Welcome to the Gem Invader: Invader Zim/Steven Universe Crossover! This is a fusion fanfic of Invader Zim and Steven Universe. We love both fandoms and came across the age old question of what if these characters was in this fandom. well her you have it folks. Hope you enjoy!


Steven Universe

Invader Zim Characters:



Teen Gem Hunter!Dib

Red Diamond

Purple Diamond

Miyuki Pink Diamond

Spork White Diamond

Steven Universe Characters:







Zim was sent to earth in a fools mission, Dib is a gem hunter questing to study the myth that he believes is real, the Crystal Gems are concerned about the safety of earth, and Jasper gets best mom award.


Chapter 1: A new and clingy sight

Dib sighed as he rubbed his temples it was his fifth day at hanging out in this creepy ass kindergarten for gem babies and he ran out of freaking food. He needed to get more but he'd gotten so much good data...

Zim grumbled kicking another useless pebble out of his way. Tapping onto his hover screen he scanned the data again. "By diamonds where is that entrance. Zim doesn't wish to be on this crust of a planet any longer. Gah all these useless" Zim shivered "plants."

Dib walked out of his tent going on a walk. sighing he kicked a rock "stupid data" he said and placed a hand on one of the extractors. he'd figured out they stole nutrients to make the gems but they infected natural wildlife too... How?

Zim grumbled kicking one of the extractors only to stumble back falling to the ground cradling his foot. Glancing up Zim saw a figure on the other side of the extractor. Giving a squeak Zim franticly scurried backward.

Dib jumped at the other noise and gasped "a gem! Hey! You!" He said running toward him his long legs making the boy much faster than Zim

Zim squawked tossing his hover screen and flailing his arms as he ran screaming "LEAVE ZIM ALONE YOU MEAT SACK!"

"Get back here!" He growled and picked the short gem up and looked at him "who are you?"

Zim screeched flailing his arms "LET ME GO! DON'T SHATTER ME!"

"What the heck?" He said "what's shattering?"

Zim squirmed and wiggled in Dib's hold smacking the human in the face "RELEASE ZIM! I WILL NOT BE SHATTERED BY A PATHETICALLY LARGE BEAST!"

"I'm not a beast! Stop squirming before I drop you!" He said trying to put the thing in a manageable carry.

Zim instantly started panicking at the shifting. Zim started giving Dib weak panicked slaps as his breathes quicked to gasps "NO NO NO RELEASE ZIM! I WON'T BE AN EXPERIMENT TO YOUR MEAT BEAST HANDS!"

Dib growls "stop hitting me! Its Annoying!"

Zim squeaked freezing at the growl and the shouts. His gasps shuttered to a halt as his eyes rolled back and he passed out falling limp in Dib's hold.

Dib groaned "damnit..." He said and carried the Gem to his tent and tied him up and waited

Zim groaned waking up slowly. "Wha-where?"

"You're in my tent I am a human called Dib" he was a tall boy of nearly six feet with a lightning streak coming out of his hair easily able to tower over the small tied up gem.

Zim scowled turning away from him as much as he could. "Just shatter me and get it over with disgusting meat sack."

"Shattering is that killing you?"

Zim gave a quick nod.

Dib frowned "why would I kill you you aren't a threat"

Zim jerked over "WHAT!? ZIM IS TOO A THREAT!"

"Really? How?"

Zim puffed out his chest "obviously Zim is superior than you meat sacks in many ways. First off since Zim is a gem Zim follows the rule of red and purple diamond. Being a magenta gem Zim is the perfect combination of the two. Not another exist like Zim. Along with being an elite Zim is proficient in building, flying, and fighting." Zim gave Dib a smug grin.

"Right so who are... Red and Purple?"

Zim scoffed "obviously the most powerful and perfect rulers. There are more diamonds but they are all pathetic and useless to my diamonds."

"So diamonds rule gems huh? Interesting"

Zim nodded waving his hand as much as he could "yes yes they are the all powerful and wonderfully ruthless rulers. So do get on with the shattering my diamonds will do no less to Zim if they find out Zim was captured by a meat sack."

"And what were you doing here to be such a threat?"

Zim rolled his eyes "my diamonds are you meat sacks all so idiotic? Zim was running codes to figure out if this crust of a planet could be used anymore or if it has lost its use and should be terminated."

"Uh huh... And by useful you mean reactivating those spider things out there?" Man this guy was an idiot he was giving him everything on a silver platter

Zim scoffed "idiot of course not those things are soooooooo out dated. Zim played with those when he was merely a pebble. No Zim is going to check the core hatch that contains all the information on this crust."

"Oh? The Core that little thing?"

Zim rolled his eyes "you are useless to talk to! You know nothing! Zim thought your species were 'advanced' not stupid."

"Well why don't you educate me then?"

Zim rolled his eyes "oh please your little brain wouldn't understand even if Zim showed you. It's too advanced."

"You sure about that?"

Zim raised a brow "oh you think your puny brain can handle it?"

"I think so'

Zim scoffed easily wiggling out of his bonds "fine Zim will just have to blow your little meat brain with his amazement. Follow Dib beast."

Dib chuckled "okay almighty Zim..."

Zim puffed out his chest grinning. Waving his hand his hover screen floated back to him. Tapping away Zim walked confidently forward heading straight to a hole.

Dib followed humming and taking notes

Zim walked right into the hole giving a startled squeak. Blushing a deep red Zim dusted himself off standing up and crawling out of the hole. "That was all apart of the plan..."

"Was it?" Dib asked and offered a hand

Zim blushed but nodded taking his hand and getting up out of the hole. "Yes yes Zim was showing you what not to do... Don't do that!"

"Oh thank you for keeping me safe my hero" he said and smooched the alien's cheek


"Its a form of praise on earth didn't you know?"

Zims eyes widened and he grinned pleased "ah yes of course Zim knows this. Zims question is where is his other praises. Zim IS giving the Dib beast knowledge for he puny brain. More of these praises!"

Dib chuckled and peppered him with kisses

Zim wiggled at the feeling but grinned. "Yes that is the correct praise that Zim deserves. Now follow silly human we are almost there."

Dib nodded and set him down following him. stars this was so easy.

Zim lead the way pushing on a rock in the wall thus causing a part of the group a few feet around them start to shift downward. "Come here Dib beast hold Zim's hand we don't want you to get crushed or fall off."

Dib did as told eyes wide with wonder

Zim held Dib's hand tucking his body close to Dib's legs. Tapping away at his hover screen sending them lower into the earth. "Now Dib beast don't touch anything."

"Wouldn't dream of it Zim... Uh what would happen if I did?"

Zim shrugged "It's hard to know but probably lose an appendage, maybe blow us up, cause a cave in, or all three."

"Okay definitely not touching anything now" the human said stepping closer

Zim grinned. "Good. We don't want your grubby fingerprints on anything."

"You don't have fingerprints?"

Zim scoffed "of course not. Zim is a gem. Do your useless earth stones have finger smears?"

"Hmmm good point"

Zim grinned the ground coming to a halt. They were so far down you could barely see the entrance. Striding forward Zim waved Dib along. "Follow Dib beast."

Dib followed and looked around it was dark

Walking up to a large black screen Zim typed in code until it lit up. Waving to a side Zim off handedly commented "go sit and play with the rocklings Zim is sure there are some to keep you busy while Zim contact my diamonds."


"Yes, Rocklings. Um how can Zim put it in puny human terms. They are small non gems. My companion Gir is one. They are small and... Dumb. He should be around here if not back with a human mutt in a few days."

"Interesting" he said and wandered off to play with something, but stayed in hearing range

Zim cleared his throat as the screen flickered and buzzed to life.

Two extremely large figures came onto the screen. The red one turned to Zim with a large angry frown while the purple one seemed sad.

Zim put his fist to his chest "My diamonds!"

Red groaned "what do you want pebble?"

Purple lightly tapped Red's shoulder "give him a chance."

Zim nodded his head not minding the hurtful comment. "I have made it to Earth my diamonds. The kindergarten seems to be extremely outdated, but with time and resources the kindergarten could run for another few years."

Dib listened carefully even peeking a sneak look and his eyes widened at the large figures they were awe inspiring...

Red nodded waving in Zim's general direction "good good stay there and work on things. Call back when you have it all finished."

Zim smiled "thank you my diamonds. When can Zim expect your Jaspers to arrive?"

Red snorted turning back to Zim "our what? Haha did you ask when our Jasper's would arrive?"

Zim nodded "yes my diamonds if Zim is to repair and get the kindergarten into working order Zim will need the muscle to do it."

Dib frowned, a Jasper?

Red's snorts turned into full laughter "oh you stupid pebble you aren't getting any Jasper's."

Zim cocked his head "but how will Zim-"

Red frowned snapping out "I don't care! Use your hands if you have too! We don't care how you do it just get it done and don't call or come back until you do!"

Purple frowned tapping Red's shoulder "be nice he doesn't understand what's happening."

Zim had stepped back slightly fearful of Red's anger. Tilting his head confused he asked "Purple, my diamond what do you mean?"

Red cut Purple off "We are cutting off communication with Earth. Freak deforms like you are being banished or rather put in their rightful place. However, since you can have some use to us we are giving you a second chance. Get this done and we might consider allowing you to live under our glorious rule."

Zim froze eyes wide. Zim blinked slowly letting the information sink in. he started quivering his voice catching and his eyes growing wet. "Zi-Zim is banished? I-i-Zim is not under the diamonds rule…..."

Dib frowned feeling bad for the small alien

Purple frowned leaning closer once Red walked away uninterested. "Since Miyuki's disappearance I send all the off-colors to Earth. So, they will help you and redeem themselves as well. I look forward to your call saying you have accomplished this goal."

Zim nodded "Y-yes my diamond." the call faded to black. Zim gave a small sigh his shoulders sinking.

Dib walked to him "are you okay?"

Zim quickly swiped at his eyes pushing past Dib "of course Zim is okay! Why wouldn't Zim be Zim has just been given an important task by his diamonds."

"Is the only reason they dislike you is because you're different?"

Zim spun around his eyes glistening and his voice filled with shocked anger "MY DIAMONDS DO NOT DISLIKE ME!"

"Then what did I just see?"

Zim stuttered his eyes becoming more wet. "They-they don't dislike me! Zi-im was given a very-very important task, very important! They like me! They-they do… they do."

Dib sighed and picked up the gem "it didn't sound like it to me... But they said there were more like you shall we find them?" He asked

Zim struggled in Dib's hold before settling down. "Zim guesses. Dib human?"

He nodded and pet him "maybe they are nice too"

Zim paused in punching in the code to send them back up. Zim shivered and choked on a pur. "D-dib human… please s-stop i-uh-Zim has a question..."


Zim looked to the floor mumbling "um Zim uh wants to know why… why the Dib beast is so nice to Zim…."

"Because you are proof of everything I have been saying for years... I eventually wanna talk you out of destroying my home... And you are just adorable"

Zim nodded along until Dib reached his third point. wiping his head to Dib Zim exclaimed "I am no Door nor a bowl!"

"No 'adorable' its an Earth term of praise for cuteness"

Zim squinted his eyes at Dib "why do you keep giving Zim praises? Do you…. Do you think something is wrong with Zim?"

"No? Should I?"

Zim frowned not responding merely turning back to finish the code.

Dib pet him and watched "what will this do?"

Zim worked on his tracking code as they reached level ground "this code will give us an idea where the other fre-uh off-colors are…."

Dib nodded "alright."

Zim nodded pausing in his code to look at Dib. "Dib…."

"Yeah?" He asked

"Do you plan on carrying Zim the whole way or are you going to let Zim walk?"

"Uh you seemed really focused and I didn't want you to fall..." He said and sat him down

Zim blushed but nodded "Yes Zim was quite busy… Thank you for your concern."

"Welcome" he said and walked with him

Zim smiled having to run slightly to keep up with Dib's longer stride. "Yes you should be very welcomed. Not many receive a thank you from the great Zim."

"Ah I will treasure it then" he chuckled

Zim nodded with a grin "yes good."

Dib hummed "so find anything yet?"

Zim tapped some more on his screen. Giving a happy cheer he pointed a little right of where they were walking "over there! There are a few of them too!"

Dib smiled "let's find them then"

Zim beamed up at Dib nodding happily. "Yes let's!" taking off he almost tripped before Zim was able to balance himself again. "I MEANT TO DO THAT! Watch out for those rocks Dib human."

"I will" he said and followed this so far was amazing!