Lori watched Rick as he made his way down the hall.

She only half paid attention to what her friends were rambling about as she watched him.

When he was within hearing distance, she finally spoke.

"Did you guys see Shane and the new girl at his party? I feel so bad for Rick."

Her voice was louder than necessary and she knew they had reached his ears.

His body froze, only for a second, but she noticed it. He pretended not to hear a thing as he continued to his class.

A slow, satisfied, smirk appeared on Lori's face.

Francine clutched her books to her chest as she watched Lori with a frown. She couldn't tell what she said buy she didn't like the sinister look on her face.


"Hey." Michonne whispered as she sat in her seat behind him.

He tensed when he heard her voice. He had been thinking of how to bring up what he heard but he was afraid that she wouldn't like him questioning her. Would she think he was clingy? He just got her and he didn't want to lose her.

Could he even believe anything that came out of Lori's mouth? She was a spiteful person and though it may have looked like she didn't see him coming, he was sure that she had. Why else would she be talking so unnaturally loud? Had she planned for him to "overhear" her?

Either way, the visual in his mind bothered him. He had to ask her.

"Hey... How was the party?"

Michonne laughed nervously. "I haven't seen you since Friday and that's the question you ask." She playfully swiped his arm. "How was your weekend?" She asked with a smile."

"It was okay... How was the party?" He repeated.

Her smile fell and she studied his face. His eyes were everywhere but her face, it was as if he was afraid of what her answer might be.

Then she thought that maybe he had already heard about Shane invading her space the way he did.

She sighed and focused her eyes on her desk.

"I was going to tell you about Shane but-"

"Good morning class. Please pull out the homework I assigned and quiet down."

So it was true. She and Shane? Rick stared at her with a hurt expression on his face. He swallowed a lump in his throat and slowly took his eyes off of her to face the front.

"I'll tell you about it after class." She whispered.

Little did she know, they were talking about two very different incidents. She thought he looked hurt because Shane harassed her but in reality, it was because he though she and Shane had something going.

"Okay?" She asked when he didn't answer her. "Rick..." She tapped him. Still, he said nothing. "Ri-"

"Miss Anthony!" The teacher shouted as she slammed the pointer stick on her desk. "Stop bothering mister Grimes! I am tired of your disrespect towards me! One more word and to the office you will go young lady. See me after class, understand?"

"Yes Mrs. Thompson" Michonne sunk into her seat and frowned.


Michonne was hoping that Rick would have waited for her how she would have waited for him but she couldn't be too mad. Maybe he needed to be in his next class early or something. Or maybe he thought her chat with the teacher would have taken more time. Still, she wished he would have waited.

She had been trying to speak with him since this morning but it was almost like he was avoiding her.

Once it was time for lunch she went to look for him in the gym but surprisingly, he wasn't there.

She sighed and thought of where else he might be.


"You look sad." Francine said from the seat next to his.

He went to the library instead of the gym like usual. He couldn't face Michonne right now, he didn't want to know the full story of why happened with Shane. He wasn't sure his heart could take it.

Francine made a beeline for the library when she saw him heading in that direction.

"Is it because of what happened with Michonne and Shane?"

And for the first time since she followed him to the library, he looked at her face.

His features displayed his shock. So did everyone know except him?

"You were there?"

She nodded shyly.

Rick laughed humorlessly. His last hope that he was misunderstanding the whole thing, disappeared.

"I know how you must feel... It's not easy when people we care about are treated that way. But... don't you think you should be comforting her? She probably needs you..."

"Comforting her? What are you talking about?"

"Huh? Well... what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that my girlfriend is interested in Shane."

"What!?" Francine drew her head back. "Rick, your girlfriend was with Shane but it was innocent until he grabbed her inappropriately. She told him she had a boyfriend and everything, she isn't interested in him." Francine frowned at him. What the hell story did he hear?

Rick stared at her with his mouth agape.

His shock turned into anger. Here he was pouting about some misunderstanding while she was probably seeking his help. He bit the inside of his cheek until it bled.

"What do you mean grabbed her?"

"She was dancing, having fun, then Shane... touched her. " Francine said turning red from embarrassment. "I wanted to say something to him, but I just froze, I was too scared to help her. I'm sorry."


Sasha walked angrily through the cafeteria looking for Shane. She had been waiting for this since Saturday night when Michonne told her what happened.

She spotted Shane chatting up the cheerleaders from hell at the lunch table reserved for the absolute worst time of people.

When she was infront of him she flipped his lunch tray over causing him to flinch.

"Get the fuck up asshole."

"Um... who are you? Did I break your heart or something sweetheart?" Shane said as he rose from his seat slowly.

Lori and Jessie snickered but Sasha didn't find anything funny.

Sasha kicked him in his balls as hard as she could and Shane hunched over with tears in his eyes.

"You ever touch my sister like that again and I will shove my foot up your ass!"

Abraham watched her in awe as his friend rolled back and forth on the ground in pain.

Sasha felt someone approaching from behind her.

She turned around swinging her fist swiftly thinking it was one of Shane's groupies trying to sneak her, but it was Rick.

He caught her fist without flinching and looked down at Shane who was still on the floor in pain.

"Looks like you beat me to it."

She snorted. "Won't hurt to add some extra damage."

Rick arched his eyebrow then said, "you know what? That ain't a bad idea..."

He walked over and crouched down so that he could speak to Shane.

"I think you may have harassed the wrong girl this time around. You see, Michonne is not a piece of meat and I don't appreciate you treating her as such."

"Fuck you pizzaface."

The table exploded with laughter at the old nickname they had given Rick those years ago.

Rick stood slowly from his crouched position then nodded just as slow.

He took a calming breath before kicking Shane twice in the gut effectively knocking the wind out of him.

"Piece of shit. " he mumbled as he angrily walked away from him. Sasha kicked him too before she followed behind Rick with a frown on her face. She was still pissed.

Maggie and Beth who had just taken a seat at the other side of the cafeteria missed the whole thing but saw the two of them angrily walking towards the exit.

"Richard! Sash!" She called them over loudly.

Rick and Sasha joined their table and Maggie laughed while asking, "why do you two look so angry?" Her laughter trailed off when she noticed neither if them laughed.

She cleared her throat. "Where's Michonne?"

"Probably looking for me. Dammit, I have to find her." He got up to leave but Sasha caught him by the arm.


Rick looked at her questioningly, waiting for her to say what she had to say.

"We shoulda stomped him some more!" She shook her head whilst clicking her tongue.

He blinked at her as she mumbled under her breath. "Shoulda kicked him some more.. a damn shame."


As soon as he left the cafeteria he saw Michonne.

Her face brightened up at the sight of him..

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you, where have yo-"

Her sentence was cut off when he wrapped his arms around her tightly.


"I'm sorry. I misunderstood." He voice shook and the words were mumbled as he had his face buried in her neck.

"Misunderstood what?"

He pulled away from her and looked at her shyly. "I thought... I thought you changed your mind about me and you were interested in Shane. I overheard... I shouldn't have assumed something like that."

Michonne frowned.

All this time he though something happened between her and Shane?

She sighed.

They really needed to work on his confidence. She didn't want him to be paranoid anytime she was away from him.

"Rick, I would never be interested in a pig like that. How could you think that?"

"Because... Shane would be a better choice. He's not awkward and he's experienced... I don't even know what to say to you half the time."

"Rick... You're amazing, Shane is in no way a better choice than you. Please don't think so little of yourself. I don't care if you're awkward or whatever. I think it's cute."

He blushed fiercely and tried apologizing again but he stuttered through his words. It was his nerves acting up again.

"Shut up and kiss me Rick Grimes." She whispered.

He swallowed hard then leaned in slowly kissing her lips timidly.

It was only a peck but it was still his first kiss and he couldn't stop the smile from appearing on his face. He looked to his feet smiling widely hoping he didn't look like too much of an idiot.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" He could hear that she was smiling too and this caused him to look up. He wanted to see her perfect smile.

His eyes lit up at how happy she looked.

She grabbed his hand and they walked side by side glancing at each other ever so often. Smiling giddily as they caught each other's eyes.

