Magnus woke up, and before he even opened his eyes his head was pounding and his mouth felt like it was stuck together it was so dry. His mouth tasted like vomit.

He opened his eyes slowly, the sunlight coming in through his open window stinging his eyes, and he groaned under his breath. Before he'd started drinking last night, he'd thankfully had the foresight to get out one of Catarina's homemade Hangover Cure, and he eased himself up, every moment making his stomach churn and his head throb. He resolved he would never drink again, the way he did every time he had a hangover, and downed the potion on his dresser, wincing. It burned as it went down his throat, and the effects were instant: the nausea, dizziness and dehydration faded, but his head was still pounding, so he stood up, wobbling unsteadily, and staggered into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water, then froze.

Alexander Lightwood was lying, asleep, on his couch.
Magnus' memory was scrambled, he was unable to think clearly due to his headache, but he approached Alec, one hand massaging his temple, squinting at him.
"Alec, what are you doing on the couch, why aren't you in bed with-"
He stopped as Alec shifted and opened his eyes and frowned at him. Magnus remembered that he'd kicked him out and that they weren't talking, and wondered why Alec was there. Not, that it was an unwelcome surprise. "Why are you…here?"
Alec sat up, face stony, but the effect of it was slightly softened by the fact that his t-shirt had ridden up, revealing the toned muscles of his stomach, and his hair was sticking up on side adorably.
"You called me. You were attacked by a demon."
Magnus frowned, trying to remember.
"You were super drunk," Alec added, disapprovingly.
"Oh. Right." Magnus nodded as he vaguely remembered the attack and him calling Alec, then stopped moving his head as it made his headache worse. "Was that the only reason I called you?"
"It sounded like it." Alec snapped, in a manner that suggested to Magnus that he had said something bad after his nearly two bottles of wine.
"I…I wanted to talk to you." Magnus winced and rubbed his forehead. "I can't remember why, though."
"Take your time. It's not like you're wasting mine, or anything." Alec snarled. "If can't remember and just called me here because you were too drunk to protect yourself then I'm going."
"Alec," Magnus protested weakly. "But…why were you nearby? That late at night?"
"It's none of your business."
"So the same reason as me, then." Magnus muttered, and Alec scowled.
"What do you mean?"
Magnus ignored him and went to the sink, got himself a glass of water and gulped it down, then had another.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Alec said shortly.
"It was about...I told you to leave because I wanted to keep you safe- but I called you here to get rid of the demon for you? I'm sorry."
"I'm not your own personal demon exterminator, Magnus."
"I know you're not!"
Magnus stumbled over to the couch and slumped down on it, and Alec immediately stood up and walked to the other side of the room. "You didn't need to stay here if that's how you feel, Alec."
"You know that's not…" Alec made an exasperated noise. "I'll just go."

Alec picked up his bow, combed down his hair with his hand, and went to leave. Magnus said tiredly, "Whatever I said to you, Alec, I was drunk. Does that matter?"
He paused. "Was that the demon that killed the other warlocks, Magnus?
'So I could come here now, but you still don't want me to."
The Shadowhunter went to leave.
"Alec, wait-"
"Why should I? You don't want me here."
Magnus' eyes widened in understanding. "Is that what I said?"
This was met with silence, so Magnus continued. "Of course I want you here, I just didn't want you to get hurt-"
"It doesn't feel like it. Who saved your ass from the demon? Me. But that's just not good enough for you, is it?"
"Alec, stop!" Magnus stood up, eyes flaring, angry. Alec glared back at him.
"Why, because it's true?"
Magnus made an angry gesture, and red sparks flew out of his hands. A vase on the windowsill smashed against the wall, sending glass and flowers flying everywhere, and Alec ducked. Magnus was about to apologise when Alec straightened, hand on his cheek, and Magnus saw the bright red blood staining his fingertips.

Alec blinked at Magnus in surprise, and Magnus took a step back, then another.
"Alec, I'm…"
"It's fine, it was an accident-"
"I hurt you." Magnus whispered. "I hurt you."
"I hurt you. You need to go. You need to leave."
"Magnus, this is ridiculous, I'm not leaving."
"Alec, don't make me force you out." Magnus raised his hands, and Alec stayed still for a moment, leaning towards the door like he was going to leave. Then he all of a sudden strode briskly towards Magnus, taking him by surprise, grabbed him by the waist, pulled them together and kissed him.

Magnus leant into it for a second, on instinct, then pulled away, pulling himself out of Alec's grip. Alec grabbed his wrists. "Magnus, come on-"
"I said don't make me force you out, Alec."

The shame on Magnus' face and the hurt on Alec's made each of their hearts twist painfully.
"Magnus, listen to me, it was an accident."
"I hurt you." Magnus' voice was hard and flinty, brittle. "I hurt you. That is inexcusable. This is over. You need to get out of my apartment, now."
"You didn't mean to," Alec held his hands up like a gesture of surrender. "Magnus, please-"
"Alec, this is your last warning-"
The Shadowhunter took one deep breath, and composed himself.
"Magnus." He said calmly. "You're upset. You're feeling guilty, even though you shouldn't. You can't make this decision now, because you're upset. It doesn't make sense for you make this decision now. Does that make sense?"
"Alec, I told you to get out."
"Magnus." Alec repeated. "We can't talk about this now. You're hungover, and upset and angry and tired and we can't talk about this now."
"Alec, now."
"Don't hurt me again." Alec burst out, face calm but posture tense and angry. "Don't hurt me again. This? This is hurting me more than that accident. Don't hurt me again, Magnus. Don't hurt me."
Magnus faltered, just for a second, and Alec dived for it.
"Don't hurt me, Magnus."
Magnus didn't answer, but blue sparks kept swirling around his hands, flicking from red to blue with his wavering emotions. His eyes were fixed on Alec's cut. When he kept staring at it, Alec went for his stele with slow, fluid movements, like trying not to spook a wild animal, and drew an iratze.
They were quiet for a moment. A breeze blew in from the open window, and both of them shivered at the same time.

Alec took a step closer to Magnus. "Are we fine now? Come on, Magnus, I know it was an accident."
"You don't understand, this relationship, this is going to hurt me. This, this always hurts me."
"What do you mean?"
"I haven't felt like this in…I'm immortal. I thought I could put up with losing you, but…this is going too far. And if this is hurting you, too…then I don't think we can-"
"Of course we can! We're Alec and Magnus! We always do! We always can! We're us!
We get through this together! Come on Magnus." He pleaded. "Don't hurt me again."

I hope you liked it! Reviews are greatly appreciated. The next chapter should be up soon.
Fly xx