Hot off the presses: Please excuse any grammar errors. We both read it over several times and we still miss things.

Sex and Candy Part 2: Candy

"Hey Damon, thanks for calling, Please don't worry about me, I'm okay."

Damon knows he's not as 'alright' as he pretends to be but he's not going to call him out on it, not today. He'd rather distract him with his irrepressible wit.

"I will admit that it's incredibly boring here without you here. Tanner took over your lectures."

"Oh God... I can't even imagine. Don't concern yourself fretting about me, I'll be back before you know it."

"I'm counting on it... I need to run."

"Hang on a minute, before you go, how was your date with that hot little brunette?"

He's well aware that Ric's easily amused by his love affairs, he often embellishes his escapades to make him laugh, give him something else to think about.

"Well... she's a cute little thing. Sweet Elena... she's a bit shy and a little naïve I think... but she may well be worth another date. I think if I push her hard enough she may just show her claws..."

"Haha, you're so full of yourself. To this day, I don't know why so many beautiful girls fall all over you. And you always seem to pick the hottest ones."

"You know me, Ric, sex and candy, that's what I like."

Ric's belly-hurting laughter warms Damon's heart.

"You're my brother, Damon but karma is a mean son of a bitch. Some girls have the same attitudes about you but others have more depth and don't appreciate being looked up as mere playthings."

Damon knows he's right but he's still young. Why shouldn't he have fun and enjoy life to the fullest? And if his exploits cheer his buddy up? "Yeah, I know. Don't get all philosophical on me, Ric. I like girls, it's who I am."

"I know that for a fact. God forbid you try something serious for a change. One of these days, the right one is going to come along and when that day does arrive, I don't want you to ruin it."

"I'll give it some thought. Listen, I really have to run, I'll talk to you soon buddy."

Later that evening he tries to approach her but once again he's reminded that she'll never see him as anything other than a gigolo.

Snapping out of the memory when he feels his phone vibrate, Damon glances at the screen and presses decline. He's in no mood to get into it with his dad tonight. He throws back what's left of his bourbon then bounds up the stairs two at a time to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Laying in bed, Elena stares at the ceiling, wondering how she's going to be able to spend a whole month with him. Rolling over, she curls up on her side and pulls the covers over her shoulders. Ever since she was a little girl, she loved to play with her mom's makeup. Together with Caroline, they got in trouble more than once for borrowing her mom's stash. Even thinking about it, brings a small smile to her face. They would spend hours making themselves beautiful, playing dress up and pretending to be princesses. Sometimes her mom and even Liz would help them out, curling their hair and painting their nails.

Her mom was a beautiful woman with dark shimmering hair that framed her face, deep chocolate eyes and a petite figure. She taught the girls how to use eyeshadows and lipstick, took them to gymnastic and ballet lessons, she'd even dance with them when they practiced at home. She was always the one telling them how much important it is to feel beautiful, not just on the outside but most importantly on the inside.

It was a wonderful childhood. She felt happy and excited about everything, unfortunately, it didn't last nearly long enough. Her benevolent father and spirited mother left to go on a week long hiking trip to the Appalachian Mountains. Elena had broken her leg a few weeks before, on crutches, she couldn't very well hike so Liz invited her to stay with them for that week.

When she waved goodbye as they backed out of the driveway and disappeared down the street, little did she know that it was the last time she'd see them alive. It was a rainy day, their car skidded on a slick patch of highway and went off the road, rolling several times, finally landing in a ravine, shrouded by an overgrowth of foliage. Despite a massive search, no one found them for almost a month. Because it was an accident, Elena had no one to blame which made it even worse. She wanted to be able to hate someone for taking her beloved parents away from her.

Luckily, her mom's sister, Elena's aunt Isobel and her husband, uncle John who lived in Westport, Washington, took her in, gave her a new home and showered her with as much love as they were capable of giving their orphaned niece. She's still not sure if her happiness died with her parents on that wet and dark road or if it just wasn't in her aunt and uncle to create a happy home. They didn't lack for money and Elena wasn't left destitute either, her parents were well off, she, their only beneficiary.

They wanted to have their own children but never did. Maybe that was the reason everything fell apart in the end? Isobel loved uncle John very much but with time he became distant, cold even and came home less and less. It'd be days, then weeks and even months between his visits. Her aunt slowly stopped functioning. Isobel quit taking care of herself and Elena too, she'd only perk up when John would deign to visit them.

By the time she was twelve, Elena was in charge of the household, forcing Isobel to eat, get out of bed, bathe, dress. She became the caregiver at her tender age. Since she was too young yet to access her inheritance, she took on odd jobs like delivering newspapers, mowing the neighbors lawns, doing gardening, anything to earn a little money. Somehow she managed to keep up with her grades at school. To this day, she doesn't know how she managed all that responsibility when she was just a child herself.

Then suddenly, John's visits stopped altogether and she thought it might just kill Isobel. She was so terrified of being left alone again that she pushed herself even harder. That's when she pulled out her mom's make-up again and helped Isobel to feel better about herself. She would paint her nails, fix her hair, do her makeup, anything she could think of to make her aunt care again. It took a long time but slowly Isobel turned into her old self, smiling, cooking, picking Elena up from school and even took dancing lessons with her.

Just when she thought they had built a good life for themselves, they learnt the truth about uncle John. He pissed off the wrong guy and ended up dead in a gutter with a knife poking out of his back. When the police told Isobel, she broke for the final time. Elena tried, she did but her aunt lost her will to live. But still, she stayed with her niece till the end. She helped her choose a college, provided an ear and became the loving parent that Elena so desperately needed.

She accompanied her and helped her decorate her dorm room at Gonzaga University in Spokane and waited for her to come home for Christmas, saving the decorating till Elena could help. Still the melancholy stayed with her, she missed John so much that she joined him in death just a few years later, developing pancreatic cancer.

Once again orphaned, Elena mourned her death and although difficult she eventually came to terms with yet another loss. The only way she knew to cope was to embrace what her mom always taught her, what she believed in. Help women feel beautiful.

Studying chemistry at Gonzaga, she made no secret of the fact that her ultimate goal was to start a cosmetics and consulting company. Elena worked as hard as her classmates, some considered her a woman with a worthy endeavor, some... those with ambition and their own noble goals viewed her as... shallow. It's just a make-up, right? Lipsticks and face powder. Superficial brilliance. But for her... it was so much more.

The day she met Damon Salvatore, something in her shifted. It was too soon to tell if everything would click into the right place. Eventually she couldn't deny her feelings for him, never has she felt anything remotely similar. He wasn't her first but a part of her hoped he'd be her last. He made her feel beautiful.

And then the bottom fell out. She overheard a phone call. He was talking about her with one of his slimy friends and if that wasn't enough, later she saw him flirting with a pair of freshmen... And that's when she knew he was exactly the man she'd been warned about. He did have a reputation after all... Naïve, she truly was.

She should have known better.

Elena buries her face in the pillow, hoping her shame and humiliation will disappear.

The worst thing... she can't find it in herself to regret it.

Damon laid awake for quite some time, although he tried to sleep, every little noise made him think about her. He stayed up till around midnight but Elena didn't make another appearance, at least not while he was still up and about. Admittedly, he wasn't any too eager to run into her either.

The next morning however, when he enters the kitchen and finds everything the same way it looked last night, an uneasy feeling settles in his stomach. Not a glass is out of order, the salt and pepper shakers are in the exact same spot. There's nothing out of order, nothing to signal Elena's presence. Stepping over to the cupboard, he pulls out the coffee ground to start a pot. While he's waiting for it to brew, he squeezes the edge of the countertop so tight his knuckles whiten. As much as he'd like to, he can't escape his problems. He's tired of running away, he needs to face them, the primary one being himself, apparently. Sighing, he tiptoes to her bedroom. He leans against the wall beside her door and waits for her to step out, catch him and give him a piece of her mind for sneaking around. He waits for several minutes, frustration building when she's a no show so he puts his ear against her door. Hearing nothing, he slams his palm against it and drops his head.

What if she's already left?

He experiences a wave of anger that she'd actually do that and at the same time a cold hand squeezes his heart at the mere thought of it.

What if she's gone forever?

He leans against the doorframe examining his feelings, wondering why he even cares. It might have been the force with which she took his body yesterday. It might be the obvious vulnerability and hurt he saw in her face as she spoke angry words before leaving him naked on the couch.

Or is it because he's never really gotten over her? He tried, boy did he try. But after having her, there hasn't been another to compare, not even close. Maybe she isn't the spoiled princess he always thought her to be. He can imagine how she must felt when she overheard his phone call with Ric. If he had heard her speaking the same way about him, he's certain it would have hurt. She seized on her anger, using it to fight back and boy did she.

By the time he came to his senses, it was too late. He made the effort, went to ask her for another date but she was armed and well prepared. She laughed in his face, telling him he can't be foolish enough to think she'd ever go out with him again. Him, a ladies man at his very core, isn't fit to be part of a relationship. At least that's what he thought. And then she went in for the death blow, telling him she only wanted to know if he lived up to his reputation before slamming the door in his face. He stood there dumbfounded with a comical look on his face because his insides had been kicked out. As their night together played in his mind, how it felt to be inside of her as she moved above him, he cursed out loud for taking Ric's advice. He let himself be vulnerable for the first time and what did it get him?

He straightens his back, deciding he won't put himself in this position again. If she wants an explanation, she can come to him. But as he turns away from the silent door, he pauses.

He still needs to know if she left.

He shortly knocks and presses the handle. Stepping inside he finds himself in an empty, tidy room.

While he's bombarded with a range of emotions, his phone yanks him out of it. He pulls it out of his pocket and after looking at the display he answers it.

"Tyler." He feels numb. He probably sounds numb too.

"Damon? What happened?"

"Nothing. Nothing happened."

Tyler's probably waiting for him to elaborate more but he's not in the mood. It's Tyler's own damn fault that they're all in this mess.

"And? Are you two alright?"

"Oh, I'm perfectly alright. And if you mean that friend of Caroline's, she's gone."

"What do you mean 'gone'?"

"Well gone implies she's not here," Damon spits in frustration.

"What did you do?"

"And right away you jump to the conclusion that I did something."


"I don't know what you want me to say, Tyler, she's not here, she gone, left, went someplace else ..."

As he's about to go off on his best friend, a loud splash from outside catches his attention. He slowly turns in place and peers outside the window. The light bulb goes off in his head when he realizes that Elena doesn't have to use the main door to escape her room unnoticed. She can go through the glass-wall and directly to the swimming pool. And that's what she did. Still holding the phone to his ear, he sees her floating in the pool, the sun creating a sparkling effect on her flawless olive tinted skin.

"I'll call you later...," Damon ends the call without waiting for Tyler's response and hurries through the same door that she used.

He stands by the pool, admiring her lovely shape. Her eyes are closed so she probably has no idea she's not alone anymore. He thought she was gone. Somehow he can't find it in him to bring back the anger he felt only moments ago.

He must have gotten lost in his thoughts as the next time his eyes drift to her face, hers are wide open, angry fires burning in them.

"Why are you watching me?" she demands. Quickly reaching the edge of the pool she pulls herself out and stands up so she's face to face with him... safely, from across the swimming pool.

Damon is in no hurry to respond, taking in her peeved posture, chest heaving.

She's a vision.

"I thought you left...," he starts calmly.

"Why would I?" her response is immediate. "I'm not going to raise the white flag, I'm - not - a - quitter."

"And you think I am?"

"I have no idea, honestly but my instincts are telling me no. You're too glib and arrogant to believe you could ever possibly be wrong about anything."

Damon almost smiles. "Damn it Elena... Can we... Can we talk?"

"We're talking," she retorts stubbornly.

Damon's pretty sure she's not going to listen to him now. What he needs is calm her down and make her stay. Then they can work on talking things through later.

"Alright, how about breakfast? I'll make it," he waggles his eyebrows.

"You're not insinuating that I'm not capable of making a decent breakfast, are you?" she barks at him from across the pool promptly.

Here we go again...

After leaving Elena at the pool, Damon prepares a gourmet breakfast of Denver omelets, hash browns and fresh squeezed orange juice. By the time Damon has the delicious looking food set up outside on the patio table, Elena has managed to calm herself down. His unexpected appearance at the pool sent her heart racing from the anxious burst of adrenaline that shot through her veins. While he was in the kitchen, she swam a couple more laps to work off some of her nervous energy.

Damon peeks through the window just as she's pulling herself out of the water, his eyes are drawn to her sleek yet muscular arms. He watches as she slips a light airy shirt dress over her fine form. Feeling a shiver, he steps away and walks back over to the stove. With two plates in his hands, he slides one in front of her and takes a seat across from her. Damon considers her over the table, pretty sure her walls are up. However, he's a man and it most certainly doesn't escape his attention the way the dress clings to her still wet bikini. The frock is perfect as it hugs her curves, once again giving Damon a glimpse of her exquisite body. He shifts subtly, not wanting to alert her to the now snug fit of his shorts.


Damon swallows, feigns straightening his tee shirt and forces his eyes back to hers before he humiliates himself. Maybe he should jump into the swimming pool himself? "Ehm, I wasn't sure what to prepare so..."

"It's fine. Thank you. You didn't have to go to all this trouble."

"My pleasure," Damon mumbles and keeps his mouth shut for a few minutes while they're eating. It starts feeling almost... normal, sitting there, having breakfast, with her... This needs to stop!

He leans against the back of the chair, giving Elena a contemplative look. "Of all the people in all the world, you have to be my best friend's bride's best friend."

Elena's taken aback by his 'accusation'. Is he seriously blaming her for this? "Likewise," she snaps. She's aware she's being irrational but his mere presence drives her to the brink. Picking up her coffee mug, she takes a long pull. Setting it down, she silently counts to five in an attempt to reign in her default mechanism which is to snap at him. "You're a good cook, thank you," she adds with a serious expression while pushing her empty plate aside. Picking up her orange juice, she finishes it off, licking her lips when she sets the glass down.

Damon's eyes widen at her mood swings and almost bursts into laughter. Somehow he bites it back cause he doesn't want to alienate her anymore than he already has. She's stubborn as a mule. "Elena, you're truly something."

"Oh thank you," she manages to keep most of the sarcasm to herself.

"Look, I know I make you crazy, angry and the whole nine yards, but I can assure you... I'm honestly not intentionally trying to light your fuse. You know just as well as I do, Elena, that we're going to have to talk about it, it doesn't have to be now, but we can't avoid it forever..."

"It doesn't have to be like ever," she rebukes him, but it sounds more like... teasing? She's giving him whiplash. But at the same time...

"You're right, Elena, but I really think we should," the corner of his mouth twitches.

Elena takes a deep breath and raises her eyes, meeting the intense hue of his perfect blue ones. "I'm not sure there's anything to talk about. We just... Let's say our opinions about ... well, everything... are on opposite ends of the spectrum."

"Really? I seem to recall that you and I were on the same page about... sex?"

Elena squeezes her lips and he's already preparing . "You really believe that? I remember it very differently... In your opinion I'm a naïve waif, I specifically remember hearing the word candy... "


"No," she raises her palm, "You're used to a different kind of woman, one that I don't want to be."

"Are you ready to talk? Because that's very much a part of the conversation."

"If you think I have any interest in talking about that... you have another thing coming."

"I never meant... you were just...," this clearly isn't going the way he planned but he can't have her thinking he meant it as an insult.

"I was just what? Too inexperienced for your standards? Can't compare to your other... girlfriends? Because I can assure you, Damon, I'm just as capable if not more than any of them!" she barks at him stubbornly, then tosses her head and gets up to back off with grace. She's a whirlwind and it makes his head spin.

Damon jumps to his feet to block her way. He can be just as stubborn when it's necessary. Is it, necessary? He doesn't know yet, but he needs to find out. "Where are you going?"

Elena almost runs into him in her hasty retreat. Her eyes bore into his and he steps back to give them both some space. "I'll be in my room for now," she informs him. "I told you, I'm not a quitter."

He watches her back, the sway of her hips and the regal way she carries herself as she leaves him at the patio.

No Elena, you're not comparable to anyone.

It's a compliment, of the highest order.

Elena spends most of the day in her room. Damon's breakfast was so substantial, that she simply couldn't eat anymore, instead later in the afternoon, she treated herself to a couple of cookies that she stole from the kitchen. They were chocolate no bakes and utterly delicious, making her wonder if he made them too.

Or she could just be honest with herself and admit she didn't want to risk running into Damon again at least not before she was prepared to do battle. Is she ever going to be?

She must have dozed off because next thing she knows the Titanic theme's rousing her from sleep. She feels around her and picks up the phone without opening her eyes. "Hey Care?"

"Lena, what's happening there? Are you two in trouble?"

"You could say that," Elena's clearly lacking the ability to think before opening her mouth.

"Elena! Tell me you didn't kill him."

"Seriously Caroline, that's a little melodramatic even for you," she rolls her eyes at her friend's antics.

"Well why don't you tell me what's going on then? Tyler was on the phone with Damon and he said you left and then just hung up."

"Obviously, he was mistaken, I'm still here. I promised to watch your house and that's what I'm doing. Although... I can't say you made it easy for me."

"If you want, I can talk to Tyler. He can, not so subtly, tell Damon to leave, that way you can have the place to yourself."

Elena shakes her head in frustration. "No, Care, you can't do that. He'd probably have to stay at his father's place. The vibes I got at the wedding, I don't think the two of them really get along very well."

"Yeah, I think your intuition is correct about that."

They're both silent for a few moments, before Caroline offers: "I just don't understand how you two can hate each other so much?"

Elena considers her friend, then takes a deep breath and lets out what's been weighing her for months. "He was the guy from college."

Her announcement alone probably doesn't sound so ground-breaking without any context, Elena can hear the confusion in Caroline's voice. "What guy? At your college? OH, you mean THAT guy?"

"Yes, that's exactly who I mean," Elena grimaces.

"I can't believe it! What are the odds? The two of you, wow."

"Yeah, I was in shock too. I never thought I'd see him again and here he is, my nightmare embodied."

"Why didn't you tell me? I never would've let him stay at the house if I knew."

"I know, but he's Tyler's best friend, it's important to him too. And besides, this was about you guys. I'm rather proud of myself for getting through the last two weeks without ruining the wedding... But look at us now, how could I be so stupid?"

Reluctantly, she starts telling Caroline the whole story. "Suzie, my roommate, warned me. "He's a man-whore, she'd say. God, Care, I wish I had listened to her but I was so..."


"Blinded, I guess. For the first time... since... forever really I felt good, I wanted to have fun and prove to myself that I can enjoy life instead of just living it. When I overheard him talking about me on the phone... It doesn't matter, Care. We'll manage. You enjoy your honeymoon and don't worry about us. We agreed to share on the place until you get back. Then we'll go our separate ways and never have to see each other again. I love you, bye now."

She does owe it to herself to get over this Damon debacle. She can admit that she's not blameless in the whole clusterfuck of their short lived relationship. Hanging up the phone, she sits up at the beside and runs her fingers through her hair. Somehow she has to put him back in the past where he belongs. Determined, she jumps to her feet and sets off for the kitchen.

The house is quiet when Damon returns late in the afternoon. After all the turmoil, he needed time to think and she needed space, so he jumped on Tyler's BMW motorcycle and drove to the Falls. He parked the bike and sat there for several moments, finally deciding to take a long hike in the fresh air. He can't remember the last time he just took the time to enjoy mother nature. One little problem arose as he made his way over the rocks and through the trees on his way to view them. As soon as he found himself on the cliff overlooking the Falls and took in the beauty, he suddenly missed having someone to share the magnificent landscape with. Feeling an uncomfortable emptiness begin to burgeon and expand inside him, he stayed only a few minutes. As soon as he got back to bike, he revved the engine and hurried into the Mystic Falls city limits with a promise that he's going to return some day soon.

Not yet ready to return to the house, he stopped at The Grill for a drink which turned out to be a good distraction. A couple of his high school buddies were there so he joined them, reminiscing about the old times. After shaking their hands, Damon pulls a couple bills from his wallet to buy them another round before departing the place.

Curiously enough, he doesn't feel tipsy when he drives the bike into the garage. He sucks in a deep breath, mentally preparing himself in case she's planning to cross sabers again. Subconsciously he tries to be very quiet, tiptoeing through the huge house. She's not in her room, he looks as he passes her window and she's not by the pool either. But he can hear noises from the kitchen and his nostrils detect the smell of smoke and... she isn't trying to set the house on fire, is she? No way! His mouth immediately starts to water when the delicious smell of grilled meat wafts in. He can tell it's spicy and finely smoked. As if she wasn't attractive enough, she has the innate ability to satisfy everything a man could need.

He slowly approaches and leans against the door frame. She's mixing up a vegetable salad, then divides it in two bowls. He doesn't want to give her a heart attack so he shifts, to make a noise. Her head shoots up and she relaxes when she sees it's him.

"You startled me. I didn't think you were home. I'm not sure I'd like to live in this monstrous place alone, unless maybe I had a couple of very big and very mean dogs for roommates."

Damon chuckles and steps into the kitchen. "I can't blame you. I think it would get pretty lonely." He's hesitant to offer his help, he's not sure if she expects him to join her for dinner or if she's expecting someone else?

Elena answers his unspoken thought when she hands him the bowls, "Take these outside, would you? It's nothing special, just some meat and French bread but if you don't have other plans..."

Damon quickly grabs the bowls and heads outside. "Sure thing, Elena. And how could I say no to such a delicious aroma?"

They settle once again on the patio and eat their early dinner in leisure without feeling the need to speak. The silence isn't uncomfortable, he's grateful for that. Enjoying the food immensely, Damon uses a hunk of French bread to thoroughly clean the last of her delicious gravy from the plate. When he stuffs the last piece into his mouth, he leans against the back of the chair and moans. "Thank you, that was the best meal I've had in I can't remember when."

Elena nods but seems pleased with his appreciative words. Standing up, he rubs his belly and after telling her to relax, he goes inside the house, returning with a bottle of Red Bandol. It's a powerful, dark wine made in Provence in southeastern France. After pouring them each a glass, he sits back down and stares at the landscaping around the pool. It's beautiful, almost as if they're in a jungle oasis. Damon has a gnawing feeling that he should say something, anything to start a conversation but she catches him of guard with her next question.

"What do you do, Damon? Where do you live?"

He hesitates and she opens her mouth to take it back but he beats her to it. "I'm still in Spokane."

"At Gonzaga?" The surprise is evident in her tone.

"Yes," Damon smiles faintly but Elena can see it's not exactly a happy smile. "Remember Ric? Ric Saltzman?"

"The associate professor? Yes, of course. You worked with him on some school projects?"

"Yeah, I still work with him. He... Did you know he was sick?"

"Yeah, we all did. He had... a kidney transplant, right?"

"In our junior year. But then, that's when the true struggle comes. He has to take a handful of immunosuppressants every day, corticosteroids, tacrolimus, cyclosporine, mycophenolate, azathioprine and sirolimus. Although he needs to take them for the survival of his kidney, they all come with a slew of unwanted and sometimes severe side effects. He's tired all the time, weak, because of the steroids, he's developed secondary diabetes so he has to watch his blood sugars. I try to get him out to get some exercise at least once a week, he tolerates me."

"He's your friend, I'm sure he's grateful."

"Perhaps... We... we came up with an idea to develop a drug with fewer side effects and we've been working on it ever since. We haven't made much progress yet because research is expensive."

Elena's astonished, it takes her a while before she's able to respond. "Is he... How is he?"

"He has good days and bad ones but we manage."

"And the school supports it, your research I mean?"

"Yes, but we always struggle with the financial side of it. It's not like selling cosmetics." Immediately, he feels ashamed, she's done nothing to deserve such venom. He shouldn't lash out at her just because she's a successful business woman and his own project's circling the drain from lack of resources. He clearly didn't choose an easy way to earn his place in the world.

Elena can sense he's just frustrated, that it wasn't personal but it still hurt. "Thank you for telling me, Damon, I didn't know...," she collects the dishes to carry them back to the kitchen.

"I'll do it!" Damon's aware his comment didn't help his case, he hopes she won't shut him down.

"No need, Damon, for me, it's a way to relax," she gives him a small smile that doesn't reach her eyes. Still, something changed. She's more open tonight... does he dare to hope?

"I'll be in charge of the kitchen tomorrow, okay? Will you join me?" he says quickly before she disappears into the house.

"OK," comes the reply but she doesn't turn around to look at him this time.

He decides to take a swim, hoping the cool water will soothe the turmoil in his mind. He'd like to know more about her. Maybe she will surprise him too? He needs to come up with a plan and shut the hell. He's hanging by a thread with her and he doesn't want it to snap. He can't piss her off anymore, blaming her for something that is in no way her fault like he did today. No more Damon.

Why does he even consider it? He's surprised how quickly and completely he let go of his assumption that she was a pampered princess, one who would never ever see him as an equal. Seeing the hurt on her face, the one that resulted from the overheard phone call which led her to believe she wasn't good enough for him. Only now does he realize they're both guilty. Each made wrongful assumptions about the other. What if she's his soulmate, his other half and his stupid flippant remark ruined any chance he may have had with her? The painful sting of rejection pokes at his insides. Whether they can be together or not, he has to make it right with her.

But not yet. There's too much history between them, they need to take it slow and easy. She's not on the same page yet, likely still believing he's nothing but a man-whore as she put it. It may take a long time, a lot of it but it's what they have. And yet again he becomes aware of the fact that he does want it. He wants her.

Taking a deep breath to fill his lungs, he sinks below the surface of the water and swims till he runs out of air. Pulling up on the other side of the pool, he sucks in a breath. Looking around, he sees a glimpse of her in the kitchen window, the curtain falling closed almost immediately. Determined, he starts to swim laps to burn off the nervous energy he now feels...

Whatever it takes.

The next day Elena leaves early in the morning and when there's still no sign of her when noon rolls around, Damon drops his chin to his chest in frustration. He reaches into the fridge for a bottle of Lipton Peach tea and then begins to gather his things for their supper. Twisting off the lid, he takes a long pull and leans back against the sink's edge to just chill for a moment.

He chuckles slightly, it seems that as each day rolls around, they both need their own space and a little time to prepare to face each other. At least Damon hopes that's all it is and not his unfortunate outburst that drove her away, maybe for good. The thought is fleeting though because she's made it abundantly clear that she's many things but she's not someone who throws in the towel. Rather than ponder the reasons for her absence, he decides to have some faith and hope that they're making progress even if it is a series of baby steps.

After taking one more swallow of his tea, he washes his hands to begin preparing his gourmet meal. He's making a prime rib roast, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus spears wrapped in prosciutto and sprinkled with garlic. He's also going to make a fresh tomato and mozzarella salad. For dessert, he's making a white chocolate cheesecake topped with a raspberry puree and fresh whipped cream. For the wine, he already chose a Touriga Nacional from Portugal. It's a full bodied red wine with a profound depth of flavor.

Since they'll be dining like kings tonight and it's hot out, he decides to forgo lunch, instead he just has a slice of watermelon and some pomegranate lemonade that he found at the grocery store a couple of days ago. Once he's got as much done as he can do, he runs upstairs to slip into his swim trucks. He pours himself a glass of white wine, throws a beach towel over his shoulder and goes outside with a his cellphone. Taking a swallow, he sighs at the rich bouquet and licks his lips. One of the many advantages of housesitting for Tyler is his endless supply of alcohol, the good shit, not rock gut. After setting his things down on the table, he dips his foot into the heated pool. He's still astonished at the opulence of Tyler's mansion.

Having set the timer on his phone, he reluctantly sets his wine glass down and goes inside to put the prime rib in the oven. Getting out the mixer and the fresh cream, he starts mixing it up till it's nice and fluffy. When the oven rings, he slips on some mitts, pulls his cheesecake out and sets it on the countertop to cool. Just as he's about to pour himself a little more wine and return to the patio, his phone starts ringing. Damon curses, tosses the beaters in the sink and grabs the phone, answering it without looking at the display.


"Dad, it's not a good time."

"Don't you think it time you stopped running? Come home, we'll talk."

Oh no, this is definitely not how he planned to spend the afternoon.

Elena spent the morning spoiling herself. Making herself feel beautiful. First she drove to the Falls to have a look around. She was mesmerized by the majesty of the place. She thought how nice it would be to have a picnic there sometime. After spending about an hour there, hiking around and just relaxing, she drove into town, stopping at the salon that Caroline recommended. She had a manicure and a pedicure as well as having her brows done.

By the time noon rolled around, she was hungry so she left the salon and walked to the small café near the town square, the one that Caroline treated her to lunch at before the wedding. She orders a cup of coffee and slice of pie. The rhubarb pie is heavenly. Looking down at her watch, she decides she has some time yet. Truthfully, she's in no hurry to go back to Care's although she's very much looking forward to taking a dunk in the pool. In this heat, she's drowning in her own sweat. Horrible weather.

Sitting by the window, she watches people come and go, considers their faces and tries guessing their stories. Pulling her I pad out of her bag, she checks her website and takes care of some mail. Right now, she has two reliable employees, they're both quite capable when it comes to orders and filling them but Elena likes to give her correspondence a personal touch. It's very much part of the process of making her clients feel good about themselves.

She looks at the watch a second time, her eyes widen in surprise when she takes note of how long she's been there. Although not intentionally, she's effectively blocked everything Damon from her mind, at least for a few hours. She really needed a time out and her secret magic, her motto for making women feel beautiful inside and out, always works like a charm. After finishing what's left in her coffee cup, she collects her things and leaves the café. Getting into her car she heads back home.

"Dad, can we do this another time? I'm quite busy and I have plans."

Elena stops in her tracks as she hears Damon talking on the phone in the kitchen. She's not sure if she should disturb him which will certainly happen if she passes the door on the way to her room or should she just back off and make some kind of a loud slam to alert him of her presence? The person he's talking to is obviously his father. It's also none of her business but she can see by the stiff set of his posture that it's unpleasant. So rather than disturb him, she starts moving backwards but the one sided dialogue keeps her in place. It's... intense.

"No, dad, that's not true, I'm not trying to avoid you or dodge my responsibilities. All I'm really trying to do is to live up to my promises to both my colleagues and the university. We are very busy and I need to... solve a situation. As soon as I can, I'll come to see you although I don't think we're ever going to come to an agreement."

His voice sounds so tired...

"Yes, I realize I'm a disappointment for you but I'm not going to leave my job and..."

The conversation suddenly stops and Elena quickly moves several steps back, making a noise so Damon knows she's there. She walks into the kitchen, not sure if he heard her or not and lets out a sigh of relief when she finds the kitchen empty, Damon must've stepped onto the patio. She drops her bag, puts her I Pad on the kitchen table and then cautiously follows after him to the swimming pool.

"Hey ..."

He turns around and gives her a long look. "Elena, hey. I hope you're hungry."

"I am and whatever it is smells heavenly!" she answers truthfully. He didn't seem to notice her earlier, she's sure he wouldn't be happy if he had. She can tell he's still upset about the phonecall.

"Good." Damon picks up his abandoned glass. "Give me thirty minutes to finish up." He gives her a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes and disappears from sight.

Elena nods, watching his retreating form as he slips through the sliding glass doors.

We all have our burdens to bear... She sighs. Inherently knowing he needs a minute to himself, she goes inside through the other entrance, heading towards her room to change into something more comfortable.

Before dinner, Elena took a dunk in the pool, swimming several laps herself before settling in her room to think. Stepping into the shower to clean up before the meal, Elena can't help but wonder what happened to cause a rift between Damon and his dad? At the wedding they seemed so tense, almost uncomfortable around each other. She'd like to know more about his project, what he and his colleagues are doing at Gonzaga, but he likely wouldn't appreciate her questioning him about it. Perhaps the opportunity will arise for him to open up about it? Deciding to do a little research for herself, she picks up her Ipad and goes to the Gonzaga University website.

When she's being honest with herself, she suspects she's trying to solve all these things, other people's problems so she won't have to be introspective. Why can't she just leave it alone, his lifestyle is none of her business. He already rejected her once. It was her own fault for being so naïve and trusting... shouldn't that be reason number one for her to keep her distance now? She should just forget about everything Damon Salvatore and move on, the less she knows the better off she'll be.

Unless it just doesn't work.

It had been over two years since she'd seen him before fate interrupted and landed them both in Mystic Falls Virginia. Despite the distance of time, she just hasn't been able to shake him, no matter what she does. Being with him was like being swept up in a current, he just consumed her, he still does. Still wary of men, she hasn't had a boyfriend since she walked out of his apartment on that fateful night.

What is wrong with her?

Stepping out of the shower, she wraps a towel around herself and then walks over to the bed to get dressed. While slipping on her lingerie, a knock on the door startles her. She relaxes immediately when Damon tells her that it's time to eat. Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside stand, she gasps slightly when she sees what time it is. Clearly she lost track of it.

"I'm coming!" She quickly finishes dressing and crawls through the window to join him on the patio.

Damon can't bring himself to be more... communicative. The phone call put a big chill on his mood. It brought in sharp focus once again that his father will never see him as anything other than a disappointment. All of his life, he's never understood why and how Stefan became the golden child. His brother went through a rebellious period himself, causing much more of a ruckus really but... For whatever reason, one that he has yet to fathom, Stefan is the favored son. Oh, well...

"Sorry Elena, come again?"

Elena's aware Damon's been miles away this evening. She can hardly blame him after the tussle with his dad. "I said I wonder if your Italian roots explain how it is that you're such a wizard in the kitchen? The prime rib, the asparagus, everything was just exquisite. I don't remember the last time I ate so much, thank you."

Damon gives her a crooked smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I slaved over it most of the day."

Elena gasps excessively. "What!? Why would you go to all that trouble? It wasn't necessary."

"Well, I'm a man, I tend to be a braggart sometimes, and this, cooking, well it happens to be something I'm good at."

Elena laughs and it makes him smile genuinely. He wonders if she's ready to talk about the elephant in the room. Or maybe she believes they really have nothing to talk about?

"What was your day?" she suddenly asks but he has a feeling that's not the question she had in mind. It takes him a few moments to respond.

Busy? He wanted to make her a feast.

Awkward? Painful? When his father called.


"Boring," he decides and since he doesn't want to talk about himself really, he tries to change the subject. "When I'm rich I'm going to buy a place like this and spend my days poolside."

Elena chuckles. "I know, it's epitome of luxury, right? So, nothing unusual?"


So he's not going to tell her about the phone call. Elena mentally sighs and starts collecting the dishes. She should probably offer to cook for them tomorrow. Is it going to become pattern for them?

Damon jumps to help her but she just shakes her head no. "It's okay, Damon. You've done enough. I mean, the dinner. It was sumptuous, thank you... I'll just put them into dishwasher and go to bed."

"Would you... Will you tell me about your firm?"

She looks at him skeptically. "Not tonight, I'm pretty tired. If you're really interested, we'll talk tomorrow. Okay?"

"I really want to know, Elena."

For a moment his eyes find hers and holds them captive.

He's being sincere.

"Okay...," she breathes out and hurries to the safety of her room.

Elena's hasty retreat leaves Damon confused. He thought they were making progress but they're right back where they started, with Elena running. They had a nice meal, pleasant conversation about nothing important. He kept hoping she'd give him an opening but today, she gave him nothing at all to work with. The only real positive that came out of it is that she promised to tell him about her business tomorrow.

Picking up the remote, he flicks off the TV. He wasn't paying any attention anyway. He feels... restless. Getting up, he goes into the bathroom and takes a shower, hoping it will help to settle his frenzied mind. After drying off, he puts on his boxer briefs and walks over to the window. It's a warm night and the full moon is hanging from the sky like an enormous Chinese lantern. Running his hand through his still damp hair, he brushes it off his face. He doesn't want to wait till tomorrow to learn more about her, he wants to know now. Who is she really, the woman full of contradiction that he knows as Elena Gilbert or someone entirely different?

He's not sleepy yet, so he grabs his laptop and plops down on the bed with his legs crossed. After a little searching, he finds her website, "Inspirations by Elena". It looks tasteful and Damon quickly goes through the information listed and some of the catalogue items. There seems to be a message on every page.

Make yourself feel beautiful.

Somehow, he has a feeling there's more behind the words, a message of encouragement. There's also a chat room and comment section and Damon keeps reading what Elena's customers think, their own stories and experiences.

He hopes that one day she will tell him about herself, what makes her tick, her inspiration, her life. For now he'll have to settle for vivid dreams of her.

It must be early yet, or the sun finally gave up and decided to give them and hid behind a wall of heavy clouds. Something must have woken her up and then she hones in on it, the distant voices, yelling even... do they have a visitor?

She sits up in bed, her senses now fully awake. Tightening her lips, she gets up, grabs her robe and without as much as a glance in the mirror she storms into the corridor. The voices get louder, she recognizes Damon's and...

"Mr. Salvatore?" She enters the living room slowly, to the two men she must appear calm, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Giuseppe does a double take, the girl he remembers from the wedding, disheveled, in this house, with Damon? He looks at his son, his face rather disgusted.

"So this is how busy you are?"

"Dad, don't..."

"Excuse me?" Elena cuts in. "I don't know what you're insinuating here, but I can assure you... You know what? We don't owe you any explanation, it's none of your business what Damon and I are doing. I'm going now, but please, keep your voices down, you woke me up on the other side of the house, behind four closed doors, that's something." She turns around and leaves the room as royalty would.

Both men are astonished, each for different reason. No one has ever shown such insolence to Giuseppe Salvatore, the owner and manager of Salvatore and Pierce Holdings, a random girl scolded him as if he were nothing more than a schoolboy. Who does she think she is?

Damon on the other hand is in awe and if he's being honest even aroused by the 'cold shower' Elena just showered his father with. Did she really allow him to believe they're... together?

Giuseppe gives his son a hard stare. "I can't believe you're serious, Damon? All the piffle about how important your work is and how you're going to save the world and then I find you playing house with that cheeky gal. You should be doing real work and taking some responsibility. At your age, I already had a family, a job, a mortgage and a business. Instead you're content to live it up and tell me that you know everything. If you had just married Katherine...!"

"I'd be miserable! I don't get it dad, you came all the way out here to tell me I should have married Katherine? Or how disappointing I am?"¨

"No, Damon, I understand everyone has to go through this... sewing the wild oats period and try to do thing on your own but the day will come when you have to face the fact that your parents always know what's best. I wish all this was just a bad memory. The firm needs you. I need you."

"And you think the best way to win me over is by calling me a disappointment? Why don't you bother Stefan? He seems to be more to your liking anyway, he always had, he'd be much more of an asset to your business than I will ever be."

"Stefan's a fine businessman on his own. He's finishing college and he already started his own company..."

"I know, interior decorating. So, you're telling me his work's meaningful while mine..."

"... has no future. It may be fun but I doubt you'll ever make enough money to retire if you continue at that lab. It's long past time for you to grow up."

Damon can't believe he even considered asking his father for money. This whole situation is just fucking sad. He actually believed he's been doing something useful, something honorable, something that helps people. But his own father is telling him he's nothing more than a dreamer and what he does will never amount to anything. "Look dad, I don't think..."

He's cut off when Elena, looking like Nemesis once again appears, this time with a fresh pot of coffee and some biscuits. She lays it on the table with a loud thud that hints of her bad mood. Giuseppe impatiently waves his hand. "We don't need it, girl, this is important if you could just..."

Elena puts her arms akimbo. "Mr. Salvatore, with all due respect, you're a guest here. You don't get to dismiss me, you don't get to raise your voice at me, you don't get to badmouth me, at least have the decency to lower your voice. I am not 'a girl', my name is Elena Gilbert and nothing in my job description says I have to serve you."

"Miss Gilbert," Giuseppe seethes, "will you please give me a minute with my son?"

"That, Mr. Salvatore is up to Damon but in my opinion you have no business calling yourself his father." Damon's eyes widen as they share a look with Elena before she continues. "You probably won't believe me but I have my own company too and it's not actually difficult to start one. It's nothing a common person can't do. Developing new drugs, helping people manage pain and lessen their suffering... in my book, that's what real heroes do. Thanks to people like Damon, we can live better lives and you should be fucking proud of your son. I will never understand why you're not." She's exhaling heavily, her eyes full of fire.

Giuseppe's too in shock to respond.

Elena gives him a short nod and turns towards the door again.

"Elena, wait!" Damon composes himself quickly. "My dad's just leaving." He passes Giuseppe to hold the door open for him, his father is still too stunned to utter a word of protest. He shares one more look with his son before walking through the door, without looking back.

Elena looks at Damon, she seems a bit surprised herself.

"I'm sorry Damon, I was just... It wasn't my place, I..."

"Elena," he starts in a low voice, his gaze intense, "just shut the hell up. Shut up and kiss me."

With those words, he smashes his lips to hers.

It takes a second for Elena to start returning his kiss with almost equal fervor. She lets out a whimpering sound that goes straight through Damon's body down to his groin. With a growl of his own he presses her into the wall next to the door, his hands hungrily roaming all over her body. She gives as much as she gets, pressing her fingers into his shoulders then trail down his spine to grab his ass while she arches against him. The feel of her grinding into him is so erotic that he almost comes right away. His lips descend to her neck, trail down to her shoulder and ravish her perfect skin that he's sure there'll still be marks by tomorrow. Her chest is heaving wildly and his mouth is dry at the sight of this sensual dance.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he's aware they shouldn't continue along this... very well known path. They should stop to take a breath and talk... Shouldn't they?

"Damon," she breathes, it sounds like a plea... Suddenly her hand's sneaking inside of his boxer briefs, like tiny snakes her fingers encircle him and squeeze...

"Aaaah," he barely grabs her wrist to stop her but she sinks to her knees and so do his pants and briefs and then he feels her hungry lips and tongue swallowing him whole. He has no time to prepare for the assault, he just supports himself leaning one hand against the wall, the other lying gently on Elena's neck and cheek caressing her intently.

There was a reason he wanted to stop this before it gets too far...

"Elena...," it doesn't sound exactly convincing. "Elena?" he pants while she's doing wicked things to him. Just a few more strokes and... "Elena!"

Shockingly, she doesn't startle, she stills her mouth and raises her eyes to his. It might as well be his undoing. She's Elena, the new one, bold, stubborn, adventurous and she's the old Elena too, trusting and... generous, innocent despite everything. With shaking fingers he helps her up and can see the confusion on her face.

"We need to talk," he says gently.

"Don't you... like it?"

"No, no! Does it look like I don't like it? "

Elena's not sure what to think but then he does this eye thing that he sometimes does and she can't halt the smile that forms on her lips, lighting up her beautiful face.

As he hoped she would.

"You know," there's a mischievous glint in her eye and Damon wants to kiss her for it. "Are you sure you want to talk like that?" her eyes shoot down between them to the obvious proof that he sure did enjoy having her mouth on him. It will have to wait.

Even if it kills him.

He adjusts his sweatpants and just a little stiffly he leads her back into the living room. They sit on the couch next to each other, keeping a certain distance, he doesn't let go of her hand though. "You must know," he starts after a moment, his eyes watching their fingers intertwining, "I never meant anything bad with that 'sex and candy' comment, nothing could be further from the truth. I was just being stupid I guess, you swept me away with your... honesty and genuine emotions. You were different, Elena... I never experienced anything like what we shared before. I didn't know what to do with all the unrecognizable feelings, it was all so new to me. The infantile babble on the phone... I really have no excuses... If I were to try and explain, it was probably my defenses, I'm not used to feeling so overwhelmed, you knocked me on my ass. That and of course, Ric, at that time, was having a hard go of it, the unpleasant side effects of his treatments, he's always been amused with tales of my love life... He did warn me though about my cavalier behavior but I knew he needed the distraction."

Elena listens to him intently but at the mention of Ric she turns to Damon. "It was Mr. Saltzman on the phone that night? Oh my god, now my professor knows about my sex life."

Damon chuckles and brings her closer to him, tugging at her arm. "C'me here." She rests her cheek on his shoulder, turning her eyes to his questioningly.

"Will you tell me about your business, Elena?"

The surprise is evident on her face but she's not saying no, that's something. There's a minute of silence but eventually she starts to talk, about her motto and her mom and aunt who shared it with her. About her parents' deaths and her uncle's. Then about the baby steps when she tried to start her company.

Did he really believe this fascinating woman was nothing but a pampered princess with a sugar daddy of a father ready to reach into his pockets and grant her every wish? He couldn't have been more wrong.

Stupid, stupid Damon.

"I didn't mean those things I said to you either, Damon. They were my defense mechanism too," she adds regretfully.

"I understand and I'm so sorry, I formed an opinion before I even got to know you. I hope you can forgive me?"

"Of course, I can hear the sincerity in your words."

"Do you think we can start fresh?"

She's staring into his eyes for a long moment. "I'd like that..."

Damon sighs in relief, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off his chest.

"Now, can we finish what we started earlier?" she lifts herself up and gently straddles him. "I don't want you to hurt yourself," she whispers next to his ear and moves impossibly closer.

"I'm counting on it." His lips seek hers and for a long while there's nothing to be heard except sighs and whimpers.

Feeling a tickle on her nose, Elena slowly becomes aware of the sounds from outside, the birds and crickets are harmonizing as if in concert. Reaching up she rubs her nose and as she becomes more awake, she breathes in the smell of hot summer air mixed with chlorine from the swimming pool. It tells her it's going to be hot today. An occasional breeze, blended with the humidity is pleasant, brings welcome relief across her naked, sweaty skin and she stretches her leg to feel more of it. Her back is burning... She tries to move but she can't. Not even an inch. Damon's arm tightens around her possessively and pulls her even closer to his body, while he murmurs something unrecognizable into her ear.

Unable to breathe, she's awake in an instant, her eyes snapping open. Her heart starts slamming against her chest so hard that she gasps for breath. Quickly she grabs his wrist and carefully nudges his arm just enough, the relief is immediate when she takes a deep breath and relaxes back into him. Since they talked nearly three weeks ago, almost everything between them has vastly improved. At first they couldn't agree on in which room they would be sleeping in, his or hers which was ridiculous really. Reaching a compromise, they alternated for several nights and eventually Damon moved into Elena's. It's larger and much closer to the swimming pool. She loves waking up and jumping in the swimming pool first thing. It's such a refreshing way to start the day. However, she likes waking up next to Damon even more... And their morning sex is just an added benefit.

When she feels her eyes begin to close again she doesn't fight it, rather she uses Damon's palm as a pillow and makes herself comfortable with their hands intertwined under it.

Next thing she knows Damon's hand's caressing her belly, sliding below and his fingers nudging her thighs apart. Without hesitation, she leans against his chest and throws her leg over his hip to give him access. She hears him chuckle silently before his fingers are on her, in her... Ah... She's awake enough now to match his actions, she won't be just putty in his hands, she can return it just as vigorously. Moving her ass slowly against him while verbally enjoying what he's doing to her, she soon has him moaning and groaning, his fingers loosing rhythm as she's giving him a taste of his own medicine.


"Mmm, yes, Damon?"

"The fun's going to be over before it begins." Panting, he manages to back out of her reach, slapping her delicious bottom in earnest.

"Ouch!" Elena protests. "You're so going to..."

Before she can finish her threat, he grabs her leg under the knee and swings it over his shoulder, fixing her in place by laying his hands on her belly, rubbing his thumbs right along her...

"Oooohhh!" Elena's body tenses, her fingers scrabbling around for something, anything to hold onto.

"You were saying...?" Damon teases, his low seductive voice accompanied by his trade-mark smirk.

"You... are so going ... to regret..."

"I know." He gives her another smirk, then bends his head down and Elena loses the ability to speak for another half hour.

Damon stares at her reverently as he patiently waits till she comes to her senses. With her body molded against his, he gently strokes her hip from his position behind her adding in an occasional kiss on her shoulder.

She's so beautiful. Inside and out.

During these past few weeks he's learnt many things about her and the more he knows the more he wants to keep her by his side. The three little words are forming in the back of his throat and he's tempted to let them out even if it's just while she's sleeping.

All warm and soft...

He'd raise the white flag and go back to sleep if it wasn't for a little problem that needs to be taken care of... well, not so little. Her breathing slows down but instead of turning to face him she suddenly, with a swift jerk gets up and in all her naked glory marches out of the room.

"Elena?" In shock, his mouth is hanging wide open as he watches her rounded buttocks moving away just when he... has a situation that needs to be dealt with. He's certain she added that little swing to her hips to tantalize him even more, nimble little minx. Just when he starts worrying she's not coming back, she re-appears in the doorframe, her hand hidden behind her back.

She gives him a smirk, he's rubbing off on her, he knew it, and then she slowly walks closer, he's watching her all the way , her perfect figure... what... is that a bag in her hand? Must be quite heavy.

"Elena? This is torture, you know that, right?"

"I know...," she drags, a big smile plastered on her face. "What is it that you want? Damon?"

"You know very well what I want... uuhh, need!"

"Say it?"

Damon secretly thinks this is childish but she's so irresistible, even in this silly mood. "You know what I want," he says in dangerously low voice. "S - E - X. Sex."


"And what? Nothing, I want nothing except you, preferably back on this bed, don't bother to look for a blanket, I'll gladly cover you myself," he winks. "Sex, 'Lena'."

"And candy!" she squeaks and upends the bag in her hand, showering Damon with an avalanche of all kinds of it in every shape, size and flavor. Hard, chewy, chocolatey, sweet and sour candies in every color imaginable. Her infectious laughter leaves him no choice but join her. He catches her wrists and pulls her closer.

"Now you need to help me to eat all of this."

"Oh I will, don't worry!" she lays down crushing all the delicacies and is about to deliver the first piece when her phone starts ringing, the annoying sound of her ringtone interrupting their fun. She answers it with very little enthusiasm.


"Elena! We just landed!"

Elena's shocked face turns to Damon's. "Landed where? Care, where's your phone?"

"Oh, I used Tyler's my battery is dead. In Miami, of course! We're spending the night and we'll be back in Virginia tomorrow. I love you but I so do not want to come home."

As much as she's excited to see her friends and hear all about the honeymoon, she's well aware their days of playing house are about to end... She listens to Caroline's chatter until Tyler takes his phone, says goodbye and then hangs up. With a frown on her face, she turns to Damon.

"We need to clean up and start packing... I completely forgot they're scheduled to come back tomorrow." She looks like she's going to start right this moment, which Damon can't have.

"We have plenty of time. I can keep you in bed, I can spoil you, I can cook for you, I can make love to you...," he murmurs, sealing every single word with a kiss.

"Did you just say...?" Elena looks at him in wonder.

"I did," Damon confirms without needing her to voice it. "And I meant it. I want to make love to you. I'm crazy in love with you Elena Gilbert. And it may sound nuts, after all, we've only been together for a few weeks but I know how I feel. You are generous and brave, you fight for those you care about and I want... no, I desperately need to be one of those people. I want to earn it... be worthy of it."

Feeling overwhelmed, she throws her arms around him and buries her face in his neck. "Damon... You don't need to earn anything, you already have. You're all those things yourself. Generous and brave. Friendly and loving. Gentle and ..." she makes a frustrated gesture, missing the right words. "You," she takes a deep breath when she collects herself enough to speak again, "are my hero. And I love you."

Damon's head is spinning. How can it be possible that this beautiful angel is his especially after he was so careless with not only her feelings but others' too? He's staring at her in awe as she... takes a piece of candy. Slowly and sensuously, she parts her lips to take it between her teeth... giving him the happiest and most seductively innocent smile he's ever had the pleasure of witnessing. While she runs her tongue along the butterscotch disc, her eyes drop to where the sheet is tenting between his legs.

Screw cleaning! Tyler's staff can take care of it later.

He reaches for his devilish angel or angelic devil and rolls her beneath him.

No more teasing.

Hearing the distinct purr of a Lexus engine, Damon feels Elena tense next to him as they stand outside and wait, watching the empty driveway till Tyler's car pulls in. As soon as it comes to a complete stop, a crazy blonde climbs out of the car. "Elena!"

Elena runs down the stairs, right into Caroline's arms. "Welcome back! I hope you're hungry, Damon made the most delicious homemade chicken enchilada casserole."

"Ravenous," Caroline assures her enthusiastically. "But before we eat, I have about a million pictures to show you!"

Both men share a lenient look watching Caroline as she drags Elena inside, then they slowly follow. Damon goes straight to the bar, pouring them both a decent amount of bourbon, Tyler's watching him with a smirk.

"You could get used to living here, am I right?"

"I immensely enjoyed the walk-through window. Nothing's better than jumping into the pool first thing in the morning. If I ever have a house, I'm definitely copying this design," Damon answers, handing Tyler a glass, taking a sip from the other one.

"Walk-through window?" Tyler's confused. "Wasn't Elena going to stay in that room, the one next to the pool?"

"Yeah, we... um... shared."

"You what?" Tyler's expression is comical, Damon would laugh if he wasn't concerned about how to explain... all of this.

"You what?" Caroline shrieks out, staring at the fully occupied double bed in Elena's bedroom.

"Shhh, Care... you don't have to let the whole of Mystic Falls know my sleeping arrangements."

"I need to sit down...," she sinks into the armchair, still looking at Elena as if she had two heads.

Elena's waiting, she knows what's coming as soon as her friend processes the bombshell she just dropped and prepares for the third degree.

Caroline snuggles comfortably into the chair, "I knew I was right about you two... Don't go tight lipped on me now, I want all the details."

Damon steps out of his car and locks up before briskly walking through the doors and into Spokane International Airport. The first thing he does is check the arrivals board to make sure she hasn't been delayed. Once he finds the flight number and confirms the time she gave him, he heads towards the area where she should appear. Unfortunately because of airport security, he can't go behind the barricade. He'll just have to wait. Scanning the crowd for the beautiful brunette, Damon is getting a little edgy when groups of people start to walk past him, none of whom are her. He's been anxious to see her. Despite her reassurances he can't shake the feeling that he's going to wake up from this beautiful dream and have it all disappear. He arrived about an hour before her flight was supposed to land and tried to kill some time by having a cup of coffee at one of the little shops along the concourse.

Taking a sip of his coffee, he keeps looking up to see if she'll appear but as more people walk by, his stomach begins to churn apprehensively.

What if she changed her mind?

Suddenly his vision goes black and he hears the sweetest voice next to his ear, accompanied by the unique smell he's learnt to associate with her. It's jasmine and vanilla combined with her natural sweetness.

"Guess who?"

"The looker that just bought me a drink at the bar outside?... Ouch!"

Elena grabs his hair and pulls. "You!"

Damon turns around and catches her in his arms. "And you, are trying to give me a heart attack." He captures her lips and gives her a proper kiss. And then another and another after that.

"How did you get past me?"

"I knew you'd be waiting... maybe a little worried," Elena's sporting an ear to ear smile. "And it was too tempting to keep you on your toes."


"Damon, you were thinking what if I had decided not to come?" she smirks at him.

"Alright, alright." He tugs her ponytail and then picks up her suitcase with one arm, extending his elbow for her to latch onto with the other. "Let's go."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Elena watches the sights go by. Damon drives past the arboretum and the Benewah Milk Bottle before exiting onto another highway, one that leads them past the Spokane Falls and the Riverfront Park Looff Carousel. When she was in school she and her friends would spend hours in this part of Spokane. The carousel itself is one of the most visited attractions in the city. It dates back to 1909 and is on the National Register of Historic Places. It's also one of America's most beautiful and well preserved hand-carved wooden carousels. It has 54 horses, 1 giraffe, 1 tiger and 2 Chinese dragon chairs.

"I'll bring you back. I can see you're dying for a ride on that ancient carousel," Damon mentions when he sees the whimsical look on her face. Turning her head, she smiles at him but doesn't say anything. He respects her silence, he's sure there's a lot of memories playing in her mind. Some likely not so pleasant, probably including himself. He makes the turn onto university property, Elena straightens up when she sees his building, remembering how many times she's been here before.

"Are you sure your colleagues won't mind?"

"I am sure. Ric can't wait to tell you all of his embarrassing stories about me."

Elena laughs and gets out of the car before he can open the door for her. He pouts a little which earns him another smirk. Damn, she's getting good at this. "You just can't allow your guy to be a gentleman now can you?" he teases with a wink.

"I can but you make it so much fun to annoy..."

Damon shakes his head and holds the door for her. "I'm not so certain I want you to become friends with Ric..."

"Say what?"

"Between the two of you, I'll be stuck behind the eight ball. I don't know how I'll ever catch a break."

Elena laughs just when they enter the lab and she soon finds herself in a tight embrace with her former teacher, which kind of freaks her out. "Mr. Saltzman..."

"Elena! Good to see you. Please call me Ric, you're not a school girl anymore and I certainly don't feel that old."¨

Elena finally retuns his hug and gives him a genuine smile. "Nice to see you too, M... Ric."

"Now, we need to catch up," he grins devilishly at his partner. "When did you say you have to leave?"

Ric takes them back to the airport later in the evening so they can catch their flight to Chicago and then Richmond. Damon can't stop smiling watching two of his favorite people interact. How did he miss any of this, her wicked sense of humor or her ability to laugh at herself. Why did he waste so much time being an idiot? Watching her embrace Ric again, he wonders how he ever lived his life without her?

"Well, have a safe flight, you two." Ric shakes his hand and turns to Elena to give her a peck on the cheek. "Thank you, Elena, you did more than just tame this guy," he points at Damon. "But it's the most remarkable thing, I never thought I'd see the day. Thank you."

Elena chuckles, she looks rather moved by the warm welcome she received from Damon's mentor and dear friend. "I thank you, I'm looking forward to seeing you frequently."

"Don't tell him that!" Damon growls. "Now we'll never get rid of him!"

They all laugh and reluctantly part their ways. "See you soon buddy," Damon adds and then they walk through the gate to catch their flight.

"Are we really doing this?" Elena asks curiously.

"We certainly are," Damon winks at her and quickens his pace, draging her along.

He can hardly wait.

"No, no. We're not doing this, Elena, no way!"

"Damon, relax... You agreed to it," Elena informs him in a calming tone. It's not negotiable. Still she knows it's going to be a hard slog.

"Nope, we agreed on tacking our lives together. We agreed on you moving to Spokane so we don't have to have a long distance relationship. We agreed on you becoming Mrs. Salvatore one day soon which is why this gorgeous, enormous stone is on that finger," he lifts her left hand and kisses her fingers, pointing out her engagement ring, a simple solitaire with a half carat gentle brilliant stone.

"Pfff, enormous it's definitely not!" she makes a pause waiting for his hurt expression, then quickly adds: "An enormous stone would feel like ball and chain on my finger. This one's perfect." She gives him a soft smile that melts and repairs his heart immediately. "However," she continues, "this is exactly what we agreed on. You know that we can't take this life changing step without telling your parents?"

"Elena, my parents... well mostly my dad, will only complicate things. I'm happy, crazy in love and I don't want him to ruin it. I'm telling you we go straight to Tyler and Caroline's, share our good news and enjoy a week swimming, sipping drinks, lazing about and stick to the plan, no stress.


"Okay? No fight? What you mean 'okay'?" Damon's confused, by now he knows all the versions of Elena, but a resigned Elena is not one of them.

"Yes, just... okay. One day, we may get married. We'll be standing there alone, no family at all because I have no one left."

It takes a second to Damon to process what she just said, then grumbles in frustration. "Oh, hell, Elena, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, I didn't think." He pauses for a minute and squeezes her hand gently. "You're right, we'll talk to my parents. But when they ruin it, remember it was your doing."

Elena loosens his grip, slips her hand under his arm and brushes her face against it. "Do you really think I'd let your dad ruin us?"

Damon can't help but chuckle, remembering how gloriously she ran his father away from the Lockwood's that morning, giving him a piece of her mind as a goodbye. That seminal moment actually kick started their relationship. "No, no... I just... don't think it'll make a difference. My father and I are just too different, we disagree on most things, it's been that way since he tried grooming me into being the perfect Stepford child."

"Don't worry," she whispers, kissing his shoulder. "Neither he nor anyone else has a chance against the two of us."

Damon gives her a happy smile and intertwines his fingers with hers as they make their way through the crowd and towards the departing gate for their Richmond bound flight.

It's true. As long as they're together...

Damon is expecting Tyler to pick them up or send someone from his staff in case he can't get away. To his astonishment, it's Stefan who waves at them when they step into the airport lounge where his buddy said to meet him. Considering Elena's welcoming smile as she returns his brother's greeting, he concludes that it's another thing he was kept in the dark about.

"Hey!" Stefan looks pleased seeing his brother and takes both of them under his arms for a short half hug. "Elena, Damon!"

Damon watches them suspiciously, they've met like... once or twice? Why do they act so... familiar? "What are you doing here, brother?"

"And good to see you too, brother," Stefan smirks and Damon rolls his eyes.

"How did you know...?"

"Well," Stefan's look shoots to Elena and Damon opens his mouth to give them both a piece of his mind for plotting behind his back. "Got ya!" Stefan grins at his annoyed brother. "Caroline called, Tyler's out of town and she had plans that couldn't be changed apparently."

Damon mutters something while they all head outside to the parking garage and to Stefan's car.

The ride is silent, Damon processing all that lies ahead of him, Stefan's driving but doesn't say much, his older brother obviously needs his space. Stefan's always known when to give him quiet time. Elena feels his tension and reaches her hand from the back seat to lay it on his shoulder. Strange, it always works like a charm. He sighs and puts his hand on hers, giving it a squeeze.

All too soon Stefan takes the turn to the boarding house. Damon hasn't seen his father since he stormed out of the Lockwood's house almost a year ago. He did call home to wish them happy birthdays and Merry Christmas but that's been the extent of it. This year, for the first time in his life, he's felt free and he's not exactly eager to jump into the quicksand again.

He gets out of the car and Elena is right behind him. Her warm hand slips into his, giving him strength he didn't even know he needed.

Perhaps in this past year, it wasn't only Giuseppe's absence from his life that allowed his feelings of freedom to flourish but it's also her presence in his life. For the first time in a very long time, he feels hopeful for the future.

It's all her.

They're all seated in the enormous living room, it feels so formal. Elena takes in Giuseppe's troubled face, Honoria, Damon's mom's happy one, she clearly missed her son and now she's just hoping they can come to some kind of agreement so the family will be whole again. She appreciates the amused glint in Stefan's eye and almost has to smile. She won't though, not when Damon seems to be on edge...

"Ah, mom's famous homemade pistachio pudding cake!" Stefan decides they need to start somewhere. "You made it for Damon and Elena!" he accuses. "You never make it when I ask."

Honoria smiles and it reminds Elena of Damon's smile when he's being himself, not joking or making pretenses. "Hush, naughty boy, you never ask for this one and when have I ever denied you your favorite...? Help yourselves, I'll bring more coffee," she turns to others.

Elena reaches for a piece and moans as soon as the flavors erupt in her mouth. "It melts in my mouth, this is so good, Mrs. Salvatore, I'll have to beg you for the recipe."

"Call me Honoria, please. And of course, Damon will appreciate it, am I right?"

Damon gives his mother a smile, the first truly genuine one since they entered the boarding house. "Yes, it's been my favorite since I was a little tyke." He grabs a piece for himself but Elena knows he's still holding back and not being himself. Apparently, she's not alone.

"Ehm," Giuseppe clears his throat, "okay. Apparently, there is a huge elephant in the room and that would be me..."

Damon looks at his father surprised, not sure where he's going to go with this. "Dad?"

Elena's on pins and needles herself and not quite sure how Damon will react, however Honoria's subtle smile reassures her somewhat.

"Please, let me say this, Damon. Then it will be your turn."

Did his father really just say 'please'? He just nods, unable to say anything anyway.

"In the last year, I've had a lot of time to think about you and me. And son, I didn't really like who was staring back at me in the mirror. I want you to know that I'm sorry. It was very wrong of me to try to push you towards a life that I chose for you. I wanted you to put your goals and dreams aside... it wasn't my place then nor is it my place now to decide what's best for you. Only you can decide that Damon. Since we last saw each other, I've been doing a lot of soul searching and this may surprise you but I've also pulled the cob out of my ass. With your mom's help, we did a lot of research into what you actually do and..." He stops talking for a second, trying to regain his composure. He shortly looks at his wife, then Elena and when he turns back to Damon, he's his determined self again. The man Damon recognizes... but not entirely.

"What I'm trying to say, I feel awful about the state of our relationship. Since the very beginning I did everything wrong. I should have listened to you and accepted your choices... You should have felt confident enough to ask for help if you needed it. I will regret the time we lost till I'm just a memory."

"Dad, I didn't want..."

Giuseppe raises his hand to silence him. "Just a moment, Damon. I want to know... if there's still a chance to help you save your project. I'd... your mother and I would like to help. I asked my accountants and... I want to do this for you. Because, as one very wise young woman once reminded me...," his eyes travel from Damon to Elena and back, "I'm fucking proud of my son."

Damon's spread out on the couch, no one chastises him for it and watches his new found family. He shifts slightly, making room for Elena when she comes to sit next to him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she lays her hand on his arm, just to feel the contact.

He looks at her closely. "Well, I'd really like to know the extent of the plot you cooked up... with whom exactly?"

Elena's cheeks turn pink but she's not about to back down from a direct question. "One day, Stefan called me after Caroline gave him my number. He told me he missed his family and asked if I would help him to repair it. He had faith that it wasn't too late for all of you but said that he needed a little backup. I made it clear from the get go that I wouldn't plot against you, I'd never do that but I also knew how hard it would be for you to take that first step. I understand that you've been hurt so I told him that if the opportunity arose that I would do what I could to help him. And when you proposed... I knew we couldn't leave your family out."

"I was wondering why no one seemed surprised..."


"They had to have seen the ring... And the funding, what about that?"

"I think he asked Tyler when they ran into each other."

Of course, Tyler would tell him. How can he blame Elena or Tyler for trying to help? They've been doing all they can to help. Without them, the project may very well have been canceled. Elena started an online campaign at her boutique. She donates one dollar for every product that's sold and Tyler made a generous contribution to the university with the specification that the funds would be used in Damon's department. Their combined efforts have kept their project afloat. With a little added help from his dad, perhaps they may accomplish their goals.

"Are you angry?" Elena interrupts his train of thought. "I mean for doing this behind your back?"

"Angry?" he fixes his eyes on her, taking her hand in his. "Well, that would be just a bit hypocritical on my part...," his eyes filling with mirth.

"What you mean?" Elena asks suspiciously. "What have you done?"

"Nothing - yet." He springs to his feet and kneels in front of her, taking her hands in his. "Elena, will you marry me?"

Elena's eyes widen, she's aware Damon's parents and Stefan are all watching the scene with interest. "Damon I already said yes, remember?" She taps on her left ring finger.

"I do, but what I mean is, will you marry me now?"

"Now? Are you crazy?" she looks around as if looking for someone to officiate the ceremony at that very minute.

He would kiss her senseless and more, if there wasn't the audience. "Not now now Elena," he responds and the relief is evident on her face. "But now while we are in Mystic Falls. Before we have to go back to Spokane."

"What?" she's speechless. "How could we...How would you...? This isn't funny!" she smacks his shoulder.

"It's not supposed to be funny," he shakes his head but his face looks like it certainly is. "I'm deadly serious."

"Oh yeah? And how would we manage to arrange everything? I know it's supposed to be just a small intimate ceremony but still..."

"There's this perky blonde girl I know... "


"Your best friend is the most efficient planner I've ever met. She can organize everything. Venue, flowers, music, food..."

"Who's officiating?" The challenge in her tone is not as prominent as it was just a little while ago.

"Ric is. He's coming..."

"That's why you said 'see you soon' to him?!"

"Yes, my lovely wife to be and your two employees will be coming too."

"I cannot believe this!" she bursts into tears.

Now Damon's worried. "Elena! I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." He takes her in his arms trying to calm her down. "I'll fix it. I promise I'll fix it. I thought you would like it..."

She nods vigorously, her face still hidden against his chest.

"Please tell me what's wrong? You do want to right?"

"Yes," she cries out. "I just can't believe it!

Damon laughs relieved and it seems to be incentive enough for others to congratulate them and share their happiness.

Eventually, it's time for them to move to the Lockwoods', but Damon's family doesn't want to let them go, not just yet, not when they've begun to repair all the damage. Damon's adamant though. "Guys, we're not staying here tonight. We've been looking forward to our room and the walk through window, and especially their swimming pool. I'll be back in a few days. We all know that Caroline will kick me out the day before. She'll have my ass if I see the bride before the wedding. Oh, and Stefan! I'm borrowing the car." Before his brother can protest, Damon snatches the keys and drags Elena through the front door.

Boys will be boys.

"Do you think we'll be this happy ten years from now?" Elena asks him as she watches the scenery outside on their way to Caroline and Tyler's place.

"I have no doubt," Damon replies, sending her a loving look before he turns his eyes back to the road. "We'll be together. We may have our own house, we can start looking once we get back to Spokane. A swimming pool and a room with the walk through window or poolside sliding glass doors are a necessity. Perhaps we'll have a dog, say six or seven kids?"

Elena laughs, "I can imagine you, my nerdy professor, trying to keep track of all their names."

Damon gives it a thought. "Perhaps... if all their names start with 'S' for example... Sophie, Sylvia, Sara, Sam, Steven... oh not that, it sounds like Stefan...," he's musing and Elena can't wipe the wild silly smile off of her face.

She's going to have a family of her own. They get to do what they believe in. And no matter what, they'll stick together. It's a promise.

"What are you thinking about?" Damon asks when she falls silent for a minute.

"Well, I was thinking about how much sex, with candy of course, do you think we can have before the wedding?" Elena asks, her fingertips inching up his thigh towards his...

This is his kind of challenge.

Damon glances over, her brown eyes are scintillating with a mischievous glint. They glow with humor and a playfulness that never seems to escape them. "Buckle up future Mrs. Salvatore, we're going for a ride."

She'll happily follow him anywhere.

The End.

Massive thanks to all of you. Truly you are all such wonderful people. We're so grateful to each and everyone of you.

A huge thanks to Eva. I don't know where I'd be without your incredible support and encouragement, talent, wisdom and your dedication to our stories.

I The other day, I did post a picture of the pool area, Tyler and Caroline's home and the dresses Elena and Caroline wore to the "Ruby House" in part one. The 'Ruby House' is a real restaurant in Keystone, SD, just outside of Mt. Rushmore.

Title from the song by Marcy Playground.

Happy Birthday Kate. You're a beautiful person inside and out. I'm so honored to call you my friend.

Have a safe and wonderful day. We'll see you next for the final chapter of ROF and WTTJ 18...