Act II : Lost Lineage

Chapter 16

A Bridge Too Far

The setting sun in the distant horizon cascaded a blanket of evening warmth and inviting colors of red, purple, pink, and orange. The multitude of buildings in its light cast a large, deep shadow on many citizens withdrawing from the public eye and into the sanctuary of their homes. And high above the rooftops, sitting in a darkened alcove of the Dragon Temple with the last bit of sunlight several dragon lengths above his head, was Tango.

His downcast eyes scanned the streets below him with no legitimate intent, except to allow his mind to drift to more distant areas of the city. The events of three days ago stood fresh in his brain, and even though he got more answers than he could've dreamed of, the yellow dragon found himself moving backward with it all. But part of him felt a sense of longing within the temple walls behind him, the records and criminal files he was fortunate to have feasted his eyes upon left a hollowness in his heart.

All the evidence and documents incriminating his parents as the criminals were overwhelming, but something about the whole situation and the events that unfolded just seemed off to him. He wanted to know why his parents attempted such a daring assassination in broad daylight was a real mystery. What did the death of the world's savior and his mate have to do with anything? Was it a statement? A classic story of revenge or jealousy? Or something far more sinister and darker that they needed Spyro's blood to spill?

Regardless of the reason, they failed their mission, nonetheless leaving nothing but their lifeless bodies and souls doomed to an eternity of darkness and solitude. The Ancestors, while very humble and forgiving, were also cruel and ruthless to those that seek to ruin the lives of others, whether it be by theft or cold-blooded murder.

But why did his parents, of all individuals, have to be involved?

Because based on the story that Spyro told, his parents showed compelling generosity, and thanks for all that the purple dragon and Cynder did for them. His mother was great friends with Aileen, and they shared an incredible bond, up until Cynder realized false friendship, and multiple ruses had led her. All so his father, Cyrus, could carry out the attack and kill Spyro. Yet, despite all that occurred with numerous hostile dragons dying and Tanzim being crystallized, Cyrus and Aileen pleaded for mercy out of fear of death, and Spyro exiled them out of rage and betrayal.

Tango knew that they had been scared of whatever was out there beyond the city walls, leaving him to question just how big this Order of the Dark Crescent was. Because the group wasn't just buried in the ground or locked up in a maximum-security prison like Master Volteer wanted him to believe. No, they were much larger and much more of a threat than he could fathom, and he theorized that they have only grown since the incident.

For all the honey-scaled dragon knew, the Order could be watching him at this very moment, waiting for him to make some move unless they were led to believe that he died with his parents. He prayed silently for the latter, not wanting to look over his shoulder for that one individual to tear his throat or rip his heart out or chop him up into tiny little pieces.

Ancestor's why am I imagining my eyeballs being removed?!

He instead pulled his gaze to look in the direction of the city walls, and ironically enough, his blue eyes were looking in the course of the Whispering Wilds. Nearly a day's flight just beyond the horizon and the same path that his parents fled from the city they thought was going to be their home. Tango didn't want to believe they made all that effort only to try and kill his adopted father. His mind was telling him to be logical and understanding of the whole situation, but his heart was in a completely different place. It wanted him to believe they made the big move to the city to create a new life for themselves so they could provide for him when he hatched.

Granted, it happened seven years too late for the poor dragon, leaving him without his birth parents and haunted with horrid memories of a dangerous land. But not everyone is dealt the same hand when they are born; a lesson Tango learned the first couple of years in the Spyro family home — seeing the many different demographics put a lot of perspective on Tango, even though he was looking down at it from higher up on the totem pole.

And for that, Tango knew he was fortunate to live this life.

He had a fantastic support system that brought him up in the best possible school with all the best teachers, giving him life-lessons that he'd carry with him to the afterlife, providing a roof over his head, and a belly full of food. All were things that Spyro and Cynder provided for him out of kindness and love. All things he was jeopardizing with his unstoppable hunt for more truth.

But to top it all off, he grew up with a sibling. Avala—as annoying as she could be—was the one piece of support he knew he could always count on. It didn't matter the size, difficulty, or duration of the task; if Tango asked for help from his older sister, she'd be there for him. But while Avala shared an incredible bond with her little brother, it still didn't change the fact that his birth father nearly killed her so many years ago.

Tango would never be able to look at her the same, imagining a year-old version of the ice dragoness bloodied and bruised in a silent pile of scales on the ground. A near vivid image he'd probably hold in his head for a long time unless he could find a way to burn it clear. A life without his older sister didn't feel like a life he would've enjoyed living. She was one of the many anchors that kept him planted on solid ground, losing her risked the possibility of floating away out of reach.

But despite all that Avala was to him, it didn't balance out the fact that Spyro and Cynder withheld his true identity and the names of his parents. It seemed like all their good intentions and opportunities for him were just sad excuses at trying to pay him back for the life they had taken from him. All he could see now were their saddened faces, broken by the horror of having their child turn against them.

He tightened his eyes until his eyelids hurt, removing that image from his head with a bold shake of his snout. With a final breath to bury the distracting past, Tango opened his gaze and watched the last bit of sun finally dip beneath the horizon. The warm glow slowly became devoured by the night sky, the stars began to speckle the deep blue beyond, and a cool breeze washed over his scales.

Why do I feel sympathy for those two? After all, that happened, do I feel guilty for my actions? I mean, I can't get their sad faces out of my head?

Nothing he could do would wipe his mind clear of his adopted parents and their shattered expressions. The tenacity of his words and accusations resonated in his eardrums, striking down their walls and destroying the life they created for him. Though it felt empowering to get the rage and frustration of his chest, though, it also carried a huge burden of guilt and shame. His behavior was uncharacteristic and unbecoming of a dragon his age and social status. Turning on them was the single dumbest thing he had ever done, and Master Volteer insisted that they were not in the wrong.

And what made it hurt even more was that he was actually starting to believe it.

The evidence against his parents spoke for itself, leaving little to no wiggle room for explanation or defense. Tango knew that if they were to stand a trial at this very moment given all the incriminating testimonies and documents, they'd never see the light of day again. His mother might've gotten some sort of deal, granted she didn't take any lives and only distracted Cynder from the imminent attack on her mate. But his father most likely would be rotting away in a deep, dark cell in the depths of the Warfang Prison—a dungeon filled with the worst forms of scum and villainy.

And here he was going against Master Volteer's wishes, letting his emotions cloud his judgment, and his heart yearning him to find every possible answer regarding his dead parents.

A place Tango realized he needed to get into to search for the lone survivor of the assassination attempt. The supposed last member of the mysterious Order of the Dark Crescent. If anyone had answers for him regarding his parents, their motives, and their involvement with the Order, it was this dangerous individual. And he had a plan to get to him, even if it seemed way out of his own abilities.

The idea of breaking into a maximum-security prison—home of terrible, despicable people—didn't sit well with him one bit. A foreign place filled with nasty individuals guarded by some of the roughest and toughest guards in the city. And that was just the fear of getting caught by a pair of guards too. He didn't even begin to acknowledge what might happen if a prisoner grabbed him, and the multitude of things that could happen to him.

The possibility of being extremely hurt or killed made him shiver in his scales. But it didn't discourage him from continuing on with his plan. Tango would find his answers one way or another. And he knew just where to start thanks to his inquisitive mind, and the evidence had taken mental notes during his special visit to the Archive Hall.

While Volteer had continued to fondle with various scrolls, Tango studied the parchment of the remaining assassin. He learned from this study that this individual was literally a nobody to the world. This dangerous dragon had no name, none to call his own, no religion to follow, and nothing about him whatsoever. Indeed, a shadow and smoke in everyone's eyes, a ghost that hid perfectly in the night, as silent as an owl swooping down to snatch up its unsuspecting prey.

If Tango got that far, he wasn't planning on getting close. He didn't feel like satisfying the itchy paws of a murderer with his own scales. But to get to him, Tango needed to locate the hidden entrance of the prison, specifically the maximum-security section in the deepest, darkest depths beneath the city streets. And luckily enough, Tango read the fine print of the prisoner's file, knowing the general location of the prison entrance. All he had to do was scour the southeastern border of the city, specifically along the coastline.

The sun had fully settled below the horizon, barely a sliver of light against the ocean before entirely disappearing out of sight. This was the moment Tango had been waiting for, complete darkness to sneak in and out without getting caught. It seemed pretty simple to him, but his mind kept reminding him of the significant imbalance between the risks and rewards.

"No," he whispered, shaking his head violently. "If I'm going to bury it, I am going to bury every last bit of it in the ground. This is for me and the ones I never got to love."

Tango pulled himself up onto the granite railing, balancing on the edge of solid ground and open air. He closed his eyes and slowly opened his waiting wings, that urge to leap into nothingness overpowering his careless desire to stay firmly planted in place. And with a deep, fulfilling breath of air, the lightning dragon took to the night sky in effortless but powerful flaps of his wings.

That immediate rush of cold wind slammed into his muzzle, but he welcomed it with a smile. Flying, an activity not often played with, was one of his guilty pleasures. Something he was unable to perform until the ripe age of ten when Spyro gave him his first few lessons in the comfort of their home. That empowering and robust memory of feeling the wind under his wings for the first time was all thanks to the one he couldn't stand the sight of anymore.

His father, Spyro.

As Tango barely skimmed over the rooftops in a comfortable glide, he could see the plethora of memories with the purple dragon flash right before his eyes. Reminiscing on all the fun he had while growing up with merely the most significant role model in his life. He remembered the first time Spyro called him son, the very first embrace they shared, and all the other memories that brought a warming fire to his heart. But as they began to slowly fade from his vision, Tango felt the pain of them all potentially leaving him for good.

He was risking the only happiness he ever knew all for his own selfish desire.

The yellow dragon's glide slowed dramatically to almost an immediate halt like he was simply floating in the air, as he began to ponder this current endeavor. He felt a pang in his chest as though his heart was skipping several beats, knowing that this was easily the stupidest thing he was going to do. But Tango also felt a surging tidal wave push his interest further, beating energy into his wings, and taking him closer to his target destination.

Every flap of his grey membrane wings made his muscles scream hysterically, begging him to turn back before it was too late.

Too late!

The sound of waves crashing against rock faces resonated off the streets of the city, a wall between him and the open ocean. He angled upwards and banked over the city walls, diving just below them to avoid being seen by patrolling guards searching for every little bit of action—the night shift slowly draining away their strong will. Tango definitely took advantage of their bagging eyelids as he began to scan for signs of a potential prison entrance.

Based on his knowledge and a couple of scrolls he managed to scrounge up, Tango knew he was looking for something discreet and well hidden. It was likely disguised inside a sea cave with limited access and a nearly invisible path leading up to it. But anything that resembled such a place was hidden beneath a sheet of pure black nothingness. Only air between him and frigid ocean waters capable of swallowing full-grown dragons whole.

However, that was the least of his concerns.

Should the lighting dragon dip any further, he'd risk colliding with deadly sea rocks and potentially get sucked underwater by dangerous ocean currents, permanently sealing his fate—that's if a wave didn't slam him against the cliffside first.

Tango swallowed heavily at the thought of his neck snapping like a twig, softly gripping the soft flesh and shuddering uncomfortably. But he flew on in the hope of spotting something out of place that could give him the slightest amount of idea where this prison entrance might be. His eagerness was capable of pushing him through the night if he had to, but he wasn't planning on being around when the sun would rise.

Therefore, the yellow scaled dragon had plenty of time to be in and out before anyone noticed.

Without a second thought or reason to vocally explain himself, Tango banked hard right and flew out over the ocean with waves growing in intensity the further he ventured. A few waves barely grazed the bottom of his paws, which was enough to instill fearful thoughts of what lay beyond the dreaded darkness. The light cast by the city grew dimmer and dimmer as he flew, but the dragon's plan was to reach the point where he'd be flying completely blind.

It sounded like a good idea in my head!

His heart pounded heavily against his ribcage, reminding him of the lunacy of his plans despite his best efforts to suppress that growing fear of drowning. And the heavy winds coming from the open ocean only added to the building tension in his stomach, adding an ache to his wings, forcing him to work harder with his flying.

Thankfully, the wind pelting his muzzle and making his eyes water didn't last long as he turned around and began to pan his sights along the coastline. The bright light of Warfang was a beautiful sight shooting up into the night sky with stars glistening and the crescent moons shining. Though he didn't care for them as much as the one light, he was able to make out a bit further up the coast outside of the city boundaries.

A faint, yet distinct, light of a lantern!

Tango swallowed the massive lump building in his throat, his wings carrying his momentum forward, and his heart racing as he closed in on the little light in the distance. In time, he found it to be more than just a lantern. The lightning dragon discovered it to be a medium-sized vessel moving slowly through the sea, though he never got close to it, he saw the plethora of barrels and crates stacked neatly across its surface.

And as his eyes looked closer, Tango could make out two distinct individuals clad in heavy plate armor: two massive set dragons to be exact. They were posted on either end of the barge, their bodies focused and alert with heads panning in every direction. Despite their harmless cargo—which Tango determined to be food and rations—the guards treated it like a dangerous prisoner, keeping their distance but ensuring nothing was coming on or around the barge. Making it harder for Tango to see a potential opening.

Looking up towards the impending coastline, Tango knew he was only going to have one shot at landing on the barge without being spotted. But with the window being tight and the hiding places nothing but a sizable gap between barrels, his chances of being caught only seemed to increase with every second that passed.

As expected, the only way to a viable hiding spot would be through the deck. As much as he was eager to learn, he possessed neither the agility nor the finesse of his mother or Avala, landing behind the guards seemed like a guaranteed ticket to the gallows. Instead, he aimed for the mast of the ship, it would provide a solid foothold to start off his operation.

He had picked excellent weather to top it off! Not ideal for sailing in the slightest, but the heavy rainfall and faint mist would cloak his swift drop. In a heartbeat, he folded his wings tightly to his body, before directing his nose at the ocean. The daring teen assumed the stature of a falcon nosediving for its prey, reaching an unstoppable momentum in seconds! He couldn't pull out anymore, he was as good as any crook when he spread his paws and latched onto the splintering wood of the mast. The abrupt halt really took a toll on his stamina, tendons tugged at their roots. He yelped, but his whimpers were drowned by the wind.

With effort and a full swing of his rear, he steadied his grip on the mast, currently hanging upside down for fear of a guard spotting him. Sooner or later, he'd have to gather his bearings and swoop on the main deck, this exercise was far beyond his physical capabilities, and he couldn't remain like that forever!

He forced his aching legs to push against the wind to no avail, he tried reaching for another foothold, a crack in the wood, anything! He couldn't allow his investigation to end so soon and with him plummeting into the ocean as a bonus.

The deck was splashed with salty water with each shift of the ship's weight. However, that didn't budge the guards from their posts. Tango cursed to himself and faintly flopped on the hard surface of the deck after a nerve-wracking climb. With no time to waste, and while the two guards maintained their stoic stances, the yellow dragon squeezed himself in-between the barrels. It was a snug fit, leaving little to no room for moving around, but it was out of the sightlines of both guards.

Tango could barely see between the cracks in the barrels, refraining from sticking his head above the top of them where the guards would easily see him. But from what he could see, which was primarily darkness and dim light, the ship was moving slowly into the sea cave. Soon enough, the ship was consumed by the rock structure, disappearing into a pitch-black gloom, barely a lantern on the bow to light their way.

And it only grew quieter and quieter until all Tango could hear was his own breathing. Not a drop of water, splashing of waves, or the creak of wood could be heard. But that came to a swift end as a new metallic sound rang in his ears, as well as the rattling of thick, heavy chains. He determined that to be a large steel gate.

A new light brighter than the lantern began to creep up on the barge, filling the cave with a warm, inviting glow. It seeped through the cracks and lit up the hiding place the young dragon was in, making his heart lurch slightly. But the guards still seemed to be completely oblivious of his presence on their vessel. Tango swallowed heavily and allowed himself a chance to calm his nerves, knowing he was safely concealed for now.

The ship passed through the gate without stopping, continuing to trudge along. Tango could hear indistinct voices beyond the barrels and crates, but not so much as a grunt from the two guards. And the deeper they went into the cave, the light became brighter, and the voices grew louder and more individualized. There was no turning back from this point forward.

After a few more minutes of the slow float through the cave, the vessel came to a slow halt, brushing against a smooth, stone dock. Tango looked up and could barely make out a rather impressive structure built into the cave with torches alight to seep into every darkened crevice. In fact, most of the cave had been smoothed out and shaped into structured walls. Almost like it was plucked right out of the city streets and buried underground.

He heard footsteps approaching the ship, which caused the two guards to turn their heads. A yellow light accompanied, pushing its light into Tango's hiding space, making the barrels and crates take on a shade similar to his golden scales. But, yet again, no one was aware nor the wiser of his presence.

"Cargo Vessel 2-1, I presume?" A female voice said, words filled with authority. "You're ten minutes behind schedule!"

"Apologies, Captain," one of the guards responded immediately. "Port workers were taking their sweet time loading the supplies for tonight's banquet and the additional rations."

"And you didn't bother to tell them the importance of these supplies?" The Captain questioned. "What do you think we were going to tell Master Spyro if his dinner wasn't delivered to him?"

Spyro is here! What's he doing at the prison?

"I don't know, Ma'am," the guard answered, voice low and unsure. "I was just hoping-"

"You hoped?" The Captain sighed, this conversation immediately giving her an undesired headache. "We don't 'hope' at this institution. We get things done on the clock, not a second more and not a second less. Failure to abide by this decreases facility efficiency and sustainability. Does that make sense to you two numb skulls?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good," she huffed. "I say this because today marks the one-hundredth anniversary of this prison's opening. And our wonderful prison superintendent personally requested Master Spyro to attend the ceremony. So I'd prefer it if you'd be on time and stick to the timeline passed. Now help unload the cargo before I put you both on latrine duty."

Without waiting for their response, the feminine officer stalked away with the bright light in tow. Tango swallowed to himself, his heart slowly relaxing, and allowing him a moment to collect himself.

"Well, you heard her," one of the guards sighed. "Let's start moving these crates before we're neck-deep in excrement."

"Agreed! Let's start right here in the center."

I'm in the center crates!

Tango frantically looked around for a route to escape, knowing he'd be discovered if he didn't move fast. The sound of claws scraping against boxes and the ever slight shift of the barge terrified him. Getting caught would quickly put him front and center with Spyro and the rest of the guards, and likely earn him a free night in the can. The repercussions would be devastating for him, and the Spyro family name would be forever tainted by his recklessness.

He could feel his hiding spot becoming more evident as nearly half the cargo had now been removed. New cracks opened up, allowing him a better vision of his surroundings, but it also signified the time he had left before he was surely spotted and snatched up. His eyes watched one of the two guards turn and approach the barge, sights set on the crate between him and the lumbering dragon. His ears perked at the sound of the box shifting in front of him sucked in a silent, deep breath, and winced with his eyes screwed shut.

"Hey! You two!"

Tango opened his eyes and was shocked to see the crate left in its place. It seemed like luck was on his side at this moment, observing the two guards being approached by another dragon. This one was smaller and a bit lanky but carried a commanding disposition in their stride. Tango swore he heard a pair of curses come from under one of the guards' breaths.

Someone important, maybe?

"What in the name of the Ancestors are you two doing?"

"Uh… unloading as the Captain ordered? What does it look like we're doing?"

The smaller dragon growled to himself, fuming slowly through the nose. "Well, while you were simply following orders, a small situation developed on the upper detention level that requires your attention. Get there now! Unloading the barge can wait."

At the same time the dragon finished rambling, an alarm sounded in the distance. Practically adding more weight to his words and putting them all on high alert.

"A hundred years, and we're still using an outdated alarm system," a guard silently complained. "May as well get rid of the locks and bury the keys while we're at it!"

"Can it! Let's go!"

Tango peeked over the top of the crate, grateful that all backs were turned toward him. He stayed relatively concealed even for a few moments after the three guards disappeared around a distant corner. Once the hurrying footfalls ceased, he hopped up and over the box and onto the stone floor of the dock.

The chill of the floor sent shudders up his calves and down to the tip of his tail. If his scales could form goosebumps, they'd be at their highest peak of cold fear. The law had officially been broken, and Tango had no intention of turning back now.

Answers were within his reach, and he was not going to stop at nothing. So with a heavy sigh, he pushed himself forward and into the depths of the prison, where the darkness consumed the light and gave way to a world of danger and suffering. A type of place that carried a particular essence he was all too familiar with thanks to his early years.

It had only taken a few minutes before Tango finally realized that the prison was a giant labyrinth of turns and dead ends. He'd been fortunate to not have any guards stumble upon him or vice versa. But it still made him feel like he was going in circles. And by the Ancestors, it was growing tiresome and irritating. The young dragon had lost count of how many times he ran face-first into a stone wall.

Tango trudged on, circumnavigating the halls, following the growing ambient light until his path came to a vast open space. It looked like a hub of sorts, with halls going off in multiple directions. Though only one stood out above the rest being that it was slightly larger than the rest and had more details chiseled into the smooth stone. There was no sign or form of direction, but he felt something in his gut, saying that this was the way to go.

He took each step hesitantly, his entire body tensed with caution, barely making a sound as he snuck down the hall. It was at this point where he was going to have to improvise his plan drastically, seeing as it wasn't accounting for his lack of knowledge regarding the prison. Tango only had an idea to get in, but not a way to find the prisoner or a way to escape all while remaining unseen. In fact, he was still kind of surprised he'd made it this far.

The more he progressed down the hall, the more he realized that he was heading into a heavier trafficked area of the prison, but was finding it odd that it seemed empty. However, it didn't sound quiet either as he could make out the sound of a large procession of people further down the hall. It put his scales on edge, but his legs trekked onward, barely missing a beat as he got closer and closer to the noise, yet his eyes didn't notice the sudden change in the scenery until he felt something warm and soft beneath his paws.

Tango panned around the room with his eyes, taking in the intricate architecture of arches and columns mixed in with dark and vibrant colors. Tapestries lined the walls, and statues were placed in between, each representing decorated members of the guard, army, and individuals of society. The yellow dragon couldn't put a face to any of them, no matter how hard he tried. He simply shrugged it away before moving deeper into the hall. By now, the noise he heard previously had turned to indistinct voices, and it sure sounded like a lot of them. His legs brought him through an open set of doors onto a terrace overlooking a grand ballroom.

A grand ballroom filled with dragons.

It dawned on him that this must've been the celebration that the Captain had mentioned to the two guards on the barge. In fact, he could make out what might be her—a female clad in ceremonial armor—standing amongst other dragons dressed in similar apparel. They were toward the far wall where a large stone platform where speakers were to be presented from held. A massive lump formed in his mouth, and he felt his heart beating against the back of his ribcage. However, besides his body filling with little bits of fear and terror, Tango continued to observe the crowd for any indication of where he needed to go next.

Fortunately for him, he only spotted the usual elemental colors, occasionally laying eyes on the rarer elements here and there. He sighed happily that he didn't see a purple scaled hide amongst the crowd, knowing that his father was going to be in attendance at this gathering. This gave him ample time to sneak down into the event and blend in without the worry of somebody recognizing him.

At least, that was what his mind was leading him to believe.

Being the adopted son of a fabled hero, sure did come with the unfortunate hassle of bumping into someone with some form of significance to society. Most of them, if not all of them, have been met at similar gatherings such as this one. Needless to say, it was almost a guarantee that he was going to recognize someone even if they didn't recognize him. Though he held the thought of the exact opposite occurring securely at the back of his mind.

"Maybe if someone does see me, I can just say I'm here with my father?" Tango said to himself, his voice lacking confidence. "Yeah, that's going to have to be the excuse."

He certainly didn't look the part though, being all smudgy and grimy from the trip would leave him standing out like frogweed in a wheat farm. The thin crusty layer of salt that encased him after his diving expedition, as well as the assorted fishy smell, would only draw more attention to him in this ballet of perfectly shined and glistening scales.

He turned towards a set of stairs tucked against the wall and made his way down them slowly. The lack of a wall left him wide open for any curious eyes as he proceeded down them. Luckily for him, they weren't looking for very long before returning to their previous conversations. Tango could smell the slight tinge of alcohol in the air, strong enough to make him a little queasy. He'd snuck a sip of his father's homemade ale when he was younger and nearly threw up all over the kitchen because of it. It wasn't a pleasant memory for him, but it sure was a hilarious one for his sister, who witnessed the whole thing and from that day forth called him a lightweight.

At the bottom of the steps blanketed in a shadow, Tango emerged into the light and immediately found himself being eyeballed from numerous dragons and assorted guest species. They looked at him—primarily his scales—with a slight look of disdain, which led the young drake to look upon himself in a new light. He cringed at the unholy sight of his scales, now dull and faded from the sea air and moisture. His cheeks grew red hot, and he slowly—slightly panicked—looking for a place to hide and maybe clean himself up, but to no avail, the eyes of disgust continued to stare daggers into his scales.

He could hear their whispers and could feel himself begin metaphorically dug into a six-foot grave. However, the young dragon wouldn't let their silent words get the best of him, standing up straight and stoically walked through the crowd, eventually finding a sign where he was able to freshen himself up and look somewhat the part of a guest. He found a simple wash bin and towels and immediately went to work cleaning himself up, revealing the honey-colored scales and renewing their sheen. Once he felt satisfied, Tango returned to the ballroom, finding the guests were remarkably more friendly and open, making him feel welcome.

Though it didn't take long for someone to spot him as 'an interesting individual' and try to intercept him to engage in friendly discussion, a sharp glare in Tango's eyes stopped the other dragon in their tracks. He flashed an apologetic smirk and turned away, finding a pair of females more to his liking instead. Tango rubbed a paw across his brow and took a calm breath.

However, his heart skipped a beat as a familiar voice called out his name.


The lightning dragon turned to see a friendly and humbled face of the fire dragon, Onix, a member of the Warfang High Council. Tango swallowed heavily as the giant dragon walked over to him and eyeballed him curiously.

"I thought I recognized you," Onix said knowingly. "Didn't realize you fancied these formal get-togethers. Must take after your old man more than I assumed."

Tango sighed to himself, realizing Onix had no idea of his true intentions. "Yeah, I figured I'd tag along with him and see what it was like. Never knew prisons held these sort of events. It seems a tad abnormal to me, don't you think?"

"Indeed," the fire dragon chuckled. "Well, I didn't want to hold you any longer. I figured I would just stop to say hello and then leave you to your own business. Speaking of which, I was hoping to find Spyro and discuss something with him. Do you know where he went?"

Tango shrugged. "Honestly, I don't have the slightest clue, but his demeanor is certainly an eye-catcher even in this colorful gathering, so he's sure to stand out." Not a second after he finished his sentence, Tango felt a massive paw settle on his back and his entire body instantly froze and his eyes went wide. "Unless of course, he finds us-"

"Spyro, my friend!" Onix exclaimed joyfully. "It's good to see you."

All Tango could do was turn his head to see Spyro staring blankly into him, immediately seeing disappointment, anger, and confusion buried deep within his bright amethyst eyes. Though he was smart to not let it show as he turned to Onix and returned the greeting, however, his voice seemed far from excited.

"Onix, good evening," Spyro said calmly. "I see you're enjoying yourself. How's the family?"

"Oh, they're wonderful," Onix replied. "Maryne is at the nursery visiting the twins for the evening while I'm stuck with official duties attending this 'lovely' event. I was quite surprised to bump into your son here too."

"I'll bet you were, my friend," Spyro chuckled, looking back down at his son, a hint of rage filling his pupils. "Though, he's good at sneaking off into the crowd. Luck I was able to find him with you instead of with some guards."

Onix snickered. "The young chap would've let those guards have it, that's for sure. It might be safe to say that they're luckier than him."

"I wouldn't say that," Spyro rebuked.

"Very well," Onix seceded. "Anyways, I was hoping to discuss a particular matter regarding a discussion we had a few weeks back."

"Onix, I'm afraid I have some…. personal matters to discuss with my son. Can we continue this conversation another time and in a less social setting?"

"Yes, yes, of course," Onix agreed quickly, dipping his head. "I'll bring it up before the next High Council meeting, does that seem fair?"

"Perfectly," Spyro responded with a nod. "Until next time."

"Until next time indeed," Onix mumbled before turning and disappearing into the sea of scales.

Tango grew increasingly more uncomfortable, feeling the seconds pass by like hours. His breath shuddered, and he was scared to even open his lips to speak, not even able to maintain eye contact with Spyro. His slim chance of searching for the prisoner had exploded right in his face, and now he'd have to face the consequence of his father. He could feel the anger in Spyro's paw moving across his back before the paw was removed.

"We're leaving this ball in the next five seconds," Spyro ordered to his son. "I don't want to hear a single word leave your muzzle until we get home. Do you understand?"

Tango slowly nodded, failing to build up his defiance, instead simply submitting to his father. The tension between them made his chest hurt and knowing it was going to get worse once they were behind closed doors scared him.

Without garnering much attention, knowing that if he struggled or went against his father, he'd only end up shamed even more. He complied with Spyro forcefully guiding him across the hall, feeling like one of those prisoners who arrived at their final destination.

"This isn't what-"

"I said, not a word!" He choked through gritted teeth, a few guests turned their way with gleeful smiles. In their eyes, Spyro and his son were just having a close moment. At least his image as a father wouldn't be stained.

A few guests attempted to cut their march short by greeting Spyro, but he brushed them off uninterested. The meaningless squabbles of Warfang's nobles mattered little to him in front of this vile turn of events. He reached the gate of the ballroom, immediately sending the guards aside, while a small crowd behind him stared in disappointment as their hero was a step away from exiting the fest.

He felt the need to address his sudden departure. "Friends! It is with great sadness that I excuse myself and my son for the night. I would like to thank the Warden and his entire team of dedicated guards and staff for not only keeping our city safe all these years but also for being the hosts of this delectable ball. I wish you all a blessed evening."

After a few scurried goodbyes and dragons reaching out to Spyro for a word, he had already pushed Tango out into the cold night faster than he delivered his fabricated speech. The night had become more chilled than before, and it made the lighting dragon shudder in his scales. Though his father didn't seem to care as he nudged him along with a gentle shove of the paw. He could only imagine the thoughts running through the purple dragon's head, most of them frustrated or disappointed.

For the first time in Tango's life, he truly feared what was to come next as they trudged along through the quiet night towards home.

What have I done?

A/N: I'll be pretty honest...I'm disappointed in myself. I put this off for way too long and it has been eating away at my sanity for months. Besides a two month training operation, I have zero excuse as to why I kept this chapter unfinished in my docs. It isn't right to do that to you guys, knowing that this story is loved by many. I have no intention of giving up on it though. This was just a terrible speed bump the size of Everest. But I do intend to take an official break from this story.

What does that entail?

I intend to write out chapter plans for the next three chapters of this story during my break. Once those are complete, I will begin writing out said chapters and having them edited and ready to go. Does that mean the next update might not be for a little while? Yes. But if I am to get myself on the right track, I must take drastic measures to ensure the continuation of this story without the risk of going months with an update. However, if all goes well, I should have three chapters to post over the course of three weeks. We'll just have to wait and see how it goes.

Big thanks to my friend, TheDragonPhylakas, for motivating me and being there at every crossroad. And a big thanks to my Discord friends for being a constant reminder as to why I love writing.

Make sure to Favorite/Follow and leave a review about what you thought of the chapter.

Until next time, God Bless and Take care

Atlas Out