He needs us

"Aunt Lilian!" Said the both twins, hugging their blonde aunt once they entered.

"Linka, Lukas." She said. "How have my 2 favorite nephews been?" She asked affectionately.

"Very well, better now that you are here." Lukas said.

"Yeah, I can't wait for Dad when he sees you, he will be very happy." Linka added.

"Surely, little ones." Lilian replied stroking her white hair to her nephews. "What about school? Tell your aunt how it went."

"The usual school." Lukas said. "Exams, routine matter, Avoiding Curt and his friends, and that.

"True, although we met some good ladies who helped us with Curt.

"Oh really?" Lilian wanted to know. "What ladies?

"A group of sisters, all of us, we met one of them in the library, she works there, makes very beautiful poems," Linka said.

And the twins began talking to their aunt about the kind ladies they met and who they met several times.


"Thank you ... Brother ... snif ... r-really ... thank you very much for the opportunity."

"I didn't say you can see my children, I still don't want them to approach them for any reason. But if you really want us to rebuild our relationship, don't hesitate to call me, no matter what I'm doing, I'll answer you, and very possible I will tell you yes.

"Okay, I understand ... snif ... thank you very much, little bro.

Luna let her brother go, her car moved away from the place and she saw that the sky was getting cloudy, she decided to walk to her house even if it started to rain, how bad, she hadn't brought her umbrella.

Luna then sighed.

"I better go home before it gets worse." She said without much encouragement.

It was that in front of him, a vehicle stopped in front of her, revealing an African-American man, and the same age as Lincoln, his old childhood friend and whom he called brother.



"Oh. Hey Luna! How long has it been." Said the boy happy. "How have you been?"

"Ah ... yes, well ... I've been fine, thanks for asking."

"No problem," he replied. "Hey, if you want I can take you home before you get soaked more." Clyde offered. "Do you think so?"

"Yes, thank you very much, Clyde." She thanked.

Luna entered the passenger seat and they both set out, Clyde took advantage of a little chat with Luna, she had not known much about them for a long time, or Lincoln, since he had gone to an international trade company, so he had to leave The city to go to work. Recently he could afford to return to Royal Woods to visit his parents, it was a miraculous coincidence to meet Luna.


"Mrs. Loud, we really regret that." Linka said. "We are very sorry about your younger sister.

"Yes, maybe your brother has reason to be upset, but it was an accident." Lukas seconded. "Although one very serious ... Oh, sorry, I don't want to make her feel worse, I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay." Lucy said, saddened. "Don't worry, little one, thanks for trying to cheer me up." He said stroking his head. "Souls like yours are like little lights for those trapped in the sadness."

"Excuse me, but we have to go, Mrs. Loud." Linka said. "Dad could soon arrive soon and we don't want to worry him, but hopefully one day they can find his brother to forgive them."

"Yes, I am sure that your brother must surely have thought a little with so many years." Lukas added.

"See you, ma'am!"

"... And then they walked home." Lucy told Leni what happened with the twins. "It's the second time I've talked to them, although I didn't tell them the whole truth."

"Okay, Luce, I understand." Leni said taking her hands.

"I really want Lincoln to no longer be mad at me." He replied with regret. "It hurts me so much that he reacts like that when he sees me."

"I know, I know, Lucy." Leni said letting her hold her.

"At least he forgave you."

"Yes, it's true." The blonde woman replied. "But if she could forgive me, I'm sure she will forgive you too."

"Do you believe?" Lucy asked.

"Of course my sister." Leni said smiling at her.

(Lincoln's House)

The white-haired man was returning home, when he parked, he went to open the door, where he was once again greeted with a hug from his children.

"¡Daddy!" The both said.

"Linka, Lukas." He said happily, he loved that his children received him in such a warm way, they embraced the hug.

Then he saw the 17-year-old blonde girl in a wheelchair making an appearance, smiling at the white-haired man.

"Lilian." Lincoln said with a smile.

"Lincoln." The girl answered and they both hugged.

"How have you been?"

"Very good, Shirley helped me get off the bus with my luggage."

"And She?"

"She has a trip further west, so she stayed on the bus." Lilian replied.

"Too bad, you would have called me to go see them and help you." Lincoln commented.

"Don't worry." Lilian replied. "Surely you had more important things to do."

"Yes ..." He said a little nostalgic. "And I... went to ... see someone."

"Who, Daddy?" Linka asked.

"(Sigh) I went ... to see your mother, you know where." He replied as he put his hands on the backs of his children to hug them. "I wanted to see her."

"Okay, dad." Lukas replied. "We understand, please don't be sad."

"Linka, Lukas..."

"Lincoln, calm down, everything is fine, don't think about that, please." Lilian pleaded taking his hand.

(Lori and Bobby's House)

The couple was on their couch chatting, because Lori also informed Bobby about how things were going with their plan, since he was his family, so it was more preferable that he was also aware of the situation, added to that he also He hoped that Lincoln could once again open up to his sisters.

Bobby used to visit Lincoln once or twice, he tried to persuade him to open his heart, but failed, so he hoped the Loud sisters would have better luck to make passes, Bobby understood the pain they were in for passing by, their hands were stained with their own blood, that memory was a nightmare that had eaten away at them for 17 years, and he could see it in his wife.

"I'll go see Luna." Lori said. "She was always one of the closest to him, I just hope she could have had better luck.

"Love, don't try so hard." Bobby said trying to comfort her.

"Bobby, you don't understand." She answered. "You are my husband and I love you, but you cannot understand the pain I am feeling." She added with a sad tone. "I was the older sister, I had to put order when Mom and Dad was not there, I should be the one to avoid fights, to be the voice of reason for my younger brothers, but I did nothing, I never did anything, and I could only understand it the moment I made the biggest mistake of my whole miserable life.

"Bobby, now my little brother hates me, I lost my little sister, because I couldn't put a stop like the older sister I was supposed to be!" She exclaimed in a broken voice. "I couldn't put a stop, I couldn't be an example As a sister, I was supposed to protect my brother from anything, but I couldn't protect him from myself! I couldn't do something for him because of my stupid disinterest! I couldn't understand the meaning of a family! How can I be? A good person now if I couldn't learn to be a good big sister !? I couldn't be a good guide either! I'm just a failure, an excuse for a sister! I AM A DAMN WOMAN! I AM A FAILURE! I AM A MURDERER! I FAILED HIM! I FAILED THEM! I FAILED EVERYONE! I CAN'T DO WITH THIS ANY MORE!

"Babe!" Bobby exclaimed, taking her by the shoulders.

"I no longer want to live, I don't deserve that ..."


The yell of her husband silenced her, he looked at her with pity and concern, then hugged her and made them both sit back on the sofa while his poor wife continued crying.

"Lori, listen, maybe you're right, maybe I can't understand what it's like to feel guilty for the death of someone in my family." Bobby said putting his hand on Lori's chin for what he would look at while continuing to comfort her. " But in the same way, believe me I really know what it is to suffer for the death of someone who was very important in my life, that person was Ronnie Anne, and you know it. "He replied." (Sigh) Mom was crying a lot when she dies, and she could continue like this were it not for our nephews, Linka and Lukas really made Mom smile again, because Lincoln shared that pain with us.

She paid attention to what her husband was saying.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember what happened to Leni last week?" It was one of the biggest fears Lori had when her sister tried to kill herself, still, she remembered, so she nodded. "Lincoln was also there, and you know that, you told me that at least ... he could forgive her, and if he could forgive her, that means that he can also forgive you, although he is upset, he is also suffering, and He suffered a lot when he found out about Leni, just as he suffered when Ronnie Anne passed away, although he is upset and does not forgive them for what they did with his own sister, he does not want to lose anyone else, he does not want to lose his loved ones or your family, and you are their family. " He explained. "He doesn't know it, but he's hurting himself, deep down, he still loves you and your sisters, they just have to remind him that you love him too, and that he's hurting himself by rejecting them with his own anger.

Lori stood for a moment without saying anything, Leni had told them that Lincoln had been very hurt, he was upset, but more than anything, sad, and this time it was because of what his sister tried to do, Lincoln was still suffering from the death of Ronnie Anne and Lily's, so if they also tried to leave their lives, they would be doing even more damage, in addition, he was also hurting himself, he had to remember that he also needed them at that time of weakness disguised as his brother, he must know that they were really suffering with him for his actions, that his guilt made them suffer in the same way as him, they should know that he had not lost everything, he had a good job, he still had his good friends, and more than anything, he had to know that he still had they.

But in the same way, just as important or even a thousand times more, were his children, Linka and Lukas.

He had 2 beautiful children who saw the world not as it was, but as it could be, they were his light in the dark, his lighthouses in the middle of the sea, his strength within him, and they were the representation of all the good that he felt in his heart, because he loved his children as much as he loved Ronnie Anne once, if something happened to them, that would destroy the already weak heart of his poor brother, she could not allow it, could not allow him to continue hurting himself.

"You are right, Bobby." Lori said determinedly. "Lincoln has suffered a lot for the death of his wife, and in addition to ... Lily. But he cannot continue suffering, it is true, he does not know that he is hurting himself, he has to know that we suffered with him, and that He is hurting himself, maybe he will forgive us, maybe not, but we are family, and at this moment, he needs us, and he must know it.

"And what are you going to do?"

"First I will meet Luna as I already said in her house, Lola and Lana will also go, along with Luan and the others."

"If you want I can take you, it's raining and it will be dark soon." Bobby offered

"Thank you so much, bear, it really means a lot to me."

Bobby went to start the car, while Lori put on her coat, a scarf and an umbrella, her husband also, when he opened the door to go to the car, Lori felt again that she lost her balance and felt abdominal pain, felt nauseous, She was about to fall when Bobby caught her and avoided her fall.

"Lori, Are you okay?" He asked worried

"Yeah... yeah" She response. "Just let's go to Luna house, please.

"Are you sure? maybe we can..."

"Just go, please" Lori response.

(Lincoln's House)

"Good nights, dad." the twins said.

"Good nights, my sons." Lincoln replied. "Good night, Lilian, are you sure sleeping on the sofa is not a problem?"

"Not at all, it's just that I generally feel the couch more comfortable than my own bed at home." She said. "Don't tell me you haven't fallen asleep on the couch and you generally end up sleeping better than in your own bed, do you?"

"Okay, I admit I have slept better there sometimes."Lincoln response putting the hand to the nape of the neck.

"Okay, leave my wheelchair next to me, then I put it together next to myself." She said. "Good nights, Lincoln"

"Good nights, Lilian"

And he turned off the lights of the house.

To be continued.