So, I'm going to do something new! On my AO3 account I completely revised the entire first story of this little fanfic series, I'd guess you'd call it, so I'm going to be putting the new, better version on here as well! Enjoy and I hope you'll like this better! 😃

It was late in the morning when England woke up, rather unhappily, due to it being a Sunday it was the one day a week he prided himself on sleeping in. The sun outside inched higher in the sky without remorse, shining brilliantly while the birds twittering away in the trees as the sunlight ached to get into the dark room and slid past the tightly closed curtains. He pulled the blankets over his head as he curled into the toned side of the body next to him with a sigh when his bedroom door was flying open so fast it bounced on the wall with a deafening slam and he was body slammed.

"Mummy! Mummy, wake up! Wake up, Mummy!" Came a shout of happiness and eagerness while four little sets of feet jumped on the mattress over England and yes, over America as well. They were thrown into an alert state as happy giggles spilled out of the children to fill the room.

"Bloody hell!" England gasped the words as his legs bucked and he jerked upwards right at the moment of a final heavy bounce of two bodies sitting down on the elder Nations while America scrambled for his glasses with a groan as England scowled with a heat that could rival the sun. Which was hard given the small child on top of him.

"Mummy! Time to get up!" The young boy chirped with his own hair messy from sleep, the shade the caramel blonde of his father with the same wide blue eyes and glasses of his own with the touch of thick eyebrows from his mother and a wide on his lips matching his father's as well. This boy was the quite literal spitting image of his father, save for the eyebrows of course but it gave him an adorable look. Sort of like if America had England's eyebrows.

"You said to wake you up today, Daddy!" Another, higher more feminine, voice impatiently spoke to remind America who looked up just as he had his glasses on his face and blinking a few times. The small child on top of him was one of the cutest little girls one could hope to have with messy hair the exact sunshine blonde shade as her mother and large blue eyes the identical shade of both her brother and father that were framed by long, thick blonde lashes that had a delicate curl to them. To top it off she also had the same Nantucket ahoge sticking up just like America's.

That's when England's irritation came to a head, however, at her words and he turned on America. "So this is your bloody fault!" The blonde next to him jerked when England had shouted at him and the American used the only tactic he could think off against the Brit. He widened his own rather large blue eyes at England while lightening seemed to shoot out of the British Nation's own green eyes.

"No! I swear, baby, it wasn't me! Or, er, well not on purpose! I mean I told Jojo to wake me up today, early as possible, but I never told Liam to wake you up!" America replied with an almost exasperated tone that was not quite defensive but just a pitch away from it when he raised his hands up helplessly. He spread his fingers out like a "see? I'm blameless!" look as he stared at his lover who was scowling at him rather impressible when he then huffed out a rough breath.

"Jolene and Liam I want you to your rooms, clean them, get dress and brush your teeth right now!" England ordered making both the children jump looking at England with wide blue eyes before then looking to their father who nodded thoughtfully at them like he also agreed with England and both children adopted their own hurt expression with a blink and scrambled off their parents. The bed wobbled under their quick, scurrying movements when Jolene glared at him fiercely, a glare that would make her own mother's glare pale in comparison and yet easy to see where she got it from.

"This is all your fault, Liam! Stupid!" Jolene barked at her elder brother in the only hot, scathing way a four year old could which confused the elder boy as his mind tried processing the anger of a four year old when he sighed. His shoulders slumped like the guilt weighed heavily and his head hung down which made his glasses slid down on his nose dangerously while he stared at the floor frowning.

"I'm sorry, Mummy." He said sadly careful to keep his eyes on the floor before turning to walk out with Jolene all but breathing fire with all her huffing and puffing, insults spewing out as well when the door slammed behind them with the intensity of said angry four year old. It was only after the children were down the hall, audibly complaining to one another, that the parents sighed out with a fatigued edge to it and looked at one another for a brief moment before England flopped back against the pillows.

"Why did I ever sleep with you?" England demanded with a sigh in his voice when he rubbed the heels of his hands against his eyes that burned with a dry edge like he hadn't gotten enough sleep. Once he started rubbing his eyes, however, it was hard to stop for it felt so damn good just to do it before he forced himself to stop, blink to clear his vision of the swirling colors then looked at America who widened his eyes at the English Nation.

"You slept with me because you're so crazed with your love for me and so drunk that night you jumped my bones without me even breathing a word against you and after out beautiful, moonlit lovemaking and proclamations of love the outcome was, quite impossibly, Liam." America explained with a cocky, joking edge when a fist was digging into his shoulder after a rather sold punch and it made the American yelp. "Ow, dude!"

"You're such a bloody twit!" England said the words with an exasperated tone, a sigh almost to get the words out, when the children's complaints and shouting soon became a lot more audible to the parents who both shared another look at the bickering down the hall. "Why are the male Nations having children, do you think? Think it's some kind of cosmic karma? Biological evolution?"

"Well, with a question like that, you need to look at one of the main facts and that would be pretty damn bold. Look at us! We honestly should be impossible, I mean personifications of Nations? It's like something out of Japan, an anime or whatever! But the kids? I think they're kind of like...bonuses! But come onnn~" America grinned widely with a childish humor glittering in his blue eyes resembling the effect of light glistening on water and it made England pout at the way it still made his heart melt to witness. "You know you love them~! And meeee~"

"Oh, shut it!" England snapped yet America could see the humor squirming in those eyes and his lips twitching when the blonde threw the blankets off of his legs yawning before he could help it then swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood stretching when he flinched at the ache in his lower back and ass. "You're a bloody animal with brutish tendencies during sex, aren't you? So damn rough is what you are!" The last part was mumbled but America caught it just fine and beamed proudly.

"What can I say? You love it anyways! Such a glutton for those, and I quote, "brutish tendencies" because you went absolutely wild last night!" America protested then cheerfully reminded when he then sprawled out forward on his stomach and tucked his hands under his chin grinning in such a way it would put the Cheshire cat's grin to shame. "I think it's the pirate in you that loves that rough edge when we have sex otherwise you'd tell me to stop, wouldn't you? I've never once heard you say no or stop without it being in a kinky, role-play way cause you know if I hurt you I wouldn't do it! Am I too rough though? Do you want me to loosen up on that? Change it up to a more gentle way?"

A brilliant red flush burned in England's face making him glare at the American when he felt the heat in the very tips of his ears. "Shut up! Just drop it, I'll be fine!" England ordered going to the closet grabbing his clothing then marching to their shared bathroom while a rather obvious dark spot spread and grew on the flag boxers making the American grin widely. That's when he noticed he was being watched by large, identically colored eyes by the door that met his.

"I-Is Mummy still mad at us? Or mad at me?" Liam asked hesitantly while the light played off his glasses for a moment with the light pouring through the window as Jolene then appeared from behind her brother's back. Her eyes held the intensity of England as they looked between her brother then to her father a few times but remaining silent for a moment before sighing in a very England-like way.

"He's a twit, Daddy, there's no saving him!" Jolene remarked which, rather than hurting the one she spoke of, sent him into peals of giggles so abrupt it made her blink a few times. Then she thought about her words and began giggling with her brother that quite literally fed the other's humor to keep the giggling going so intensely America nearly got going in the giggle fest. His children had the high giggles that were of the infectious variety but he loved to hear it as it always made his heart warm when that filled the house rather than the bickering.

"Don't be calling people a twit, Jojo, it isn't nice!" America playfully scolded the child as he rolled off the bed to his feet perfectly then walked over to his children scooping up his daughter making a squeal fly out of her wit ha bright smile for a moment when he planted her on his hip and she giggled happily. "And you're not in trouble, Liam. You just wanted to help Jojo and you probably also wanted Mommy up, right?"

"I-I guess." Liam got the two words out through his giggles that were slowly dying only to stop all together as he felt a shameful blush crawling up into his cheeks and he fidgeted looking up at his father. Liam hated being scolded and he hated being in trouble but his father was smiling at him with a sparkle of good humor in his eyes while he looked down at the boy.

"That's fine then, tiny dude!" America replied reaching out then ruffling up the caramel locks of his son's already messy hair making him laugh cheerfully like his father. Jolene then pouted at this only to tap America's cheek to get him to hum in attention when he looked at the pouting four year old who had a rather playful look in her eyes even if it wasn't noticeable at first. She was a precious child, without a doubt!

"Me too, Daddy! Me too!" Jolene demanded thumping her tiny hand on his shoulder while she pouted so fiercely she looked exactly like England that the urge to squish her to his chest and never let her leave his presence struck the American the longer he looked at his daughter's tiny perfect face. He acted against the urge when he reached his hand up to ruffle Jolene's hair lovingly making her giggle rapidly, the sound warming his chest in the best way possible for there truly was nothing better than hearing your child or a child one adores laugh like that with such joy. While ruffling her hair she giggled until her body tensed and a whine burst out of her lips making him jerk his hand away carefully like her hair was coal threatening to spark to fire and he grimaced.

"Sorry, kiddo! I didn't mean to hit the curl! Forgive me?" America apologized while his daughter glared reproachfully or as reproachfully as a four year old could when she then nodded but continued glaring until a sigh sounded out into the room making three pairs of wide blue eyes to focus on the origin of sound and flinch guiltily. Although America wasn't quite sure what there was to feel guilty over but the feeling was contagious when he looked at his children's faces.

"Liam and Jolene I thought I told you both to be dressed and have your teeth brushed along with cleaning your room. Did you do all that in ten minutes?" England questioned when he crossed his arms while his eyes flicked to Liam who flinched under the emerald gaze then to Jolene who widened her eyes then looked down at the floor. She wiggled slightly like her guilt was too much for her tiny body or little conscience to accept when England sighed rather heftily when America looked at both of the guilty children before looking at England again.

"Come on, Iggy, lighten up! The kids only wanted to wake Mommy up cause they love you soooo much! Right, Jojo? Liam?" America questioned looking at his son then his daughter who's face looked up and the nodded while she squirmed insistently against his hip. It was like she was trying ot burrow into her father and make the perfect groove where she could hide in his arms unnoticed but it wasn't quite working like she wanted it too and frowned softly clinging to her father tightly instead now.

Yet she looked to her mother from behind her sunshine locks of hair that she had shaken into her hair before turning towards him, torso wobbling just a bit when she stretched her arms out towards him with a widening of her big blue eyes that no doubt melted her mother. England felt a burst of surprise then smiled with a little sigh through his nose when he stepped to America's side and plucked his daughter from the American's hip then balancing her on his hip which earned him quite the happy nuzzling movement that made him smile brilliantly in response. As grumpy as Jolene was, like her mother, the little girl was truly attached to hr mother and loved him deeply but was unable to show it right just like England was in that department. However, from her birth it would seem, that no matter how Jolene loved England she was the biggest Daddy known to history so the freely given nuzzling made England's mood go straight up for the better.

"We're sorry, Mummy!" Liam stuttered out making England look down at the boy who had eyes so far wide with emotion that the Brit felt like he was drowning in his son's sorrowful blue eyes that looked too much like his father's. It tugged at something in his chest that brought regret gushing forward.

"Oh, darling, Mummy isn't angry with you! He's just grumpy and easily angry in the morning! Come here, darling!" England stretched out his free arm for Liam who came ot his side happiyl and rested his head against England's side like any other day. The English Nation moved his hand over the caramel locks lovingly when he then cleared his throat lightly. "However, I do want both of you to get tidy for the day for Uncle Matthew is coming over today with your cousins after the meeting."

"Yay!" After squirming to be put down England let Jolene down and then, like a blink, both children were off running down the hallway to her bedroom no doubt she could go and get tidy like her mother ordered. It made England smile at their childish energy. England smiled fondly at them when he felt the arms sliding around his waist happily and he was then pulled back against America's chest making him look up to meet those lovely blue eyes he so adored and happily let the kiss take place as he sighed happily.

He curled his arms up and back over the American's arms to slide a hand into the surprisingly silky feeling caramel blonde locks when he pulled in a quick, sharp breath through his nose when America's lips became more urgent against his and he shivered when a wave of prickling heat washed over his skin. It was a heated sensation of climbing into a hot bath much too quick and it made the skin buzz, tingle. He was spun around in America's arms then backed towards the bed as he made a squeaking sound when he fell back on the bed with America flopping on top of him movements afterwards then held still just...staring downwards. Their breathes intermingled with the closeness as the arousal grew like that tingling reminder and the excitement made England's hands tremble lightly when he reached up lightly placing them on America's shoulders clinging to the shirt when he bit his lips. He released his lips when he was brought into a new kiss that his body moving up to press against America's, to be closer, to have him closer to him as he kissed America all too happily with a little sigh as he felt the heat swarming under his skin promising more when eh heard the loud knocking on the door. He could hear Liam and Jolene beginning to bicker about who would have the bath first which caused the American to pull away from his lover with a curse on his lips so foul England was grateful their children didn't hear it and struggled to even his breathes while his cheeks burned a soft red much like England's who reached up stroking his hot cheek and chuckled.

"It's okay, love." England murmured to him making those blue eyes glow with their question as America sat up on his knees which allowed England to sit up despite the awkward strain of muscles due to his legs being spread but he reached up grabbing one hand out on a shoulder clad shirt and clung to it holding himself upright while stroking his hot cheek. "We have all night long, love, while the children are sleeping later on. We have more than enough time tonight~"

America blinked with a little mild surprise then smirked widely at England when he dipped his head down to press his forehead against England's who was no begging to grin crookedly at the American. "You promiscuous little fuck, you~! I always knew there was somethin' kinky below your gentlemanly exterior!" He purred to the England man who became aware of a certain hardness pressing against his thigh and his crooked grin grew into a wide smirk when his cheeks turned a shade darker.

"Oh~ I think Florida has pressing matters that need attention~" England replied in his own little purr when he rested his hips then closed his legs around America's waist digging his heels into the blonde's lower back happily making America growl low in his throat. He leaned down despite the previous promise and kissed England hungrily while sweeping his hands up his side pushing his shirt up and moved his fingers over the warm, bared skin as he kissed England happily and fiercely making a small moan rattle out of the English Nation's throat when the door was thrown open.

"Mommy, Uncle Mattie calle- Oh! Liam! Daddy's eating Mommy again! He's gonna eat'em up! Liam!" The child's high voice rose to a screech when she shut the door just in time for both parents to look over to see said door slamming shut with a blur of sunshine hair being the last visible thing and then pounding footsteps. Despite the situation England felt the laughter bubbling up making his chest bob a few times before it burst out of him loud and unabashed surprising America who then laughed right along with him for a few moments before the laughs downgraded to chuckles.

"Let's go, you stupid git, you!" England shoved the American off who was grinning quite wide and quite happily. "You know we have to get to the Meeting on time this time round!"

"Don't worry, babe, I'll get us there on time, no problem!" America declared when he grinned hugely making him appear more like a deviously humored child who had just learned some kind of secret that he found amusing to it's core. Then he thumped the side of his fist against his chest while England sighed knowing the words that would come next and a wry smile curled over his lips when he looked at the American with amusement of his own. "I'm the Hero!