It was official. The photocopier had a personal vendetta against Zeb.

As soon as he came within five metres of the pile of junk it would usually decide to flash that it was out of ink even though it wasn't or chew out his copies as though someone's pet dog had been let loose on them.

Today however it had just decided to stop working all together, despite the little green light clearly stating that it was on. Zeb had tried everything from turning it on and off again to furiously screaming at it but nothing seemed to do anything. Usually at this point he'd go and find Hera since for some reason it always worked for her but she was out on a lunch date with Kanan that they were quick to claim was not an actual 'date' just an outing between friends. Zeb had to call krayt spit on that.

"Err Zeb?"

He turned around to see their new intern Ezra standing nervously in the doorway. Ezra had started working here after Kanan had convinced (blackmailed) him into helping out at the firm for a few weeks after the kid had stolen his wallet on the promise that he wouldn't tell the police. Somehow this had ended up with the kid renting space on Zeb's couch.

"What?" He growled.

"There's a client here to see you."

"Get Sabine to deal with them!" He said aiming a kick at the pile of scrap metal.

"I would but they specifically asked for you."

Zeb stopped in shock just before his leg hit the photocopier. It wasn't unheard of for clients to request specific lawyers but when they did it was usually for Hera or Kanan since they were the most well-known out of all of them at the firm. He hadn't had anyone request him specially before.

"Fine." Zeb sighed. His photocopying would just have to wait. As he left he swore he heard the machine beep a laugh.

The Ghost was only a small firm so they only had to walk two doors down from the photocopying/kitchenette/place to crash room to get to Zeb's office. When he opened the door he was surprised at the man sitting in front of his desk

He was strikingly different from their usual clients. Most people who came to their firm were those on the poorer side since The Ghosts speciality was protecting people who had been wronged by more powerful corporations. However it was clear that whoever this man was he had money. He had immaculately slicked back blonde hair and wore an entirely black slim suit that probably cost more than Zeb made in a year.

He was also incredibly handsome.

Zeb shook that thought from his head as he walked over to his desk. The first rule of being a lawyer was never to get involved with your clients.

"What can I do for ya err...?" Zeb asked leaning back in his chair.

"Alexsandr Kallus." The man said whilst reaching into his briefcase before dumping a stack of papers onto the desk.

"What's all of this?" Zeb asked as begun to briefly look over the documents. The instantly recognisable logo of The Empire was marked on all of them containing information on everything from embezzlement to bribery of officials.

"This is evidence of every less than legal thing The Empire leave ever done."

Zeb looked up from the documents in shock. He'd tried to sue the Empire unsuccessfully before and knew that trying to find documents like this past their ironclad security was near impossible.

"How did ya get this?" He asked in near disbelief.

He nearly missed the quick flash of shame that crossed Kallus' eyes before he spoke.

"I work for them."

Whatever answer Zeb had been expecting it hadn't been that. Although his appearance and demeanour definitely now made a lot more sense. That still didn't explain why he had brought these documents to Zeb though.

Sensing the need to explain himself Kallus leaned forward.

"I've been working for the Empire my entire career. My parents are stockholders with them so I assumed that the company had its customer's best interests at heart. Or at least I convinced myself that they did." He glanced away in shame for a moment so small Zeb was half convinced he had imagined it before the man looked back at him with blinding conviction. "But I was wrong. Whilst I was working on a project I came across something I wasn't supposed to. At first I thought it was some sort of mistake but then I did some digging and I knew for certain that it wasn't. Then I did even more digging to find that this wasn't the first time the Empire had done something like this."

Zeb leaned back in his chair, looking at the man suspiciously with his large green eyes. Although he believed the man there was still something that didn't make any sense.

"And did ya ask for me?"

Kallus reached back into his briefcase to pull out an old newspaper clipping. Zeb took it from his outstretched hand, ignoring the way his fingers momentarily brushed against his. His brows rose in surprise at what he saw.

It was a picture of him. A younger, more naive version but still him. He could still remember the day that picture had been taken. He could still remember the feral anger as he along with the rest of the Lasan tribe were dragged forcibly away from their home land. He could still remember the unbridled horror as he watched his ancestral home be bulldozed inform of his eyes.

"Where did you get this?" Zeb asked in disbelief.

Once again a nearly imaginary flash of shame crossed Kallus' eyes.

"The something that I wasn't supposed to come across was a copy of a document dating back to the nineteenth century declaring an agreement between the Lasan tribe and the mayor of the time giving them the legal right to their land. During my investigation to whether it was true or not I came across your name as one of the leaders of the protests against the loss of your land. I recognised it as one of the lawyers under the firm of The Ghost when the head of your firm Hera Syndulla won a tenant dispute against one of my colleagues. So I knew that you would have personal interest in the success of this case and would also be less likely to accept a bribe from The Empire."

Zeb's mind was frozen in shock. He'd dedicated part of his life to finding that document. His grandmother Chava had always claimed it existed but they never found. With this he could finally restore his people to their homeland.

And apparently that was only the tip of the iceberg. Zeb's mind lit up as he thought of how all this information could help others who had been wronged by The Empire. But one burning question still weighed on Zeb's mind.

"What do you want from all of this?" He asked.

"What do I want?" Kallus said in confusion as though the thought that he personally might want something from, The Empire hadn't occurred to him. "I don't want anything. I don't deserve anything. I just want to make sure that justice is given to those who've been wronged."

"And why come to me? Why not go to the police?"

Kallus scoffed. "I want The Empire to pay for their actions, not to get let off by a crooked cop. Also I've done my research but I'm no expert on the law. Not like you. You can tell me exactly what evidence I need to find to get them convicted."

"Wait…" Zeb said, musing over those last few words. "Are ya sayin that ya still work there? No, we need to get ya to a safe house! The Empire is dangerous! If they find out what ya up to-"

"I know!" Kallus interrupted him, startling them both with his outburst. The man leaned back in his seat, for a moment almost coming out of his façade of control. He then let out a sigh. "It doesn't matter if I'm in danger. I have helped these monsters destroy peoples' lives. I would be no better than The Empire if I didn't help them in any way I can."

Zeb studied the man once again. The selflessness and desire to do good to rectify for his past was mistakes was very intriguing (and also very attractive a small voice at the back of mind added unhelpfully). And if he truly had a way to bring down The Empire then this was an opportunity Zeb couldn't afford to miss.

"Alright." Zeb said, his expression of suspicion relaxing into a welcoming grin. "I'll take the case. As long as ya promise me to leave The Empire if it gets to dangerous."

For the first time since he'd arrived a reluctant smirk like smile graced Kallus' lips.


A/N So I started watching 'Suits' and then this happened. I hope you guys enjoy this!! I've missed writing Kalluzeb!! Also this is going to be a bit longer than a drabble. Xxxxxxxxx