DaRose: I am so excited to see everyone enjoying this series so far. I'm glad I can give you all a little thing to laugh at for a moment in your day.

((Disclaimer: It's probably a very good thing that I do not own any of the characters or the show itself.))

"That will be all today everyone, good work!" Isaka stated cheerfully as he ended the third meeting that he had attended for the day. While the room emptied of those who had also attended, Isaka sat heavily back in his chair.

"Three meetings down, only four more to go." the company president mentally groaned. He definitely did not like this aspect of his job. It was even harder today as he didn't have his trusty secretary by his side. Apparently Asahina was needed to speak with a couple of board members about a few issues while Isaka was holding his own meetings.


Isaka pulled out his phone and swiped the screen to see that he had gotten a text message.

A: Isaka-san.

Ah, and speaking of his secretary.

I: Yes?

A: I understand that I am not currently able to be with you during your meetings today, but I would appreciate you not starting unnecessary fights with the staff.

Apparently the rumor about gossip spreading like wildfire through Marukawa was earning its merit. If Asahina was already berating him for what had occurred not that long ago during his last meeting.

I: Hey, that wasn't my fault! It was their fault for being so stingy over such a little thing!

On the other side of Marukawa Publishing, Asahina sighed. He sometimes wondered how it was that he ended up playing the role of both secretary and mother to this grown man.

A: What happened?

He could only wonder as to the reason for the so called "altercation" that had happened earlier.

I: It's stupid really…I needed a penis and they wouldn't let me borrow one.

There was a moment of silence as Asahina blinked his eyes a couple times to make sure he was correctly reading his boss's reply.

A: I don't honestly know how to respond to that Isaka-san.

There was a short stretch of time before Isaka replied.

I: Shit! I'm going to end up throwing my phone at some point today. I meant I needed a pen.

Ah, yes, that made more sense.

A: I'll make sure you have an extra set before your next meeting then.

There, problem solved.

I: Thank you.

Isaka sent his reply and sat back in his chair as he waited for the room to start filling up with his next line of meetings for that afternoon. He was just about to grab some of the documents to go over when his phone buzzed to signal another message had appeared. He swiped through to the message and saw that it was also from Asahina.

A: Oh, and please refrain from asking your subordinates for their penises, it is very unprofessional of a company president.

Yokozawa and the head of the Sales department were both surprised when they entered the meeting room that day to find a blushing and sputtering company president tapping furiously away on his phone.


DaRose: These are starting to become an addiction. I swear I already have ten more of these ready to write. Don't know exactly how fast I'll be typing and uploading them though, so bare with me.

Thanks for reading and see you next chapter!