Thank you so much for the reviews. They mean so much to me :)

Sorry this chapter is so late, but I had so many exams and not enough time to write this. Please hang in there with this story. I promise you that I will get to the main storyline in the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sam or Dean or Supernatural, unfortunately.

Chapter 2

When they finally get to Illinois, the killings had already started. They needed to find him quickly before he moved on.

Rowena was dragged along for her spells, and so used one to try and track Michael. They watched as the map sputtered and disintegrated, leaving only the exact place he was in. Coincidentally, it was only a few miles from where they were, and they quickly jammed into the Impala and raced off to this new destination.

They knew as soon as they saw the dead bodies lying in streets. He was here.

"Right, we need to split up. I will go with Cas and Jack, Rowena you go with Mary. Charlie, you go with Ketch," Sam instructed, pointing out the different locations with a shaky finger. Mary could see her son was only just holding it together. She realised it wasn't only because he was afraid for himself and Dean, as well as everyone else, but also because he was stepping into Dean's role and he had never had to do that before for so long. She judged whether she should reassure him or not but decided against it. She continued with everyone else to find her other son.

After a while of being separated, Sam, Cas and Jack heard a woman scream; a scream so deafening and cut short with a blunt ending that they knew whatever had happened to her, it wasn't good. They ran towards the sound just as it stopped, and they got there just in time to see her limp body fall from Dean's hands… No, Michael's hands.

He peered up at them with a dark smirk. He was wearing different clothes than what Dean had ever worn. Plaid was replaced with a long coat and a cap, and his face was smeared with crimson that obviously wasn't his own.

"Sam," cam a low, gravelly voice. It was so wrong for it to sound like Dean and at the same time not sound like Dean. "You can't save your brother. What's the point of you being here?"

The smirk never left his face.

"We will be able to save him," Cas exclaimed, his anger evident. Michael was obviously not oblivious to that fact and easily slid pas Cas' punch and grabbed his arm, twisting it until Cas' face was scrunched up with pain.

"Leave him alone," Jack shouted, ready to advance and only stopped by Sam's hand.

"What are you gonna do? You don't have as much grace as you did, and even if it was possible for you to hurt me, you wouldn't because you wouldn't want to hurt poor Dean," Michael mocked. He twisted Cas' arm slowly and was on the verge of snapping it, but stop when Sam spoke.

"We will get him back."

Michael laughed. "And how do you suppose you'll do that?"

"Like this," came a voice from behind him. He turned just in time to see Rowena chant the spell, and he could already feel it take effect as he dropped Cas' arm. He wondered how he knew a spell so powerful that it could temporarily take out an archangel. That was his last thought before he was pulled into the black abyss.

They all watched in shock as Michael began to squirm and shake, and then they rushed towards him as Dean's body limply fell to the floor.

Ketch, Mary and Charlie rounded the corner and immediately got to work on helping lift Dean, so they could carry him to the Impala.

"We need to hurry," Sam stated. "We don't have long until he wakes up."

They attached the enochian handcuffs onto Dean's wrists and then sat him in the back with Mary and Cas whilst Rowena, Jack and Sam sat in the front. Charlie then met with Ketch to ride on his motorbike.

Now they had captured Michael, they only hoped their plan would work. The whole time Sam's brain nagged at him for all the different ways it could go wrong.

'This is going to be a long drive,' Sam thought, as he pulled away from the slaughtered town.