A/N: This is a slight AU that is idyllically set after Infinity War, but with everyone in perfect health. There should be no major spoilers or direct references to the events of Infinity War, but general references to all MCU properties, characters, and state of beings as of publication date are present.

"The Avengers," Strange muttered to himself as he googled them. Yes, he had heard all about them through the media and in all the times their paths had crossed. However, from everything he had heard and seen, he could not understand how this team of misfits hadn't completely torn itself apart once and for all. He had studied each of them individually to determine their place in everything, but still need to review them as a whole. While the group had massive public disagreements, somehow, they always seemed to end up back together despite massively differing opinions. Watching a compilation video someone had made of all the times a member of the team had publicly ridiculed another, Strange was beginning to doubt that any of them even liked each other. He shut off the video and decided that since the other dimensions seemed to be calm for the moment, he would take up Tony Stark's invitation to go to the Avengers compound and see for himself what these people were like when not under the threat of world annihilation.

Unannounced, of course. And possibly invisible. It might be safer.

Strange heard the closest set of Avengers before he could see them. A young woman seemed to be arguing loudly with Dr. Banner. He hurried to the room, hoping that the young woman in modern Wakandan clothing knew better than to push Bruce over the edge. Dr. Banner seemed to be confused, which felt like a warning sign.

"That shouldn't work."

"It does with my discoveries."

"But it shouldn't. I'm not saying it can't, just that the amount of energy stored..."

"...should be impossible. Yes, I heard you. What? Do you think because I'm a little girl that I can't understand the principles?"

"No, I think of you as a scientist that seems to have broken physics and I'm just trying to catch up. Do you realize I've only had a short time to catch up on all the data you've released with bringing Wakandan technology into the open? All I'm asking is for a chance to catch up before you start ridiculing me."

Bruce looked severely irritated and slammed the data pad onto the desk. Strange watched as Shuri's faced dawned a look of comprehension rather than terror at Bruce's anger. She tilted her head and waited until Bruce regained his composure. Shuri smiled at him with curiosity.

"Bruce, do you have any siblings?"

Dr. Banner seemed taken aback.

"No, I don't. Why?"

She sat down at the table across from him and began tinkering with robotic pieces laying around a teardrop shaped device, not looking at Bruce, who remained standing.

"I'm not arguing with you to make you mad or to act superior. I'm just teasing you like I harmlessly tease my brother. The difference is that he is used to being able to tell the difference between when I'm playing or being totally serious."

Bruce sighed and sat down opposite her. She continued using the tools scattered around them, focused on the item between them.

"I would not tease you if I didn't respect you."

She began to pat the table to her left, feeling around for a screwdriver that had rolled away. Bruce slid it into her reach.

"You respect me?"

She finally looked up at him only to roll her eyes.

"The only person you can tell that to is Tony Stark and only to deflate his ego."

"Deal." Bruce laughed, and they shook hands in a mock pact. He continued to help her and pass her tools wordlessly. She chattered about what she was doing and why she was doing it in a lighthearted manner. It seemed more for herself than Bruce, despite him hanging on her every word. Finally, the small device began floating slowly into the air, stopping to rest at their eye-level. Bruce looked at it, then at Shuri, who seemed to be waiting for a reaction. Bruce shrugged.

"It's okay, I guess."

She looked shocked and then tossed a sponge at him. He threw up his arms in defense.

"I'm kidding! It's amazing!"

She continued to toss every harmless item near her at him. He kept laughing and dodging until he fell on the floor. Shuri leaned over the table to make sure he was okay only to see him disheveled and laughing harder than he had in a long time. She rolled her eyes and walked around the table, offering an arm to help him up. He wheezed slightly as he stood, holding his chest that ached from laughing.

"You know, most people would not take their chance throwing things at me."

"If throwing little things like this at you makes you hulk out than you have thinner skin than I thought. I didn't even consider it."

"What would have done if I had?" asked Bruce with an air of false disinterest.

Shuri returned to their small floating object, poking it with a tool to make it change color.

"Do you ask everyone that?"

Bruce was caught off guard again.


"I said do you need your hearing checked?"

Bruce gave her a sour look that she ignored.

"I just want to make sure everyone has a plan to stay safe from me when they're around me because I won't be able to help them against the Other Guy,"

Shuri seemed to think for a moment.

"No, I don't have a plan."

Bruce gaped.

"I think you'll agree that every moment our situation changes, and my reaction would be different each time. Just know that generally speaking you don't scare me, and you have more control than you realize, so never ask me that again."

Bruce regarded the scientist across from him for a long enough silence that she finally gave in and looked up at him.

"If you keep this up, I'm going to give you a hearing test for real."

Bruce shook his head.

"Fine, I accept your premise."

"That you're hard of hearing? I bet Hawkeye..."

"No," said Bruce exasperatedly, "that I unfairly evaluate my friends based on how afraid of me they are and I'll try to stop."

"Accepting my statement means you will stop. None of this 'trying' business."

Bruce chuckled.

"Okay, okay. I will stop."

Shuri nodded once and returned to the small object that had started flying in lazy loop-de-loops. She started muttering to it as she poked it again.

"Trying, yeah, trying my patience."

"You do realize I can hear you?"

He realized what he had said and closed his eyes waiting for the retort.

"OH! You can hear me?"

"How do I get you to stop teasing me?"

Strange left the laboratory, satisfied that their argument would not result in an angry green rampage. Bruce made an understandable argument, but he appreciated the frankness of Shuri's response. He personally wasn't entirely sure what he would do if the Hulk appeared, but knew his own safety was the least of his concerns. He followed the hallway back toward a main living space, planning on finding a larger group of people to observe.

Bruce & Shuri

Sibling Rivalry/Healthy Competition

Dedicated to the friend that is as close as family and afraid of themself.

Inspired tonally by The West Wing.