Hello, and welcome to the next chapter!

Curse of Whimsy; Wiser words were never written lol. Thanks! I'm glad that you liked it! And yeah, she doesn't get enough love in fanfics sometimes, huh.

Oblivious ninja IJ; Indeed, it surely is there~ I know, poor Riser lol. Princess, the MVP, with her chainsaw~ Don't mess with the kitten and her chainsaw. Yup, Ophis is quite awesome, and adorable. And yeah, it would be!

hellspam; Thanks very much! And yeah, that could happen, I could see Vali wanting Ise to be strong enough to actually fight. That would be quite funny as well~ Ooh yeah, after a little bit, Ravel will do. She wont be gone from the story for too long, and will appear again before volume five. And I could see Koneko doing something like that as well, it would be fun~ And yeah, as soon as they found out about that, Ise's parents would want their daughter to pull ahead~ Vali might help out in her own way, for Takato's sake~ Hmm, that's a good question, the answer is, it's going to be quite...stimulating, that's all I can say right now.

NinjaFang1331; Thanks!

Eher; Thank you very much!

LoamyCoffee; Indeed, it is quite a good part~

ShadowUzumaki55; Aah, thank you very much~ Hehe, Takato and his anime/manga/gaming brain, seeing such characters there~ They like him at least~ Ravel's feelings, she finds him visually appealing, but it will grow deeper as we go towards the Rating Game. Koneko and Ravel, they always have some fun banter between them. She might be yeah~ Yeah, that's Ise alright~ Yeah, he's not one that's easily swayed by jealousy like canon Issei was when he did it to him, Takato just doesn't care about it. Hehe, don't mess with Princess and her chainsaw of doom~

Shu Ouma GC; Thank you!

Al. Oeder; Hehe, it was quite fun huh~ And yeah, it could have been~

Crenin; Dunno, maybe because fem Ise is a girl hehe~ Indeed she would yeah, somehow it is more terrifying~ She didn't like how Ravel was, in her thoughts, 'hitting' on Takato, and generally just doesn't like Ravel as you said, cats, and birds. Yeah, maybe he would do~ Yeah, maybe he could do~

ivan meza; What he said to Grayfia? That's gonna be somewhat revealed in this chapter~

Justin D; He surely does yeah, he doesn't let anything like what Riser was trying to do get under his skin. Yeah, in a few ways it seems that they do~ Ravel and Koneko, it seems that those two are gonna be going for gold when it comes to facing one another. And yeah, Vali's gonna be training him now, so he's gonna be quite strong~ And yeah, that's some good advice, thanks~ And thank you!

WakeWalker; Hehe, isn't it~ Yeah, they were some of mines as well, and thank you!

OechsnerC; Tiamat huh, it's certainly possible~

Nivek Beldo; Yeah, it was kind of cute huh~? And yeah, he told her what's what, and told her what she needed. Princess, she's always quite funny isn't she~? He didn't no, he isn't the type to fall for taunts like that, it simply doesn't bother him at all. Hehe, Isane is quite the perverted girl, and wants the best for Takato. You never know, Koneko vs Ravel might happen, we'll have to wait and see what's going to happen there. Yeah, I've got a few characters that Takato might compare to other anime/game characters~ In her own way, she can be quite romantic. Depends who you think he is~

Saberwolf155; Maybe not for this story, but in the future, you never know~

Guest 1; He probably would, then Yumi or someone would cut Freed down as Takato bypasses him.

Anime PJ; Hehe, it was pretty funny to write as well~ Yeah, Koneko vs Ravel is always really fun, I always find it fun to write~ Yup, it surely is yeah, he'll be mistaking a few people, and funny thing, I was thinking about having Takato call Kokabiel Alucard. And thank you very much!

Guest 2; You never know, she might do.

Guest 3; Well, Isane is a special person...and yeah, she's gonna have Dress Break, but since she's a girl, and she's shown to casually grope men (mostly Takato) and women...I'll leave it there~

Neonlight01; Indeed, he knows his stuff. Hehe, he surely did~ Xuelan/Chun Li~ It would be quite funny to see huh? Maybe, you never know.

Guest 4; Yeah, that would be cool. I like the games, so I probably could, and that would be a cool idea.

Silver crow; Cool, I'm glad! They had quite the meeting huh~ Yup, Ravel and Koneko, they are quite the fun characters to write for. Don't mess with her, she's got a chainsaw, and she knows how to use it. Yeah, I've seen some of the new Longinus' and red about what they could do, seems pretty cool. And yeah, read that as well, it seems pretty cool as well. The Sacred Gear is quite the mystery huh, I've read a few things about it, but conflicting things so I don't know what it does. Probably something to do with water. Indeed yeah~ Those are cool, and yeah, nice names~ He does yeah, Takato will have one in the future as well. And yeah, they'd aim high~ Yeah, it would be cool, four is too many, but it would be cool for a future fic. Yeah, they'd be rather interesting~

Lightwave; Seems so on some level at least~ Indeed, Takato isn't the type to fall for such things easily. Maybe so.

Guest 5; Hehe, that does seem like something Isane would do, thanks for the great idea!

weslyschraepen; Yeah, that would be a funny scene, and could lead to those names yeah~

Well, with those wonderful reviews out of the way, it is time to start the chapter!

Training for Phenex!

Early in the morning, as Takato had woken up, who should be standing over him was none other than Grayfia herself.

"Geez! Sakuya-chan! Don't do that!"

Takato became shocked, and jumped upwards which stirred Vali.

Grayfia found it amusing that he became panicked all of a sudden about that.

Vali's eyes cracked open, and looked toward them. Not caring about what was going on, she ran her hand up and down Takato's back, making him moan lightly.

"I am sorry for coming so early Takato-sama. However, I have granted the request that you have had since yesterday."

"You got them Grayfia-san?"

Grayfia nodded, and showed them to Takato, the things sitting on the side of the table.

"Yes, I have obtained them. But even then, what purpose would they serve?"

Grayfia didn't understand.

What he had asked for, would probably worry a lot of people who saw them.

But to Takato, it seemed like he was going to be doing his best right now, and that's how it was.

"Because, even a small chance to gain an advantage is an advantage. I believe in Buchou to an extent. But she's only one person. And I also have my own thoughts and ideas, and if I can gain knowledge, then I would be able to help out in my own ways as well."

"I see….and you care about what happens to Rias-sama as well, yes?"

Grayfia wondered aloud.

Takato hummed to himself, and stretched his body.

"I don't want her to marry someone that she doesn't like at least. It wouldn't be right. Myself and Rias-senpai have a weird relationship. It is like she is guarded in a few ways. More so than the way that Koneko-chan is. At least with Koneko-chan, I know when and when not to approach her, with Rias-senpai, it is rather difficult to tell what's on her mind."

Grayfia folded her arms.

"Rias-sama is the leader of your group. Perhaps she feels uneasy or maybe she doesn't understand how to connect with you. You are her first male peerage member and unlike that of other Devils, she likes displaying affection. Though, the affection that she uses, it would be highly difficult to on a male."

"Maybe...but, I feel like she keeps herself away from me. So, I can't just understand what is going on with her and what not. Even then, I don't want to go into this blind, you know Grayfia-san? Because of what was...happening during the time, I haven't been able to decide what would be the right way to go about it. I don't even know if Rias-senpai would want to have my advice for anything to do with this fight ahead."

Grayfia adopted an understanding face.

"Because of your status as a Pawn, you worry that you wont be able to give your opinion."

"No, I'm worried she wont listen to it. She can be stubborn as a mule sometimes, and is kinda brash. I can't say anything as I can be when the time comes for it. But you know, with her being a High Class Devil and all, I'm not really caring about the social stance, as she is just Rias Gremory-senpai to me-"

"Then, that's the best way to deal with it."

Takato adopted a confused face.


"Rias-sama is someone who is quite the complex. As you've said, she can be a stubborn person. However, she also is a prideful person who carries the name of Gremory. Even now, doing this Rating Game, I can see conflict within her."

"Because she doesn't want to let down her parents, yet she wishes to do her best in marrying whoever she wishes, and that isn't Riser, am I right Grayfia-san?"

"Yes, that's exactly it Takato-sama. She has many things that are riding on her shoulders. And as her Pawn, I would hope you would take some of that away."

"Ehehe, maybe I could do something like that Grayfia-san. I'm going to do my best anyway. I always do. While Rias-senpai and I have butted heads more than once, I do understand her thoughts and feelings, and personally, I didn't like how Riser was acting towards her, and to me as well. Like, trying to make me feel jealous. What is he, five or something?"

Grayfia's lips curled upwards in slight bemusement.

"...Riser-sama is someone who can act childish. But he is a very powerful promising Devil, Takato-sama. And right now, he is stronger than Rias-sama, unfortunately..."

"Yes, I got the same feeling as well. If he's stronger, then we Devils will have to bring him down a notch or two, wont we?" Grayfia tilted her head curiously. "Aaah, don't worry about it Grayfia-san, I've got some ideas of my own on how to deal with Riser, and I am sure that they might be able to contribute at least a little bit. Might not have a Longinus, but I have my intelligence and I shall fight for what I can fight for, right Grayfia-san? That's what we Devils do, for their Master's, right?"

Grayfia couldn't contain the small smile that spread across her face, she could understand Takato's resolve right now.

Then Grayfia had to leave, so she said her parting words, and left. Vali raised her head, and rested it on Takato's shoulder, kissing the young boys neck. He groaned, as hot kisses brushed against his skin again and again.


Takato was pulled backwards by Vali, who crawled on top of his body, and pinned the boy down. He watched with bated breath as a smirk appeared on her face, leaning her body downwards, and kissed his neck more and more, the young boy cupping her head, and allowed her to continue.

"S-So, you're going to be training Takato…."

Rias said as she had come to Takato's pretty early. Apparently, it seemed like she was going to take everyone training, which seemed the most logical. However, it also seemed that Vali wasn't exactly willing to listen to her either.

It seemed to Takato, that Vali didn't like her that much, if at all sometimes honestly.

But he managed to be the peace keeper between the two of them.

He could even be seen as a person who would keep the peace between them.

Rias was also explaining about going to the Devils cabin in the woods...well, Takato guessed it wouldn't be a cabin, more like it would be a mansion. That's how he was going to guess what it was anyway.

While sitting on the couch with Takato and Kuroka in cat form on his lap, Vali inclined her head.

"That's exactly what I am doing red head." Her hand touched the top of Takato's head, and petted gently. "He'll be far more capable under me than you. I'll teach him how to fight, how to run, how to control demonic power, and how to use his Sacred Gear's very well. I'll even build up his stamina so he can fight very strong with his Trick Vanish. I'll build up his mental energy as well, so that's a good thing for your group. Though I'm not happy about how you turned him into a Devil in the first place. But because I have feelings for Taka, you shall be spared, for now."

Rias mouthed "For now." to herself, wondering just what would happen if she was attacked. No, rather she was wondering if she was going to be killed by Vali. She really didn't want to die honestly, she wanted to live. But Vali was making it hard for her to concentrate.

"Even then, we're all going on a training camp, we should go together."

"Fine, just don't interrupt my time with Taka, and how we fight as well."

Rias hummed slightly.

"I see, well I wouldn't want to interrupt either of you. I'm sure that someone like you knows how to fight pretty hard."

"Yes, I've had immense battle experience while you've had none."

Said the young woman with hard eyes.

Rias could feel coldness within herself right now.

"How would you feel about training Ise..."

"I'll think about it."

"…I see." Rias finished off, feeling slightly disappointed. "Well, that's fine...but, I do want Takato to be trained well."

Rias was adamant about that, and Vali just showed a confident smirk.

"I'm stronger than you." Vali pointed out, making her feel scared. "I can make Taka very strong if we train together. So, don't you worry about that, Taka, is going to be fine. He'll be ready for when it comes to training and fighting in the Rating Game. Since I shall be training him, and have a good knowledge of him, then he'll be a good fighter by the time the Rating Game of yours is brought about."

"I-I see, then I am waiting to see the results as well. I am sure that Takato can reach new heights of his power. Though, since we're going to the mountains to train and all, it should be fine if you release a bit of your power there."

"Then we'll be ready. This is as good of a place as any to do a training session."

"Good, then I'll see you there in about an hour then. I'm sure that we'll do many, interesting things together."

Rias stood up, and left the home of the three (Takato, Asia and Vali) leaving Vali and Takato on the couch together. Takato looked towards Vali and fell against her bust, as her hand went towards his head and stroked his blonde hair.

"You know, during the training, I'm going to have to be tough on you, right?"

"Tough is..."

Takato didn't know where she was going.

But, Vali showed her confident face.

"I have to give you some strength Taka, and that means, I am going to be rough with your body. But don't worry, your ass wont be hurt, I wouldn't want to damage that part, and your member as well. Though your chest might hurt for a while, as well as your body being sapped of energy. Though I shall expect we get some alone time together."

"Hehe, I'm sure we will. Lets share a bedroom or something Vali-chan."

"Was that ever put into doubt or anything?" Vali questioned him who shook his head gently. "Good, because I wont allow it too either. Your ass, in my bed, every night."

Takato chuckled light heartedly, nodding his head, snuggling against Vali's breast. Vali rolled her eyes, but allowed him to hug onto her as tightly as he could.

An hour later, and they went towards the mountain…

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! This is too heavy!"

Ise complained, carrying a few bags around. Takato beside her was carrying a few bags as well, but unlike Ise, he also had to give Asia a piggy back ride as well with his hand under her butt for support, and her arms around his neck, so the bags were strapped to his front as well, with Kuroka/Princess riding on top of Asia's head.

The bags he were carrying were his bags, Vali's, and even Asia's as well as a few things. Ise had to carry her own, as well as Rias' stuff. Apparently, it was because they needed to have some training. Though Takato was sure that Rias was doing this on purpose.

Asia wasn't particularly heavy or anything.

But, because of the weight of the bags, and adding in Asia's, then it was a struggle to move.

"...Takato-san, is this fine? I feel like I'm being a burden to you."

Takato was going to answer, but Vali came up from behind Takato, and groped his butt, making him gasp.

"Don't worry about it, Bishop of red head, this is nothing for Taka, he'll soon be doing a lot more than this."

Takato paled at the thought of what he was actually going to have to do in the future.


Vali waved her hand and bypassed them.

"Taka, meet me up there, we'll begin training soon."

Takato very much grimaced at the thought of it all, the training and what it was going to be like.

Ise cringed as Vali moved past her, and she smirked at the brunette. Ise wasn't exactly thrilled about any of this, and growled. Vali just walked on without a care. Takato looked on between them all, and just continued walking.

"T-Takato! T-This is bull….shit...t-they are d-doing this f-for us t-to feel t-the pain..."

Takato turned his eyes towards the sweating Ise.

"Ise-san...c-continue on...I-I'm sure t-that you can...do this..."

Ise looked towards Takato, and though she was tired, she was also determined as well.

"Y-Yes...y-you're right, I'll do it for you!"

"Hehe, for me...s-sure, if you like..."

Takato adopted a small smile on his face, though he did feel a bead of sweat that was rolling down his face. Asia continued holding onto Takato's body, and held him tightly.

"Come on Takato! Ise! We're not that far now!"

Rias called, only for Takato to give her a glare.

"Why aren't you carrying anything…? Are you not...training or...something?"

He rasped between breaths, hard breaths.

Since he had been walking for a while, it was hard for him to keep a steady voice.

"Because I'm not the one who is training like you two are." Takato showed a darkened glare. "Oh Takato, don't look like that. I'm sure that everyone is going to be getting something out of this adventure, you seem to be pairing up with Vali and all, so you'll have fun-"

"He has a point, you should be training as well."

"I-I don't need to train as much as them."

Rias argued with Vali, but Vali snickered.

"Having a weak King is having a weak peerage. The peerage can be strong, but if the King is weak and taken care of then that means that their training is for nothing. But, whatever. Taka will be a King eventually, I am sure, and when he is, then I'm sure he'll show a very good level of strength and intelligence mixed in as well."

"W-Well, I didn't mean I wouldn't be doing anything. It's just between training Ise, and Takato that takes priority over myself right now. Everyone else has the ability to fight to a good degree-"

"I'll say then, that if something else happens because you aren't strong enough, and Taka, is placed under the control over that Riser Phenex, then I'll become involved, and I wont be doing it to help you either. I'll be doing it for my Taka. Not for you."

Rias chuckled awkwardly, as Akeno walked closer.

"Fufu, she has a point Buchou, we should be training as well as hard as we could."

"We will be! I was just saying that we would also be training them for the main reason!"

Rias cried out, Akeno giggling to herself.

"Don't be bent out of shape Buchou, I was just saying a few things is all."

Rias showed a small pout as Yumi came closer. She held up some herbs, and smiled towards Takato.

"Takato-kun, we should be able make something good out of this for dinner tonight."

"Aah, that's good Yumi-chan!"

Takato smiled, while Ise glared darkly.

"...Ugh, do you have to walk with us Kiba? Takato and I were going to have a moment, and now you have ruined that."

"I-I haven't ruined anything Ise-san, I just wanted to see if Takato-kun was okay."

"S-Sure you were! As if! You would!"

"Please don't fight, Takato-san is friends with everyone!"

Asia's kindness made Takato smile, that she was trying her best to break up the fight.

"Yeah, but he's special friends with me as well!"

Ise declared strongly, making Yumi giggle awkwardly.

"W-Well, Takato-kun and I have been friends longer so..."

"Eeeeeh? Are you speaking Kiba? Because, Takato and I are the ones who are going to be doing things together! And you can't stop that either!"

"I'm not going to stop it, but you have to understand that Takato-kun is forming a harem too! And I...I am also going to be..."

"Well! I am going to be the one in charge! So don't even try anything at all!"

Takato's cheeks were red with heat from listening to their conversation…

But then he saw an odd sight.

Koneko walking up the mountain with a very heavy bag on her back. No, rather. It was three times the size of anything Takato and the others were carrying.

He admired how she was able to carry so much.

Even as a Rook, it must have been quite heavy.

Maybe Koneko was in training as well, that's what he guessed anyway.

Koneko however, also looked toward the top of Asia's head, seeing Kuroka there. Her suspicious gaze fell upon the cat, who just looked normally towards her. Koneko knew that deep down, there was something about the cat that wasn't normal.

Even as they approached the large mansion within the woods, she couldn't get it out of her head that there was something wrong with that cat.

Now was the time to train. Takato and Vali had distanced themselves away from the others, and held his hands together, dressed in what appeared to be his gym outfit, though Vali had made an alteration to the clothing.

"...Vali-chan, was it necessary to give me the smaller shorts?"

Vali nodded her head without a care, seeing how tightly it clung to Takato's lower body.

"Yes, it was." Takato wasn't sure, but he was sure it was because of Vali's, feelings for his lower parts. "Now, Taka, it seems that you know how to use demonic power."

"That's right! Akeno-san has helped me with demonic power~"

He replied happily, remembering what was happening with Akeno and how she had helped him many times before with demonic power, and he couldn't thank her enough for how she helped him with various things.

"Good, then we don't have to get into how to use it. However, using it with your Sacred Gear, it can make all the difference."

Takato cocked his head.


Vali showed a sly smile on her face, Takato was sure that somewhere, the smile was meant to show affection. Though even he didn't know sometimes.

"Your Night Reflection, we'll be working on that the most. Because, it is quite versatile, I've heard before that a user can even make shadow puppets to fight enemies as well, perhaps you could do that. Also, it can be formed into bladed weapons, and you know about the ability to absorb attacks. But, it can do that with your own as well. Firing your own attack into a shadow, can take people by surprise. A Phenex, is going to be a bastard to defeat. I could do it, because I have overwhelming, for him, power, and while you don't possess that level of power yet, there are things that you have can make up the difference."

"What about my Trick Vanish?"

Takato followed up with the question.

Since he had, it was something that he wanted to use as well, and be used effectively. He could only do certain things with it before, now he was the time that he was going to learn to use it in different and unique ways.

"Yes, that's more about using it to build your mental and physical energy. At your maximum, how many times can you use it?"

"On a person?" She nodded. "I'd say two times...no, if I push it to three it would exhaust me but even then, I can do that three times fully, though it only seals a single ability, if the person has multiple abilities, then it would probably be harder as well. Though, when I use it on powers, it seems the limit is extended. It doesn't take as much for me to use it on powers."

Vali stroked her chin as she walked closer.

"I see, that could be an advantage for you as well Taka. Using it on a persons attack, can give you an advantage as well. Even then, we'll be building up your stamina and your mental energy as well. Because, those two aspects are what we are aiming to achieve above all others."

"We are…?"

Vali inclined her head, and walked around Takato. Her eyes went down his back, and she was glad that she had him wear the shorts when seeing a certain part of him and how the shorts enhanced that aspect of Takato's body.

"A Rating Game, from what I know, is a long battle. And you need the stamina to survive long enough. You're gonna be needed Taka, especially after I'm done with you. Gremory wont even see what's coming after I've trained your body to the limits. Your stamina eventually shall be on my own level as well with my training, and when you are, we'll be able to have a lot of sex as well."

"Pft!" Takato did a spit take as Vali smirked. "Vali-chan! W-Why are you saying something like that!?"

Vali just showed her signature smirk that wouldn't die off.

"Because, we'll be having sex as well Taka, don't worry about it now. So, we'll be working on different ways to use your Sacred Gear Night Reflection. To be able to bend it to your will. To have it's reaction times faster. Since you're a Pawn, you can probably add your Knight speed to the Sacred Gear. In fact, if you're good enough, you might be able to convert your drainage of your Trick Vanish to your demonic power."

"That's possible!?"

"With training. I, also have a special skill that drains me of my life force. However, I can use my demonic power to replace that, and you should be able to do that as well. Since you have a good level of demonic power, it should be able to work for you as well."

"I-I see, there's so many possibilities that I can do...Vali-chan, can I be truly strong? Even without a Longinus?"

Vali bent towards him, and placed their foreheads together. Their lips came into contact, making the young boy happy. When Vali pulled away, he could feel her hot breath on his skin, and then she kissed his cheek.

"Yes, you can be very strong without a Longinus. If it is you, I'm sure you'll find a good way. Now, we'll train with hand to hand. Don't worry, I wont equip my armour, that would be overkill."

As soon as she said that, a lightning fast jab went towards Takato. The boy gasped, and pulled backwards, as the hand vibrated the air. Surprised he dodged that, Vali put her hand outwards, and sent off a wave of demonic power.

"I thought you said that you wouldn't be doing that!"

"I never said that." Vali countered, as Takato dodged. "I said that I would be using hand to hand, never mentioned demonic power. Expect, the unexpected Taka. Unlike me, the enemy isn't going to go easy on you, so watch and plan for every attack that could land upon your body."

Vali then put her hands together, and shot off a sizeable blast of demonic energy. Takato sensed the energy coming for him, but he raised his hands, and caused his Sacred Gear to appear with a wall of shadows. Vali smiled, seeing the shadows tanking the blast of demonic power.

"Have this!"

Takato, in the wall of shadows, shot off a blast of demonic power. Vali smiled, and grabbed the ball of demonic power with her bare hand, and made her Sacred Gear appear, which made the noise [Divide!] and caused the power to be halved in power, and then she crushed it with her hand.

"Good movement Taka, using the shield of darkness to mask your attacks. That's good, we'll be able to-" Suddenly, from behind her, a blast of energy came out. "-good boy!" Vali pulled backwards, avoiding the demonic attacks, and then she charged for the wall of darkness. "I'm coming for you Takaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Vali rushed the darkness wall, and formed a wave of demonic power from her hand. She didn't even hold back, and sent off her strong demonic powers towards the wall of darkness. The demonic powers output was so high that the darkness wall couldn't take it, and it broke down into nothingness.

However, when she looked for Takato, she didn't see him.

Looking around, she couldn't see his movements, until her eyes went to the far left, seeing a gleaming sight of energy coming for her. She smirked, and raised her hand at the same time as well, gathering demonic power.

"Yes, this is good Taka, throw me off your movements. Make me second guess myself."

Vali sent off her power, and broke through Takato's own. The powers weren't even a match, Vali was stronger. But even then, when her power crushed his, Takato didn't even stop, and raised his staff to the sky, summoning some demonic power within the air.

"Come down now!"

Takato yelled, sending out power from above.

Vali smirked, and dodged all of the attacks of demonic energy. However, in that time, Takato had ran towards her, and swung his staff towards her. Vali parried it with her fist, and sent her own fist towards him.

The young boy dodged it, but then Vali embedded her leg into Takato's side.


He spat out bile, and was blown away. His body slammed against a tree, and broke through it, and continued flying through the trees.

Vali briefly thought that she went too far as she didn't want to hurt Takato, but Takato proved her wrong when he bounced back, and hopped onto the ground, and made a stance against Vali, and sent a grin towards her.

"Don't worry about me Vali-chan, I wont break so easily. Now, show me what you've got."

"Good, Taka, very good!"

Vali flew at the speed of light towards Takato, and she sent several punches towards him. Takato did his best to dodge them. But Vali, was very different to the current Yumi. He could somewhat see where Yumi was half of the time. But, Vali. He couldn't even see an inkling at all.

All he could do was do his best to dodge, even then he was sure that right now, he wouldn't be able to take on Vali at all. Even in her current state, she was leagues above the Fallen Angels, leagues above himself, and stronger than Rias, he knew that for sure, due to how Rias was subservient towards Vali.

He just didn't have any idea that she would have been this powerful.

Rather, he didn't think she'd go this far on him.

Even with every hit though, he was learning.

He became keener, sharper, and stronger as a result.

Though it did hurt him immensely.

The day went on and on with fighting one another, nothing was left to say other than because of training, Takato surely had been through the blender.


Takato complained, as Asia sat next to him, healing his wounds.

"Takato-san, it is okay, you'll be fine."

Takato grimaced, feeling the healing aura across his body as they sat in the kitchen.

"Y-Yeah, because of you Asia-san, I'll be fine."

Asia smiled, and continued the healing of the young boy.

It had looked like he had been through a blender.

Vali hadn't held back anything...well, she probably did, but that didn't matter in the end to someone like Takato.

"By the way, Takato-san. While everything was happening, I was also working on my demonic power! Akeno-san said that I was doing very well! Also Ise-san seems to have had a little bit of trouble...but, when Akeno-san said about imagining you Takato-san, she became excited, and exploded the outside where we were."

"Haha, that's Ise-san for you, she's a little weird like that. Well, don't worry Asia-san, if it is you, I'm sure demonic power would come easy."

"Hehe, thank you Takato-san for saying that. But, it seems that even if I am going to be in the battle, I wont be able to fight with the rest of you. Buchou-san said that I am simply not suited to fighting like that..."

Takato's hand pressed against the top of the young girls head.

"Don't worry Asia-san, a healer is just as important, if not more so, in the team than just a fighter. There can be plenty of fighters, but if we lose our healer, then we wouldn't be able to continue on with the fighting. Leave that to brutes like me Asia-san, you concentrate of your healing, okay?"

"R-Right! I'll definitely do it Takato-san! I'll heal everyone's wounds no matter what!"

"Fufu, I know that you'll be able to do it." He flinched when he moved his shoulder. "Owwww. Vali-chan doesn't hold back."

"Ehehe, it seems that Vali-san is very determined to help you train...incidently, Takato-san, what happened to most of your clothing…?"

Noticing the holes and other things in his clothing, it almost made it look like his clothes were clinging to him rather than being warn. Even towards his shorts, or what was left, they clung to him and visible underwear could be seen as well.

"Yes, that's right, Vali-chan is more of a perverted girl than she lets on. She left my clothes like this on purpose. Though if it is Vali-chan then I don't mind all that much. Since she's done a lot for me, I haven't been able to pay her back, and now that she is here, and is helping me, I am rather happy. Besides, she's giving me some good lessons on how to wield my Sacred Gear. I might not have a Longinus, but my Sacred Gear's are going to be used to their best! Eventually, I am going to show everyone my strengths! Especially that damn Riser Phenex, guy makes my skin crawl."

Takato let out after a few moments of thinking about Vali and what she had done.

"Takato-san, we'll win, yes?"

"We'll try, that's all we can do. Even if it is Riser, he's a super douche and it is going to be difficult, and he's probably rather strong. Probably stronger than Buchou, so we'll all have to pull our weight or something like that."

Takato said it with a smile on his face.

Asia also smiled, and helped heal Takato of all of his injuries.

Late at night, Takato was downstairs, and was studying something. Watching it intently, he overlooked everything that Grayfia had given him, and he was writing down notes on what he was seeing, what he could come up, things that might help out in the Rating Game.

While he was someone who disliked fighting, he wasn't an idiot either.

If need be, he knew that he would have to do something.

Even he was on the line now.

Because, if Rias lost, then Riser…

He didn't even want to think about it.

He didn't have to think about it right now.

He was going to speak and fight and do his best.

While he was studying intently, footsteps could be heard coming downwards. Quickly, Takato shut off the television, as the person walked into the room.

"Takato?" Rias looked on with surprise. "It is rather late, what are you doing up?"

"I'm going to bed in a minute, I was just thinking about something."

"I see...I was just getting a drink of water."

Takato nodded, and watched Rias get a glass of water.

Then, she slipped back into the room.

She was going to go upstairs, but she paused herself, and turned back to Takato.

"By the way, Takato. May I talk with you for a moment?"

"Erm, sure, if you'd like too."

Takato watched as Rias walked closer, and sat down on the chair beside him.

"You know, I've been thinking about it, this situation, and...hmmmm, I don't know how to say it..."

"You're worried."

Rias paused for a moment...but, then she nodded her head.

"Yes, that's right. I am a little worried, I have to confess. But, it isn't your problem, I'm sorry for you to have to hear my worries. I am the King, and you shouldn't have to worry about my problems like this."

"I am your peerage member, aren't we all supposed to burden problems together?"

Rias was surprised he said something like that.


"Rias-senpai, I don't understand the burdens you're going through. No ones ever tried to marry me off to someone. However, I also want to say that, you aren't alone, you can rely on us people as well. It's pretty clear by now that the peerage are dedicated to you, and all love you. Even Ise loves you in a sisterly...maybe way, and I, care about what happens to you. Don't ever burden yourself and share the load. I've not been a Devil long, but I've learned a lot in my time as a Devil, burdening others might seem like a failure, but it is a strength. Like when I was taken by the Fallen Angels, I also felt like I was a burden to many people. But, you all came for me, rescuing me, and I wouldn't be here today if you didn't come for me. So, don't always burden yourself, allow others to help you as well. You might be the King, but your peerage members are like family, right?"


Takato smiled, nodding his head.

"That's what you told me, right?"

"Y-Yes...that's right, I said that didn't I? Family...that's exactly what we are, we're family." Rias showed a dedicated smile on her face, as well as a grateful face as well. "Takato, you're so kind to someone like me. Thank you Takato...maybe you're right, relying on the peerage as well would be good. We should all rely on one another. I've been worried, asking everyone to do this for my selfish reasons...do you think my reasons are selfish?"

"I think Riser is being the selfish one and not taking your feelings into account. I don't know if he is naturally a super douche, but I do know that it isn't selfish to not marry someone you don't want to marry. Everyone should have their freedoms in love, and life. And you're no different Rias-senpai."

Rias adopted teary eyes, but she refused to shed them, and brushed under her own eyes to get rid of them.

"Takato...thank you."

"You don't need to thank me Senpai, you just need to keep going forward. That's all everyone can ever do. If you can go forward, then you can do anything. My Obaa-chan told me that. Even when you're knocked back, get up and try again. She always said that to me, because she knew...she just knew that giving up wasn't the right thing most of the time. Sometimes, running away is best. But that's not giving up. And even though we can't run away from this problem, we can still strive to become strong. Now, I'm going to go to bed Senpai, good night."

"Y-Yes, good night."

Rias watched the boy get up and walk away.

However, as she did, she saw a loose piece of paper fall from his pocket.

"Taka..." He was already upstairs before she could call him. "I'll go and give it to him tomorrow."

She murmured to herself, and picked it up.

However, as she did, she happened to notice the words "Uses peerage first." written on it. Becoming curious, she picked it up, and opened it.

She knew that it was probably wrong to look, but she did because she was curious.

What she saw were different ideas.

They were about Riser, as they mentioned his name.

She couldn't work out...was he trying to come up with strategies to face off against Riser?

Also, she could see….some of them actually were things she overlooked.

"My...this is interesting..."

She read one of the theories he had written down, and it was pretty good. It was something she might not have thought of. And it involved using different people. With this, she would even have to rethink her strategies as well.

She looked towards the place Takato disappeared, and adopted a soft smile.

"He's trying his best to help me...to help the peerage, he's surely someone who is a kind person, and these are quite smart as well, I wouldn't have thought of these..."

Rias thought that with her heart on the line as well, something that she couldn't deny was a lovely experience.

When Takato got into his room for the first night of sleep, he saw Vali waiting for him, and even Yumi as well. While Vali went with nothing other than her panties, he expected Yumi to wear a night dress or something.

But, that wasn't the case.

She was even only wearing panties.


"T-Takato-kun, I came to sleep here with you as well. Because, since the time before when the Fallen Angel stuff is happening, I have decided that it would be better if we came together, and slept in the same bed. Besides, it would be better if we stayed together, I wouldn't want you to feel lonely. Also, with my breasts as well...I don't mind if you look at my chest as well. Since Vali is like that, I also want to show you the extent of my feelings too!"

Takato blushed at the words, while Yumi showed a cute expression on her face.

"She wouldn't leave." Vali explained as Princess hopped onto the bed, and wagged her tail. "So, I don't care if she stays. Come to bed, Taka."

Vali ordered, so he complied, and took off his clothes. In the privacy of his own bedroom, with girls he trusted, he stripped down to his underwear, and walked to the bed. Casually, he got between Yumi and Vali, who both clung to his body, laying their heads on his chest.

"You'll have to get used to this Takato-kun, with your forming harem and all."

"F-Forming harem!?"

"That's right~" Yumi giggled, while Vali didn't care, and just slept, Kuroka going under the covers, and got onto his crotch, snuggling against his crotch. "Because, everyone is beginning to like you Takato-kun, we'll have to adore you even more than ever before. I know for me, I'll definitely adore you Takato-kun~"

"Yumi-chan, you're surprisingly forward..."

Yumi nodded her head, and rubbed her head on his chest. His hand touched the top of her head, and stroked her hair gently. She snuggled against him, and enjoyed the feeling that was Takato, and how he was being so kind to her.

They then fell into a loving sleep between the three of them.

As the night went on however, Ise snuck into the room of her own accord.

Though she saw Vali and Yumi there as well, she didn't care, and walked to the bed.

Wearing nothing but her panties as well, she got onto the bed, and crept in. Vali already knew she was there, she just didn't care. Yumi slept peacefully, while Takato was stirred awake when he felt her head touching his torso.

"Wha..." He looked down in a sleepy daze. "...I-Ise-san..."

"Hehe, sorry, I wanted to sleep in here with you."

Takato raised his hand and ran it through her hair.

"It's okay, lets just sleep peacefully, okay?"

"Yup, I surely will do. I'll control my urges until the morning, okay?"

Takato smiled peacefully, nodding his head, and stroked her head once more, before sleep came over him once more.

Ise smiled gently, kissing his torso, and then held onto him, falling asleep.

Since she felt the most comfortable sleeping with Takato, she wasn't going to give up this chance now.

The next day, Akeno was overlooking Takato as he made several demonic spheres in his hands. Being one to train with the elements, that wasn't Vali's thing, so she went off to train while Takato wanted to train with some elemental summons's as well, so he could summon it as easily as Akeno could summon her own elemental attacks.

"Fufu, you're doing good Takato-kun~"

Akeno praised, seeing that each of the spheres had gathered different elements together. One was lightning, the other was water, one was ice, and one was fire as well. Though they weren't to the level that Akeno was capable of releasing, the fact that he could control different types of elements as well, that was a thing she praised very much.

Takato waved his hands outwards, and sent them off in different directions…

However before they reached their targets, they disappeared, making Takato growl.

"Damn it, it seems like it is going to be difficult."

"What are you trying to do Takato-kun?"

Takato turned towards Akeno and developed a sad looking face.

"I'm trying to use my powers to summon different types of attacks so I can launch them at the enemy. You know, hiding them within the demonic power, and causing them to explode upon impact. I just thought that doing that would be a cool move."

Akeno raised a finger to her chin, and got to thinking.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you shape the darkness to anything you want?"

"Yeah, I've been able to do basic shapes, why?"

Akeno walked closer to Takato's body and hugged around his neck. The young boy's blushing face was pushed against her large chest, where she giggled, petting the young boys head, and stroked his hair gently.

"Why don't you work in tandem with your Sacred Gear and use it to your advantage?"


"Fufu, having your Sacred Gear contain the power, and then send it off. Not being able to see it within the darkness might be good. You've got fine control over your demonic power Takato-kun, much more than I expected honestly. And I am very happy that you can manage to do such things, it just shows your talents very well. By doing that, you can add the extra impact of darkness. Or, alternatively, use your darkness to absorb it, and spit out the attack from a place an enemy isn't expecting."

"Y...Yes! Akeno-san, that's right, I could do that! Using the terrain as my advantage. Even if they knew my powers, I could turn the tides, and fight against them with all that I have...that would be good, wouldn't you think so Akeno-san? I thought about doing it, but...yes, it makes sense, thank you Akeno-san!"

Akeno giggled sweetly, rubbing the back of his head, and stroked gently.

His reddening cheeks made Akeno happy, so much so that she sat down and allowed his head to fall onto her chest, and snuggled against it.

"Akeno-san, I-I should be training..."

"It's fine, Takato-kun, you work too hard for your own good. Becoming strong is good, but so is rest. You have to make sure your body is relaxed as well sometimes Takato-kun. If you wear yourself out, then it doesn't amount to anything in the end, and you'll be left worrying about yourself and others, even your body will give out if you don't relax yourself."


Akeno merely petted the back of his head, and allowed the young boy to rest on her breasts, knowing that he worked hard, and wished to help out in anyway that she could. What could she say, she was attached to the young boy, she liked his company and enjoyed teasing him as well, so she was going to keep him with her.

"You, here now."

Vali demanded as she stormed over to Ise who was in the exercise yard.

Ise, who was in the middle of stretched, panicked, but went towards Vali with a curious face.

"W-What is it exactly?"

"Tch, that damn Gremory isn't training you enough, and I will be damned if that damn Phenex gets his hands on my Taka. So, you're training under me now."

"I-I am?"

"Yes, and lesson one, dodge."



Ise growled "Aaaah!" as she was blasted back by a demonic blast from Vali.

"Dodging, you have to learn how to do that. Also, that Boosted Gear you've got, you're going to increase your stamina so you can use it, and tap into its strengths. I will not have a weak rival."

"Rival!? Why are we rivals?! Rivals in love maybe!?"

"Rivals in every category. Love, fighting, everything. You don't understand what power you have, and you're going to harness it. I don't have to think of plans for your group, Taka is more capable than I am in that department. But, having weak team members leads to a downfall in a fight, and currently, you're the weakest. Even that nun I'm training is able to at least raise a barrier."

"Y-You're training Asia?! She'll die!"

Vali rolled her eyes while saying "Dodge.", and blasted Ise once more with a demonic wave, forcing her backwards into a tree.

Ise groaned "You bitch! Give me a warning!" while rubbing her back.

"I'm telling you to dodge, that's enough warning's Sekiryuutei." Vali said with a hard glare. "I'm training the nun so she can better defend herself so she isn't useless if she's left alone. You, right now hold the group back, however you have the power to be one the top two of the group, stronger than the damn Gremory."

Ise looked surprised as Vali charged up her hand once more with demonic power.

"I-I have more power than Buchou?"



"Aaaah! S-Stop blasting me!"

Ise cried out, as she stood up angrily.

"Learn to dodge." Vali coldly said as she sent another blast out, but this time Ise avoided it, narrowly. "As I said, you're going to be at least strong enough to help Taka in this match. That boy is training hard, don't you want to match that as well? Or, do you want to be weak and hold the group back?"

In her own way, Vali was worried for Takato, and wanted him to succeed, and if it meant training her rival, then she would do it. Besides, she also didn't want a weak rival either, so this worked out rather well.

"Of course I don't want to be weak! I want to be strong enough to help out the group!"

"Then take this seriously, and you'll be at least enough to help out Taka. After this, you can learn to be strong on your own, I'm not giving you everything. I learned on my own, you can learn too. But for this, you'll be learning under me, is that clear?"

Ise hated it.

But, she knew that if she wanted to be strong, then she would have to learn under Vali. Even just for this time, she had to put her hatred of Vali to the side, and step up as the Sekiryuutei, even if she didn't fully knew what that meant.

"R-Right! Though I kinda hate you for being so close to Takato, I know you're stronger than me, and if I can fight beside Takato, and the others, then I'll do my best!"

"Good, now we can begin."

Like that, Ise accepted Vali's training and the two got to work.

While Takato was busy training and Ise just began her new training regime, Asia was walking through the living room, when she heard a phone buzzing.

The song, she didn't recognize, but she guessed that it was an anime song due to it being Takato's phone ringing.

Curiously, she goes towards it, and looks at the caller, and saw that it was Raynare.

Her hand went towards it, but she pulled back when remembering that Takato said that speaking to Raynare would be difficult.

"Takato-san said that speaking with Raynare-san might be hard...but, I should at least answer and tell her that speaking to Takato-san right now would be difficult since he's training." Asia rationalized it, and picked up the phone, answering it. "Hello, this is Takato-san's phone. Raynare-san, this is you, yes?"

[Dr Takato, are you currently...wait, who is this?]

"Me, Raynare-san! Asia Argento!"

She announced happily, and Raynare let out a sigh, since she wanted to talk to her doctor.

[Oh, I see...well, is Dr Takato available?]

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Takato-san is currently unavailable, he is currently training. Can I pass on a message?"

She asked kindly, and Raynare hummed to herself.

[Well...actually, can I talk to you? It is rather important.]

"O-Oh erm...I'm not a doctor though..."

Asia tried to get out of it, but Raynare was insistent.

[Please! I need help! I might have ruined my life!]

Asia, being the kind soul that she was, couldn't deny her.

"O-Okay, please don't worry about it now. Yes, I can help you, the best that I can."

[Yes, thank you very much! Anyway, I was making a pie for Azazel-sama to celebrate the time that he patted my head and said I had done a good job on a mission, a few years ago, when someone from the Grigori turned to me, and randomly called me evil and insane!]

"Ooh my! W-Why would they do that?"

[I don't know. I mean, I have nightmares sometimes about it, and then they said I am evil, and probably insane, and that I'd not be good enough for Azazel-sama! I only want to be his wife, is it so hard that I can't achieve my dreams? It's like the endless days bleed into the endless nights, and then my heart can't take it anymore.]

"Please don't do anything rash! It is okay, he is going to be able to see you for the lovely soul that you are Raynare-san!"

[Yes, I wish he would. I also had a dream when we were doing BDSM stuff, and then randomly, Kokabiel shows up in my dreams, and we kiss! I mean, he looks like a fucking bat, and I'm dreaming about making out with him, and Azazel-sama!? What could this mean for me Asia?! I don't understand!]


Asia smiled awkwardly to herself...

Half an hour later, Takato heard sniffling as he walked into the living room, having a small break.

Curious to the sound, he looked towards the couch, and saw Asia, sobbing lightly, brushing under her eyes with tissues scattered everywhere, and looking at Takato's phone sadly.

"Asia-san? What's happened?"

Asia whined, looking towards Takato, and looked desperate.

"Takato-san, Raynare-san's life is so unfair, she's had such a hard life!"

Takato cringed, and made the connection now, moving to the side of Asia, and hugged onto her form.

"Come on Asia-san, don't worry about Raynare-san, she's going to be okay."

"B-But, she has an unrequited love, and she dreamed about kissing someone named Kokabiel-san, who looks like a bat. Her life is so harsh..."

"...Right, okay." Takato glanced at the phone, and slipped it out of her hand, and put it in his pocket. "Don't worry about her now Asia-san, she's getting help, I promise that she is."

Asia twiddled with her thumbs.

"Takato-san, you also have an appointment with Raynare-san on Tuesday."

The young boy sighed lightly, but knew he would have to take it anyway.

"Okay..." Asia, still looking down, Takato chuckled to lighten her moods. "Hey, Asia-san, want to get some milk and cookies?"

Asia brightened up, clapping her hands together.

"Yes, that is the best! Let us go Takato-san!"

Takato chuckled, and stood up, going to the kitchen with Asia, vowing to not leave his phone out for Asia to answer calls from Raynare again.

When Koneko went to get ready for the evening meal a few days later after the events of what transpired, she happened to walk across Takato's room.

With the door open, she saw that Kuroka was dancing on the bed to a pop song that she had put on.

Again, that feeling came over her.

Something was wrong with her.

But, she didn't know what it was.

She almost would accuse the cat of something related to her past….

But, it didn't feel like that.

She thought that even she would be able to smell her…

But, no.

That's not the case at all.

She couldn't smell anything off about her either.

Something about that cat was...

"Koneko-chan?" Koneko jumped at the mention of her name. Her eyes turned towards Takato who stood there smiling down at her. "Is something wrong?"

"...No, I was just looking at your familiar, is all."

Koneko told the truth, though held back what else she was thinking about.

"I see. Is there anything else Koneko-chan? You seem to be a little, distracted, whenever you see Princess, do you not get along with her?"

"...I don't really talk to her. She just...feels, different to me. ...Be careful around her Senpai, I don't have any evidence...but, something about her is..off. I don't know what it is, but something about her, is off."

Takato hummed, looking back into the room to see the cat shaking her body around normally as she danced to some beats.

Turning back to Koneko, her eyes were harshly on the cat.

Takato reached out his hand and petted her head.

Koneko looked up towards him as he smiled.

"Thank you for the concern Koneko-chan, if you think there might be something wrong, I'll take it to heart."

"...Yes, thank you Senpai. ...Also Senpai, about Ise-senpai..."

"Hehe, has she been getting on your nerves again Koneko-chan?"

"She always does." Savage, is what Takato thought about her words. "...But, she seems to be training hard. ...If nothing else, she seems to be dedicated in becoming stronger...but, I don't think it is for Buchou, it seems to be for you."

"Me huh..."

Takato did think about it.

Whenever he was in danger, Ise did seem to become distressed, and did power up. Of course it could just be a coincidence, he just didn't know what to do about it.

"...Unexpectedly, Senpai, you might be the key to unlocking her powers further."

"I-I see, maybe you could be right Koneko-chan. But, I wouldn't know how to do something like that...well, without embarrassing myself."

"...Yes, that's right, Senpai. She would embarrass you...but, it might be necessary for the future of the games. She does hold a Longinus, and she powers up with you. ...Senpai, I am sure that you'll be able to help her in some way."

Takato chuckled slightly, nodding his head.

"Maybe that's the case after all. Even then, we should just strive to do our best Koneko-chan."

"...Yes, let us do our best."

Takato nodded his head, and made a promise with Koneko.

"By the way Koneko-chan, are you okay personally?"

"...Why do you ask?"

"Eeeh, it's just when you saw the Phenex girl...erm, Ravel-san, it seemed like you were agitated by what she was saying. I hope she didn't say anything that personally hurt you."

Koneko waved her hand.

"...No, I'm fine. I would like to get even with her though, she always causes trouble and is too pig headed. ...Well, she is a Phenex, and they think that they all are so strong and powerful...it gets to my head. It reminds me of...people who think they can just use and abuse their powers like that...it sickens me."

Takato could feel from Koneko that there were senses of real struggle within her.

He didn't know what they were, and she didn't seem like she wanted to talk about them either, so she didn't have too in his eyes. But, he was going to offer the young girl some support, and he did that by bending down and hugged her body.


She blushed at the hug, and didn't know what to do.

But Takato gently petted the back of her head.

"I'm sorry, you looked to be getting sad. My Obaa-chan said the best cure for sadness usually is a hug. So, how about it, did it work?"

Koneko didn't know what to say…

But, then she just accepted it, and wanted to see what the others felt when they held onto him as well, so that's what she did.

Her small arms went around him, and held onto him as well...and she felt good.

She liked Takato sure.

She wasn't obsessed with him like Ise, didn't really have a crush on him like Yumi and Asia, or in love with him like Vali, or found him adorable like Rias and Akeno did….

But, she did see why everyone else liked to hug him.

It seemed, tranquil, calm.

It felt, like she was being hugged by someone that she could depend on.

Something this powerful for Koneko, couldn't be ignored either.

Later that evening, sitting at the table, everyone looked on at all of the delicious foods on the table. Apparently, Akeno went all out after what happened during the day with Takato's, and Ise's training and wanted to be useful. Even the fact that Yumi's herbs were used as well that she collected the first day that they were there, as a boar that Rias had hunted and killed.

All of it looked beautiful.

Takato also thought so.

But, he was currently between a situation that was rather terrifying.

Between two women, one possessed Boosted Gear, and the other Divine Dividing. While Vali was eating carelessly, Ise was glaring as she ate her own food slowly, and carefully. Her eyes didn't leave Vali's body while Vali didn't care.

Tension in the air was thick, everyone in the room could sense that it was thick.

Takato himself knew that he would have to do something to ease the tension between everyone.

"A-Ah, Akeno-san, can I say that this food is amazing?" He looked towards Akeno who developed an embarrassed blush. "Y-Yes, everything is beautiful Akeno-san! You're like the perfect Yamato Nadeshiko!"

"Ara ara, what a cute thing to say Takato-kun. I'll become embarrassed if you say something like that~ Though if Takato-kun wishes to thank me, we could do a few things together, couldn't we Takato-kun~?"

Akeno was acting surprisingly shy though still mixed in her usual brand of teasing somehow, and Takato was smiling gently as well.

"...Takato-san, I made the soup as well."

Asia showed a pouty face, as she looked towards Takato. His eyes went toward the onion soup, and though Takato had taken to teaching Asia how to cook some foods since she didn't know how, she actually had picked it up very quickly, and had made such lovely looking soup.

Taking the spoon he had, it slipped some soup onto the spoon and put it into his mouth.

"Wow, Asia-san, you've really come a long way very quickly. Thank you for this treat! Would it be okay if I have some more after this one?"

"A-Ah! I didn't realize you enjoyed it so much Takato-san! Yes, of course, please eat as much as you can!"

"Then I will, thank you!"

Ise watched on as Takato had some more soup, and growled.

"...Damn it, I can't cook well..."

She showed a dissatisfied face, seeing Takato eating the food happily.

But then Ise thought of something that she would be able to do, and adopted a smirk.

"Takato~" She sang out a little too happily. "Would you like me to feed you~?" Vali's eyebrow twitched, as the others backed off. "So, what do you say Takato~? I can feed you with my mouth if you'd like~?"

"Aah, no, that's not necessary Ise-san."

He let her down gently, but she drew closer to the young boy.

"Don't worry about it Takato, allow me to feed you with a fork at least. It's the least I can do since I can't cook that well."

"Ooh Ise-san, it's okay, everyone has different talents. Even if you can't cook, there's things you'll be able to do that no one else could do."

Ise always loved that.

Even when she did perverted things, he was always supporting her.

It was one of the reasons she truly did like him.

The very fact that he would be so kind to her, she was going to take full advantage of the kindness, no matter what.

"Then, please let me feed you Takato~"


Since he didn't have a reason not to allow her to do it.

Vali watched as Ise took some of Takato's food onto a fork, and fed him. She didn't like admitting that she felt slightly jealous. But she wasn't going to show it on her face.

"Ise-san, that's kind of you, thank you~"

"Hehe, any time Takato~ Here try this~"

Sweetly moving her hand across the fork, she brushed his lips with the food. Vali's eyebrow twitched even more than before, seeing how she was doing it so comfortingly, passionately as well. The fact that even now, she was sliding it into his mouth, using her thumb to wipe some sauce off his lip, and stick it into her mouth, seemed too intimate to someone like Vali, and she wasn't becoming exactly happy with this.

However, Rias saw it bubbling as well, so she coughed into her hand and got their attention.

"Now...Vali, how is the training with Takato coming along?"

Vali turned towards Rias, and showed a less than happy expression on her face.

"He's progressing well."

She answered dryly, Koneko showing a sly smile, she actually enjoyed Vali's company as she could be as deadpan as she was.

"I-I see. Is there anything you'd like to talk about specifically? Like, the way that he is progressing. His strengths, weaknesses? Things of that nature."

"Strengths are good, weaknesses are minimal."

Rias sweat dropped as Vali ate the food normally.

"R-Right, as long as he is progressing...and Ise, you're coming along nicely, once the mention of Takato came into the line of sight for everyone."

Ise smiled weakly as Takato smiled towards her.

"Don't worry Ise-san, I'm sure you're becoming very powerful."

"Y-Yeah! I'm gonna become the strongest hahahaha!"

Vali rolled her eyes, and cut into some meat she had.

"Well, that's good Ise. However, you all three have to understand, that you all have less battle experience than people like myself, Koneko, Yumi and Akeno-"

"I'll stop you right there." Vali cut into the conversation, shocking Rias. "Perhaps that's true for the nun and that perverted girl, but my Taka has been in many battles, and training with me is a battle in of itself. So don't lump him into those categories ever."

Rias felt threatened and withdrew into her self slightly.

"W-Well, I guess you're right in that regard. What I'm trying to get across is that even with smaller battle experiences, you all have powerful abilities that can help us. The Boosted Gear, and Twilight Healing. Also, with Takato's Sacred Gear's as well, those will come in handy during the fight as well."

"By the way, Buchou. I've been thinking about it, but when the game is happening, what is Asia-san going to be doing? She isn't a fighter like any of us, and she is the healer. Wouldn't it be better if we kept her in the back and sent people to her when they need healing or something of that nature? Wouldn't that be for the best?"

"That's what I am thinking yes." Rias said with a kind smile. "Don't worry Takato, I have that planned out already. I wouldn't dream of sending Asia to go and fight anyone. Her talents are best served when she's out of danger."

"Yes, that's what I was thinking about as well."

Takato finished as Ise continued to feed him to the ire of Vali.

"Also, I think because it is a lovely night, let us all use the hot springs outside and have a relaxing bath together."

Rias said it normally, so Takato raised his head.

"Then, I'll wait until you've had your bath."

Takato expresses normally, slightly sad that he wouldn't be able to have a hot bath right away.

However, Rias exploded those expectations.

"No, I was suggesting, that we all have a bath together."

Suddenly, Takato's eyes widened.

"W-What did you say?"

Rias put on a confident smile on her face.

"I said that we should all have a bath together. Ise, you would like that, yes?"

"Damn right! Takato, lets bath together!"

She cheered, her eyes turning pervertedly towards Takato's hips.

"Ise-san, don't be a perverted girl..."

"Sorry! But this is a good thing Takato! Lets see one another's naked bodies, and I'll enjoy your penis as well~"

Takato face palmed, while Rias was excited.

"Good, since Ise is involved, Yumi? You?"

Yumi blushed lightly, looking towards Takato, who also was blushing lightly.

"...Yes, because Ise-san is doing it as well, then I wont hold back! I'll have a bath with Takato-kun as well!"

"Yumi-chan, that's…"

Rias continued to smile, turning her eyes towards Akeno.

"Also, Akeno? Are you ready to enjoy Takato's body?"

Akeno develops a perverted look on her face.

"Fufu, if it is with Takato-kun, then we can do things together in the bath~"

"Akeno-san, you can't suggest that as well, right…?"

"Fufu, I insist on it Takato-kun. We should go together, and have a lovely bath together~"

He didn't expect that all of these girls would be okay with this happening.

Takato looked back to Rias who smirked.


"Hmph, I've always had a bath with my Taka, this day wont be any different."

"Alright then." Rias turned her eyes towards Asia. "Asia, what about you? Would you like to have a bath with your beloved Takato?"

Asia's face went completely red, but a few seconds later, she shyly nodded.

Finally, Rias' eyes turned to Koneko.

Because it was Koneko, Takato was sure that she wouldn't allow it to happen.

However, expectations were flipped on his head.

"Koneko, what about you?"

Her eyes turned towards Takato, and blinked.

"...Senpai isn't a pervert, I'm fine with it."

"Really Koneko-chan?! Shouldn't you be against it!?"

Koneko continued to surprise him, shaking her head.

"...No, I am okay with it. ...Senpai suffers the most because of Ise-senpai, so I shall allow Senpai to come into the baths with us."

Takato couldn't believe it, and while Ise felt the crack at her, she had more important news to deal with.

"Good! Then lets go Takato!"

Ise dragged Takato to his feet, and pushed him towards the baths…

While in said baths, he was surrounded in breasts. Everywhere he looked, he saw large and small breasts. Besides Koneko, everyone allowed their large and smaller sized breasts to be shown. His eyes couldn't look anywhere as he would see breasts.

While within the water, Takato did feel relaxed, though he could feel hot as well due to what was happening with the girls that were around as well. Each with their bouncing and bountiful breasts as well, it was a sight to behold.

Ise was looking right at Takato's body, and blood was gushing out of her nose.

"By Maou-sama! Takato! Look at your body! I'm mesmerized! Your chest is getting more toned! Though don't become a muscle freak, I wouldn't like that! Only lean boys for me!"

"...Ise-san, that's embarrassing...besides, I have a body type that's hard to add muscle on."

"Good, stay like this!" Her eyes went towards the towel, and smirked. "By the way Takato, you don't have to wear a towel with us-"

"Yes he does."

Koneko cut her off right away, making her pout slightly.

"Ugh...but, Koneko-chan, we're all girls with a cute boy, it is only natural that we're naked with one another."

"...Even then, don't do anything weird with Senpai."

Ise looked on with an annoyed glare, as Vali's fingers brushed under Takato's chin. Ise knew that Vali was doing that to annoy her. Takato seemed okay with it as well, which irked Ise more than she thought that it would.

"Taka, want me to wash your most private area?"

"V-Vali-chan that's..."

He gushed out, as the young woman placed a hand on his thigh. Going red from the contact, Ise growled, pushing the young woman's hand away from Takato. Vali looked on with bemusement, and didn't seem to care.

"Hey! Don't touch Takato like that! He doesn't like that!"

"Actually, I don't mind if it is Vali-chan."

Ise sweat dropped.

"Takato! Don't say that! She is only going to give you a hand job! If you want one, I'll give you one!"


While he did a spit take, Asia looked at her hand, and then looked towards Takato.

Forming what a 'hand job' was within her head, she ebbed through the water, and got close to Takato.

"Takato-san, I'll give you a hand job as well."

"Pft! Asia-san! Y-You can't! You're too innocent!"

Asia put on a determined face, while Ise smirked.

"But, if it is for Takato-san, I can give Takato-san a hand job as well."

"How about a blow job Asia~? I'll help you give Takato a good one~"

Takato gave harsh eyes for Ise for trying to corrupt Asia, but Asia put a hand to her chin.

"Yes, that would be good. We can do it together with Takato-san, and give him a blow job!" Takato face palmed, as the others watched Ise grin even more. "By the way, Ise-san. What is a blow job? Is it a blow to the face?"

"Hehehe, it's certainly blowing something alright~"

"I-Ise-san! Don't put ideas into Asia-san's head!"

Ise placed a hand on Takato's shoulder, and gave a dirty grin.

"Don't worry about it Takato, allow me to manage the harem now. I'll make sure everyone gets the good loving besides Kiba and Vali."

Yumi and Vali both gave off dark glares towards her, making her pout.

"Ise-san, please don't say that, because I want to have time with Takato-kun as well."

"Hmph, try and stop me and I'll kill you."

Yumi and Vali showed their defiance, making Ise feel complicated.

Akeno on the other hand wasn't going to stand for it any longer...and rather become involved with that, she moved her way towards Takato, grabbing a bottle of soap liquid that she was going to use on the man before her.

"Fufu, sit forward Takato-kun, I'll wash your back."

Akeno, didn't have a sponge. Instead, she pushed her large breasts against his back, soaping up her breasts, and pushed against his back. He gasped, and moaned as she ran her large breasts up and down his back without a care.


Akeno saw his face turning red, and in turn, it caused her to feel more happy than ever before. She loved it, the expressions that he made, and the way that he was looking towards her as well, it was something that she was enjoying very much.

"Does it feel good Takato-kun? My boobs on your body. I can feel it, so hot..." Her head went towards his ear, and bit on the lobe. He groaned at the feeling, making her smirk around his ear. "My, you are cute Takato-kun, I want to see and hear you moan even more."

"Akeno-san that's…."

"Fufu, tell me what you want my cute Kohai..."

Takato groaned as Akeno continued rubbing her tits up and down Takato's body. His body flushed, Ise growling and hugged Takato tightly around his waist. Her large chest pushed against his own chest, and smiled at the red faced Takato.

"Fueeee, Takato. Since I'm always perving on you, you can perv on me too~"

Copying Akeno, Ise's breasts rubbed Takato's chest up and down, flowing in motion with Akeno. The pair giggled at one another and enjoyed the others body movements. He could feel the tenderness of their skin, the hardness of their nipples as well as the elasticity of their breasts as well. All in all, it felt perfect almost.

"N-No! This isn't necessary!"

Takato yelped out, as Ise became more daring, and kissed his cheek. Moving her lips downwards, he panted at the feeling of her tongue. She didn't hold back, and licked down his neck, which Vali didn't care for.

So, she got to the side of Takato, and began kissing his neck as well, licking and lightly dabbing her lips onto his neck.

"Aaaah...d-don't b-become too erotic..."

They didn't pay any heed, and began making out with his neck essentially, trying to outdo one another. Their gazes fell upon one another, and both were glaring. Ise didn't know why, but Vali knew that this was her rival in the end of it all.

"Fufu, look at them go at it~ They surely are feisty girls~"

Akeno giggled out, continuing to rub his back with her breasts.

Between all of their erotic movements, Yumi could see that his towel was lifting up. She became slightly jealous about seeing that, since she wasn't involved, so she walked closer, and grabbed the same soap bottle that Akeno used before, and soaped up her breasts.

"Takato-kun, me too, you can play with me too~"

Yumi became involved, taking his hand and placed it on her breast. Ise growled at the sight, but she was too heated in her competition with Vali to ignore that for the moment and continued kissing Takato's neck, making him groan out.

"Y-Yumi-chan, you as well?"

Yumi nodded, and allowed his hand to rub across her chest.

"B-Because it is Takato-kun, I am comfortable with this as well."

Moving his hand on her breast, because of her actions, Takato's fingers dragged across her skin in a magnificent way for the young blonde. Yumi held back a moan threatening to escape her lips, while Takato was moaning out right due to the attack on his stimulations.

Akeno saw that Rias held a jealous face, so she put her hand up.

"Fufu, Asia-chan, Takato-kun has a free hand. Would you like to become involved as well?"

Igniting annoyance within Rias, and Asia's own jealous looks, Asia complied with her face burning red.

"Yes! Because it is Takato-san! I shall do it as well!"

"Asia-san! You don't have too!"

Asia didn't pay any heed to Takato's words, and took his hand. Shyly, she placed it onto her breast, moaning at the touch.

"T-Takato-san, I am also a woman, please look at me as well...a-and play with my breast."

Takato was surprised at her boldness, and watched his hand play with her breast as well at her command. Mimicking what Yumi was doing, and rotated his hand on her breast, making her moan out, and with Yumi doing it on the other side, Vali's and Ise's large breasts pressing against him and the continuous attack on his neck, even with Akeno using her large breasts on his back as well, he was feeling it all the more, he didn't want to, but he felt aroused, they all knew about it as well, and were happy to see it happening because of them.

Rias watched on as they all 'attacked' Takato with their bodies, and was becoming increasingly jealous.

Koneko watched on and also felt...something. She didn't know what it was, but she did feel something weird.

Wanting to experience something for herself, Koneko strode over in the water, and got beside Takato. Seeing the actions of the others annoyed her, but since she saw this as a bonding session and she agreed with Takato being there, she latched onto his upper body and held him tightly and wouldn't let him go for anything.


"...Everyone gets enjoyment from Senpai...I want enjoyment from Senpai too..."

She muttered while blushing lightly, continuing to surprise Takato.

Rias couldn't take much more of it however, and she was becoming increasingly annoyed. So much so that her demonic power was showing itself around her body.

"H-Hey! I'm the King, you can't just do that to my servant!"

Rias yelled, but no one gave any attention to her.

She became even more annoyed, so she slipped off her towel, and revealed her breasts, and body.

"Don't leave me out!"

Rias declared, and jumped.

Takato's eyes widened when he saw the sight of Rias' large breasts coming for his body...no, his face.


Takato cried out, only for Rias to plant her large chest in his face, and his mouth got filled with her flesh mouth, making Rias moan out "Aaaaaaaaah~" in a sensual like voice, and held onto the back of his head.

"Fufu, don't worry Takato, it is okay, after everything we've been through, enjoy yourself."

Takato looked at all of the girls. Each and every one of them were giving off cuteness vibes. Even people like Akeno and Vali, who usually gave off sexy vibes, were giving off the cuteness vibes as well, something like that couldn't be ignored either.

Takato, truly was, surrounded and drowning within breasts, and yet, he was very okay with that, he was a man after all and he could only take so much stimulation.

A few days after that, Rias walked across the living room of the mansion to once again get some water to have a drink. Thoughts of the Rating Game were plaguing her mind, and she wondered if they would be ready.

Fighting a Phenex…

It wasn't going to be easy.

She didn't even know what she was going to do about it.

No, rather, she had a few ideas, but there was something that she needed to know, she needed to do.

She needed the powers to beat down Riser….but, she didn't have that.

Sighing to herself, she grabbed the glass of water she made for herself, and walked back towards the bedroom of hers…

But she stopped when she saw movements outside of the mansion.

Her eyes went towards the place she saw, and saw that it was Takato outside.

He was sweating, and panting.

She looked at the time, and saw that it was nearing midnight.

She found it odd that he was outside during this time, so she went to investigate.

"Burst upwards and bloom!"

Takato announced, Rias watched as the shadows rose up out of the ground. She watched as they formed shuriken's around the young boy, then he directed his hand outwards. The shuriken's spun around, and shot forward.

With intrigue, she watched the shadows cleaving through the trees which surprised her at how sharp they were…

No, it wasn't just shadows.

They were a major factor, but she caught the sight of demonic power lacing the shadow blades as well.

Becoming more shocked, she watched as he did this again and again.

But, with each attack, he was draining his body of its stamina.

She didn't get why, he was working so hard.

Was it for her?

Was it because he didn't like Riser?

Was it for both?

Or, was it for something else entirely?

She couldn't be sure. She honestly didn't know where they stood sometimes. She and he could talk normally, but something, always held them back, she kind of wished that she could be the same cool and calm person that the others in her group were with him. Everyone, even Koneko, seemed to manage to get along better than what did Takato and herself.

As Takato raised his hand once more, suddenly he dropped to his knees, so Rias came forward.

"Takato! A-Are you alright!?"

Surprised to see her, his eyes went towards the red head, and he nodded, sweat pouring down his face.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine, just a little exhausted."

"Why are you out here at this time?"

Rias quizzed, seeing how much he was perspiring.

"...Training of course."

"But training is done for the day."

"Yet, I know that currently, we can't beat Riser." Rias looked down at the ground. "You realize it too. We have to continue. We've got sometime left now, but Riser is a hard opponent."

Rias could understand that as well, so she sat down near the doorway, on the step. She patted the side of her.

"Lets talk for a little while, okay?"

Seeing no reason as to why they shouldn't, he walked over on shaky legs, and sat down beside her.

Neither said anything.

They both sat down together, and hadn't said anything.

Minutes passed by with no resolutions either.

However, that changed when Rias coughed into her hand.

"You know, I've been reading manuals lately, on how to fight against stronger opponents. I even wore glasses, because I can think more clear while wearing them. Though they didn't change anything for me."

"Yes, fighting stronger opponents is always going to be difficult."

"But, you've been doing your own research, right?" Takato was surprised that she knew. "It's okay, you don't have to deny it, I've been watching and I've read a few ideas you had. Some of them are pretty ingenious, something I'm sure I wouldn't be able to come up with."

"...It must be hard admitting something like that."

Rias hugged her legs, as they came to her large chest.

"Yes, it is. You know, no matter how I look at it, there's only a few ways to defeat Riser. And even those ways require different things. Like the power of a God. To defeat Riser, beat him down until his heart and spirit have disappeared, and he wont regenerate anymore. However, I also have thought about my newer members. However, by the time that reaching Riser requires the fight, it might be too late to even try that strategy as well."

"It depends on how the fight goes, it depends on a lot of things. I myself would always try and have a plan within a plan. Like, I don't know, if my first plan fails, then the second one might succeed. But I'm not a Rating Game person so I don't know what you would be thinking about."

Rias nodded, and thought about what he said.

However, something was on her mind as well.

Something that she wanted to ask, but she never could.

Something that she didn't even know would be possible to ask.


She gathered her courage and decided to ask right out.


"...I was horrible to you once, wasn't I?"

"Ah well..."

He was going to deny it, not really wanting to add to her unsure feelings.

But Rias knew the truth, nodding her head again and again.

"I did, I treated you roughly, I was brash in my decisions and I almost got you killed a few times. Even when the Fallen Angels came to town...that time, I probably could have done more to stop what was going to happen."


"I could have also probably done more to make sure that you didn't die when you were killed by Dohnaseek. I should have done some more things, I should have protected you more. I knew you were special somehow, and I didn't even protect you."

"I said stop."

He said a little louder, but she developed a few tears in her eyes, and they threatened to shed, Takato hating that she was crying, because of him, or rather, because she felt responsible for what happened to him.

"Now, you're a Devil. I know you don't like it. Even after accepting it, I can tell that being a Devil is hard for you, and being under me, it must be difficult. Maybe that's why you're fighting Riser, so you don't fall under his command-"

"Stop it Rias-senpai."

Rias paused her words, surprised he said that.

"Takato I..."

"The past is in the past. Things happened, and now it has been sorted out. I can't blame you for any of my problems. Sure, being a Devil is hard for me. Even now, I feel like it is very hard. But I don't blame you for that. You can't predict the future, and hindsight is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Being a person who can look back and say "Yeah, I messed up there." isn't going to change anything. I don't like dwelling in the past. Though I do it more times than I care to admit as well."

"I see…that's how it is...Takato, have I ever told you, how sorry I am for what happened? I mean...after you became a Devil, it was a whirlwind, and we didn't get to talk much...I am sorry for what happened to you. If I could take it back, I would, so you didn't have to suffer."

"Whatever those people were that were after me, are after me, wouldn't change if I was a Devil or not." Takato continued after inhaling a few breaths. "Rias-senpai, you are a very weird person...but, I understand your feelings right now."

"My feelings….hehe, you know, I'm not sure what my feelings are."

Takato adopted a confused face.

"What are you saying?"

"I feel like, doing this, would put more pain onto my peerage. Each of them have suffered because of their pasts. Even Ise suffered because she almost lost you as well. Asking my peerage to get me out of a problem I can't get myself out of. It seems like I am always going to be in a weird and hard place...I feel guilty on asking them to fight this battle for my freedom..."

Rias began crying.

Takato inhaled and exhaled a few times, watching her shed tears.

Then, as she cried, he placed a hand on her knee, her eyes turning towards him, and saw his serene smile.

"Don't be an idiot."


"Even if we weren't your peerage, I can tell you that all of us would fight for you to have the right to love whoever you want to love. And not be told to love someone else. To become apart of an arranged marriage which should have died out years ago. We don't get many freedoms in any of these worlds. Devils. Humans. Maybe even the Angels as well. But to love someone, that is a freedom that everyone should have, and not be forced to marry because they think it will help two clans. Find another way. Become friends, break bread with one another, exchange ideas. Just because the Devils want you and his clan to come together, it doesn't have to mean marriage, and I presume a child as well, it can be other ways. Let the adults deal with that stuff. You're only a teenager. Act all strong and confident as you want, but you're a teenager. You shouldn't have to worry about some douche who wants to make you a trophy bride. At most, you should only have to worry about the club, the school work, and the courses you're going to take for college, and what direction you want your life to go in, not have an obstacle like this one blocking your future from you."

Rias couldn't be more surprised by his wisdom, his maturity.

Even if he was a little younger than her, it seemed that he was highly mature, and even more so than her.

"Takato...you're right, we have to worry about those mundane things, they should be our top priority."

"Right, that's why we have to steamroll super douche, and get back to normal again. Riser is like a boss in a game or something that the protagonists have to overcome to reach their normal lives again."

Rias brushed under her eyes, and showed a smile on her face.

"Takato...what do you think of me?"

"Eh, what do you mean? What about you?"

"I mean, how do you see me as?"

"Well...I see you as my Senpai, that's it really. You're my King as well, but I see you as my Senpai."

"Senpai huh...not, Rias from the Gremory?"

Takato rolled his eyes, signifying that he didn't really care about that.

"Well, of course you're Rias Gremory-senpai. I don't care if you're from the Gremory clan, I knew you as my Senpai first, and as a Devil second, and I barely know what it means to be a Gremory. Is it significant? Even if it is, I don't much care honestly. That's how it is now, you're my Senpai. Why do you think I challenge you so much? It's because, while you're my King, you're always my Senpai first, someone to learn from, someone to challenge, I do the same on a lesser extent to Akeno-san as well. You, are just that, my Senpai. I challenge you, to better myself, to correct your decisions if I think they're wrong, you do the same to me, it strives us both to become better people than we were before."

Rather than be sad, Rias actually was very happy he said that.

Because, it was her dream.

To be seen as Rias. Not as a Gremory. Though it was a small wish, he had inadvertently just granted her wish for her.

"Haha, that's why I enjoy this world...yeah, you only see me as your Senpai. I'm happy Takato, I'm very happy."

Takato adopted a larger smile.

"Good, because being depressed is a downer Senpai. Riser is a massive douche yeah. He's an immortal bird, yeah. But, you know, even he is just a man. I don't care about his extra powers. No man is a God. He is a Devil, he's no God. And even if he is a God, he's not almighty. No one is. People can be extremely powerful, but there's no one that can say "I'm the strongest, and no one can ever become stronger than me!" even if they are the strongest beings in the universe. The most powerful being, eventually will come across something that can equal, or surpass them."

"Hehe, you're right. Riser is no God, he can be taken down."

Rias felt confidence growing within her.

Takato was actually glad that she was being inspired and was becoming braver because of this.

"Rias-senpai, you can rely on me as well, you know?"

Rias gasped, surprised that he was saying it.

"Takato, I..."

"I can see it, this is the real you. The day you came to my room and tried to sleep with me to get out of this...that wasn't you. This, is you. The one that laughs at weird statements, and is an anime nut, which by the way is fine with me as anime is awesome. Also, I can see you for who you really are….you're just a teenage girl, and I'm just a teenage boy. That's all I see right now, two teenagers sitting together, and speaking at midnight about the future. That's all."

Rias began laughing at how true that statement really was.

"Haha, I've never thought of myself as just a teenage girl before. It seems so simple...yet, it's so true."

"Well you are, and that's not saying it as a bad thing, it's just a fact of life, is all. Teenagers shouldn't have to worry about crap like this. So, rely on me. We'll find ways out of dealing with the fried chicken boy as Ise-san calls him, and go back to a normal life again. It might be hard, and long road ahead...but, there is a destination out there, and we'll reach it eventually. Even if Riser tries to get in the way, he'll eventually be moved, and we can go forward again. So, Senpai...don't worry and be happy now. The Game isn't yet...just relax, the solution might come to those who are happy, rather than worrying."

Those simple words...were so effective.

She was so happy.

Her talk with Takato, caused her cheeks to turn red.

The dedication he showed.

How he was able to speak to her.

This, this was what she had wanted for a long time now.

Someone to just...relax with her.

Someone to speak to her normally.

Not as if she was this important Devil, but as she really was, a teenage girl.

She hadn't even realized it until now, that this is what she wanted.

Someone to treat her as just Rias. Not Rias Gremory. Not as a Devil. But, as the teenage girl that she was, and Takato did that.

She could understand why Ise liked Takato now.

It wasn't for his body (though that plays a role) but because of his heart.

Even now, she could feel the kindness swaying to her, and filling her up with happiness as well.

It, was the best kind of feeling that she would have.

And she couldn't be more happy about it either.

She even...felt something new for Takato from this talk, and could feel herself falling towards him with her emotions.

"Takato..." She leaned closer to Takato, and kissed his cheek, surprising the young boy. "Thank you, I feel a lot better now...also, I've been thinking...you said I could rely on you, yes?"

"Yes, I did."

He said it with a straight face.

The young woman adopted a larger smile.

"Then, will you help me with the strategy? Vali mentioned that you're quite intelligent...could you come together with me and help me as well?"

"Of course I will Rias-senpai."

Rias blushed slightly, looking into his ocean like eyes, getting lost within them.

"Thank you, Takato."

Rias smiled, and hugged him.

He didn't resist, and just hugged her back.

Somehow, they both felt closer to one another now.

Without the bullshit in the way, they could see one another for who they were, and they….liked it.

End chapter!

So, we got the obligatory training chapter of the story, however this had some major Takato x Rias moments, with some of the others sprinkled in with Koneko, Akeno, Yumi, Asia, and Ise to an extent getting some development as well. Vali took to training Takato, and we'll see the fruits of that during the Rating Game, and even she took to training Ise, though that's half to help Takato out, and half to have a good rival to face. We got a big bath scene with quite a lot of fanservice.

Next chapter starts the beginning of the Rating Game! So, look forward to that, it's gonna be quite different from canon and how it plays out, and there's gonna be some good moments between Takato and some of the girls sprinkled in there, and Ravel's going to take a more active role during the battle as well!

So, until next time, thanks for reading!

Takato; Ise (fem), Vali (fem), Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Yumi (fem), Gasper (fem), Xenovia, Irina, Rossweisse, Ravel, Kuroka, Kunou, Le Fay, Ophis.