Disclaimer: I am not the owner of Blue Exorcist or Once Upon a Time

(Years ago, in the Enchanted Forest)

It was dark, a dimly lit room with cavernous rock walls illuminated solely by torches on the path inside. Deeper into this place were two cages, prison cells made of strange bone-like material keeping two powerful enemies separated from each other. In one cell was a well-known man, with scaly skin smiling brightly at the moonlit sky out the tiny window in the upper corner of his cell. This was the Dark One, his gaze flickering over to the adjoining cell next to his own.

In this cell was a young teenager, black hair falling into his face as he slumped over in his cell. To anyone watching him, the boy looked defeated as he lifted his gaze, blue eyes flickering around the room as a small light began to approach them. One of the torches was moving, alerting them to the presence of someone new in these dim halls.

"Rin? Are you in here, Rin?" a voice called out, familiar to the black haired boy.

Rin's head snapped up, getting onto his feet as he rushed towards the bars of his prison. "Yukio? How the hell did you even get in here, you four-eyed mole-face?" Rin demanded, seeing the man coming closer from the halls.

Yukio gave him a weak smile, pulling down the hood from his cloak and setting the torch down into one of the holders on the rock walls. "It is good to see you again, Rin. I was worried I'd be too late…the Queen said she planned on executing you soon." Yukio stated calmly, his face grave.

"Yeah, I kind of screwed up, didn't I?" Rin asked sheepishly, grinning as he rubbed the back of his head. "Still, things could be worse. I mean, at least Snow's still alive, right?" Rin stated.

Yukio sighed, shaking his head at Rin. He moved closer, frowning as he inspected the doors of Rin's cage, pulling on them to test their strength. "Rin…there is so much you don't know right now. Things may have been better if she had been caught long ago…" Yukio mused darkly, frowning as he reached into his belt to pull out a sword.

Rin's eyes widened, not used to seeing such a weapon in his brother's hands. Yukio was better with ranged weapons, preferring bows to swords, but right now, he slashed out at the cage with the steel blade, the sound echoing throughout the room in a loud clang. "Hold up a sec, Yukio! What is that supposed to mean? What the hell happened to Snow?" Rin demanded.

Yukio turned away, seeing not even so much as a dent in the bars keeping Rin imprisoned. Before he could reply, however, a strange giggle seemed to come from the other cell. Rin and Yukio both turned towards the man inside, Yukio looking confused while Rin looked wary. "You know what's going on, don't you, you scaly-skinned bastard?" Rin demanded.

The man approached them, his hands gripping the bars of his cell as he smiled at Yukio. "Indeed I do, and there is no need to worry." Rumplestiltskin declared, while Yukio glared over at him.

"No need to worry? The darkest curse in all of history is about to be cast, and you don't want to try and do something to stop it?" Yukio demanded, enraged by his calm attitude about all of this.

The Dark One laughed again, stepping back as he placed his palms together in front of him. "Oh yes, it is indeed coming." he began. "There is nothing we can do to stop it, for we are all going on a wonderful journey, to a land where all of this will be nothing but a dream…or perhaps it won't even exist at all. Who am I to say how it will affect us after all?" he insisted, a gleam in his eye as he focused on both brothers.

Rin crossed sighed, running a hand through his hair as he walked casually over towards Rumplestiltskin's cell. "Let me guess, you want to make another deal, right?" he asked. "What is it going to cost to know what this curse will actually do to us?"

The Dark One laughed, pointing over to the window of their cell. Outside, a massive storm seemed to have begun, one of magical origin. A cloud of dark purples swirled in the sky, coming closer every second they spoke and leaving Yukio and Rin staring with wide eyes. "Too late, it is already here. I shall be seeing you again soon, Rin Okumura. After all, I am quite interested to see the future of a boy who attracts the attention of such interesting individuals."

The Dark One gave out one last eager laugh as the storm broke in. It was surprising to see that not even this magic had enough force to break through the walls of their prison, but it did ensnare all three of the people within. A dark haze fell over them, and Rin's eyes drifted shut on this world. He collapsed on the ground, his memories fading away as the Dark Curse arrived to take them all away to a new land, a land where magic was nothing but a fairy tale.

(Today, in Storybrooke)

Things were getting interesting tonight, Evan noticed. He sat at his desk, his black glasses resting on the bridge of his nose as he brushed aside his short brown hair. Next to him was the sheriff of Storybrooke, Graham, looking ready to go out patrolling as usual. The two of them had always been a team, leading the police station of this small town and keeping things safe in the area. While little happened that required them to act, Evan was always vigilant, ready to protect this town for their mayor.

"We've got a call." Graham stated, hanging up the phone and rising to his feet. Evan followed suit, picking up his belt and holstering a handgun within as he moved to leave with his boss. "The mayor's kid is missing." he stated.

"Henry Mills? That is odd…then again, the boy has been acting strange as of late." Evan commented, frowning thoughtfully. Henry had come to him only a few months ago, asking if Evan knew anything about where Henry came from. He understood the boy's struggles, since, much like Henry, Evan had never met his true father. Henry was taking things too far, though. The boy was obsessing over this, which was why he and Graham were always on Regina's side about sending Henry to sessions with Archie in town.

Graham nodded in agreement, walking outside and climbing into the driver's seat of his car. "Well, Regina wants him found, now. Looks like our easy day of lounging around the station is a thing of the past." Graham commented.

Evan narrowed his eyes at Graham, shaking his head. "You never want to take things seriously around here. Why do I always feel like I'm the only one doing work in this town?" he demanded, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Graham grinned over at him, starting the car to begin their patrol for Henry. "That's because you always try so hard to find trouble. You've got to learn to relax a bit, Evan, have some fun every now and then. It can't be healthy working this hard all of the time, especially when there really isn't that much crime around here." he insisted.

Ignoring that comment, Evan simply gazed out the front window of the car as they drove down the streets. As a child, Henry could not get far, unless he had an accomplice to aid him. Knowing that he had few friends in school helped eliminate that as an option for him, but Evan still felt uneasy. If Henry had gotten truly desperate, then the child could have resorted to theft, or even stowing away on a bus in order to leave town."What did Mayor Mills say? Where was Henry last seen?" Evan asked.

Graham seemed to focus, nodding as he turned down another street. Evan's gaze flickered across the sidewalks, trying to think of where a child would like to hide when running away in a town like this. "She saw him before school, but when she went to pick him up, he was gone. Mary-Margaret had not seen him at all, so from what we've gathered, he skipped class to run away from home." he explained.

"I see, so he has had an entire day to run around unsupervised." Evan stated calmly, trying to reason through where he might be. Maybe he could ask Ryan about it, but Evan dismissed the idea. His brother had a rocky relationship with him in the first place, and he'd rather not antagonize the guy with work. After all, he was the one who had nearly arrested Ryan over an improper liquor license for his tavern. Ultimately, Ryan had been forced to stop selling alcohol, but the Devil's Tavern continued to be popular for the food made in town. "Hopefully, he is still in town. Runaways usually stay somewhere familiar, and from what I remember, Henry Mills has never once left Storybrooke before."

Graham nodded in agreement. "That's true, but you know how he's been lately. The kid has had a few problems, he can't distinguish fantasy from reality these days." he insisted.

Evan had heard this as well, aware that the kid wandered around with that book in hand everywhere. He was convinced that everyone here was a character from some fairy tale, but Evan knew otherwise. This was reality, and nothing Henry stated would change that fact. "Regardless of his mindset, Henry is still a child. He has a reason behind his actions, however foolish that reason may be. From his most recent actions, the only reason he has to leave town is to locate his birth mother."

Graham looked surprised, glancing over at Evan with a raised eyebrow. "Like you said, Henry is a child. It was a closed adoption, there's no way he could find out that information." the sheriff insisted.

Nodding in agreement, Evan leaned back in his seat. "I agree, and that is why Henry must be in town. Perhaps he believes he found a way to end this 'curse' he claims we live under."

Graham nodded, diving in silence for a while. "Regina dropped Henry off at the bus stop, so maybe someone saw him nearby." he stated as he pulled over, parking in the streets of the town.

Both men got out, gazing around at the buildings lining the main street of Storybrooke. The iconic Granny's Diner was right across the street from them, with Ruby's grandmother calling the girl back in to get back to work. Evan quickly decided to start there, moving into the diner and leaning on the counter as Ruby walked back. "Welcome to Granny's, what can I get for you two today?" she stated, chewing on a piece of gum as she pulled out her notepad to take their order.

"We are not here for the food, Ruby. You are aware that we are officers in this town, we came here on business. Unlike you, we have work that we must focus on every day." Evan stated, a bit irritated with the way Ruby leaned towards him.

The girl rolled her eyes at him, placing her pencil and notepad down. Instead, she moved to rest her arm on her hip, waiting for an actual question. "No need to be so rude, Evan. You're lucky Graham is friendlier than you, because otherwise I don't think I'd want to help at all." she insisted.

Evan sighed, glancing over at his partner for help in this matter. "Look, Ruby, Henry has gone missing." Graham stated, staring into the waitress' eyes.

Ruby stood up straighter, looking genuinely concerned. "Henry? You mean the mayor's kid?" she asked. Evan nodded, already regretting coming to her for help. "Sorry, but I haven't seen him around. You should try Archie, Henry loves playing with his dog sometimes. If he is looking for a place to relax, that's where I'd say he's at."

Walking back into the street, Graham turned to move off on their next lead. However, he stopped in front of a familiar building standing just next to Gold's Pawn Shop. It was a little run-down, with some of the white pain chipping off the outside walls, but the wooden sign looked almost new. Black lettering called the place the Devil's Tavern, and it even had a small little black demon to decorate the sign. "You know, your brother might be able to help. Henry always got along with Ryan well, despite their age difference." Graham suggested.

Evan glanced at the building, debating it for a moment before shaking his head, looking down towards the ground. "No…I will not go to my brother for this. I do not think he has forgiven me after what happened before." Evan insisted.

Graham didn't push the matter, instead continuing on towards Archie's office. When that lead turned up empty once more, they moved on towards the school to see if his peers had heard anything about plans to run away in the near future. Everyone always said the same thing about Henry, though. The kid was nice, but he was antisocial and never looked away from that book of his in class. Ultimately, Evan and Graham searched for hours before deciding the check with Regina on the matter. Evan was beginning to suspect that the kid had left town, as unlikely as it was. No one in Storybrooke had seen him, and while kidnapping was possible, the people here were not the type to do such a thing on a whim like this.

When they arrived at the mayor's home, things seemed to have resolved themselves. The boy was back, and with him was another woman with long blond hair and a red jacket over her shoulders. "There you are. What have the two of you been doing all day? I've already found my son, no thanks to either of you." Regina stated, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at both officers.

"Sorry, m'am. I will let you deal with this out here, while I go check on the lad." Graham stated calmly, walking past her to find Henry.

Evan nodded towards her, moving to do the same. "We were under the impression that Henry was still in town. If we had been informed of his intention to find his birth mother sooner, perhaps this could have been dealt with quicker." he insisted, gazing over at the other woman thoughtfully. There was not much resemblance between the two, though there was something about the bone structure that seemed to be similar between this woman and her child.

"How did you know who I was? I never told you my name, officer." Emma demanded, looking wary of the man now stepping past Regina.

Evan glanced back, stopping for a moment. "You look like him…and I know what he's going through. It is not easy, feeling like you were not wanted by your family and wondering who they were. To be honest, Henry is luckier than I was. I can't even picture the face of my parents, because I truly have nothing to base them off of." he stated quietly, his expression sad before he moved on upstairs.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Evan asked, sitting down next to Henry on the bed. The kid glanced over at him, giving Evan a small smile.

"Fine, but I'm beginning to realize this might take longer than I thought." Henry stated. "My mom is in denial, but I'll convince her somehow."

Graham shared a look with Evan, clearly showing his doubt on who Henry was speaking over. "You mean the new girl, right?" Graham asked, watching Henry nod.

"That's my birth mother, I finally found her." he stated, smiling over at them. "I told you I'd do it, Evan, didn't I? Now, all I have to do is get her to believe, and this nightmare will end for all of us." Henry insisted.

"That would be great, Henry." Evan stated, before Graham could attempt to dissuade the child. "However, be careful with her. Your mother seems to have a strong will, and I doubt she'll believe your stories as easily as you might think."

Henry nodded, yawning and pulling the covers up in his bed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll figure it out later. Oh, and Evan?" Henry stated, glancing over at the man. "Thank you for believing in me. You're a good guy, one of the heroes I'm sure."

Evan smiled and shook his head, leaving with Graham to head back to the station for tonight. As strange as it was, that was the first day that really began to stand out in Evan's mind. Normally, his work blended in together from one day to the next, but from that point on, his life moved forward. The clock tower seemed to have been fixed over night, and ultimately, life would never be the same for the residents of Storybrooke, now that their savior had arrived.

Out of all of my ideas that I'm beginning to post, this is the only one that has an actual outline to go along with it...however, while I love the backstory I have planned, I am disliking the main plot I had in mind. So, along with the rest, I still won't promise an actual conclusion, as I won't post something if I feel it isn't at a decent quality. If for some reason, I find that I won't continue this story on, I may just post the outline so you know what was going to happen...though I really don't think the plot lines up anymore with OUAT's storyline. If you give me an idea, you will get credit, I promise! There is also a poll on my profile for those of you wishing to tell me which story you want me to focus on. Other than that, feel free to review and tell me what you think!