So after a long wait, we are finally going to see just who making their way into Jurassic Bond Canon. At the cost of losing someone we all know too well.

Fair warning; I am going to potentially break many of your hearts or anger you. So, be warned...

Review replay;

DragonBreeder123 - Woah, hold your horses. We haven't even got off the island yet. Although Indoraptor will be making a big wham on the story soon enough.

WolfDragon: No. The skull is Echo's. Bob was killed further away from the Raptor Paddock accidently.

Mickol93: One of them, defiantly is.

knight of Cybertron 1984: I have missed your reviews. :)

X South West of the Radio station…




The restless and concerned calls of Perry joined the burning chorus of Mt Sibo. She and Dave were now only a few meters from the raptor's location, but just who they'll find? They couldn't even begin to guess.

However, upon making their way towards a shallow stream, snaking it's way through the undergrowth. The two stumbles upon a coldly familiar sight.

A pile of rocks, all resting on top of each other to form a makeshift resting bed. Although it may it look like nothing now, the person who's body laid underneath was a big impact to both Dave's and Perry's lives.

Sam Hanzul. Dave's own father.

"This place…"

As if cut off from everything around him, Dave stared blankly ahead of him. Not only was it here that his father lost his life, but so did many of the ACU. All at the claws of Perry's own sister, the Indominus Rex.

"Dave. We can't. Stay here." Perry pointed out, looking up at the smoke coated sky.

However, just walking towards his father's grave, the ghost of the fallen ACU troops seemed to scream and yell among the bushes, as well as the blood churning roar of their killer. Mere memories of the past, now rushing back to Dave until he was standing above Sam's grave.

"Dad…" A quite whisper escaping from Dave's breaking voice.

"Laaaast man ssstanding." growled the I-Rex scrapping her claws together.

"I will be remembered." admitted Sam pulling the grenade pin. "Will you?"

Finally, both Sam and the I-Rex ran straight at each other. Yelling and roaring at each other as both were blasted back by a ball of flames and metal as the grenade exploded.

Dropping to his knees, Dave felt powerless. This is the reason he didn't want to come here, this was all that awaited him, bitter and haunting memories of the past….

"I would ask for forgiveness with every breath…" Dave tearfully admitted, his tears dropping into the stream. "But I know I would never deserve it."

Just then, a warm scally snout brushed against Dave's cheek, followed by the sounds of Perry's chirping. A sound that was enough to keep Dave from breaking down.

"Yet you. Still. Have it." Perry reminded.

Had Dave made mistakes? Certainly. Perry wouldn't be so hostile to even talk to him if he hadn't. But at the same time, every living thing makes mistakes. It's one thing that makes humans and dinosaurs closer than either realised.

But despite the seeming calmness, time was not on their side. Up above, the sounds of Pterosaurs flying among the canopy, reminding those below them of the looming omen that now consumes the island.

"They must sense that Mt Sibo's ready to blow." Dave worked out, glancing over to the smoking volcano in the distance.

"Then. We. Hurry." Perry insisted, beginning following the stream.

However, before either of them could get far, a flock of Gallimimus erupted from the undergrowth. Just in time, Perry was able to bring herself to stop as one Gallimimus sprinted in front of her. Unfortunately for Dave, one Gallimimus ended up kicking him in its panicked state, causing him to fall among the leaf coated ground.


Unleashing a heart tearing bark, Perry drowned any Gallimimus unlucky enough to rush at her under a wave of terror, just enough to keep them away from her as she re-joined Dave's side. With her own body acting as a shield, Perry gritted her teeth against the pain of multiple dinosaurs kicking and stomping at her delicate body.



The sound of a familiar caw followed by the sound of pierced flesh shot past the two, signalling the end of the stampede as the Gallimimus disappeared into the undergrowth. Yet as the dust cleared, a grizzly but welcoming sight greeted them.

Two Velociraptors, both locking their jaws onto a bleeding and dying Gallimimus. While one green, iguana coloured raptor pinned the dinosaurs down with her claws, another bluish tiger striped raptor viciously shook the Gallimimus's neck like a Pitbull, only stopping once all traces of life bled into the stream.

"Helen?!" Perry called, bringing a stopped to the two raptor's frenzy.

Sure enough, the blue striped raptor turned its head to Perry and Dave, revealing itself to be Helen. And that's not all, as the green raptor rose up, revealing amber slit eyes which betrayed her true name. Delta.


Eyes wide with shock, Helen slowly made her way towards Perry, who also did the same. Dave and Delta however, both held back from doing so, neither of them sure of just how to react.

It had been years sense Helen had seen her mother before her, all that kept Perry in her mind, was the vision and hope that she would come back to her, once again. Just hearing Perry call her name, was enough to breach her walls of iron.

"You… You. Are here. Again…." Helen breathed, still taking in the sight of her mother once more.

"Here… For pack." Perry assured, tearing beginning to roll down her eyes.

Unable to hold herself together any longer, Helen tearfully embraced Perry, tear soaked scales rubbing against each other's neck. Years of being separated from her mother, years of praying and holding out hope that she would return, have finally been answered.

However, the touching reunion was ruined as Delta began to release a heart stopping hiss.

"I know Delta." Dave assured, trying to calm her down. "You're furious over your us disappearing-"

But again, Delta let out another much louder hiss. But not at Dave. From the way her eyes seemed to focus behind him, something else must be causes her to react so hostile.


Turning around, everyone could finally see what was scaring Delta so much.

Water steaming off its feet, leaves brushing beside it's hard scaly body. A female Carnotaurus eyed the group, a hungry and desperate look in her slit eyes, her brown and orange markings only just blending in with the undergrowth.

"Damn it, must have smelt the kill." Dave guessed, drawing out his club.

"Give. Kill." Perry ordered, motioning for Delta and Helen to move from the corpse.

"But! First kill. In days!" Helen defended, her claws clenched against the corpse.

"Helen, she wants the kill!" Dave pointed out. "If we give it to her, she should leave us alone."

Although their growls made their frustration clear, the two wild raptors reluctantly back away from the kill, along with Perry and Dave.

Although the still growling, the Carnotaurus approached the now stolen kill. Teeth dripping in saliva at the sight of a meal to quench her hunger. However, the very smell of blood is enough to set it's already hair raising temper on fire.

But without warning, Helen was suddenly yanked back by her tail. Just in time, Delta pounced at Helen's attacker, driving her claws into its head, Delta forced Helen's attacker to let go.

Raising up, everyone could finally see Helen's attack. Another Carnotaurus, but a smaller more lime green male. It must have smelt the kill too, and with everyone focusing on the female, made the most of a chance to kill a raptor.

"STOP!" Perry proclaimed, leaping between Helen, and the newly arrived male with Delta still atop of it.

Unfortunately, with a bunch of distracted raptors and human, the female Carnotaurus decided to join in on the commotion, for the chance of even more food. Only just catching sight of the charging reptilian bull, Dave ducked aside, only just missing the dinosaurs crushing jaws.

"Helen?" Perry whispered, looking over her bleeding daughter.

Helen was still breathing, but only just. The now huge bit mark on her tail had only missed her hips, but the shock of being attacked and sudden loss of blood, left Helen in a weak and helpless state. But she isn't the only one in trouble.

With the female still striking at him, Dave hulled himself over a downed tree, only just missing the female Carnotaurus which bit down, almost snapping the tree in half. Bracing himself, Dave swung his club up, striking the female with enough force to stagger her. But by now, exhaustion started to kick in, Dave can't keep dodging and lashing out for much longer.

Neither could Delta. In her attempt to slash at the male Carnotaurus's neck, she had left herself open for attack. Suddenly trapped under it's piercing teeth and wide mouth, Delta was helpless as the Carnotaurus tossed her off it, send her crashing close to Helen and Perry.

Bleeding and raging, the male locked it's sight of Perry. With the male charging at her, Perry prepared to answer with teeth and claws.

Then without warning, a large shaped snapped its jaws around the male's neck. With it's claws now holding the Carnotaurus still, the newly arrived dinosaur snapped the male's neck, instantly killing the unfortunate dinosaur.

As the dead male dropped down. The newly arrived dinosaur bellowed at the female, revealing itself among the falling leaves and clearing dust.

Neither the raptors, nor Dave could believe what had arrived. A large body, enough to tower over Rexy. But with bone white scales all over. Quills running down its head, back and tail, two long claws, although one seemed almost twisted to the right. The two blood red eyes was the final nail the coffin for this dinosaur's identity.

A dinosaur that should have died years ago.

The Indominus Rex.

"How the FUCK is that thing here?!" Dave's mind screamed underneath the Indominus's earth parting roar.

Luckily for everyone, the Indominus seemed more focused on the still breathing female Carnotaurus, rather than anything else. Even the female Carnotaurus was intent on avenging her fallen companion.

Lunging forward, the Carnotaurus bit down the Indominus claw. Fuelled by pain, the Indominus swiped with its twisted claw, forcing the Carnotaurus to let go, leaving a long gash running down the bull dinosaur's neck.

Still persistent however, the rammed into the Indominus, in an attempt to knock it over. The Indominus instead, returned the favour. Locking its jaw around the Carnotaurus's stomach, the Indominus picked up the dinosaur effortlessly, before throwing it aside.

Splashing among the stream, but still alive, the Carnotaurus finally made a wise choice. With one last growl, she retreated away from her unmatched rival.

Yet now, the Indominus turned to the next two standing creatures. Dave and Perry, both helping Helen and Delta stand up.

"Crap." Perry hissed, knowing what will come next.

But instead of charging or attacking without a second thought. The Indominus cautiously back off, almost sizing up the group.

Straight away, something felt very wrong. What Dave and Perry could both remembered of the Indominus Rex didn't matched up at all here. The rage filled and blood craving monster they had fought didn't stand before them. Instead, what was looking at them was an almost tranquil, and curious dinosaur. A complete opposite towards Perry's murderous sister.

"It's… curious."

"Dave. Say something." Perry insisted.

If this the same Indominus that brought Jurassic World to its knees, then it should be able to talk. And in theory, the same lingering haunting voice would escape her jaws.

"How are you still alive?" Dave finally asked, igniting a spark of interest in the Indominus's eye. "Why are you still here?"

For a moment, the Indominus maintained its unnerving gaze on the group. Red eyes almost piercing their heart.

"I… I was mauled." The Indominus growled, its voice as rough as a man's. "I was broken, and cast out like dust to the wind… But I refused to embraced death's open arms… I. Did not hatch out of my egg, to be torn apar-"


The sound of Mt Sibo's growing fury roared from the top of the volcano. The very sound was enough to send the Indominus Rex retreating away from the volcano.

"It. Running!" Perry warned.

"Then we should too." Dave pointed out.

If the Indominus itself is scared of the fiery demon above them, then that is enough to prove the true danger and magnitude of what is coming.

But with Helen and Delta unable to move thanks to their gaping injuries, both Perry and Dave needed to get them to Wheatley and the others.

"Perry, you take Helen." Dave ordered, moving to help Delta up. "I'll-"


The whole world seemed to go silent for Perry, in fact, time itself just stopped. Her eyes looking directly at Dave's lifeless eyes as they tried to grab his stomach,

Now homed to a bloody gunshot wound.

"DAD!" Perry almost screamed, rushing over to Dave as he collapsed onto the floor.

"Actually, we'll be taking both of them."

Looking ahead, Perry caught sight of Dave's attacker. A tall cold pale, strong man, only just in his mid-thirties. Brown hair that Perry would only be too glad to dye with his own blood.

Furious, Perry prepared to charge at Aron, until the former pointed his gun at Helen and Delta.

"Tisk, tisk, tisk. If you even understand my warning. Then you won't try to stop us." Aron warned. "Unless you care to see your daughter pumped with bullets."

Growling in rage, Perry maintained her protective stance over Dave's bleeding body. Already mercenaries were pointing their guns at her while others dragged Helen and Delta away.

"Aron!" Wheatley yelled, enraged by Aron's action. "Our orders are to get the raptor back with no one harmed!"

"Our orders are to get the raptors back, one way or another." Aron reminded. "Your choice, Wheatley. Either them, or your little bitch."

Signing in defeat, Wheatley didn't even try to argue back as Aron walked off to re-join the rest of the mercenaries.

"Forgive me…" Wheatley whispered before following Aron.

A sudden gasp turned Perry's attention to Dave. He was still alive, but the gunshot had gone through his stomach, bleeding like a burst dam. His life, was fading under his daughter's gaze.

"PERRY! DAVE!" A familiar called, signalled the arrival of Owen, only just pulling a dart out of his chest. "Perry, where is- OH SHIT!"

Upon seeing Dave's bleeding body, Owen rushed down before beginning to tear part of his sleeve of in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"No…" Dave stopped, weakly pushing Owen's arm away. "You know… There's no coming back… from this."

"No. Dad." Perry whispered, tears already dropping from her eyes. "You. Can't-"

Mustering what little strength he had left, Dave threw a hand upon Perry's snout, gently stroking his fingers down her scales.

"Take care… of them." Dave gargled spitting out his own blood.

"Jess… Our pack… Take care of them… My scaly… angel…"

Upon his final words, Dave's eyes dropped shut before his hand lifelessly collapsed down from Perry's face onto the blood stained ground.

This could be real for Perry. She had finally convinced her father to help her again. He had come to make amends for his actions. It couldn't end like this! It shouldn't.

Nudging Dave's head, Perry tried to wake him up. But this cold, dead touch only drove the dagger of reality deeper in Perry's heart. Unable to hold back anymore, Perry buried her head into Dave's chest, the faint sound of a crying raptor enough to bring even a tear to Owen's eyes.

"Goodbye, my friend…." Owen chocked, bringing his hand down Dave's face to close his lifeless eyes.

However, in the distant, the sound of gargling lava and chocking ash roared over the island. For everything on Isla Nublar, nature's judgement had arrived.

Picking up Dave's club, Owen forced himself up before looking up the stream. The sound of stampeding dinosaurs and crashing undergrowth added to the urgency of the situation.

"Perry… We have to go." Owen warned pushing Perry away from her fruitless revival attempt.

"NO!" Perry cawed, refusing to leave her father's corpse. "I. WON'T. LEAVE HIM!"

"PERRY! Think about Helen, your pack!" Owen reminded, forcing Perry to start running downstream.

But not before Perry stopped to take one last look at Dave's corpse.

"Sorry… father…."

And without, Perry retreated from all that remained of the man who made her what she is today. It was this very island Dave's parents both died, now in a twisted betrayal, he has joined them.

Never to return...


I went there.

Sudden Sequel Death hitting hard. Or pulling a GRRM move.

Also, thank you so much everyone for being patient with me on this, I'll be honest. I have put off writing this chapter due to the fact I knew I killing off an important character. But, nothing good last forever as they say.

So, keep up the reviews, because I do want to hear your thought on this.