A/N: This was meant to be a short and cute one-shot and then my mind ran away from me. I hope you enjoy. This is BillDip so if you don't like that pairing don't read.
Disclaimer: I do not own 'Gravity Falls' it belongs to Alex Hirsch and his amazing team. I'm not making any money from writing this.
Things could literally not get any worse for Dipper right now.
He was practically jogging down the street running late for his 9 AM lecture looking like a mad man, but he'd never missed a class before in his life and he didn't plan on starting now.
It was all Mabel's fault anyway but he couldn't give that excuse to his lecturer even if it was actually the truth.
The nineteen-year-old twins lived together in a flat about half an hour's walking distance from their university. They were in their second year now and they did have the option to live on campus for their first year; but they'd have to find accommodation off campus for the following years anyway so they chose to live off campus. What was the point of postponing the inevitable for a year? And besides they'd lived together for eighteen years without killing each other, what were three more? They knew each other's habits and how to read their moods with just a look. It was the perfect solution because like hell would they be able to afford the rent by themselves.
So back to it being completely Mabel's fault. She had been teasing him about Wendy – again; he was over her already! – and he'd gone to bed in a bad mood leading him to forget about setting his alarm for the following morning. Mabel then, didn't think to wake him so by the time his body woke up by itself he had thirty minutes to reach his lecture in time.
He leap out of bed like it electrocuted him once he realised the time, dressed at lighting speed with whatever his hands reached first so he was a fashion disaster (not that he cared about fashion in the slightest, that was Mabel's area of expertise; she was taking the fashion design course after all), grabbed his bag which he thankfully had the habit of packing the day before, skipped breakfast and in turn forgot his lunch before running out the door with a yelled goodbye in Mabel's general direction.
He left his apartment building at a brisk walk but then decided that, that wasn't going to cut it, so he moved into what Mabel had dubbed 'the trot'. Not quite walking but not running either. He spared a second to look at his watch and knew that 'the trot' wasn't going to cut it either. Moving into a slow jog at the risk of looking like a crazy person, Dipper didn't really care; he could not; repeat, could not miss this lecture.
And then the heavens opened. Yesterday had forecast rain and Dipper had enough sense to pack an umbrella in his backpack the day before. The rain started light and Dipper thought he could make it without having to stop to retrieve the umbrella but the universe was decidedly against him today. The rain picked up speed at an alarming rate and was surprising cold. Cold rain in the face was the worst.
Dipper stopped to retrieve his umbrella knowing he was losing precious seconds. He zipped his bag back up, hoisted it onto his shoulders, opened his umbrella and proceeded on his way. What he didn't realise though was that his backpack hadn't zipped all the way back up properly and was slowly falling open again at every jostle.
Looking at his watch again, he estimated he had fifteen minutes to cover a distance that wold take ten minutes. He slowed to a walk to try and regain some of his breath. So, this of course, was when the universe laughed at him again. This time the heavy contains of his bag spilled out onto the floor, most of which landed in a dirty, muddy puddle.
Dipper cursed under his breath and bent down quickly to gather it all back up. Some of his notebooks were drenched but the library books were okay due to their waterproof coverings. If he damaged a library book he may have cried. But for now he just shoved it all back into the bag, he could deal with it later. He zipped his bag up tightly this time and was on his way again, once more resuming his brisk walk trying to make up for the lost time. He may be a minute or two late but he would get there dammit.
And then, this universe and all its parallel universes agreed unanimously to mess with him again. This time with the wind. Umbrellas and wind did not mix, especially in a strong wind. Dipper fought to control the umbrella that wanted to go all Mary Poppins on him and ultimately failed. The umbrella turned inside out and a couple of the supporting arms broke.
Dipper swore out loud and chucked it at the nearest bin.
It missed.
He cursed again causing some people to give him funny looks but he was oblivious to them. He stalked over to the umbrella that lay at the edge of the bin, picking it up and rammed it into the bin with much more force than was necessary, stabbing himself in the finger in the process.
He was now soaked to the bone with his chocolate brown hair plastered to his head. He looked like a drowned rat but this look had one advantage: it covered his birthmark. His birthmark was situated on his forehead and was in the perfect shape of the big dipper constellation, hence his nickname. Though he wasn't as self-conscious about it as he used to be; he was in a university with all new people and that brought the self-consciousness crashing back in tidal waves. His blue and white trucker hat with a blue pine tree motif usually covered it for him but in his haste to leave that morning he'd forgotten it.
He cursed Mabel silently, yet again. Just because she didn't have any 9 AM classes didn't mean that no-one did!
He gave himself to his fate of being late and probably catching pneumonia and continued his walk facing the ground, listening to his shoes squelch. He was exhausted, physically, mentally and emotionally. He didn't care if he missed the whole lecture. He had tried alright!
Suddenly the rain wasn't pelting him in the face anymore. He looked up in confusion and met the bright forest green eyes of a beautiful stranger. They were taller than Dipper but everyone was taller than Dipper. They had a light tan that was a big achievement in a place like this and obviously dyed golden hair styled to look messy. Dipper's was naturally a rat's nest no matter what he did to it. They were also wearing a complete black suit with gold accents under a long black trench coat. Dipper could see that their ears were pierced in multiple places but they weren't wearing any earrings currently.
"Here," He said with a kind smile. "it looks like you need this more than I do." He continued as he pressed the handle of his bright yellow umbrella into Dipper's hand.
Before Dipper could respond in any way the green-eyed stranger walked away pulling on a hat with a wide brim out of his bag they hung at his side. Dipper was too shocked to move for a moment and then remembered his motor skills as he gave chase to the handsome stranger. But they had long legs and an uncanny ability to weave through the flow of human traffic without a problem and Dipper soon lost his quarry.
Dipper shook it off, he had a place to be. Eventually he made it to the building he needed, climbed up three agonising sets of stairs, battled through swarms of people only to find a note tapped to the door. It said that his lecturer was ill and wouldn't be in today and that their work was on the university server to be completed before their next lecture.
Great. Absolutely freaking fabulous.
Dipper leaned heavily against the wall and slowly slid down until he fell to the floor with a thump. A couple students looked at him but they ultimately ignored him. He sat there until all the students had gone into their respective classrooms leaving him in an empty hallway. He felt too numb from the cold rain and frustration to move.
He knew he should logically head to the library, complete the set work and then go home but in all honestly he couldn't be bothered. He was emotionally done for the day and it wasn't even half past nine! All he wanted was to fork out an arm and a leg for a taxi home; run a long, hot, relaxing bath until he turned the colour of a well-cooked lobster, eat chocolate until his stomach hurt and binge-watch Ducktective on his laptop.
He slowly gathered the energy to stand up and clambered all the way back down the stairs, put the bright yellow umbrella back up as he left the building and did just that.
At home later that night after he finished all of season one of Ducktective he salvaged what he could of his backpack. The stationary was alright as it'd been in his pencil case, the library books were okay, two notebooks had turned to mush but the other two weren't that badly damaged.
When he got ready for bed, he set three alarms – just in case.
The next morning was the polar opposite of the day before. He woke before any of his alarms went off, startling himself when the third one rang out. He ate a good breakfast made by Mabel in an attempted apology for yesterday morning. Picked out decent clothes with Mabel's help. He was usually her test subject anyway and she did have a good eye for what would work well together so he didn't mind in the slightest. Washed his face, brushed his teeth and donned his trucker hat with time to spare.
It felt good. After his disaster of a day yesterday the universe owed him one.
He sat at the breakfast bar next to Mabel who was completing some rough sketches for her class later, sipping his second coffee of the morning.
"Oh, Dippingsauce," She said offhand, concentrating on her shading causing Dipper to cringe at the nickname. It had been banned from being spoken outside of this flat. "Who's B.C.?"
Dipper was confused. Mabel may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but even she should know what B.C. meant.
"Umm… Before Christ? You know, the time period. Romans and Vikings and such."
At that Mabel did look up with a 'duh' expression.
"I know that you idiot. I may not be a history nerd like you but I know the basics." She said incredulously. Dipper felt bad, he hadn't meant to offend her but if not that; then what was she talking about?
"I meant that horribly bright yellow umbrella by the door. It's not mine because I have taste and practically everything you own is blue or red. Plus it has a tag on the handle that says 'B.C.' So, who are they?"
Dipper gave her a quizzical look as he set his coffee down and wandered over to the front door to inspect the umbrella in question. And sure enough the bright yellow umbrella was there, leaning against the wall. He took a closer look at the handle and just as Mabel said there was a tag that read 'B.C.'
He carried it back to the counter as he spoke.
"You know Mabel, I actually have no idea. Some guy in the street just gave it to me after mine broke." He lay the umbrella on the counter and stared at it. He picked his coffee back up and resumed his sipping.
"That was awfully nice of him. The weather yesterday was dreadful."
Dipper shot her a 'no shit Sherlock' look as she started to giggle. She'd seen him the day before when he came back. She laughed at him for ten minutes straight.
"I should try and return it really. I have no idea who he was. He did stand out though. He had this… air about him, you know?" Dipper stated as he gestured with his hand, trying to find the right words to describe the man.
Mabel grinned at him as he struggled. "If I didn't know any better bro-bro, I'd say you have a crush." She sing-song-ed.
Dipper sputtered in denial but felt his face heat up nonetheless. Even he could appreciate a good-looking bloke when he saw one.
"I'm just grateful alright?" He knew he was being overly defensive but Mabel was kind of right. That man had been fine. "People don't do that sort of thing nowadays. The world needs more kindness Mabel."
"I'm teasing you Dips. You're no fun since you became a serious uni student." She stuck her tongue out at him letting him know she didn't mean it. He stuck his tongue out at her as well and they both shared a chuckle.
Dipper decided to keep the umbrella in his bag from that point on. If he ever ran into the golden-haired man again he would return it.
This was going to happen far sooner than he expected.
A/N: Please let me know what you think!