A/N : This is my first time writing something on fanfiction. Please read and review..

English isn't my first language so i apologize in advance for the grammatical mistake you come across.

Disclaimer : of course i don't own Fairy tail *fake cries* Laxus P.O.V


I know we haven't talked for a while, but lately, i been being doing a bit of thinking, and i want you to know that i miss you..

I know i shouldn't be saying this, despite the reason we both agreed to, the reason that brought us to end, but i do, maybe a little, i do regret letting you go, regret i didn't hold on to you, fight for you because now i will never know what it is like to spend my life with you. Never..*sigh*

It's so strange to think someone i knew so well is now a total stranger to me, and i can't say it doesn't hurt.. It does. Sometimes i go days without thinking about you, at least i try to, but mostly i let myself forget.. Because it's much easier.. But then again who am i kidding, you were and you still are my life..

You taught me something that i, an arrogant lighting dick as u called me never thought would have known it's true meaning, love, you showed me how to love, you showed me the wonders it could do, the warmth that i could only feel when i was with you.. you brought light into my life.. Never before had i thought i'd deserved anyone who would love me like you did..but with you, i could be more than just an arrogant asshole..i could be myself..

A part of me wants to see you again, to hold you again, to kiss you again.. But all of these feelings became empty thoughts without you here..

Just yesterday as i was going through stuff, i found something.. A photographer.

That brought back so many memories that i almost broke down.. again.. The picture of us.. You smiling at Mira as though you were a brilliant sun in some other galaxy and me staring down at you.. Along with some gifts and some stupid love letters we used write each other during long missions.. And the full weight of what's being lost crashed down on me.

This thing hurts dammit.. I never wanted to let you go but we had reasons as valid as ever, but screw that shit.. I just want to be with you right now, see you smile again, hear your sweet voice again, take in the smell of your hair, your scent.. It's driving me crazy and i can never move on, i just can't seem to let you go even if it's the right thing to do..

'why didn't i fight the reasons? Why did i agree on letting this end? Why didn't i see this before that without you i'm just a body without soul? ' these thoughts haunt me every single day.. The sympathetic faces i see around the guild isn't helping at all..

Back at the star we didn't need reasons to fall in love, we just did.. Reasons came at the end.. And i remember you saying that one day i will find someone that i wouldn't have to say good bye to… But part of me just misses loving someone and having them love you back. I guess what i am saying is… Well never mind, just hope things are good with you.. I hope everything is great. Though i hate to say this and badly wish for it to not happen, i hope you found a love that's everything ours couldn't be..

Just a part of me hopes that you remember what it was like to be together and you miss me too..

Tears were running down my face and i hadn't realized it until i finished the letter.

I glare at the letter before me debating whether or not to sent it to her..it's been 6 months since then and haven't heard a word from her yet.. As much as i wanted to go after her i couldn't bring myself to do so..

'Laxus - sama, are you ready yet?' he heard Freed ask behind the closed door of his office that broke his inner battle about the letter..

Deciding against sending the letter, he puts it away in his drawer, grabbing the backpack for the mission, making his way out..

'One day i will see you again, Blondie'

A/N : Thanks for reading ^^

Please review..

Next chapter would probably be Lucy's POV