updated chapter 9 and 10 01/18/19/because it was a hot mess of typos. it might still be

Chapter 10

Can you change me from the monster you made me- Starset

They had all feared for the worst when they were suddenly freed.

Jason hadn't even bothered with words, he immediately used his Red-X belt to get to her.

He only hoped he would find her alive.

He made it seconds and immediately began to search.

He found her alone in the room, battered, bruised and in tattered clothing. His heart sunk, he had been too late.

He ran to her, not even thinking of where the Joker could be and grabbed her.

"Oh thank god," he sighed as he felt her strong pulse.

"Jae?" she mumbled as she regained some consciousness. " Jae, you're here. I'm sorry, I betrayed you but I had to."

Jason said nothing as he picked her up.

"Kid," he said. " You are such a reckless and stupid little girl, I want you to know that."

He smiled as she pouted and fell unconscious once more.

He took her and vanished to the tower where 3 very angry bats awaited the reckless teen.

What a day.

A few days later

She handed him the small and inconspicuous rock. It was a gemstone made of fluorite that she had in her room and it was The Joker's new prison which she hoped it would cage him in forever.

"You sure you want me to take care of this," the young man asked her.

She looked at the man in front of her. She had called him a few days ago when things had calmed down and she felt safe enough to leave the grounds without anyone trying to follow her.

"Yes Tim," she said to him. "You're the one I can trust to care for this prison the most."

She hadn't told anyone what she had done to the Joker except Tim. They all had their own suspicions, her banishing him to a dark and empty dimension, completely destroying his body, etc.. However none knew that she sealed him inside a world of her own creation. She had sealed him in a rock and she had made it so he should never be able to escape.

The problem was that she didn't want to keep the rock near her. The process was similar to how she carried her father on her forehead and her father would whisper things into her mind. She didn't want that to happen with the Joker.

She debated about who to give the stone to.

Batman was definitely out. She just couldn't find herself trusting him. After Jason had saved her he took her to the rest of the bat family and Bruce had been beyond enraged.

He hadn't yelled. he honestly hadn't said anything but she could feel it.

It made her wary about him

Dick was too emotional to properly keep the rock safe.

She would never let the Joker near Damian. Even trapped in a rock.

Jason didn't need the Jokers' voice taunting him. He would do something reckless and she cared too much for him. She wouldn't let him get hurt again.

That left Tim.

Tim was an amazing Robin and he was level-headed. He could take care of it.

Tim smiled gently and took the object.

"Okay," he said to her. "How are you, Raven?"

Raven shrugged her shoulders.

"Feeling better I guess," she said to him. "It's a relief for him to be gone."

"I wish I could have helped," Tim said seriously. "But Bruce demanded I stay and keep an eye on Gotham. "

"Understandable," Raven replied. "What matters is that it's over. He can't hurt anyone anymore."

Tim nodded.

"What do you think the big announcement Dick has is?" he asked trying to make conversation.

She shrugged her shoulders.

Earlier that day Dick had asked all the Titans, Bruce, Alfred, Tim, and even Jason to meet at the tower for some big news. No one was sure as to what the news was but it seemed to be good.

Things had been returning to normal, albeit slowly and Raven hoped that things would be at full normalcy soon.

"It's almost time to head back for the big announcement," Raven said. "Let's head back."

Tim nodded and the two left the coffee shop they had met.

Alfred was preparing a large dinner for the team and the bats. Everyone was in attendance. Even Jason, who had cornered her in a room much to her displeasure.

The two had not spoken since he had rescued her again and she had been thoroughly avoiding him. She didn't want to face him as she felt bad for taking his kill away.

"Sunshine," he said to her. "Like to tell me why you are avoiding me like I'm the plague?"

Raven looked up at the intimidating man in confusion.

She hadn't felt any anger or animosity coming from him, only sadness.

She had honestly thought he would be upset at her.

"I," she began but was unable to continue. Tears began to stream down her face and she felt slightly mortified by the sudden burst of emotion.

Jason smiled and ruffled her hair as he brought her into a tight, brotherly hug.

"I'm not mad if that's what you think," he said to her. "I know where you're coming from, kid, and I know why you did what you did and honestly, would I rather he be bruised, bloody and dead yeah but I know you took care of him. It's a win-win for everyone. I wanna be friends' sunshine, you're a good kid."

She hugged him back. Feeling warmth like when she would hug Vic or Dick. She wanted to be friends with him as well. He had saved her after all and that was something she would never forget. She owed him her world.

"Let's go eat now," he said with a pat to her back. "Alfred makes some good food and I haven't had his chicken since I died. I'm hungry."

Raven nodded and the two went to the dining table.

She sat next to Damian and took note of all the different and delicious looking dishes before her. She suddenly felt so hungry and couldn't wait to dig in.

"Hello Raven," Damian said with his Damian-style smile. "Alfred has been hard at work to prepare us this meal in light of whatever news Grayson has."

"It looks delicious," she said.

"Would you like to join me on a trip to the movie theatre later on tonight?" he asked with a small blush. "I feel an outing would be something fun we can partake in. Just you and I. As…as a date perhaps?"

Raven smiled at the awkwardness of the young Wayne. She grabbed one of his hands in both of hers and gave him a small smile.

"Of course," she said to him. "I would love to."

The sudden ping of a spoon hitting glass caught the attention of the two.

"Okay," Dick said with Kori standing beside him. "Seeing as everyone is here and you all look extremely hungry I think it's time for our news."

Ours, Raven thought interested.

"As you know Kori and I have been a strong relationship for a few years," Dick stated. "Well, the news is that we are expecting. Kori is pregnant and in give-or-take 7 months, we will be welcoming a new child into the world."

The room burst with excitement as everyone began to congratulate the couple.

Raven smiled.

Yes, things were turning back to normal and right now things were nice.

She could feel all the happiness and she smiled.

She wished this moment of joy and merriment could last forever, that nothing bad would ever happen again.

But as she sat in her chair and watched everyone enjoy their meal a feeling washed upon her entire person.

Things were happy now and happy moments would come and they would go. It was the in-between that was worrying her.

It was a gut feeling but she just knew something wasn't right.

The End

Well, that's all for this story. I do have a sequel for this that I will post in a few weeks or so. So be on the lookout for that.

I had fun with this story and I hope you follow me to the sequel!

As to why I updated I had a review saying the ending was weak and I agree! it was and maybe still is weak and lazy. I didn't change it much and its still anticlimactic but I hope for the sequel to be better.


Thank you all :)