Two rivers can run parallel to one another for hundreds…thousands of miles, never even realizing that they follow the same path. However, as the old adage goes, no matter how far they must go, all rivers eventually must reconvene at the sea…

I lowered my head, somehow scarcely avoiding death, the projectile skimming my shoulder shredding flesh but missing anything vital. I stumbled, but knew if I fell it would be over, I crouched lower, protecting the bag in my arms with my life. Reaching out, I grasped the strong metal door, pulling it open. Once the barest amount of room was afforded I slid inside the repurposed warehouse, slamming the reinforced door behind myself and sealing it tight.

The room was secured, at least as well as it could be against a servant. The doors should hold long enough to complete my task. I gently laid the bag procured from my contacts at the Mage's Association on the ground, making sure to take care of the fragile relic within.

I winced in pain, forgetting how sharp the edges still were after all this time. Ignoring the stinging and drips of blood, I removed the item. An old, fractured lens, the chronicles told it had been from her original, but even if they were exaggerations, as long as it belonged to any it would do.

The altar was already set up ahead of time; I silently thanked myself for such foresight. If I had to complete that diagram AND chant I could never finish in time. I tenderly, yet hurriedly, placed the lens in the center of the circle, the time had finally come.

Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Let each be turned over five times, simply breaking asunder the fulfilled time,

My voice cracked as I continued, uttering the words long since memorized. Only a few more verses and the process would be complete.

Let silver and steel be the essence. Let Stone and the archduke of contracts be the fountain. Let my great Master Schweinorg be the ancestor. Raise a wall, against the wind that shall fall,

A loud metallic clang rang out behind me, was the servant already here, or merely firing from a distance? I pushed the worry from my mind, lest the fear cause forgetfulness.

C-close the four cardinal gates. Come out from the crown. Rotate the three-branched road reaching the kingdom.

A glimmering blue light burst forth from the circle etched into the floor, forcing me to squint my eyes. The process was working! Just a little more…

I shall declare here. Your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. If you will submit to this will and this reason…then answer!

The ground began to shake beneath my feet, sending various objects not bolted down rattling across the floor. I nearly stumbled even without moving…with a final intake of breath I completed the chant.

An Oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell – From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, Protector of the Balance!

The light emitted by the circle exploded outward in a grand nova, I refused to flinch, but my legs failed me as I felt the shockwave of energy impact my chest, knocking me to the floor. I coughed as smoke filled my lungs, was this part of the ceremony as well? Fighting back the burning sensation in my eyes I looked through the mist, mouth dropping open at the sight before me.

It was her…it was really her. My chosen servant stood towering above me as I lay on the ground, legs failing to follow my commands. As the stories told, she bore extravagant heavy armor the color of burnt umber; gold bordered it on all sides. Upon either shoulder were imposing double-thick pointed gold spaulders. Her arms were equally armored save for the joints to allow freedom of movement with gold bracers on each wrist, the umber-steel gauntlets on her hands were quite imposing.

Upon her chest, both shoulders and back, were diamond-teal crystals. They were pristine and shined brightly in any light. The very lens used as the catalyst was said to have been her first from the days before she had worked their magic into her armor. An emblem of a brown heart covered in white stitches on a gold backdrop was burned into her left breast where her own would be. A similar emblem was now etched onto the back of my hand, a trisected heart…the three command seals signifying my role as Master.

Below, she wore what looked like a dress stretching down to just above her ankles but flanked on both sides by layered armor. Her combat-skirt, as historians had dubbed it, retained the same burnt-umber and gold color scheme as above and offered impressive protection while also exhuming feminine beauty.

And beautiful she was, I could tell immediately I was blushing like a fool, but could not help it. Despite the heavy armor, her shapely form was evident leading from her feet all the way up to her face. Her pale skin almost seemed to shine in the moonlight beaming in through the small windows above; she couldn't have been older than twenty-five in her prime. Long braided dark-brown hair fell down to the small of her back. I stared like a love-struck freshman at how her hair swayed in the breeze, how it raised up into the air like a pair of…

Wait what?

My jaw no doubt fell open further as I confirmed what I was seeing. What I had mistaken for part of her long brown hair was in fact a pair of ears…rabbit ears! They had been slicked back across her head, yet now were standing at attention, adding a good couple of inches to her already imposing form.

She has rabbit-ears…and they are real? How was that omitted from the texts?

She had been summoned facing away from me, with a single heel turn she adjusted towards me, eyes matching the color of her hair locked squarely onto mine, both were wreathed in a sinister, yet enchanting orange flame. Surprisingly, the serious look suddenly softened, the literal fire in her gaze going out as she smiled. With an almost child-like joyful expression, she leaned down towards me, resting her hands on her knees to hold the position.

"I suppose, you must be my master?"

My heart skipped a beat, her accent, sounding reminiscent of one hailing from Australia, entranced me as much as her beauty. I couldn't believe it, all the years planning and months preparing, at long last she stood before me. The Hard-Light Hero…the Copycat Queen…The Heroic Maiden herself!"

Atop her head, her rabbit ears twitched suddenly, as if she could hear something currently beyond my senses.

My wonder was short-lived as the door leading to the warehouse exploded behind us. A mana-arrow clearing the distance aimed squarely between my eyes.

The surely fatal projectile was deflected at the last possible moment, soaring out the open window and into the night sky before eventually dissipating harmlessly. She had leapt forward before even the door had been destroyed, a thick armored bracer more than sufficient to redirect the attack. Her serious expression returned as she looked away from me out at the remains of the barricade…towards her opponent emerging into the light.

A Meeting of Servants…

"Congratulations on a successful summons," he remarked dryly. "My Master may have commanded your death, but you deserved a chance to defend yourself. Now, perhaps we can…"

The approaching Servant froze, finally catching a glimpse of his opponent ahead.

The pursuer was a tall man, dark-skin with contrasting short pale-white hair and gray eyes. He was arrayed in a sleeveless black body armor accented with silver showing off his impressive musculature. His long black pants matched the color of the top and were covered with various straps. Over each shoulder was a red long-sleeve clasped by a plate on his back. They were cut quite short and would have bared his midriff were it not for the body armor. He had an identically colored waist cloak wrapped around his pants.

He was Archer, Heroic Spirit of unknown origins recently summoned to do battle in the Holy Grail War, black bow in hand. However, upon spotting his current opponent, his weapon lowered slightly, aiming away from the newly summoned Servant as a look of genuine shock etched itself into his features.

"It…can't be," he gasped.

The Heroic Spirit in armor stepped forward and stopped; she looked as if she wanted to advance on him, yet hesitated. At first she had seemed ready for battle, however upon closer inspection, her stern features softened as she truly realized whom she was facing. A cautious, repressed smile threatened to overtake her features but she restrained it…for the moment.

The crystals embedded in her armor let out a burst of light, like the flash of a camera. Holding out her right hand, a light emerged from within its depths, materializing an object almost instantly. It was a white curved short sword of majestic design with a spike of black within it. It was beautiful, every feature of the weapon appeared flawless, blue lines ran across the outline into every groove, curvature and detail…infinitely superior to those created in her youth. She held it out towards her opponent threateningly, raising a single eyebrow in challenge.

Archer only nodded, releasing his grip, he allowed his black bow to disperse…summoning a new weapon in his left hand. It was a blade identical in make to hers, only with a reversed color scheme and without the ingrained blue energy. He mirrored her gesture, the two refusing to even blink…the battle could start any moment.

The two moved as one, like reflections in a pond they each expertly threw their weapons towards the other, sending them spinning blade over hilt. The two swords were on separate trajectories, however, mid-flight they corrected their course as if inexorably drawn together. They lined up perfectly with each other, causing them to collide between the two combatants with a vibrant explosion. The shockwave was felt by both, though did little more than cause their hair and clothes to billow harmlessly in the resulting backlash.

The challengers did not so much as flinch at the blast, instead, as soon as the dust settled, the opposing Heroic Spirits went on the move. Each of them started walking towards the other, footfalls heavy and sure, their locked intense gazes unwavering. The shaking Master on the floor could only shuffle back, what kind of a match would ensue from their conflict?

The two picked up the pace, neither moving to summon another weapon, what in the world could they be planning? Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they converged.

Without hesitation, the two heroes threw their arms around one another, locking themselves into a powerful embrace. Only then did the Master notice tears falling down his Servant's cheeks. She looked so happy, without restraint she buried her face into Archer's chest as he patted her head, gently stroking her hair and bunny ears that had relaxed down once more.

Even Archer was not unaffected by the encounter, he had long since shed the last of his tears, however on his face rested a smile of contentment he had thought lost to him so long ago…and no small amount of pride at the powerful young woman now standing before him.

It must have seemed so unusual to the perplexed Master lying on the ground. Two Servants, summoned to fight a war, sworn to do battle in the name of their Masters…were embracing as only those bound by Fate could. There was no way the Master could have had any idea…that the worlds and centuries separating these soulmates were finally at an end…as they found each other once more, to be reunited…as heroes.

Thus concludes my story, at least this particular path which I have dubbed the "Obsession" route. I wanted to thank EVERYONE who read and enjoyed it. From those who follow and favorite, to guests, reviewers, or those who just read it while passing through. This has easily been my most-read project and the support was so greatly appreciated. I will be updating and editing it through the 8/22 date for the contest to make it as perfect as possible. In the meanwhile I will also be working on other Fanfiction projects I have going, but certainly intend to return to Fate/RWBY works afterwards. The possibilities for what these two stories can accomplish together are…unlimited. As always, I wish you all the best in all that you do and hope you continue to Read and Review…but above all else, Enjoy! :D