No real note here, except to say I hope you guys enjoy a fuck ton of smut.
When she locked the door and turned back toward him, Paige was sure the grin on Walter's face was a mirror image of hers. She lifted one shoulder, then the other, tossing her hair an an attempt to seem flirty. "So this is my place," she said, remembering the first date in this experiment, where they pretended they actually were on their first date ever.
Walter laughed, then stepped toward her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him eagerly. They had both agreed not to sleep together during their experiment, and even now she believed that had been a good idea, but she was even more glad that the experiment phase of their relationship was over. She'd spent more than one of their six dates silently telling herself to simmer down. She didn't have to now.
Walter was slowly running his hands over her, over her shoulders and her back and her hips, and Paige pressed herself against him, a hand on the side of his face as they kissed more deeply. "I love the way your hands feel," she whispered against his mouth.
His voice was low. "I love the way you feel under them."
Shit. Paige tipped her head up and to the side as he moved his lips to her neck, and when her eyes opened briefly she realized the curtains weren't closed. "Walter," she said, putting a hand on his chest.
"I'm sorry!" He said, stepping back.
"What?" She asked, understanding coming to her the instant she said it. He'd slid his hand around to her backside just as she noticed the window. "No, Walter," she said with a little laugh. "The window."
"Oh." His complexion made him far less prone to obvious blushing than her, but she could see pink in his cheeks as he laughed.
She stepped closer again, lifting her eyebrows and dropping her voice into a tone she hoped was seductive. "Silly genius. You know I love that." Giving him a wink, she stepped back, turning to cross the room and tug the curtains closed. "Perfect," she said, turning around to find him standing next to the couch, one hand on it as if for balance. "Total. Privacy." She approached him, her fingers locating a button on his shirt. "You are wearing too many clothes."
"Mmmm. Am I."
She grinned, lifting her chin so she could kiss him again simultaneously with unbuttoning his shirt. "We might leave the bow tie."
He smirked. "I know that's a bit of a weakness of yours."
"Ah, planning to get up my skirt all along, huh?"
"Sounds good to me," he said, kissing her again, a hand at her waistband. "Let me taste you, Paige," he groaned against her lips, moving his other hand to where it was before and gripping her decisively.
"Holy hell, Walter," she managed to respond, feeling dizzy at the combination of his demand and the feel of his hands on her. She dropped backward onto the couch, lifting her knees as he dropped to his. Walter tugged her skirt and underwear down together, tugging them around her ankles and tossing them into the adjacent chair before wrapping his arms around her thighs and putting his mouth on her with the eagerness of their first time and the skill of their last time.
"Oh, fuck," Paige choked out, reaching behind her to grip the top of the couch. Her other hand snaked down, curling in his hair, and Walter hummed against her, making her muscles twitch as a sharp moan moved through her lips. According to the internet, Walter was doing this wrong. You can't just go for it; that's painful, you gotta tease and build up or you're gonna get kicked in the balls. No. Not her. Everyone was different and Walter knew that for her, specifically, and especially when she was already in the mood, the way to get her writhing was to just go for it. All that other nonsense the internet said to do first didn't do anything for her anyway. Thankfully, Walter knew that. Even knowing her body, she didn't know how on Earth he managed to light her up this way, especially not this quickly, but he never failed to make her completely at his mercy when he was doing this. "You're so good at – oh." Her hips bucked; she ground against his mouth and he tightened his grip, holding her still. "Oh, God, Walt."
She was unraveling, less than two minutes had passed, this was almost embarrassingly fast, but he knew exactly how to get her and this was something she hadn't enjoyed nearly as much as usual when they were apart, too angry or too guilty or both to allow herself to think about him. It felt wrong, like something she didn't have permission for anymore, and actively forcing him out of her head when she was touching herself was a major mood killer. She'd also reasoned, since they were broken up, that keeping him in her head would make it harder to get over him.
Now that his head was between her legs again she wasn't sure she could have named a reason for their separation if asked. Now it was hard to think about anything else but the sensations he was creating with his mouth and tongue and he kept making these sounds in his throat that vibrated up to their point of contact and "Walter," she blurted, wanting to warn him, but his name turned into a moan and her hips shook, as she gasped for air, drawing in a long, shuddering gasp when his tongue flattened and swept over her gently, soothingly, helping her down.
He lifted his head, crawling up between her thighs and kissing her neck, then her lips. "I love you," he said between kisses, sliding his arms around her as she shifted to put enough room between her back and the couch. "I love you," he said again, "and it feels so good to be able to say again."
"I love you, too," she said, her arms around his neck. She'd never stopped. Not for a moment. She'd told him that, way back at the start of this experience. But somehow of course I still have those feelings for you didn't sound quite the same as I love you. Even when they'd admitted, on a later date, that they were still in love, saying it this way, in this moment, it all felt more real. It was officially something they were saying again, and not just something they had said once upon a time.
Walter groaned into her mouth as they kissed again. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, their hips intimately nestled together, and she could feel how badly he wanted her. "Bedroom?" She suggested when their lips separated briefly. He grunted against her cheek but didn't make any effort to get up. She didn't want to move either, but they were both still partially clothed and his pants were still up over his hips and if they wanted to do anything else they would have to move away first. "Oh, Walter," she breathed when his mouth moved to her neck. God, why couldn't their clothes just fade away? She lay against the back of the couch, eyes closed, shivering with pleasure as he kept on kissing her neck.
"You're incredible," he murmured, running his tongue up to her earlobe and sucking lightly on it. Paige pushed her hand into his shirt, which still hung on his shoulders, locating one of his nipples and rolling the skin between her fingers. Walter tensed, his hips squirming. "Bedroom."
"Mmm hmm." Paige reached her hand out, and after Walter steadied himself he assisted her in getting up. She put her mouth back on his, wanting to somehow kiss him enough to make up for all the days she hadn't.
She was never going to kiss him enough. Halfway down the hall, she went to kiss him again, the momentum causing him to stumble against the wall. She curled her fingers through his hair, pressing her body up against his and moaning as he slid his arms around her. Somehow she found herself out of the rest of her clothes, and his shirt on the floor with them. She grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the bedroom as if he would have forgotten where it was, and she had barely settled on the bed before he was tugging his pants and boxers down his legs and stepping out of them. She felt the mattress shift as he climbed onto the bed and moved over her, dropping his head down to her neck.
"Oh, God." She closed her eyes, curling his hair around her fingers. "I want you so much," she whispered, her voice coming out more sensual than she'd intended. Not a bad direction.
Walter groaned again, his head against her folds, and she flexed her hips as if to attempt to pull him inside. He reached down, making sure he was properly positioned, and then started to push his hips forward. Paige pushed upward, widening her hips, but he was only halfway in when he stopped, grunted, pulled out, and then pushed forward again, still only moving about halfway.
"Walter," she protested, wiggling under him.
"Sorry, just…"
She stopped moving, looking up at him curiously. Was he having reservations? "Walter?"
He pulled completely out of her, kneeling between her thighs. "It's just that…since we broke up I haven't, uh, well…"
She could tell by his stammering at least what category the issue was in. "I know that. We already said neither of us have slept with any…oh." Paige cut off as realization dawned on her. From the day they broke up to now had been…Paige couldn't do the math in her head, but it was well over one hundred days, and probably closer to one hundred and fifty. "Really? Not at all?" At the shake of his head, she reached up and briefly laid her hand against the side of his face. "Are you going to be okay?"
"I think so," he said. "Just a moment." He closed his eyes, groaning quietly when she reached out and ran her finger along him, making him twitch. The pleasure was evident on his face, and so Paige did it again, and this time he flinched, his abs tightening. "Don't touch me, please."
"Is it that bad?"
"Well, I mean…"
"Walter, be honest."
"The ache goes all the way up here." He put his hand on his lower stomach.
"Hey." She sat up and put a hand on his chest, pushing slightly. "Let me take the edge off. We can do this later." She moved her hand on his thigh. "Lay back."
Walter did. "Paige, you…" he began.
"Shh," she said, putting a finger to his lips. "Just relax." She lay alongside of him, her shoulder at his hip, her feet sliding underneath the pillows at the head of the bed so neither of them would have to put their heads on feet pillows later. Reaching over, she took him in her hand again, rubbing her thumb against a particular spot and watching his abdomen clench. "Yeah, let's take care of you," she said. He would last longer than he thought he would inside her – no one ever accused Walter O'Brien of not having willpower – but he deserved to not have to steel himself like that. At least not against his first orgasm in months. And even disregarding that he'd already gotten her off, he would take care of her tonight. He always did. She may have called him selfish in the past, but never when it came to this.
Paige positioned herself and then wrapped her mouth around his head, her tongue stroking it in a circular motion. Walter's eyes closed, a grunt coming from deep in his chest. "Uh – uh," she said, lifting her head. She knew that grunt. "Don't try to hold it. I don't give a shit if you come in thirty seconds."
"Okay," he said, peering down his body at her. His eyes squeezed shut when she wrapped her hand around him and pumped it a couple of times, his hips pushing up. "That may…be what happens."
She smiled at him, wrapping her lips around him again and swirling her tongue before dropping her head, taking all of him in and hollowing out her cheeks, pleased when it seemed his whole body jerked and he let out a loud moan preceded by her name. She stayed down, keeping the suction, using her tongue, feeling even more turned on at the way he whimpered and a cuss word hissed its way through his lips. Then she lifted her head, coughed once, and wrapped her hand around his shaft, lightly squeezing and twisting as she moved it up and down. She dropped her head to just below her hand, wrapping her mouth around the skin there and drawing as much as she could into her mouth; she could feel in the tightness how close he was and it thrilled her.
"Oooh," Walter groaned.
"Feels good?"
"That feels so good."
Pointing her tongue and moving it back and forth along the raphe, she moved her hand at the same pace. Walter groaned again; he was running his fingers through her hair and he involuntarily twisted some in his hand, releasing when she grunted and lifted her head, shaking it slightly. Lowering again, Paige continued with her tongue, letting go of him with her hand so his erection would rest up against his stomach, allowing her to rub the entire length of the underside with her palm. He was moaning very consistently now; he wasn't normally silent but usually she had to really tease him to get him even close to this vocal. She remembered those times on their dates when he'd stopped kissing her suddenly, made some excuse to move away, and she wondered just how wound up he had gotten in the time they were apart, only to not allow himself any relief. Paige increased the pace of her hand, focusing on the top, while she sucked at him farther down.
"Oh no," Walter grunted. "Paige, Paige, stop."
She didn't want to – and he wasn't supposed to be holding back – but they both took stop very seriously, so she withdrew all stimulation, sitting up as he cringed and grunted and then panted, hard. She knew that face and that sound, she'd edged him before, on purpose, but "Walter, I said it was okay."
"Do you have condoms?"
Right. He hadn't been expecting that they would do this. "Yeah," Paige said. There were a few left over. "But…"
"Please get one." His breathing was heavy. "I don't want to make a mess."
"Walter, I'll just…no, okay, I'll get one," she said at the look on his face. "That's fine." She kissed him before getting up, jogging on her tiptoes to the bathroom and grabbing the box, relieved when she shook it to hear that there were several left. She pulled one out, tore it open, and dropped the box on the mattress before covering him. Then she took him in her mouth again, using her hand below this time, rubbing her tongue along the same sensitive spot from earlier.
"Oh, my God," Walter wheezed, his arms out, bent at the elbow, with his hands flipped up so they were level with his ears. Paige could see how tightly they were gripping the sheet. It was fun to keep him like this, desperately close, not quite doing enough to let him go over, but tonight she just wanted to give him some relief. She wrapped her lips around him again, tapping his head with her tongue before dropping back down and sucking hard while her hand continued to massage him below.
"Shit, shit, shit," Walter moaned, his hips bucking against her. "Paige, you're…oh God. Keep doing that." He was quiet for the briefest instant before his moans filled the room, his hips pushing upward. "Don't stop, please don't stop."
Paige smiled to herself. She had no such intention.
"Please don't st – " Walter's words turned into a loud wimper, then a louder sound accompanied his hips lifting off of the mattress. Paige lifted her head, putting both hands to work, moving quickly up at his tip and massaging him below. Walter made a sound that could only be described as a bellow, her name falling somewhere in near the end of it.
"Come for me," she said, and it wasn't more than a few more seconds before he made that sound again, enough so that Paige was glad Ralph wasn't home, and she kept her hands on him, moving slower and more carefully now, knowing he would be more sensitive. Without context, she thought, it might sound like he was dying. Thankfully, she knew him as well as he knew her, and she knew that sound and it made her almost smug. His hips trembled, and she kissed against the condom. She could see his muscles flexing under his skin, and his chest heaved as he rode it out and gasped for breath. When his body started to relax, she kissed him once more before scooting up and kissing him on the neck. His breathing was heavy and raw, and she put a hand on his chest. "In and out, Walter. In and out."
"Oh my God," he said again.
"That felt pretty good, huh?"
"So good, it was so good," he slurred, tipping his head toward her. "I think I may be dead."
That made her laugh, especially considering her earlier thought. "Well, you're breathing, and that's a good sign."
"Come here," he said, rolling on his side and scooting to her. He reached down between them, removing the condom, and tied it off before tossing it at the trash can near the bed. Paige cringed, thinking of how bad his throwing arm was, and her eyebrows shot up in surprise when the condom dropped neatly into the can. "Damn, Walt," she said, turning back to him and grinning as she put her lips on his. Walter slid his hand around her hip, tugging her closer, and she closed her eyes, sighing happily as their lips locked again and again and their hands gently caressed each other, from hips to shoulders and down arms and around the back of each other's necks. "I missed this so much," she murmured against his lips.
"I c – can still feel it," he mumbled as she ran her hands over his abdomen. "The rev – reverberations."
She kissed him. "That was probably one of the most powerful ones you've had with me." They had both been incredibly wound upon getting back from the island, and that night was probably the only time that compared.
"Mmm," he said, stroking the side of her face. "It's always better when I'm inside you."
"Yeah?" She could feel herself blushing.
"Mmm hmm."
"We may have stumbled at communicating sometimes," she added, kissing him again, "but we were always so good at this."
"It's ironic, isn't it?" He asked. "We're good at this because we listened to each other and figured things out. And yet that was exactly what we struggled with outside of the bedroom."
"Not anymore, right?"
"Mmm. Right." He smiled. "God, I love you, Paige."
"I love you, too," she said, putting a hand up to the side of his face. "You're the love of my life." She accidentally bumped him as she scooted closer, and when she felt him tense briefly, asked, "you're still sensitive, huh?"
"Mmm hmm."
She grinned playfully. "I kinda wish you were that easy all the time."
He looked surprised. "You…you do?"
"Well, for doing that anyway," she said. "Less work for me, and I love the way you look and sound when you can't handle it."
He reached up, wrapping his hand around her wrist and moving her hand to where he could kiss it gently. "Face the other way and cuddle up to me."
She smiled, shimmying over to her other side and into his arms. Walter had one arm under her shoulder, the other rested on her hip. She felt his lips where her shoulder met her neck at the same time the hand around her front found one of her breasts. "Oh, that's good," she said, pushing her chest against his hand. "Oh, that's nice."
"Good," Walter said, his voice low and intimate.
She knew he would need a little while, and he had certainly picked a good way to pass said time. She wiggled against him, sighing and moaning and sighing again, savoring the feel of the callous on his thumb moving over her nipple. "I love the way you touch me," she said, tipping her head back toward him. Walter shifted so he could lean over her shoulder and kiss her. "Are you still sensitive?"
"Mmm," she said. "I think I'm okay." When his hand slid lower, his index finger finding her nerves, it confirmed she was most definitely okay. He moved his finger slowly as his other hand continued to massage and rub at her breasts, not wanting to bring her too close but just give her a low wave to ride on while he recovered. "I like that," she murmured, wiggling up closer to him.
"Mmm, and I like that," he whispered, kissing her ear. "Sorry that I'm a bit out of practice."
She giggled. "We're both a little rusty. But I've at least – oh, that's nice – done this with me recently. Oh shit," she gasped when he doubled the pace of his finger. She suspected he was trying to get her to stop teasi – stop giving him a hard ti – there was really no good way to process that thought in this context. She shifted, flipping back over to face him. "I need this," she said, scooting against him, her breasts pressing against his chest as she tucked her head into the crook of his neck. "I love what you were doing but I need this." Walter's word for sex was usually intimacy, but intimacy was so much more than that. Sex didn't have to be intimate at all, but it was her favorite thing about it. She suspected that it was his euphemism because that was his favorite part, too. Tipping her head up, Paige caught Walter's lips with her own, and when they kissed again it was slow and sensual.
"You're amazing," he whispered, his arms curled tenderly around her. She sighed, planting slow but sloppy kisses along his jaw. She wanted to ask him how he was feeling; normally he needed ten or so minutes and it had been about that long, but his previous release had been long and hard and she knew sometimes that affected things.
"I may be okay in just a few," he said, tugging her closer, answering her question as if he had read her mind.
"Mmm, move back up?" She realized as soon as she spoke that she wasn't very clear, but Walter understood, and they changed positions, ending up back with their feet pointed toward the foot of the bed. She straddled him, leaning over to kiss his lips and flashing back to their night in the park, when they'd been kissing in almost this exact position, albeit fully clothed. She remembered how he had moved her hurriedly off his lap after a couple minutes, and despite understanding at the time, she realized how much more sense it made to her now. Now, when they were back in her bed, and when he had no such reason to worry, and they curled their arms around each other, kissing strong and slow.
"I love the way you feel," Walter said, his hands moving from her hips to her stomach and up to her breasts. He squeezed them, running his thumbs along the undersides. Paige's breath hitched. She put her hands on top of his, rocking her hips back and forth on his thighs. Walter played at her breasts for another minute or so and then slid his hands back down to her hips. "God, Paige."
She could feel his body starting to respond to hers, and she let him move her hips with his hands. She put hers on top of his, sliding her fingers in the gaps between his own, and smiled down at him. Walter O'Brien laying beneath her wearing nothing but a bow tie. She thought, only halfway joking, that maybe they wouldn't have broken up in the first place if she'd seen him like this before.
Paige leaned over, reaching for the top drawer handle on her bedside table, but she couldn't quite reach it. "Walter, can you – yes." She saw his hand slip inside, feeling around, and then he lifted it up, the toy she was looking for between his fingers. Paige took it from him, lifting her hips up off of him and scooting back ever so slightly. He was getting hard again, but it would take him longer this time, both to be fully ready and then to reach his climax. In contrast, hers were always much easier to reach after the first one, and as much as she loved having him inside her, sometimes she reached the limit of penetrative activity her body was able to enjoy. Everyone talked up a man with stamina, but in truth, most women could only handle so much of it.
Paige reached for Walter, adjusting so his shaft lay up against his lower belly. She lay the toy along the length of him, on top, and carefully lowered herself, pinning it between them and shifting until she was sure it wouldn't as easily slip out of position. She leaned forward, kissing Walter and running her hand over his chest before trailing it down and clicking the toy on. The feeling was nice, but duller than she expected, and Paige shifted again, ever so slightly, attempting to get into prime position without dislodging the vibrator. Her muscles clenched when she found it, a quick gasp rushing out of her lips.
Walter's eyes were closed, his hands on her thighs, and Paige felt the pressure from his fingertips increasing as his chest movements became more pronounced. She put her hands on his stomach, wanting to feel his muscles tightening from the same sensations that were making hers quiver. "Oh, God," she whispered, pressing her hips down on the vibrator. She remembered a joking comment that he had made another time they had done this – Yet another unrealistic body standard for us men. My penis cannot vibrate on command.
He'd laughed pretty hard at her response – not with that attitude it can't.
Paige found the dial and clicked up the intensity a notch, hearing an oooh from Walter and making a similar sound barely a second later. She carefully moved her hips, just a little, sliding her clit back and forth along the length of the toy. She wasn't going to last long from this; it was incredible how much better this was with the two of them together, even though he wasn't doing a thing but enjoy the same sensations she was. But that was why it was better. The majority of the population got the same image flashing into their mind when someone said the word sex, but there was so much more to it than that. And it was the so much more to it part that she often enjoyed the most. Like right now, with them barely moving, not even, as Toby would say, touching parts, but the eye contact and their hands on each other combined with the buzzing device stimulating them together made this so, so…
"S – oh my God," Paige gasped, feeling her legs start to shake. She leaned forward, resting her arms on his chest, wanting to pump her hips hard against the toy but knowing how frustrated she would feel if it moved out of place. So she would take a few seconds longer. It wasn't the end of the world. She gasped again, the closeness of her and Walter's chests making her extra aware of how his own breathing had grown harder. "Good?" She managed, knowing by his half closed eyelids and the way his nails were digging into her skin what the answer would be even before he nodded and groaned quietly. "I'm gonna come in a second," she said, pushing up on her hands and looking down at him as she bit down on her lip and her eyes rolled back in her head. "And then…" a moan necessitated a pause, "and then I need you inside me." She moaned again. "God, I'm close."
"You need help?" He asked, his eyes opening briefly, just in time to see her shake her head and squeeze her eyes shut as her whole body shuddered and kept shuddering as the continued stimulation sent her through aftershock after aftershock. Paige gasped for air, feeling cold in her extremities as waves of pleasure rolled through her body. Lifting up and off of him, she leaned down to catch his lips with hers again, savoring the tenderness of the kiss before she reached for the vibrator, which had rolled down onto the mattress. Switching it back to the lowest setting, she began stroking him with it, like she had with her finger earlier, as she curled her other hand around one of his and waited for the slowing pulses in her own body to come to a stop.
Walter's eyes closed. "That thing was a good purchase," he mumbled.
She grinned. "I agree." She kept moving it slowly and deliberately along his shaft, knowing how much the low vibrations of the first setting built him up without frustrating him too quickly. "I still can't believe you didn't touch yourself for over four months," she commented.
"Well. Didn't feel right." His eyes opened slightly. "Nothing else really does it anymore."
"I wouldn't have been upset with you for thinking about me," she said, even though she had had the same hesitations on her end. "You didn't have to torture yourself like that."
He gave a shrug – as much of one as he could manage from that position. "It wasn't really. I didn't think about it much…" he gave a small breathy moan, his fingers starting to curl around the bedsheet. "Not until we…started the experiment."
Now she just felt flat out bad for straddling him in the park. "I'm sorry."
He shook his head. "Don't be sorry. I'm the one who…who was…uh…" He reached for her wrist, lifting the toy off of him and shook his head to gather his thoughts. He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I was getting so worked up on a few of our dates and I was so worried you would notice."
She'd thought she'd noticed, for the briefest moment, when they were kissing on the roof top on Date Five, but she wasn't going to tell him that. "You're a genius who loves control and intellect," she said, raising an eyebrow at him for the okay to resume what she had been doing. When he nodded, she clicked the toy up one and made contact with him again. "There is almost nothing I like more than turning you into an incoherent mess."
"You like making me a mess or you like me making you one?"
Walter nodded. "Yes."
Paige saw his stomach muscles clench right before he moaned again, and she clicked the toy off and tossed it aside, leaning down to kiss him. "Get on top of me," she said in a whisper. She settled onto her back as Walter rolled on his side and then over her. She reached for him, drawing him down to kiss her as she lifted her ankles and wrapped her legs around him. "I love you," he whispered, kissing her throat. He reached down to position himself, Paige ran her hand over his chest, and God everything felt right with the world when he pushed all the way into her and ground his hips against hers, reaching down to grip her rear and keep them close together.
"Oh, you feel perfect," she breathed, her eyes falling closed as he began to move, pumping his hips rhythmically and with a level of control that was a stark contrast from the man who was afraid to go inside her at all a half an hour earlier. From this position they were easily able to kiss, and Paige put both hands on his neck, hooking a finger under the bow tie and holding him down near her. She kissed him firmly, deeply, a moan manifesting in her throat but she held it back, wanting to kiss him as long as she could, feeling her body tighten up in the effort of holding it back.
She tore her lips from his, a loud moan rushing through them, and with a quick breath of air she caught his lower lip between both of hers, and she heard and felt him grunt when she ran her tongue along him. The hand on her hip gripped her tighter, and she put her head back against the pillows, her vision briefly blurring. "Shit, Walter." Tipping her head back, she grabbed his bow tie, dropping her head just below it and sucking on the soft skin where his neck met his shoulder. She was pleased at the sound that provoked from Walter. Rocking her hips up against his, Paige reached down and grabbed the hand at her hip, pulling it upward, and Walter got the message, locating one of her breasts and beginning to knead it, periodically rubbing at her nipple with his thumb.
Paige didn't know how long they continued like that, bodies moving together in tandem, alternating moaning into each other, and she knew she was going to be tired and sore in the morning but she didn't care. "You close?" She whispered, her lips against his ear, when Walter angled his hips, thrusting deeper and with a quickened tempo.
"I am," he groaned, quietly, his breath heavy and hot.
"Me too." Paige panted. "Can you…your mouth…" she patted the hand that was caressing her breast, and Walter adjusted again, arcing his back enough to lower his head and wrap his lips around her areola, his tongue teasing her nipple as he sucked gently.
"Oh," Paige gasped, curling her fingers into his hair. "That'll do it." She wrapped her legs tighter around him, rolling her hips faster. Walter's lips abruptly left her and he moaned loudly. Paige whimpered; he put his mouth back around her and moved his tongue furiously, and she swore she saw stars in her vision as she pulsed between her legs, as her body quaked, as mouth opened and nothing came out.
"Oh, God, Paige," Walter moaned, stretching back out and mashing his lips to hers. His ultimate weakness was the feel of her coming apart around him, and he always wanted to be kissing her when it was his turn. Paige kissed him back, both hands on the sides of his face, letting him know that she wanted him to finish kissing her as much as he did. She slipped in an "I love you" in between kisses, and Walter groaned again. He pushed all the way in, pulled out almost as far, and then shoved his hips forward again, as far as he could go, before stilling and groaning again. "Oh God. Oh God." He kissed her again, then shuddered and let out a lower pitched grunt. "I…"
"Shh," she said, putting her lips back on his, kissing him slower and with more tenderness now that they were both still and satisfied. He lifted off of her and settled down on the mattress on his back, his arm up, hand laying across his forehead. Paige flexed an ankle – she had a foot cramp, and shifted onto her side, putting her head on his chest, hearing his heart thumping against her.
"I…" Walter paused for breath. "Give me a few minutes and I can shower and be out of here."
"Out of here?" She lifted her head. "Did you not want to stay?"
He looked perplexed. "Well, that isn't…I assumed…we weren't planning to…so…"
She smiled. "Walter, you're not intruding. Ralph knows we're back together, he loves you, he figured at some point you would be staying over again."
"Are you sure it's not too soon?"
She raised an eyebrow and gave a wry smile. "After what we were just doing, you're asking if falling asleep in my general vicinity is moving too fast?"
"Fair enough." He pulled her closer and kissed her again. "I do want to stay."
"That makes two of us." She ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm so happy."
"Me, too." God, she loved the look in his eyes when he looked at her. And when he smiled, it was, somehow, even better. "I am sorry again about earlier."
"Pssh." She smiled and shook her head. "Walter, this was one of the best nights of my life. All of it. From the second we started our sixth date, all the way to now. And this is definitely the most perfect seventh date I've ever had."
Walter chuckled at that. "I would have to say same for me."
She raised her eyebrows again. "And you know what?"
"Hmm. What?"
"If this is us out of practice…"
"I hope the rest of our relationship, going forward, is as successful as this is."
She nodded, smiled, and lowered her head again, snuggling close to him. "I have a feeling we'll be just fine."