And here is a story I've been trying to get edited and posted for over a year. There will be massive amounts of time-skipping, and I sincerely suggest finding a box of tissues before we get too far in. Posting the first two scenes today (because they're both super-short and pulled almost straight from canon), and then will post two or three more before July Camp NaNo officially starts. No promises on an update schedule come July, though.

Some minor warnings:

First, this is technically a Symphonia/Phantasia crossover, but due to the fact that the Phantasia characters only show up in the last two scenes and the story follows Lloyd... I'm just going to leave it here in the Symphonia fandom.
Second, this story is being cross-posted on AO3. (Just in case anyone was wondering/cared.)
Third, there are a LOT of OCs in this as we get into the later chapters, due to the fact that... well. People die, and Lloyd is... not exactly a great hermit.
Fourth, a lot of people die. Hence the need for tissues.

Okay, disclaimer time~

I do not own Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Phantasia, or any affiliated characters/concepts. I do however own any and all Original Characters and ask that permission be requested before they are used elsewhere.

Now then... Enjoy~

Broken Wings
A.K. 4023 / At the dawn of the New World
Kratos' Departure

Lloyd had been dreading this moment since they'd defeated Mithos. And yet... there Kratos stood before him, clearly not as conflicted as he himself was.

"Are you really going to Derris-Kharlan?" Lloyd asked, praying that Kratos would change his mind.

"If a half-elf of Cruxis remains, the other half-elves will have no place to live." Lloyd closed his eyes, forcing down the heartache. "As a surviving member of Cruxis, I must bear the responsibility for what has happened."

Yeah. There really was no budging him.

Lloyd took a deep breath, opening his eyes again. "I'm going to collect all the exspheres remaining in this land."

The nod that met his words was tight, controlled... Kratos was conflicted. Just doing a lot better job hiding it than Lloyd was. "And I will discard all of Cruxis' exspheres into space." He stopped, sighed, and let the rigid control slip for a moment, regret shadowing his eyes. "I've dragged you into this until the very end..."

And for all that Lloyd wanted him to stay, wanted to get to know his father... "It's okay." They had their jobs to do...

Although... Colette, Raine, Genis, Zelos... they'd all be able to collect the exspheres themselves... he didn't have to stay...

"It's time for me to go. Please use that sword to send us to Derris-Kharlan," Kratos said, the words firm enough that Lloyd knew going with him wouldn't fly very well.

He lifted the Eternal Sword slowly, gathering up his courage for the single most difficult task he'd had to ask of it yet. "Goodbye... Dad!"

The light shifted, enveloping Kratos and the Desians who waited behind him.

And even as they were taken to Derris-Kharlan, Lloyd heard the last words Kratos had spoken.

"Don't die, Lloyd... My son..."

Lloyd closed his eyes. "I won't... I promise."

Even though he was human... even though he would fade in time... He would keep that promise for as long as he could.