"Once upon a time, there were five friends. They were once normal, but then one day, they were struck with a curse. It turned out to be a blessing since it only gave them the ability to fight with strange but incredible powers, powers they used for good and to fight a ferocious and terrifying creature, the Ender Dragon. They emerged victorious and became the heroes we know well of today, Gabriel the Wind-walking Warrior, Ellegaard the Fire-breathing Redstone Engineer, Magnus the Earth-shaking Rogue, Ivor the Water-shifting Potion Brewer, and their leader, Soren the Storm-controlling Architect. Later on, they were five born with the same powers. Those five rose up to defeat the Witherstorm, traveled to whole other worlds, battled the dastardly Admin God Romeo, and now are living in the peaceful village of Beacon Town, awaiting the day the next greatest adventure will come.", the narrator read, revealing himself to be a guy with black hair and black eyes, wearing an employee's uniform and black glasses, he sighed closing the book he read from, "What a great story...", he happily said.
He got up and put the book in his inventory, "Oh man, I wish I was like them! Jesse can use electricity to her will and her friends have good powers too, all I can do is wield the power of ice. Everyone knows it's not as great.", he muttered to himself. Then he spotted a spider crawling towards him, he whipped around towards it and suck his arm out, cause a lot of icy particles to fly out of his hand and freeze the spider. He grabbed out his shield, jumped up, and shattered the spider with the edge of the shield, causing it to disappear, he put it back into his inventory smiling. "At least I'm skilled with it, I'll give you that much.", he calmly spoke to himself as he continued walking, "Just think. In a few hours, I'll be eighteen.", he continued. His smile disappeared for a second, "I gotta stop talking to myself, too.", he muttered consciously. Suddenly, three figures peered behind in a tree, the weak-looking male caught on and turned around to blast the tree with ice, "No one sneaks up on me like that without becoming frozen solid!", he defensively shouted. The side of the tree was covered in thick frost, no one was there.
Then the three people poked their heads out from behind it, shaking from the sudden attack, it was Lukas's former friends, formerly known as the Blaze Rods. The glasses-wearing male knew very well of them, considering Lukas written about their bad rep in Sky City history. His eyes narrowed as he glared at the two males and female, "So you're the former bad guys previously know as the Blaze Rods, huh?", he bitterly scoffed, "What now? Are you call me a freak and tell and the next 'normal person' about me almost attacking you? Hmm, are you?", he asked. Clearly, most people who saw had negative thoughts on his powers. The three raised their hands up, showing him that they mean him no harm, and walked slowly and carefully over to him. Their clothes were armor-less and mildly torn up.
"What? No, no. We would never do that to someone we just met, unlike most people. Why, hell! Our best friend is a mage of a different element!", the brown haired male Aiden answered, "Really, even though you betrayed him?", the glasses-wearing male replied, "Yeah. We learned to respect mages, no matter what. So, uh, huh, where are you going?", the brown hair girl Maya asked him nervously, the glasses-wearing male scoffed, "Beacon Town, hope the people there are much more excepting than the ones at Champion City. That happened just like any other town I previously entered, they found out I have powers and they chase me away. Why would you guys care?", he sneered, "We were just wondering, we were kinda going there too coincidentally. Also I think they'll except you, we heard the person who runs the town is a mage. And everyone there loves her.", the black haired male Gill shakingly explained, the glasses-wearing male sighed, "Alright, whatever.", he said.
The three others put their hand down calmly, "Phew! Thank you for sparing us. Now I, uh, suppose introductions are in order.", Aiden said, "I'm Aiden. And these are my friends, Gill and Maya. Good to meet you, uh... Bud?", he continued as he pointed to himself, Gill, and Maya, "Radar, and I'm not your 'bud'.", the third male with glasses responded, revealing his own name. The other three respectfully nodded, understanding his words. As they started walking, Radar sighed, "Look, I'm not mad at you guys... And gal. It's just... When I first walked out of that portal, I was happy to meet people at first but, well, I already told you the outcome.", he apologized, "Hey, it's fine. You're not exactly the first mage that had that problem, according to history.", Maya calmly answered, "Yeah, it's perfectly understandable why you don't really trust us.", Gill added. Aiden raised an eyebrow, "There are people in other worlds. You're from this world, right?", he asked, Radar just nodded, making Aiden's eyes widen, "Then, where DID you come from? We thought this world's ice mages were all extinct.", he continued.
Radar rolled his eyes at the clearly false thought, "That rumor's exaggerated, we just escaped to a secret place beneath bedrock. Then we decided to leave a week ago.", he answered, "Once whatever Romeo, the first Admin God, created disappeared, I woke up from a coma and given the honor to be the first one to leave that darned place. Kinda like an early birthday present.", he continued. "Well then, congratulations.", Maya spoke up, "Sorry your week turned out horrible though, kid.", Aiden said, Radar's eyes narrowed at that last word, "I'll be eighteen in a matter of hours, thank you very much.", he talked back, Aiden was taken back, "Oh. Well, happy birthday.", Gill said to change the mood of it, "Yeah, well, Maya's twenty-one and Gill and I are twenty-two. So you're still kind of a kid to me.", Aiden responded, Radar put his hand to his face and shook his head. After a second, he put his hand back down and the four were half way there. Smiling, they started running. Suddenly, Radar was ahead of Aiden in a couple seconds, a blue-ish green trail following him. They all stopped and caught up with each other to figure out what just happened, only to hear someone walking over to them. That person was a young women.
Something was definitely wrong, here. Her forehead was melting and turning a light grey, half of her face was. Her tan skin melting into that silvery color, one of her teal eyes falling off and becoming buried in the dripping gunk, her red hair stayed the same color, but even it was melting into the liquid sludge. She was crying, "Please, you gotta help me! It's starting to hurt! A LOT!", she yelled. Suddenly one of her arms fell off, causing her to scream in pain. Aiden was glancing around for anyone else, Maya put her hands to her mouth, Gill put his hands on his head not wanting to believe what he sees, and Radar stood there slack-jawed and frozen. None of them knew what to do in this situation, they never heard of or seen anything like this before. Then the woman shouted again, "PLEASE, AT LEAST KILL ME! I CAN'T... Can't... I...", her voice softened and slowed down. They didn't want to kill her, but it was too late anyway. She fell forward and splatted into a grey and red puddle, causing her remain parts to become grey liquid too, even her clothes.
Gill and Maya held each other, Aiden grabbed his own arms, and Radar's slacked-jaw expression changed to a closed-mouth mortified stare. They just watched in horror as someone became a puddle of Notch-knows-what, and they did nothing to help. But how could they have helped, while not knowing anything about it? All of the sudden, out of the puddle came two forelegs with big paws still silvery, a red ocelot head one and a half times the same size of a person's head then came out roaring, the red back and tail and silver hind-legs and paws formed as the new beast stood up. The grey underbelly spreaded half way up the big red neck and grey muzzle formed on the snout, the red back slid part way down the forelegs and hind-legs as black spots formed on it and the tail, the tail tip turned black too. The nose formed on the top of the snout, the mouth formed with a pallet, black lips, a tongue, and super sharp teeth, the super sharp retractable claws formed and were slightly out, and the huge blank white eyes formed where an ocelot's eyes would be. No longer a puddle or a person, but a huge red, black, and grey ocelot. Fur, bones, insides, and all. It was still female, due to it's eyelashes and it's structure. It turned to the four and snarled, sheathing it's claws out way more. The beast roared.
Yeah, this isn't good...