Hello, welcome to my second Story in this series. I hope you enjoy it. This chapter is short since it's an opener, but the others should be longer. However, I might not update very often for a while because my school year ended and I find it really hard to write during the summer. If it takes forever for me to post a new chapter just keep reminding me that I need to write. Thanks for reading.
This will be the only disclaimer for the whole book because I don't want to have to do one every chapter again: I am not Marvel. I don't own Spider-Man. I am not Rick Riordan. Any references to other fandoms you might find in this book do not belong to me. Please don't sue me.
So far Hades throne room has been a source of bad news for years. This is where Persephone turned me into a plant, where my father revealed that he wished Bianca lived instead of me, where I ended up betraying Percy, and where I got the quest that get Will killed. So it's reasonable to say that I don't have high expectations as I stand at the foot of Hades throne with my head bowed.
"Do you have another job for me?" I question. Lately I've been working as a grim reaper by collecting escaped souls. I had been hoping to get the day off so that I could visit Will in Elysian. It's almost Ashely's birthday and I need his advice on what you should get a twelve year old child of Hecate that can raise dead animals. Though, it doesn't look like that will happen now.
"Not exactly," Father hesitates to continue. That's never a good sign. "Thanatos tells me you've been avoiding people ever since you left camp."
"Then Thanatos is mistaken," I deny even if it is true, but only slightly. It's true I have only been back to Half-Blood once or twice since leaving during Will's funeral, but I have other places to stay like an Apartment in Queens under a fake name or my room in the Underworld. As for the whole avoiding people thing, I may have isolated myself from everyone for a few months after Will's death, but I eventually worked up the courage to visit Elysian. Obviously Will gave me an earful about how I shouldn't push everyone away and bugged me until I made up with Lou Ellen. Now I hang out with her and Ashely, so technically I have four friends if I count Hazel, so ignoring everyone else in the world shouldn't warrant getting summoned to the throne room.
"It doesn't matter, I've already turned in the paper work and had you enrolled," Father brushes off my comment.
"Enrolled? Wait, are you making me go to school?" I can't believe it.
"Yes, I've have been assured that all normal kids your age go, and I think it will help your social skills if you try it," he explains. Should I be irritated or proud that he just inferred that I'm not normal.
"But I have tutors. Why do I need to go to an actual school when I can learn everything here?" I resist. My father sighs as though he expected this to happen.
"I'm sure you're aware that most of my children become anti-social, are shunned, or go crazy." Yeah, like my big brother Hitler. "Well, I want you to be an exception." Oh great, he's getting all sappy. Who is this guy and what has he done with my stone hearted father?
"And you think that forcing me to go to school will help keep me from wanting to go on a killing spree?" I can't help roll my eyes.
"Exactly," he completely ignores my sarcasm.
"Fine," I groan, "when do I start?"
"Monday, so tomorrow. Jules Albert knows where it is and can drive you in the morning. For convenience you should stay in the apartment during the week. You'll find you school supplies there, Hades instructs. Ugh, I'm not ready for this. I had hoped to have at least a week to prepare before having to deal with the torture that is school.
"Yeah, yeah," I mutter then I shadow travel to my room to start packing. Will will have to wait until another day.
In my room, I throw random shirts (most of them black) and jeans into a blood red and black duffel bag. Next, I call a skeleton guard and order him to give a message to Will about what's happening and where I'm going. No one wants him to try storming the palace again, that was a disaster. Don't ask.
With that done, I shadow travel to my apartment. I remember to set an alarm for tomorrow before I collapse on my bed to pass out. Might as well be rested for my first day of school in years. I'm already dreading this. Why do the Fates hate me?