UPDATE: I realized that I forgot a chapter. It's the chapter that introduces Kasper to the rest of the team, so it will help the story make a bit more sense. The new chapter is "Chapter 4- Lucky Me!" The rest of the chapters have now been bumped back a place. Sorry about the confusion, but its just such a fun chapter, I couldn't leave it out!

Notes: It has been at least 5 years since I have written any fanfiction, so please be kind. That said: I know nothing of the music industry, playing music, or reading music...aside from listening to it, I'm not at all musical. So just, bear with me and have a healthy suspension of disbelief when reading. Its mostly just just shameless smut.

Warnings for graphic depictions of crime scenes, sex scene between two men, and for scenes of torture. This is your trigger warning, if it bothers you please don't read.

Other than that, enjoy!

It's good to be back.

-Blossoming Nightshade

"Alright my little birdies, you are flying to Atlanta, Georgia where the local PD has asked for our help. Every month, for the last 3 months, a popular or well known amateur violinist has gone missing. They are found no less than two days later with multiple stab wounds and lacerations along with...this." Garcia looked to her friends at the table and away from the images on the screen.

Rossi motioned to the screen "What are we looking at Garcia?"

"That's the million dollar question. It's just a bunch of random letters as far as anyone can tell. They could be initials, but they don't match any missing persons and so far there are no connections to the victims."

"Alright, wheels up in 30." Hotch began to stand as Garcia interrupted

"Actually, sir, Atlanta PD says that they won't be able to get accomodations for you until tomorrow and has requested you arrive in the morning."

Hotch corrected "Alright. Everyone go home for the night, read the files, and meet back here ready to go at 7:30 am."

The plane landed down and the Atlanta PD were quick to meet them. A large man with a military style buzz cut stepped forward.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, agents. I'm Chief Andrews, we're glad to have your help."

"Chief Andrews, I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner. This is our Press Liaison, Agent Jareau. Agents Rossi, Morgan, Prentiss, and Dr. Spencer Reid." The agents all nodded in turn.

"Nice to meet you. I've got the latest body in the morgue, and a room set up for you at the station."

"Thank you. Prentiss and Reid go check the body, JJ do what you can to keep the press quiet. The rest of us will begin the profile at the station." Hotch pulled Reid aside as everyone took their places in the SUVs,

"I'm really sorry that this is so close to your requested time off. We will do our best to wrap up the case beforehand but it may cut into your trip. If it does I'll ensure Strauss compensates with additional time off."

Reid adjusted the strap on his messenger bag, "Hotch, it's okay. It's part of the job. I'll figure it out when it comes. And...thank you." Hotch smiled as Prentiss walked up with the keys to the SUV.

"You ready to go to the morgue?" she stated, just as chipper as always.

"As the strong man exhaults in his physical ability, delighting in such exercises which call his muscles into action, so glories the analyst in that moral activity which disentangles." Prentiss stared at Reid with a questioning look on her face

"Murders in the Rue Morgue." They both heard the chuckle of their Unit Chief before he walked off.

"...Right. You are one of a kind Dr. Reid." The two agents smiled at each other as they climbed into the vehicle.

As Prentiss pulled away in the vehicle, she had a grin on her face "So...how are things with Hotch?"

Reid rolled his eyes laughing, leave it to his best friend to ask that when there is no escaping the question. "It's fine, i guess. He said I would get additional time off if the case cut into my vacation."

Prentiss looked disappointed by the news. "Come on Spence, just tell him how you feel already." Reid rolled his eyes.

"You know I can't do that Em, he's my boss and I'd like to keep my job. Besides, he was married...to a woman." Even if he was interested in men, look at me, I'm not exactly arm candy."

Reid gestured to the outfit of Chucks, corduroys, and sweater vest over his dress shirt.

"Hey!" Prentiss yelled "You are amazing and funny, and your looks are all part of your charm. ANYone would be lucky to be with you, and if I wasn't so into women, I'd throw my hat in the ring." The two friends laughed.

Back at the station Hotch was looking over the case files with the rest of the team.

"One of the victims was black, two were white. Race is not a factor, but gender and build may be. All were males with tall yet slender builds."

Rossi looked through the files "not just that, but they all played the violin. The first one was only well known locally, but the 2nd and 3rd would travel all over the country."

"So we are looking for a local resident, or at least someone familiar with the town?" Morgan asked

"Not necessarily. According to the sheriff, this is one of the top cities for concerts and budding artists. Big names come through all year." Hotch added as he wrote on the board.

"But if he's only after Violinists- that cuts down our potential victims significantly." JJ added as she walked into the room.

"You're right." Hotch added "We are going to need a list of violinists performing in this city for the upcoming months."

"Already got it." JJ handed a sheet of paper to Rossi

A short time later Emily and Reid walked into the conference room with a file in hand.

"What did you find?" Hotch questioned

Reid laid out the photos, "Well, like all the prior vics, the unsub used methods of torture. There were restraint marks on the ankles and hips, but none on the arms or hands. We got a close look at the restraint marks and I believe the method of restraint was wire."

The group looked to Reid at that announcement. "Wire? Thats...uncommon." Remarked Rossi

"More specifically, the ME found traces of aluminum in the skin. Given that fact, the measurements of the wire, and the unique winding pattern of the outer wire, I suspect the unsub is using a G string."

Hotch and Rossi looked at him puzzled before Morgan asked disbelievingly "A g-string made out of wire? That's a new one even for me." Rossi chuckled in response, even louder when he saw the confusion on the young doctor's face.

Spencer began to explain "A g-string is typically a solid steel core wrapped in aluminum and-"

Prentiss Interrupted with a hand on his arm "He means a violin string."

Spencer blushed "Yeah, that."

Morgan elaborated "Okay. So the unsub kidnaps the victims, keeps them for several days to do something, all the while restraining them with violin wire. But only at the hips and ankles?"

The group was silent before Spencer spoke up

"Considering they were all violinists, the unsub may have wanted his victims to play."

"Play what?" Rossi asked

"That's what we need to find out." Hotch spoke.