaped raindrops. A heavy fog filled the room, bringing with it the faint smell of strawberries, before everything flashed. When Yuri cleared the spots from her vision, the phone was turned off, and the moon was shining through the window.
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.10 (33.5 con't.) - Into the Dream Part 3, by Black Omochao.
There were no sounds, save for the small group's footsteps, as Natsuki, Yuri, and their new 'companion,' continued through the pitch blank world…
"… So," Natsuki broke the silence, looking towards Madotsuki questioningly, "What's your story…?"
The younger girl very pointedly ignored the Looper's question, continuing to look straight forward as they walked.
"That is, if you're okay telling us," Natsuki was quick to add, giving a slightly uncomfortable cough, though this was only met with more silence.
"Sooo," Yuri decided to speak of as well, giving a friendly smile, "You also like knives…?"
This comment had Madotsuki pause, but only to turn and glare at the tall girl, before giving a huff, and continuing to walk forward, at a slightly faster pace.
Natsuki and Yuri exchanged slightly concerned looks, before increasing their speed to match the other girl's.
"Stop following me!" Madotsuki finally spoke, glaring back at the other girls.
"We're not following you! We're just going in the same direction!" Natsuki reasoned, her eyes narrowing a bit.
Madotsuki let out a low snarl but kept walking.
Eventually the trio came to a strange pale gate, sitting there in the middle of the dark landscape. Without a second thought, the younger girl charged forward, disappearing into the gate.
"… So, do we keep following her?" Natsuki questioned, giving the other Doki a skeptical look.
Yuri shrugged, a pleasant smile on her face, "I do have some… suspicions about her, but we need the right opportunity to bring up the concept of time travel… so yes, I think we should keep following her," the taller girl nodded.
The pink haired Looper sighed, her posture slumping a bit, "Fine, not like we have any other source of direction right now…"
Trading another set of nods, the two Dokis walked forward, into the gate, and vanished from the Dark World.
"Okay, where are we now!?" Sayori questioned loudly, gesturing around at the surrounding environment; as she and Monika appeared to be on a pink island, surrounded by a sea of pink water. "All we did was look in a puddle inside an igloo! How does that correlate to this!?"
"Well, this world obviously runs on its own sort of logic," Monika, still in the form of a yuki-onna, commented. The Anchor gave a small sigh, sitting down on the pink sand, and dangling her feet into the pink water, "At the least, I appreciate the break from that frigid land…" no sooner had she finish speaking, did the water around her feet start to frost over. Monika quickly pulled her feet from the water, before giving a groan, "Now, if only I could figure out how to turn back to normal…"
Sayori sent her friend a sympathetic look, before glancing around at the surroundings again, "I suppose it is a bit preferable to being caught in a blizzard, but I would still like to have some sort of direction…"
Monika hummed to herself, looking around, before she took notice of something in the distance; a much larger island, with some large, pyramid-like structures on it, "Well, I'm not sure if it actually means anything, but that looks like a good place to start…"
Stepping out of the pale colored gate, Yuri and Natsuki needed to shield their eyes, having just come a world of pure darkness, and now stepping into a bright, desert-like area, filled with a large amount of strange curly plants(?)
Walking a few steps onto the sand, the two Dokis confusedly glanced around.
"Well, this place seems… better," Yuri smiled a bit as she looked at the somewhat dreary, but brighter, scenery.
"But, we're no closer to finding Monika, Sayori, or what this Loop's about," Natsuki, in contrast to her friend, regarded their surroundings with suspicion. "Also, where'd that girl go…?"
Yuri looked around with a careful eye, hopping to spot the girl she suspected may have been Looping, before she spotted a humanoid figure a bit of a distance away, walking down an open path through the plants, "There! I think that's her!"
Natsuki grumbled a bit, but a bit of a smile came to her face quickly, "Alright, let's hurry after her, and maybe get to the bottom of some of this stuff!"
"Right!" Yuri nodded back to the shorter girl, before they went after Madotsuki.
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo and Wookywok
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
It was a video of a blank screen, with a cartoon gnome running around it. "I'm gnot a gnelf," it said. "I'm gnot a gnoblin!"
Suddenly, the voice was no longer coming from the phone, instead resounding throughout the entire Clubroom and through the girls' skulls. "I'm a gnome," it exclaimed, "And you've been..."
The clubroom walls began to shake. "GNOOOOOOOOMED!"
The yell continued to echo through the room for several minutes after, causing a confused Sayori to peek her head in from the door and quirk an eyebrow, before shaking her head and closing it again.
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.11 - In Which Monika Rants About an American Coffee Chain, by Awesomedude17.
"You know, I have ask just this once." Yuri said. "What's your opinion on Starbucks?"
"I get that people enjoy it but as a coffee lover, I must say I don't like it at all. They burn their coffee. They go beyond dark roast and it messes with my taste buds hard. Oh boy, the non-burnt coffee drinks there are also too sweet. They are just the kind of thing that Sayori and Natsuki would salivate to though, and that's why you'll probably see me there. At most, I'd get an expect-express-espresso." Monika sighed, and summoned a cup of coffee.
"I take it that this rant's not over?"
"Far from it, Yuri. I just needed some coffee. A special red eye blend, taught to me by someone who dislikes Phoenix Wright."
"I thought you liked Wright?"
"I do, but the man knew his coffee well. He prefers it black, but he knows other blends. Learned a lot from him. Shame he isn't Looping."
"Speaking of, how's Blackquill?"
"Well, he seemed a little relieved when I told him about you and Nats."
"Wait? Really?" Yuri almost jumped out of her seat.
"Yuri, you were so obviously crushing on him, even a love blind idiot would have figured it out instantly."
Yuri blushed hard.
"Anyway, where was I going? Oh yeah, Starbucks and oversaturation."
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. Natsuki waited until Yuri was watching, before pressing play. On the screen, Natsuki walked into the room and looked at the camera. She adjusted a pair of glasses, before pulling out a stack of pages from behind her back.
"Memes in Looper culture," the Natsuki in the video said. "Ever since Yggdrasil's original devastation, Loopers across the multiverse have yearned for ways to entertain themselves. Some turned to combat, others turned to practical jokes. One of the more interesting of these hobbies, however, is a unique Internet-based medium known as 'memes.' Memes, by their definition, are ideas or concepts that propagate through cultural influence. In the context of this discussion, however, we'll be specifically referring to the Internet-based memes, occasionally referred to as shitposts or 'dank' memes. In standard Hub-like loops, the progression of memes becomes increasingly unstable as the loop progresses forward in time, with most common meme formats in the 2019-2020 period rarely lasting longer than a month, and often becoming increasingly absurd to match. This style of progression is extremely unreliable for Loopers, who maintain lifespans, or at least existence-spans, exceeding billions or trillions of years. To compensate for this, the memes that Loopers share or create typically combine the absurdity of late series memes with the simplicity of early series memes, with format types and common trends being blended together for-"
"Natsuki!" Monika yelled from some point off screen. "Are you turning my thesis into a copypasta!?"
The Natsuki burst into giggles, dropping the pages on the floor. The video ended with a cut off scream of laughter, as Monika burst into frame, blurry with motion from lunging at Natsuki.
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
33.12 - Breathing Control, by Awesomedude17.
The art of Hamon is an ancient technique that harnesses both impeccable breathing control and impeccable blood flow. If one or the other falters, the art is rendered weakened at best and inert at worst. Although the most famous users among Loopers was Jonathan Joestar and his grandson Joseph Joestar, Hamon is not exclusively a technique used by the family. Other Loopers tend to overlook Hamon largely due to the power that can be held in a Stand, but a few special Loopers realize just how effective Hamon could be.
Natsuki, the Literature Club's most outspoken member, knew this very well. She also happened to realize what the necessary components to being able to control Hamon would allow her to do.
So with a deep breath, she placed the mouthpiece in her mouth, and began to play the theme song of her Branch on the bagpipes.
Monika banged her head on the desk in response. She knew Natsuki would get her back for the Korean BBQ/Taco fusion debacle from when they were in Remnant.
33.1, con't. - Looper Humor, by Zum1UDontNo
Natsuki and Yuri were hanging out in the Clubroom, sitting on the floor with their backs to each other. Yuri was reading a new novel, and Natsuki was idly scrolling through her phone.
"Hey Yuyu," Natsuki chuckled. "Check out this meme I got from my last Loop."
Yuri put down her book, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder. It was the number 69, on a white background in white text.
Yuri snorted. "Nice."
Compiler's Commentary:
33.1 - Haha, Loopy meemz
33.2 - This ends with Monika and MC-kun having a sick rap battle, somehow. It happens more often than you might believe.
33.3 - The Dokies never met a chocolate they didn't like.
33.4 - Clive Barker does amazing work, don't me.
33.5 - Yaaaaay, I've been waiting so long for this to continue! Very glad to see that Madotsuki got her precious Knife back, and also that she didn't stab Yuri or Natsuki with it. That could have been awkward.
33.6 - I don't blame you Monika, I'd rather get into a shootout with Hell than play Uno with my sisters ;-;
33.7 - Monika later got even with Natsuki by replacing her coconut flakes with soap shavings. Sayori and Yuri deemed this "disproportionate retribution" since it resulted in both of them eating soap.
33.8 - Vaporwave: Like LSD for your ears!
33.9 - Gonna be honest, it couldn't be worse than the time I want to Chuck E. Cheese's when I was seven.
33.10 - More surrealist shenanigans in the Dreamscape! Will Monika ever get to warm up? Will Madotsuki ever open up to the newcomers? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME, OMOCHAO!
33.11 - I don't get coffee, like at all, so I have nothing to add to this. *sips Mountain Dew*
33.12 - Natsuki was humbled by her next loop, wherein she was Scottsuki.