Hello everyone! First off, I wanna say that my sister, who watches a LOT of anime, got me hooked on this series a couple weeks ago. I already had heard of this anime because a relative of mine actually introduced me to the series a few years ago, but I kind of forgot about it until recently...and watched all 13 episodes (twice)! I think it's hilarious, and has an overall lighthearted feel to it, which is why I like it. In fact, I like it so much that I wanted to start writing a fanfiction about it! If you couldn't tell, my favorite character is Lucifer/Urushihara, therefore, he's going to be the main focus of the story. I have a pretty general idea of how I want the story to go, still working on the details, but here is what I've put together so far. Hope you enjoy, and I'm excited to be a new member of this fandom!

It was just another normal day for Sadao Maou, the Demon King from a world called Ente Isla. As any satanic leader would, Maou woke to the sound of his alarm, got ready, and headed to his part-time job at MgRonald's, the worldwide fast-food chain.

Upon entering the breakroom, he was greeted by his peppy, high-school aged coworker, Chiho, whose eyes lit up as soon as she spotted the dapper young devil himself.

"Hi, Mr. Maou!" she greeted him, closing her locker in the process. Since it was a Saturday, she and Maou worked the same shift, so they would always arrive at the restaurant around the same time.

"Hi, Chiho," the dark-haired man responded. "Nice weather we're having today."

It was true. The weather was beautiful in Tokyo on that particular day. It was in the 70's and sunny-perfect weather in the devil's opinion.

"Oh, it's wonderful!" Chiho agreed. "Not a cloud in the sky!"

"True. I wish Urushihara would take advantage of it and stop being the lazy bum that he is," Maou said, stuffing his lunchbox and other personal belongings inside his locker.

To put it simply, the demon king and his newest roommate had yet, another disagreement earlier that morning, which had put Maou in a sour mood. It seemed like arguments were becoming more frequent between him and the smart-mouthed teenager these days, which always seemed to center around the household's finances. Money was tight, and the fallen angel absolutely refused to get a job and help Alciel and him out, which infuriated the two adults to no end. For heaven's sake, he and Alciel worked hard to keep a roof over their heads and the kid could hardly muster a simple thank you for their efforts. Sometimes, the demon king couldn't help but think 'Why bother?' and kick the young man out for acting so selfish and irresponsible.

"To be honest with you, Mr. Maou, I think you're being a bit hard on him," Chiho said. "By Japan's definition, he is still a kid, so he's bound to make some mistakes."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Moau answered, shutting his own locker. "I just wish there was some way to get him motivated. It's not good for him to be stuck inside all day."

"Hm...maybe you could recommend him for a job here," Chiho suggested. "It's not that from where you live, and it does pay twelve bucks an hour."

Maou was silent for a moment, pondering Chiho's words. As much as he wanted the former angel to get a job, he wasn't sure if he could handle him and the youngest member of the household working under the same roof. Not only would he be a major distraction, but he would also likely be an unnecessary annoyance, assuming that he actually got the job. Maou already could get quite agitated with the younger man at home; he certainly didn't need the same type of stress while he was at work. However, he was desperate, and by pulling a few strings, he could easily get the kid the job.

"I'll think about it."

Meanwhile, back at the Maou residence, Urushihara was, as usual, surfing the web and looking up miscellaneous information to pass the time.

"Oh, a camera lens coffee mug," he mumbled to himself as he ogled the computer screen. Ever since the teenager had discovered the existence of the internet, he had become quite fascinated with the concept of online shopping.

"You better not be buying anything, Urushihara," a voice said, causing the young man to jump.

In the corner of the cramped apartment room, Alciel was contently reading a book, the subject unknown to the young former-army general. Frankly, he really didn't care, as long as the household maid would stop nagging him about what he was doing every five seconds.

"I'm not gonna buy anything Ashiya," he said, rolling his eyes. "Today at least," he muttered under his breath.

"What'd you say?"

"Nothing. Enjoying your book there?"

The blonde-haired man shrugged. "I don't know how humans can stand to read for so long. Filling up their minds with pointless myths and fables that only serve as entertainment."

It was Lucifer's turn to shrug. "Beats me."

"Though his Majesty has not returned yet, I shall begin to prepare some dinner for us."

With that, the devil's left-hand man shut his book and rose from his seated position on the floor.

"Knock yourself out," Urushihara answered. "On the other hand, we could just get pizza instead-"

"We don't have the funds for that," Alciel interrupted him. "Considering his Majesty only works part-time, we have a very limited income, hardly enough to support two people, let alone three."

The purple-haired boy scoffed. "Yeah, whatever."

Suddenly, the two roommates heard the door open too see Maou enter the apartment.

"What up, guys?" the demon king asked as he walked in, letting his satchel drop to the floor with a thud.

"Hello, Sire," Alciel greeted his master warmly. "How was your shift?"

Maou sighed. "Long, but good. I see you're in the process of making dinner now," he observed, noticing the empty pots and pans setting on the countertop.

"That is correct," Alciel replied, pulling out some plates from the cupboard. "I thought we would have onigiri tonight. It is a simple dish and is fairly easy to make."

"Cool," Maou said, taking a seat.

The devil's attention was then turned to their teenage roommate.

"And what are you up to, Urushihara?"

"Mm, nothin' special," he answered, eyes still glued to the computer screen.

"Any online shopping?"

"No, sir. No shopping."

Maou nodded in approval. "Just checking. 'Cause if you did, well, you know the rules."

"I know, I know. No buying anything we don't need."

To be honest, the fallen angel was growing tired of his roommates pestering him about his spending.

"Sire, it appears we ran out of nori to wrap the entree in," Alciel announced as he raided the pantry section of their cupboard.

Maou waved his friend's concern aside. "No big deal, Ashiya. We can go without it."

"In that case, dinner will be ready in about forty five minutes."

"Perfect," Maou said. "In the meantime, I'm gonna go freshen up."

Fifty minutes later, the three males were seated around the table, enjoying their delicious meal prepared by Ashiya. As Maou had expected, the demon general had cooked the onigiri to perfection. The rice was steamed just right, and contained just the right amount of salt to make the demon's mouth water.

"This is good, Ashiya," Maou said in between bites.

Like every other time his superior praised his culinary skills, the blond-haired man found himself beaming proudly at the compliment.

"Thank you, your Majesty. I'm glad you enjoy it."

As soon as the words left his mouth, the three evildoers heard a knock on their door.

"Ugh, who could that be?" Maou grumbled.

The demon king was about to stand up to go answer it when Alciel stopped him.

"I'll get it, Sire."

The servant stopped at the door, attempting to peer through the small peephole before revealing his master's castle to uninvited guests.

"It's probably Emi," Maou deduced. "Who else would be knocking on our door at this hour?"

"I believe you are right, Sire," Alciel answered, catching a glimpse of bright fuchsia hair through the smudged glass.

"Wow, the crazy, psycho-stalker girl that likes to follow you around every day. Never would've guessed," Urishihara muttered dryly.

Before Ashiya could open the door completely, Emilia the Hero burst into the room, clearly fired up about something. Her emerald green eyes immediately landed on Maou, and pointed at him accusingly.

"How could you?!" she demanded.

"What? What'd I do?" Maou asked innocently, setting his chopsticks down on his plate. There was no way he could eat while Emi was screaming at him.

"Don't play dumb with me, demon! You know what you did!"

"Actually, I don't know what I did, so would you mind giving me a hint?"

Emi placed her hands on her hips. "It involves you raising the price of my favorite item on MgRonald's menu: iced coffee. Only a demon would stoop so low as to raise the price of an iced beverage in the middle of the summer!"

"Now hold on, I didn't-"

"You knew it was my favorite thing to get, so you purposely jacked up the price thinking it would prevent me from keeping tabs on you at work! Well, if you think that's gonna hold me back mister, you got another thing coming!"

"Now, wait a second here," Maou said. "Even if I wanted to sabotage the price of your precious iced coffee, I don't have to power to. Corporate tells us what our prices should be at any given time. I'm just the assistant manager."

"Oh for crying out loud, you're the devil! You don't take orders from everyone! You do whatever you want, as long as it benefits you, for whatever sick, twisted reason you have!"

"Hey, I have to take orders. Otherwise, I won't get that promotion, remember? To be frank, Emi, your thinking is kinda backwards sometimes."

"My thinking is backwards?!" she retorted, her eyes ablaze. "Backwards is a demon subjecting himself to working at a fast-food restuarant part-time and barely able to scrape enough cash to afford his dingy apartment, which he shares with his two loser demon friends!"

"That is no way to talk to his Majesty!" Alciel interjected.

"Listen, Emi, my food is getting cold, so is there any way we can wrap this up?" Maou pleaded. "Tell you what, I'll buy you an iced coffee. Will that make you feel better?"

Since she had entered the apartment, Emi was quiet. "Maybe," she mumbled, shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Then it's settled," Maou said, relieved that her tantrum was over. "I'll by you an iced coffee tomorrow, then we'll call it even."

"You cannot waste funds on her!" Alciel protested. "She is not worthy of your hard-earned currency!"

"It's fine, Ashiya. I can spot a couple extra bucks. It's not like we're buying her a computer or something," Maou said, glancing at Lucifer. "Besides, if it gets little-miss-petty to go away, then I'll buy her two iced coffees."

Alciel folded his arms, clearly unenthusiastic about the idea.

"I don't like it, but if you think it is the best course of action to take, then I cannot argue with you, Sire."

Sensing the argument was coming to a close, Emilia, almost forgetting why she had come to Satan's residence in the first place, gave her archnemesis a subtle nod before turning to leave.

"I'm gonna hold you to that iced coffee."

"Have a good night, Emi!" Maou called as she shut the door behind her. When he was sure she was gone, the demon king breathed a sigh of relief. "Ugh, she's such a pain sometimes," he said, shaking his head before resuming eating.

Meanwhile, Lucifer studied him curiously. While Maou constantly complained about the Hero breathing down his neck all the time, he couldn't help but wonder if a part of him harbored romantic feelings for her. The way he was so quick to offer help or do favors for her suggested that he experienced a certain degree of fondness towards her. Something the Devil would probably never admit to anyone, even to himself.

"So, Urushihara," Maou began, tearing the young demon away from his thoughts. "I've been doing some thinking about our current living situation, and I know you've heard this spiel before, but to put it frankly, I think you should see about finding a job."

The young man's eyes remained on his food, clearly not thrilled about the change in topic.

"You can come work at MgRonald's with me and Chi," Maou continued.

Still, Urushihara was silent. If it wasn't obvious to everyone already, he had no desire to seek employment. The thought of working for a human made him absolutely sick to his stomach.

"It pays twelve bucks an hour, with all sorts of benefits, like-"

"With all due respect, your highness, I'm not planning on getting job," Lucifer interrupted him. "Humans are pathetic creatures. Why would I work for them, let alone alongside them?"

Maou froze, stunned by his former general's outrageous remark.

"First of all, humans are not that bad. Second of all, you'd be working for them because we need the money. We're not going to get by if you continue to sit around all day bumming around on the computer."

Urushihara scoffed. "For the record, half the time I'm doing something to help you because you're too clueless to figure out how to do it yourself."

"And the other half of the time you're wasting our money on some useless thing you found on the internet," Maou said. "Look, not to be the bad guy here, but we took you in and gave you a place to stay. We've bought you clothes, food, and even a new computer to keep you entertained. Now that there's no third-party demon after us anymore, it's time you pulled your weight in this household."

"Hey, I didn't ask you to do any of that for me," Lucifer retorted. "That was your mistake."

"Well, now I'm asking you, as your legal guardian, to help out," Maou explained calmly. "Think about it. It won't be so bad. We can go to the MgRonald's together tomorrow and I'll help you fill out an application. Plus, you'll be working alongside Chi and me, so it's not like you'll be alone. So, whaddya say?"

Maou was trying to sound encouraging, but Lucifer could sense his leader's frustration with him. Just so he wouldn't have to listen to it anymore, the teenage demon rolled his eyes.


Though the truth was, he had no intention of going tomorrow. And no one, not even King Satan himself would change his mind.