DISCLAIMER- i do not own supernatural
Chapter 12
It was late in the evening, the sitting/recreational room was full of the humans and their allies. Bottles of beer, and shot glasses passed from hand to hand. Dean watched the interactions around him. Sam was talking to Bobby and Ellen, his lips turned up. His eyes held a glint to them that Dean hadn't seen since before their father died. The angels were once again in a clump, reminding Dean of a flock of birds. Castiel was sitting in the center of them, Samdriel was curled up against Gabriel's chest. Balthazar was cleaning Castiel's dirty wings, already the appendages were shining. How could Dean see this, you ask? He was wearing those glasses, and he wasn't sure if he would ever not wear them. The angels didn't seem to care that the humans could see them. In fact, when Dean had asked, Castiel eagerly placed the glasses on Dean's face. Castiel telling the brothers how often they accidentally step on, bump, or scrape the delicate wings. Turning his gaze from their powerful allies, he looked to the one who made all this possible. Jack was playing with Jo's hair, Ellen keeping a close eye on the boy. Dean could easily see that it wasn't romantic. The young boy seemed to have latched onto Jo for some reason. More likely in search of comfort. Dean couldn't help but be suspicious of the creature. Not that he wasn't thankful of the child. Dean had really thought he had lost Ellen and Jo. And to learn in the other timeline that everything kept going wrong. Dean shook his head at the thought. The moment caught Sam's attention, those hazel eyes seemed to shine through the glasses. His brother came over and bumped Dean with his shoulder.
"What are you thinking?" Sam asked softly. Castiel's ears twitched at the sound of Sam's voice and Dean chuckled low.
"We got real lucky. The kid…" Dean cleared his throat, a chick flick on his tongue. "I don't know what I would have done… if I had lost Ellen and Jo. I don't know if I could have kept going. Apparently we could but how?"
Sam turned wet looking eyes to his brother. "I understand. I can't help but wonder if we threw off the balance. One life for another or something like that."
"You think we should have let them die?" Dean gasped.
"Hell no. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. This whole time travel, alternate universe stuff has to have some consequences." Sam sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face. Dean turned back to survey the room, jumping some when he saw every eye watching him.
"The Hell?" Dean asked.
Sam snorted, a bright red blush on his face as the room burst into laughter. Dean looked down at himself, stunned to find himself almost naked. A freaking loin cloth around his waist. His skin was Orange and every hair on his body was bright pink.
The night passed quickly after that. After Dean was given back his normal body and clothes, the Hunter and Sam had gone off to bed, avoiding the Trickster. Ellen, Jo and Bobby soon left then it was just the angels.
"So when were you planning on telling them you are Lucifer's son?" Gabriel asked, wagging his eyebrows at the kid. Castiel's head jerked up and Jack whipped around, his mouth dropped open. Gabriel looked at the reactions and groaned. "Cassie didn't know? Oops."
"Lucifer's son?" Castiel's voice rumbled.
"Not by choice." Jack cried out.
Balthazar chuckled. "No one picks their parents kid."
"You are evil." Castiel spat.
"No I'm not. Lucifer had no hand raising me." Jack argued. Castiel snarled, his wings flared out. Jack puffed out his wings in reply, trying to look as big as the other. The angels on the sideline chuckled at the child.
"Come on, Castiel. Has he tried to hurt you yet?" Samdriel asked, softly. Castiel growled, showing his teeth before backing down.
"I'll be watching you." Castiel said.
Jack sighed, peering at Castiel. He remembered Sam saying that Castiel hadn't been very nice till after 2012. Jack turned to his uncles, Gabriel looking very intrigued.
"So what happens to us?" Gabriel asked. Jack shudders, thinking of the torture that Gabriel went through.
"Angels go extinct pretty much." Jack says with a frown. Jack studies the angels fully feathered wings. "I actually haven't seen an angel from my world with healthy wings. All angels fell and yours, Gabriel, become singed and ruined by Hell."
The angels frown, glancing back at their own wings. "The Angels are cast out of heaven." Jack told them grimly.