Hiruzen looked up from his work and said,"Are you sure? Caring for a child is a huge responsibility."

Iruka nodded. "I'm 100% sure,Lord Third!" He loosened his posture. "He needs it,Lord Third...He's being attacked and harmed by villagers and has no one to protect him."

Hiruzen took a puff from his pipe and said,"Your and Naruto's apartments are too small for two people. You'll need a bigger house. I think one's up for sale near the academy. It's a bit expensive,but i'll make it where you two can own it." Iruka smiled. "So does this mean?"

The old man nodded and let out the puff. "I'll have a team move your things into the new house and..." "I have requests." Hiruzen looked up as Iruka smiled. "I want Naruto to have the master bedroom. And your team has to keep every piece of Naruto's ramen collection."

The old man nodded as he let out another puff from his pipe. "Very well."


Naruto sat up,rubbing his eye,and let out a yawn before he looked around. Confused at first,he slowly started to remember last night and broke into a small smile. "Iruka Sensei..."

He looks at over at the music box on the table,closed it,and hopped down from the bed. He looked around the apartment as he called out for Iruka,only to pout when he doesn't respond.

A couple seconds later,Naruto flinched and ended up falling on the floor when the front door opened. "Naruto? You ok?"

Naruto hopped up and dusted himself,giving Iruka a nod,before Iruka smiled and handed him some fresh clothes. "Get dressed. We're going out for a bit."

Naruto tilted his head a bit as he grabbed the clothes,but nodded and left to get dressed.


Naruto looks up after taking a chunk from the cotten candy Iruka got him and asked,"Hey Sensei? How come you took me to so many stores today?"

Iruka smiles. "I just thought it be nice if you got yourself a birthday gift. It's shame you didn't find anything,hmm?" Naruto nodded a little before looking around and noticing something was off. "This isn't the way home."

Iruka simply smiled and kept walking forward.

Naruto tilts his head,a little frown on his face.


After fifteen minutes,Naruto looked at the big house,sitting on a small hill,that Iruka was walking to. "Sensei?" Iruka smiled and pulled out a set of keys. "Come on."

Naruto walked over,watched Iruka unlock the door,then gasped at what he saw inside. The house was as huge as it was on inside as it was on the outside and the living room was bigger then his apartment.

"How about you look upstairs? I think the door right across from the stairs has something inside it."

Naruto's eyebrows raised slightly before he head up the stairs. When he reached the top,he looked back at Iruka,still confused,pointed at the door,getting a nod from Iruka.

He nodded back and walked towards the door,slowly reaching for the doorknob. "What's Iruka Sensei up to?"

He opened the door and dropped his arm in disbelief as a little gasp slipped out. In the room,which Naruto swore was bigger then the living room,was all his stuff from his apartment and there was even a whole trophy case filled with all his cups and bowls of unopen ramen standing against the wall. He walked over to the glass sliding doors and opened it up to its balcony,taking in the sight of the Hokage heads,before turning back around to see Iruka standing in the center of the room.

Iruka gave a closed eye smile as he held up a sheet of paper. Naruto took the paper and teared up when he realized what it was. "You...you adopted m-me..."

"Happy birthday Naruto."

Next thing Iruka knew,Naruto had knocked him down and was clinging tightly onto his Chunnin jacket. Iruka pushed himself a bit and said,"That kinda hurt Naruto.",smiling as he stroked Naruto's hair. Naruto tightened his grip,keeping his face in the jacket because he didn't Iruka to see his ugly sobbing. "Dad...Dad...I *sniff* got a Dad,Ya Know..."

Iruka smiled a bit more and said,"Yeah. You do."


Naruto fumbled with his shirt as Iruka set breakfast on the table and sat down. "Naruto,you alright?"

"Um,yeah Sen...Uh,Dad."

Iruka smiled. "You don't have to call me Dad if you're not comfortable with it."

Naruto shook his head and blushed a little,"I w-wanna..." his blush deepened,"Wanna call you Dad."

Iruka chuckled and nodded.


"Can I get them? Pleaseeeee."

Iruka,carrying groceries,shook his head at Naruto,who was leaning on the glass window with some green goggles in the display. Naruto gave a pout face. Iruka sighed. "The answer's still no."

"Pretty please. Dad."

Iruka flinched and slumped over. "Dang it."


Naruto smiled and walked out the store,wearing his new green goggles,as Iruka followed behind him. "You just love getting me with the dad thing,huh?" Naruto chuckled and gave a little smug smile. "Yup."

Iruka chuckle in response.


Naruto sat up in his bed and looked over at the sliding door. "I thought I heard..." He clinched his blanket and looked over at his clock to see it say it was 3 in the morning.

"Must have been the wind."

He laid back and tired to fall back asleep,only to hear a creak on his floor. He turned to sit back up,but was met with a hand slamming down over his mouth and a sharp pinch on his arm. His eyes darted down to see a needle in his arm before his body went numb. "I can't move..."

He looked back at the people who had pinned him down and started shaking,tears wielding up in his eyes,at seeing Hime and Ide,both giving insase grins. "Look Ide. He remembers us."

Ide chuckled as he pulled out a kunai. "That's good." He slashed at Naruto's pant leg,making Naruto let out a muffled whimper. "If we're gonna be locked up,we might as well get as much as we can,right? We got five minutes before we have to give you more of that drug. Gotta make it count."

He bit down on Naruto's thigh as Hime bit down on his arm,making him let out more muffled whimpers. They started ripping and tearing what they needed to and bit wherever they could get their hands on.

After a couple minutes past,Naruto was able to twitch his fingers and toes and realized that he could move his mouth a little. He went to shout out for Iruka,but was only able to let out a small scream from Ide biting down on his chest. They flipped him over and started biting down on his back as Hime giggled,"This Chakra is so amazing. Why does is it have to belong to this kid?",before biting the back of his neck.

Ide licked his lips as he chuckled,"I don't know,but at least he is a kid. That makes this so much easier."

They flipped him back over,laughing at the tears rolling down Naruto's face,before they went back to biting his arms and stomach.

Naruto felt so awful. He couldn't fight back,he couldn't call for help,and he's crying in front of strangers. He felt so helpless and all he could was cry harder as they bit down on new spots. "D...Dad...Dad..."

Ide grabbed Naruto's face and taunted him,"Aww. Calling for daddy? Too bad he can't hear you,huh?"

Naruto could only respond with sobbing,"Dad...Dad...Daddy...Daddy..."

The two simply laughed as Ide pulled out another needle to reparalyzed Naruto. As he lowered the needle to Naruto's arms,a bat came swinging at his head and smacked him across the room. Hime gasped and jumped off the bed,pulling out a knife,then glared at Iruka. "Just try it and kill you,little papa."

Iruka growled and pulled Naruto towards him,holding him close,as he said,"You monsters are sick.",making Hime smile.

She lunged over the bed,causing Iruka to toss Naruto the side and lift up his bat as a shield. She rammed her knife into his shoulder,twisting it further in,and cackled before Iruka pushed her off and swung the bat,sending her flying next to Ide. Iruka rushed over and quickly tied the two the balcony while they were still unconscious then walked over to Naruto and gently placed his hands on his shoulders. "Are you alright?"

Naruto immediately clinged onto to Iruka and started sobbing,"No more biting! No more...Please..."

Iruka frowned and wrapped his arms around him,pulling him in to make him feel safe,then started stroking his hair. "No more biting. I promise." He lowered his head. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner Naruto. I'm so sorry."

Naruto shook his head and tightened his grip before Iruka picked him up and carried him to his room. He tucked him into his bed and pat his head,"You can sleep here for the rest of the night." He smiled. "I'll make sure those two are locked up for good."

Naruto sniffled and nodded then wiggled into the blanket as Iruka flipped off the lights and left the door open,just a crack,then went back to Naruto's room. He walked over to Hime and Ide,who were now conscious,and said,"You two are sick. I'll be glad to see you behind bars." Hime smiled,"Trust me. It won't stop with us." Ide chuckled,"There's lots of people who are addicted to his Chakra. Though,they never acted on it because they were scared of the Fox." He got a sly smile,"But once word gets out that it's this easy to get it,more people will come for his Chakra."

Iruka growled as Ide started laughing,"One day he will be taken and used and there will be absolutely nothing you can do about it!"

On instinct,Iruka kicked Ide as hard as he could in the face and shouted,"I will protect my son and he will not be hurt by monsters like you as long as I live! I can promise you that!"

"You mean it?"

Iruka jumped a little at hearing Naruto's voice and turned around to see him crying at the door. He gave him a smile and nodded,"I mean it,as your father."

Naruto started crying harder before ran and tackled Iruka with a hug.


"Hey Dad. Do you think i'll be able to graduate this time?"

Iruka looked over from the dishes at Naruto,who was sitting at the table,and said,"Well,depends." Naruto pouted,"On what?"

"How you,yourself,do. I can't change it to where you graduate or not. Whether I act as your teacher or your father."

Naruto lowered his head,but looked back up when he felt Iruka pat his head and saw Iruka smiling at him,"But I have faith that you can do it. Even if it's not this time."

A small blush went across Naruto's face as he smiled. "Thanks. Dad."