A new darkness shall dawn upon the world the during the fall of first rains. A darkness that shall overshadow even the dark lord is coming. It shall wreak havoc unless left unchecked. Empires shall fall and a new world order shall come to power. Beware of the darknessā€¦.

The Professors who were sitting around the staff table were stunned by the words of their fellow professor. Professor Trelawney had uttered these words as they were in a staff meeting before the starting of the new year. Hogwarts had been completely devastated by the battle that had happened just 3 weeks ago that cost the lives of the many students and the then headmaster of the school Professor Snape. The prospect of a similar thing coming to them again was unthinkable to them.

"Sorry.", Professor Trelawney said in her normal voice as she shook out of the trance that she was in. But when she looked around, she saw that all of her professors were looking at her in a weird way. "What happened?", she asked.

"I think you gave another true prophecy, Sybill.", the newly appointed headmistress Minerva McGonagall said. She had always been a sceptic of seers before, but she knew from Dumbledore that there were true prophecies and Trelawney had already given two.

"W-what? You must be mistaken.", Trelawney said with a shocked expression. "I certainly don't remember saying anything."

The other teachers then just remained silent and continued the meeting. But they internally vowed to discuss this after Trelawney goes. After the meeting, the headmistress dismissed all the teachers except for the heads of houses.

"What do you think is going to happen Minerva. Our world certainly can't take one more war.", Pomona asked.

"The world is already devastated nearly beyond repair. One more war will mean the end of Wizarding Britain.", Filius said

"If I remember correctly, Sybill had said, 'It shall wreak havoc unless left unchecked.' ", the headmistress said. "Maybe that means that, we have a chance of stopping it before it becomes a full-on war."

"We can only hope for that, Minerva. Nearly 30% of the wizarding population of Britain has been wiped off during this war. We certainly cant take any chances with this one.", Slughorn said.

"I should go and consult Dumbledore in this matter. I am sure that, he can guide us on this matter.", Minerva said. "After all, he has seen three wizarding wars, and faced two dark lords."

"Yes. That would be a wise move.", the teachers agreed and they all went back to their offices.

"So, Sybill has given another Prophecy, huh?", the portrait of Dumbledore asked.

"Yes.", McGonagall said. "I am worried, Dumbledore. Two wars back to back will be the end of us."

"It will certainly be.", Dumbledore said sadly. "But all we can do now is wait."

"I shall inform the ministry about this.", McGonagall said.

"You certainly should.", Dumbledore agreed. "But this should not go public. It will just cause a mass panic."

"What about Mr. Potter?", McGonagall asked.

"We should not trouble him with matters like this now. He will be still recovering from the battle.", Dumbledore said. "He is coming back for one last year, isn't he?"

"Yes, Albus. He will be attending one more year along with Ms. Granger.", Minerva nodded.

"For now let's get ready for our next year, and also keep a look out for darkness in our world.", Dumbledore said sadly.