Harry Potter Story
Pairing: Sirius Black x Hermione Granger x James Potter
Rated: M+
Summary: Ancient Magicks have decided. Hermione Granger has been chosen to step backward in time to the first war. Her first order of business, find the daft seer, Sybil Trelawney and ensure the prophecy is never heard by anyone other than herself. What she wasn't expecting when she found her; however, was for the prophecy to change making her the new Chosen One.
Hermione knew better than to run.
Her world was forever changed and there was no turning back now. Her curly chestnut locks bounced with every step she took, under her white cloak. The broken golden trinket that once held enchanted sands of time lay cold burning her skin beneath her dress robes.
The aurors trailing her were becoming a nuisance. She took a shaky breath whispering a wandless charm to hide the locket. She smiled discreetly as she felt the metal transform shape into a familiar shape and knew that the gold would now look silver with emeralds forming the letter 'S' with snake eyes.
"You there! Hermione Dagworth, we have some questions for you!" the tall, burly man had a voice that matched his appearance. The young witch stopped and allowed the aurors to catch up with her.
"I have a very busy schedule today, is this really necessary?"
"You are being held for questioning on the disappearance of Sybil Trelawney. You really don't have a lot of say here, lass." the second auror was the one who spoke this time his golden messy hair caused a pang in her heart.
"I am a lady of the court, Am I not? I will accompany you but I will do so on my own terms. Now escort me like proper gentlemen before the DMLE Head hears of this."
'Dear Circe, please forgive me.'
20 Years Later
"Professor Trelawney, you shouldn't be here, Harry he's-"
"Shouldn't have been here to begin with child. You need to right this wrong."
The seer smelled for once not of sherry but of ash and a light perfume, "You are the only one who can do it child, it's too late for this world, but you, you have the power to change it all. When you get there find me, Keep me safe do not let them hear my words."
"Did you know this whole time, the prophecy-"
"We must do what we can to protect ourselves. Do not trust those in higher power than yourself. Those were dangerous times."
"I don't understand what can I change, what can I do? You're not making any sense."
'Magic rarely makes a lot of sense, child. Find me and befriend me. I will believe you." with that the older woman dropped a time turner around her neck. And answered her unspoken question, "Knicked it from Professor McGonagall. You're quite familiar with it, aren't you?"
Hermione nodded numbly and as soon as Sybil dropped her hands her world was spinning.
When Hermione woke up again it was to a white ceiling, a startled voice and hurried footsteps. The nineteen year old took a hefty breath. The only think she could think of was lead. Her entire body was heavy like she was coated in it.
"Good you're awake."
A man with graying, shoulder length hair approached her bed cautiously and raised his empty hands in surrender to show he was no threat.
"Ms. Dagworth, I apologize but no one recognized you and the DMLE ran a blood test on you to find out who you are. The Dagworth were thought to have been wiped out since the death of your uncle. Do you remember who or what attacked you?"
Hermione furrowed her brow as she took in the healer's words, 'Dagworth? Like the potioneer?' Her thoughts were erratic as she thought of this new information. Her right hand instinctively tracing the scar left by Bellatrix as she shook her head in the negative.
"That's a shame, I'll have to report to the DMLE and they'll ask you some questions. Would you like me to hold them off for a minute, so you can regain your thoughts?"
Hermione moved her hand to clench the sheets on her side and she nodded her affirmation.
"One last thing, Miss Dagworth …" Hermione looked up at the older gentleman as he spoke, "Would you happen to have a first name?"
"Hermione. Hermione Dagworth."
When the healer nodded in thought he quickly left the room, no doubt to give the aurors some kind of information before they began questioning her.
"Hermione Dagworth. Now what?"
Hermione closed her eyes in thought, 'Sybil Trelawney, what mess have you gotten me into?'
Preview Chapter 2:
Dorea Potter was ever the embodiment of a regal witch. Her Slytherin steel eyes which at first glance appeared cold and calculating gave way when she met Hermione's own milk chocolate eyes, but only for a moment and were replaced once more by the cunning silver.
"I've heard that you're the girl who's lost her memories. My name is Dorea Potter and my husband and I have volunteered ourselves to offer our home to you."
Her eyes narrowed at the word on her arm, 'MUDBLOOD' and faster than Hermione could blink she was in front of her examining the damage that was done what felt like a lifetime ago.
"I was attacked apparently over a period of time, but I have no recollection of it."
Dorea straightened herself at Hermione's soft voice and no longer did her eyes have the coldness in them but warmth like a pool of melted sterling.
"Well you shan't be attacked again under my watch, Hermione."
James and Sirius collided painfully on there brooms at almost the exact time the crack of apparation and Remus closed his book with a gentle thud before calling for his two friends.
"Mummy P is back if you dunderheads are finished mangling each other."
And it was quite true what was happening upon the collapse of the two Gryffindors a spar had broken out and James quickly at the distraction punched Sirius in the jaw before laughing and running away to greet his mother.
"Oy you dirty prat! That was a cheap shot!" Sirius hollered back before chasing after his mate, Remus rolling his eyes at the two and following at a much more leisurely pace.
As the three made their way into the foyer Remus and Sirius both collided into James back. Confused at the sudden stop both boys each picked a side to creep over James and take a look at what had stopped their friend in his tracks.
"Boys this is Hermione Dagworth she'll be staying with us a while until she regains her memories."
Sirius was the first to regain his bearings, and flamboyantly bowed as per pureblood tradition and gently grabbed her hand before blowing delicately on it, "It's a pleasure, m'lady. Sirius Black if you ever need anything, and I do mean anything at all, do not hesitate to call on me."
Dorea rolled her eyes before slapping the back of his head quite harshly before reprimanding him about her sons scaring away her houseguests.