CG(26) is outed publicly at the Seattle General Hospital, Children's Cancer Ward Fundraiser Gala at Grey Manor. Taking only the naked masked girl (21) Elaina threw at him. As the world explodes, he must find the will, the strength, to return and face the world. How will the girl change everything? The world unfolds as the private man, and monster is dragged into the media light, family warfare and internally strife.

note: reviewing trolls without names are deleted and not posted: don't have the balls to put your name on negative review means your a coward. Weither you like my writing or not, its your choice to read it . For those who like my writing thank you for the reviews.


Seattle: Grey Manor: Saturday: seven days to Halloween

Seattle General Hospital, Children's Cancer Ward Fundraiser Gala:


I sit pouting at the world. Lost in the emotions of these past months. Lost in the pain of my miserable existence. It's been five-months since sub number eight showed up at my office. She stood there in the reception in a dress more suited for a porn shoot, than my office. Smiling with a drug fueled stupid grin; she demanded we discuss her moving in and the wedding. Before I could have Taylor escort her out. She blabbed about Elaina's role in this and gathering blackmail on me.

I stewed all night, till dawn brought the realization that I had no friends. no family and no future sex life. I ordered an audit of the Salons and our business arrangement. Seem the Salon weren't economical without the sideline of pandering sex workers to clients, drugs and even sex trafficking underage children. I liquidated the salons, turned over the evidence to the police and hit Elaina with a six-million-dollar bill. All the money she embezzled.

She disappeared three weeks ago, good riddance. The legal case goes public Monday, I arranged to be in New York, then London than Taiwan starting tonight after the gala. I won't be in Seattle till after the New Year. I sip my wine, watching more gold diggers, male and female, get liquid courage to approach me.

I hear a disturbance behind me. I rise, turning to see Elaina in an extreme Dominatrix outfit dragging a naked female slave in a Sensory Deprivation Vegan Leather mask with zippers over the eyes and mouth. She seems drugged, lost slow motions jerks and stumbling on the leash.

Elaina throws her into me, I catch her to my chest. Seeing the padlocks securing the hood. I stare daggers at the bitch before me. I unzip an eye, her blue eyes are hazed over; under some cocktail of drugs

"Here Christian, this thing settles my debt. Just like you prefer them, petite, brown hair, high pain tolerance. She's the image of your crack-whore mother Ella, so you can beat her as surrogate for leaving you, not loving you. The great Christian Grey Sadist and torturer enjoy the spotlight. O'good Grace see this is what your son likes. Not gay. He likes these little underage girls to beat and fuck."

"Elaina! Why are you doing this?" I demand

"You took everything from me, I told you I MADE YOU AND I AM DESTROYING YOU. Your Sex life is public now, with all those children I sold to you for you."

"That's a lie! You know it and the cops know it."

"Maybe, but it my death bed confession, why would I lie." She purrs in that evil voice, raising a small automatic pistol to her throat. Her head explodes. I swing the girl over my shoulder and run from the party to the car.

Good Reynolds is with the car, I toss the girl in and grab the keys, speeding away into the night. I can already hear the radio talk show exploding about this. I get the mouth zipper open, she seems to breath ok. Where do I go?


I race into the GEH hanger at Boeing Field. Which plane? The 737 is fueled and stocked to go. I see the newest jet in my hanger. All weather, night flying, enhanced landing upgraded avionics XTI Tri-Fan 600 VTOL cruiser. I bought for my hidden island. I check, its fueled and ready to fly. I load my bags and the girl. checking the tool box, I find bolt cutters. I release the mask. Shit! Why did I do that. she young, innocent and ethereally beautiful.

I harden at her face, remembering her feel in my arms, touching my chest. Touching my chest! I didn't even realize till right this second, she touched me. Touched my chest and it didn't burn. I stare frozen into the darkness of the airfield.

Thought rain in my brain, as the reality takes hold of me. I need her, desperately to be mine. I toss my phone and wrist-watch with the keys into the SUV. Taylor trackers in my shoes have a limited range.

Pulling the chock blocks from the wheels, I climb in and fire the engines. Taxing on to the runway, I call the tower for clearance. They deny me, I boost the turbo fans and launch from the taxis way. Flying low, relying on the night guidance system. I hug the mountains, vectoring east along the mountains, I pass the Grand's farm.

I set my course for 55.6676368, -133.7098047, my hidden island. I glaze at the naked girl cover by my suit coat next to me. I should have left her at the hanger. I should have left her at the party, I don't know how I can every leave her. I sweat the roughly 740 miles to my house of exile.

Right after eight blew up in my face, I used a hidden account to buy and have built a house on Storm Break island. On the seaward line of the Maurella Islands group of the Alexander archipelago. Everything was finished last week. The house is provisioned and ready. Well minus my cloths and the girls. We will just have to do with what's in my luggage. I wish I knew why I did it or buy the big Family mansion on the Sound. I just don't know why?

I sweep low over the sea, rain pelts the windows. I hope the avionics are up to challenge. I see the island. Steep cliffs, no beaches to speak of. Just my two story, storm battered refugee. The thick forested steep hills allow only a helicopter pad. But my XTI Tri-Fan 600 is a vertical landing and take-off aircraft. I line up on the pad. This is going to be interesting.



I wake in a soft bed, with warm luscious blankets, shadows play across the large windows. A storm pounds the panes. I rise on my elbows, the wave racing into the shore throw plumes high in the air of sea spray. I shift from the hypnotic scene.

Where am I? why am I naked? And what happened? The last I remember was getting in a WSU van to go to a children's Halloween party in Portland. What day is this? I raise, checking the doors, one is a closet the other a hallway. The last is a bathroom.

I lock the door and pee. I need a shower. It takes a bit to figure out the handles and buttons. This is the most complicated shower I've ever heard of. But finally, I get the water how I want it and the correct temperature. I take a colorful Shower Fluffy Mesh Sponge Pouf, add soap letting the hot water wash me, soothing my inner and outer turmoil.

I feel a tingling, and draft. I try to turn, but he pushes me against the wall, holding me. I should fight, but I feel safe, wanted. I need to have him feel me; touch me. He takes the Sponge and lathers my back. Making me wither in the simple sensual act. His tongue massages my neck and ears. His body, drives me to place a 21-year-old virgin should not go; but I want to go there so bad, so bad it hurts not be one with him.

"Who are you?" I breathlessly beg.

"your master."

"my what?"

"You were give to me in payment for a debt. You belong to me."

"Like hell I am! I'm not something you sell or buy." I scream turning into him, he claims my lips, I grab his hair and pull him into me; lifting my leg to hold him to me. Leaning back, I stare into grey eyes so pained and sad it hurt my soul. I stroke his face, as the shower rains on us.

"Anastasia, your mine. Forever. I can't lose you"

"Anna, call me Anna. I don't know why, but I can't lose you either. What's your name?"

"Christian Grey"

"Well Chris, what now?"

He kneels, taking my breath as his tongue invades me. I scream and wither in ecstasy; my first orgasm. I lose track of the number of orgasm crash over me like wave of pleasure, they rival the storm outside. I scream his name, rattling the windows. Till I find myself wrapped in towels, laying on the bed. I run my hands thru the light hair on his chest. Feeling little dots. I look.

Who could have hurt him, I recognize the cigarette burn marks of a sadist? I have two on my head from three. I let the calm embrace us; I know, somehow, I know he needs it. Till my stomach gurgles ratting my hunger out.

"my Clothes?" I ask

He takes me to the closet and hands me a dress shirt. I look at him. "Where are my clothes, what did I come in?"

He blushes, opening a drawer to a leather hood and knee high 5inch heeled boots. I take the shirt. I don't ask yet. He dons some pants and we head thru the house to the kitchen.

The kitchen is heavenly, professional. With everything a cook or baker could need or want. I dream of baking some fantastic things here.

"I only know how to heat cans. Sorry." He holds up two soup cans.


He walks to a door. "This is the Pantry, it's stock pretty good." I check, all cans and frozen food. "no produce?"

"No. were on an island in the Alexander archipelago"


"The Alaska Panhandle, the nearest town; on Prince of Wales Island is Craig, about 30-miles away by Helicopter."

"Can you go and get some produce and me some clothes?"

"No, I kind a broke the plane on landing. Besides were hiding out from the world. You were given to me very publicly."

"How public?" I cringe at the words.

"It's all over the news and has been for four days now."

"I've been out for four days!"

"yes, the drugs they used had you for three days. Early this morning you finally calmed down and sleep normally"

"How would you know I slept normally?"

"you refused to let me leave you. I held you in my arms all night, every night."

I blush beet red "did we, you know?"

"No, we did not, although you tried several times to take my virtue, Miss Steele"

I really blush, hiding as I thaw some steaks, boil water for instant potatoes, and simmer green beans and gravy sauce from a packet. I start some yeast in warm water to make bread.

I set the mixer to fold in the dry ingredients with the yeasty water. Letting it rise. I plate the food, we sit side by side. Eating slowly, I try to remember.

"so why was I give to you?"

"it's a long, tragic stupid story. It started when I was fifteen." He continues

I end up in his arms, straddling his lap in my panties-less state. Holding my fragile man as reality crashes him down. The abuse, the delusions, the raw emotions he so long suppressed. I hold him together, as he takes the last doubt from my heart.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, goes the timers

I stand, taking his hand. "Come on Chris, we're making bread."


Breaking news: Source in Seattle tell us that more charges are pending against Billionaire pervert Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. Anonymous source tells us that Seattle PD will finally bring indictments for sex trafficking and pandering minors.

Already the smart people are abandoning GEH, which as suffered a 40% devaluation. Some two hundred employees have quit in disgust over Grey perverted illegal sex life. But a few brainwashed employees are still obstructing justice. What are they hiding, their own evolvement in the sick perverted 'lifestyle' of the left-wing

Raymond Steele unable to take the truth, not allowing concerned journalist and Law enforcement access to Anastasia Steele room in Montesano, Washington. Turned violent assaulting multiple journalist, four from Foox News. Jose Rodriquez Jr. who source describes as Steele's muscle in keeping exploited women and children in line was arrested assaulting journalist at Anastasia Steele's condo She shares with her lover Kathryne Kavanagh, whose father is Emanon Kavanagh of ultra-leftwing democratic donor Kavanagh Media; Who has yet to condemn his daughter's lover

Steele's mother reported her daughter lives beyond her means and is not above selling herself. That Anastasia believes the world owes her the high life because of her pretty face, devious manners.

Two reporters from this show, seeking the true are hospitalized. Seattle PD and FBI are powerless to find and bring to justice criminals has Grey's elitist left-wing empire crumbles. We call on all concerned citizens to help bring these lower than scum to justice. If you see these two, call police; make a citizen arrest. I hope they resist arrest, the cost of a bullet would save the tax payer money on four season styled jail, club med prison.

As always stay tuned to Danity on Foox news channel


Steele's submissive lover, Kathryne Kavanagh bails out Steele father and Steele gimp Rodriquez Jr. each on fifty-thousand-dollar bail. No comments were the only words screamed at reporters as they fled the city. Destination unknown. But GEH security is guarding the Steele House in Montesano and her Condo in Pikes Market

The Grey family has fled society to their compound at Black Point on Flathead lake, Montana. The Lake Adrianna of the Rocky Mountains. Source in the family confirm that the Greys are disowning their son over his BDSM lifestyle and possible criminal charges. No official words yet.

Carla Adams, Miss Steele mother has come out publicly that her daughter has never done anything criminal, that the allegations are false. But admitted her daughter's sexual lifestyle is unknown to her. Despite repeated attempts, we find no credible relationships or sex hook up for the 4.0GPA college senior.

Be sure to sign-up for automatic updates on the Grey sadist sex scandal 2010. NOZ the Seattle nose for news.


Seattle Grey House: conference room A


The loyal band of GEH sit around a table scattered with documents and stale coffee cups. I wait Roz, Andrea, Miller from HR. Peters from legal and Hanson from PR, Fred and Barney sit waiting the last four.

They finally come in. seated we begin the rebuilding of GEH. I hope.
"Alright its day 5 since the incident. Where do we stand?"

Miller hands papers around the table. "As of this morning we have 160 employees; quit without notice, another sixty turned in notice. Of those I've talked 30 into canceling the notice. Reminding them of the loyality clause in their contract. If Grey get convicted, then I promised full 90-day severance package. We have had some eight hundred applications in the last two days for the open slots. We're working on it."

Peters spits his nicotine gum into a cup. "we have two hundred sexual harassment suits against Grey. the bullshit charges made by the troll are non-starters with he FBI and SPD. I've remind all the enemy lawyers about our CCTV system, a Grey's known professional business practices and behaviors. Already nine preliminary judgements in our favor over the harassment suites. We've also hit back at the radical bullshit on Foox and Msndc. Also, several blogs and wingnut-web sites, like brightbart and druegged report. We're solid"

"Move to cover the Steele's, Jose Rodriquez Jr and Kathryn Kavanagh. I don't want that becoming an issue when Grey returns. Roz?"

"the company has lost 15% value, almost all from the failed A&M and the wildcat strikes at the four manufacturing plants in Midwest. I've order the breaking and selling of the four plants. Killing some three thousand jobs, driving those areas in to major recession and unemployment. Loyalty is everything in this company and to think we could ever covert to a board of directors is moronic."

"We all hate to kill towns, cause hardships. But we gave them a chance to return to work. They refused, screw-em. Hanson?"

"well there is not much to do but counter attack, put out our side of the story. Till Grey and Girl return. I hope it's soon, and they have worked something out over this disaster."

"You see this as a Disaster? Hanson" speaks Roz.

"Roz from a PR prospective, Yes! It is. if we could have laid some ground work, seeded some information ahead of the release and did so in a timely and controlled manner, then it would not have snowballed into this clusterfu #k. Am I wrong?"

"No, you're not. Its; I'm frustrated with this. This no knowing what is going on. Sorry." roz

I scan the room. "Fred? Barney?"

"We've provided legal with whatever CCTV video for the Suits. We've tried every legal and illegal means to track Grey's plane. Last, we or anyone has is it heading towards Calgary over Bonner Ferry near the north end of the Kootenai National Forest." Barney says

The door opens and Elliot, Ray Steele, Jose Rodriquez Jr, Kathryn Kavanagh and Gail walk in, taking seats.


"Elliot, Mr. Steele, Jose and Kate showed up at my sister's house. They know that Christian did not do anything illegal, and that kidnapping Anastasia was not his idea. I'm convinced he discovered she was drugged and took her to keep her safe. They will turn up." Gail says touching my arm.

"Taylor we are not the enemy. We just want them back. Safe and sound. Kate?" Elliot speaks, pulling Kathryne Kavanagh onto his lap.

"We were scheduled to work as volunteers at the Tacoma Children's Hospital Halloween Costume Making Party thru the WSU Colleges Community Service Scholarship. This is the third year we've done it. A college van picked us up, there were three other girls in the van. We blacked out. Two other girls and I woke up in BDSM club in Seattle; one girl was sexual assaulted before we convinced the patrons to release us. They were very upset over the whole thing. Anna was missing, the drugs they gave us took days to work out of our system. I called Ray as soon as I could." She weeps into Elliot's shoulder.

"Kate? You said three girls already in the van?" Fred asks.

"Yes, two blondes and brown hair girl."

"did you know any of them?"

"The blondes yes, the Brown haired one no, she looked like Anna, could have been her twin sister." Kate muses lost.

"I'm betting she was the one who drugged you guys. It would have been too hard for the driver. Did you know him?"

"No, he was old, like fifty. Fat, bald. Creepy type of guy. Had a weird neck-less. Diamond encrust logs, like my brother used to play with."

"Shit! Lloyd "Linc" Lincoln. The bitch troll ex-husband." Elliott barks.

"Alright Peters get statements, push on this. We can prove the Lincolns are solely responsible, it may lessen the pressure for Grey and Steele to stay in hiding." I say sure for the first time, we are moving in the right direction. Everyone leaves except Gail. Roz is herding Elliot, Steele, Kate and Jose Rodriquez Jr to legal with Peters.

"Jason, Christians safe in the piano?"

"what safe in the piano? Gail?"

"It's a small piece on the inside, you remove it, a four-digit lock secures it. its small maybe some thumb drives. I don't know. I found it shortly after I moved in, while cleaning."

"We're going home." We head out to Escala.

She shows me the safe, I get a screw driver and bust it open. Inside are two thumb drives one labeled Ella the other Motu Mo Te Hau. Great they require thumb print to open. I'll have to have Fred and Barney break them. I kiss my girl.


motu mo te hau: storm break island


Well it is official, I have not got one ounce of domestic ability. I can't cook, clean, do laundry. I would have starved on canned spam, canned hash, canned soup and vegetables. The only thing I can do apparently is knead bread.

Anna walked me thru the process. She cut the dough in half, lay on flour cover counter. Push with the heal of the hand outward, fold, turn 90 degrees. Repeat. Very therapeutic beating up on dough. Now we have bread. Anna has a stew in the slow roster going.

We watch some news, depressing as hell. They really hurt my girl. I hold her on the couch, watching the rain turn to snow. The waves simmer down, the light fades into evening. Holding her is the best thing in my life. We don't talk, just feel the emotions. I walk her to our bed, laying down. I hold her to me, lost in the dreams of tomorrow. Lost in the dreams of Anna.



Chris must be a hell of great business man because he would die here for want of good food, and clean cloths. I have to laugh at his stricken expression as he confessed the laundry to me.

The smell was bad, I was sick and gross while under the drugs. He cleaned it up as good as he could. But the state of the art laundry washer was too much for his simple male brain. Lucky, we have all the supplies. We pre-treat the sheets and pillow case. Load the soap, bleach and fabric softer and get the first of three loads done. Afterwards we do the second kneading of the bread. Then I start a stew for dinner. we wander the house. I giggle at the pool.

The heated pool is large with a hot tub in one side. The roof is triple glass panels, which retracts putting three quarters of the pool outside. Glass wall covered by steel louvers allow mind inspiring views of the island and sea. I plan on tomorrow swimming.

After dinner we watch a little news. I can't take the pain all the lies bring. We turn it off and listen to some classical 80's R&B and PoP. Watching the majestic seascape before us. Later in bed, I let go of the world and just have Chris in my arms and dreams.


We're crashed at Christian penthouse. I make Gail show us Christian dungeon, Ray is very upset. Jose is flirting thru the room taking notes. "Ray lighten up, whips and chains aren't everyone cup of tea. But you know Annie would never allow this shit, the extreme stuff. It's just not our girl." Kate is bug eyed then very blushing, rubbing her thighs. I think the girl likes kink. I know I do. And want to with her.

Eating dinner Jose ask Sawyer the head CPO here with Taylor at Grey house. "Any of the boys' bat for the home team, lukeee"

"Jose, for the last time it Luke, Not lukee, Not luklisous, just LUKE. If that too hard. You can sleep with the paparazzi downstairs."

"Luke lighten up baby. I just was hoping for some comfort."

"Jose, Parks will be back in hour, but him and his boyfriend have been steady for four years"

"Ok, I just need some rainbow support. Ray do we need to call someone for you?"

"Jose! If I need companionship. I can get it myself. I'm fine right now. I just want my daughter back. Safe and sound. GOT IT!"

"Ray, we got it. We love you man. You're like a father to us. We care about you, and Annie wouldn't want you sulking in your room, sharping knifes. We know how lonely you are. We care about you."

"Ray? I can have a friend of mine stop by. She's a widow, her husband died in Iraq last year. No strings, no commitment." Gail calmly says petting his arm.

"Gail, I appreciate it, if I need it. I'll ask you. it's just right now I want to be alone. I'm not really suited for civilized company right now." Ray says, standing, headed for his room.

"Kate, baby let turn in." Elliot asks, taking her hand. They head down the hall to their room.

"Jose grab your drink, let's wait in the great room. Gail good night." I walk in and crash on the couch.

"Luke you need to call someone?"

"I wish I could; but I can't. She stuck with her parents in the Lake Adrianna of the Rocky Mountains"

We wait for Parks and Taylor to come home. Hoping this nightmare will end soon.