Disclaimer: I am not the owner of The Incredibles, How to Train Your Dragon, Brave, Tangled, Frozen, or Rise of the Guardians (Since this is a massive crossover, I am only giving the disclaimer once, unless new fandoms are added later on).

Warnings: This story takes place after The Incredibles 2. While I have not planned any direct references to the new movie, spoilers may be hinted at within. Also takes place after a variation on the following: HTTYD 1, ROTG, Tangled, and Frozen. Other characters/fandoms may be added as this story idea progresses.

The battle was harsh and unforgiving. Violet stood with her family, working as a team against a new villain in town going by the name of Shadowlord. Just as the name indicated, he was a super with control over darkness itself. Standing on the streets with no way of seeing even a foot in front of her, Violet felt her pulse race as she searched frantically for at least some sign of her family. Last she saw, her mom and dad had run off to fight him. With the darkness on the streets, too many car crashes had occurred already. The headlights of vehicles were the only things that had allowed Violet to see at first, but the villain had worked quickly to break each and every light providing them with vision.

"Mom? Dad?" Violet tried to catch their attention, calling out around her. People pushed past her as she did so, rushing to try and find freedom. Chaos and panic surrounded her, leaving Violet a bit dazed as she stumbled back from another collision. One person's fast-paced running sent her falling onto her butt, where she grimaced and stared up at the shadowy forms of civilians rushing for safety. This wasn't looking good. A shout in the distance told her the fight was still going on, but it didn't tell her who was hurt. It was masculine, and since the super had been a man, she didn't have enough details to identify the shout as Dash, her dad, or the villain.

Pushing herself back up, Violet sighed and began moving forward. All of this had supposedly been an attempt to rob some big bank nearby. With the security the bank had, apparently the villain thought pure darkness would keep him hidden from both people and cameras. It wasn't a terrible idea, but it also wasn't the brightest plan either. Being in the dark didn't mean it was impossible to stop someone, it just made them harder to identify. Essentially, it was about as useful as wearing a mask while robbing a bank to keep their identity hidden.

Feeling a rush of wind by her side, Violet smiled. However, that smile slowly faded when she realized what the speeding figure actually meant. "Here, take this!" Her smile vanished, however, when she glanced down and spotted what Dash had handed to her in his rush. He was supposed to be watching Jack Jack! Groaning, Violet glared down at the smiling baby now in her arms. What was she supposed to do now?

"You Supers think you are all that, don't you?" The voice of Shadowlord echoed around Violet, along with a dark laugh. "Did you really think all this was for a simple bank? Don't make me laugh." Feeling a chill, Violet's eyes narrowed. Maybe she was onto something before, when she thought about how stupid this villain's plan seemed. There was another ploy here, a second layer to this attack.

Darkness seemed to creep along at her feet, shadows almost moving like smoke in the distance. Stepping away from the sight, Violet's eyes were wide, searching for a hiding place. This enemy's weakness was light, but he had already destroyed the lights as quickly as possible. "Launch me!" The familiar voice of her father made her smile, taking comfort in the fact that at least her parents had a plan. Maybe she was better off just watching Jack Jack. Against this villain, she might not do anything other than get in the way.

Placing a force-field around herself, Violet tried to keep the darkness at bay. The purple lightning-like lines formed a dome around her, stopping all of the dark shadows from entering. "Abandoning your family? Well, I suppose that makes us alike, doesn't it?" Once again, Violet froze. Her grip tightened on the baby, while Jack Jack's smile began to fade. "In fact…my super parents were the reason I grew up like this. They told me to hide, that my powers were wrong and illegal. Well…if the law was destined to see me as a villain, than I vowed, I would become the greatest villain this world has ever seen. And my oh so supportive parents…well, I suppose I'll show you exactly what I did to them for how kind they were to me for embracing my true self."

"No! Leave my family alone. If you hurt them, I swear I'll…" Violet trailed off, biting her lip and looking for a chance to fight back. Maybe she could try to sneak up on this villain. Her invisibility was normally her trump card, so it could at least do something to help right now.

Laughter was Shadowlord's response. "Oh, I look forward to it, my dear. Because, once you've understood pain…you'll become just like me." With that, Violet heard a scream. It was too deep to be Shadowlord's voice, though, making her eyes widen.

"Dad!" Her shout was met with no response.

Instead, she heard a distant growl. "You get away from them!" Dash was charging in now, likely recklessly fighting against this guy who had hurt their dad. He was always overconfident, and glaring, Violet lifted her hand to try and protect him. Maybe she could at least get close to where Dash was with her forcefields, just using the sound as a guideline for his location.

"No, Dash, stay back! Get to your sister, leave this to us." Elastagirl's shout made Violet blink, searching for any sign of her mother's red suit. Maybe the color would stand out, even in pure shadows.

A muffled cry came before Dash could respond. "Dash…Dad…what is going on? Mom, where are they? Why isn't Dad answering?" Sweat was forming on her skin, and her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest. No one was listening, and now, not even Mom would reply.

As if someone had flicked on a light switch, the darkness vanished in an instant. The sudden light made Violet wince slightly, covering her eyes with her arm. At the same time, Jack Jack began crying in her arms. The baby couldn't be her focus right now, though, not when her parents needed help. Cautiously moving forward, Violet began to drop her arm, squinting out into the street. Broken cars seemed scattered around, some of them from crashing into each other, others from attacks given by Shadowlord. However, what made Violet freeze was the sight of her family. Her dad was collapsed on the ground, his super suit ripped and torn by some unseen force. According to Edna, these suits were supposed to be virtually indestructible. When Dash and Mom didn't look any different, Violet's breathing began to become shallow and harsh. This wasn't possible, it couldn't be real. None of them were moving, and she could have sworn she saw blood…blood on the street and on them.

Standing in front of it all was the man responsible, laughing at her reaction. This time, she couldn't stop herself from screaming, crouching on the ground and holding Jack Jack protectively to her chest. All she could do was keep him safe. Her power was too weak to take this guy down alone, and right now, her parents would want her to make sure the baby survived.

With tears on her cheeks, Violet could practically feel the chill as darkness spread once more. "Do you see now, Violet?" This time, the voice sounded a little higher-pitched, morphing slightly. In her arms, Jack Jack's form seemed to vanish into thin air. Grasping at the spot he had once been, Violet began shaking her head, reaching out until her hand pressed against the barrier created by her forcefield. There, another gloved hand seemed to rise, pressing into the wall against her own. The face of Shadowlord seemed to morph entirely, taking on her own features with a dark and twisted smile. "You're the one who destroyed our family. You are too weak to even admit it, to admit that one day, you will be just like me."

Screeching, Violet tried to scramble away, but the other figure only laughed. "This power will destroy the city! I will make you like me, no matter what it takes." Shaking her head, Violet closed her eyes tightly. In an instant, everything seemed to fade away and she bolted up in her bed, breathing heavily with sweat dropping down her back. Pressing a hand to her head, she slowly began to calm herself. Her breathing became more even, and her heartbeat seemed to slow. All of it, that had just been a dream. Her family had already beaten Shadowlord two weeks ago. In fact, the battle had only taken three minutes. Making things dark really hadn't been that great of a super power, in retrospect.

Shaking her head, Violet swung her legs over the side of her bed, taking one last deep breath. Bad dreams happened all the time, but lately, she seemed to be having more and more of them. At the same time, with the legalization of Supers, battles against criminals were more common than ever. She was likely just stressed and afraid for her family. That would explain why in almost every nightmare, her family died.

Walking around her room, Violet slowly began to get ready for the day. She had school this morning, unfortunately. Summer didn't last long enough, and she was tired of going through the same routine repeatedly. At least Tony would be there. A slight blush formed on her cheeks at the thought. Really, they had only managed to go on about three dates. All of the others that they had planned got interrupted by some robbery or break-in these days. Police were relying heavily on Supers, and her family was the first one called for any danger.

Even with their limited amount of social outings, the guy was sweet enough to still want to date her. Most guys would have been scared away already, thinking she wasn't interested. She just hoped that it wouldn't keep interfering with her relationships, however. While Tony was understanding for now, she had noticed a certain loss of light in his eyes when she talked to him at school. His eagerness was fading, along with his hope that she would stay interested. While she hadn't talked to her parents about it, Violet had a feeling that Tony wouldn't really be coping with too many more canceled dates.

Eating her cereal at the table, Violet remained lost in thought. Sitting across from her was her dad, reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee ready to go. Mom was feeding Jack Jack, who seemed to be having another fit about an unsatisfying meal. The demon baby was roaring in his high-chair, throwing food at Mom along with silverware. However, Mom quickly silenced him by picking up the spoon and making train noises to amuse the baby. She had really gotten the hang of dealing with a super-powered baby these days, though Violet still got worried when Jack Jack's laser eyes burned holes through the walls. One day, the neighbors would begin questioning why they constantly had to have repair men out to do maintenance on the house.

"Mom, this is terrible!" Dash came sprinting down the stairs, nothing but a blur as he approached the table. As soon as he arrived, he tore into the other room, tearing off cushions on the sofa before rushing into the bathroom again. The sound of rummaging could be heard from within, until he came back out and returned. "I can't find…my homework! I spent all that time working on it, and now I'm going to get in trouble again because Mr. Grumby will think I'm lying!"

Still feeding the baby, Mom smiled and watched as Jack Jack giggled at the spiraling spoon in front of him. "Did you check your backpack already? I thought I told you to make sure it was in there before you went to bed last night."

Scowling, Dash opened his bag. "Yes, I did…I told you it is—" He broke off, glancing down at a folder he pulled out of his bag.

Lifting an eyebrow, Violet couldn't help herself. "Oh, so that isn't your homework, Dash? I guess homework just magically appeared in your bag out of nowhere this time."

"Hey, I said I checked it before!" With a huff, he shoved the folder back inside, running over to Violet's side. "It's not like you haven't misplaced your homework before either."

Setting her spoon down, Violet turned towards her brother. She was already in a bad mood from the dream, she didn't need this adding to it. "Yeah, well at least I don't lie about checking in my bag! Mom, tell Dash that it isn't right to lie!"

"Hey!" Dash shouted, looking ready to pounce. "I just didn't see it the first time! It's like…it's like…" He trailed off, trying to think of a simile for his situation.

When he couldn't finish, Violet decided to finish for him. "It's like nothing, Dash! Just leave me alone, I've got to get my own stuff ready for school." With a huff, she shoved her chair back from the table, rushing off towards her room. Behind her, both Dad and Mom stopped in their actions, sharing a look.

She heard a muffled whisper from her brother who stared after her with furrowed brows. "What was that about?"

"I don't know…but I'm going to find out." Mom's voice gave Violet a sinking feeling as she slammed her door shut, sinking to the floor in her room. She had to admit, this really wasn't normally what she was like. She had fought with Dash before, but she never got that angry so quickly. Feeling heaviness in her eyes, Violet took a deep breath and shook her head. She just needed more sleep after that nightmare, she decided. Once school was over, she would take a nap and everything would be back to normal. Grabbing her bag, Violet put on a smile and began moving out the door for class. Things really could only get better from here, and maybe, she could plan another date with Tony that she'd actually be able to go on this time.

For those of you unaware, I am currently posting multiple unfinished ideas that I've gotten stuck drafting. Credit will be given if anyone inspires new ideas for these stories, and a poll is on my profile for you to suggest which story I should make my main focus right now! This one I plan on being a massive crossover between many disney/dreamworks movies, though it takes place in a mesh of the world from Incredibles and ROTG. Feel free to review and tell me what you think!