
Deathstroke is a man of foresight and precision. For five years he has carefully devised a plan to ensure Dick Grayson becomes the perfect apprentice. Nothing will get in his way, not even the Court of Owls. What starts with an assassination attempt on Nightwing's life leaves the Batfamily with more questions than answers.


"On July 5th, 2013; you, Aqualad, and Kid Flash infiltrated Cadmus and discovered Project Kr," Batman stated.


"And on July 5th, 2013, you were contained by the head scientist and put into pods."

"All three of us were, yes," Nightwing clarified.

Batman shifted his weight from one leg to another, but his stance remained hardened with anger. "DNA samples were collected before you were released."

"Yes, but—"

"DNA samples intended for cloning. As well as access to your memories."

Nightwing crossed his arms over his chest. "I destroyed the DNA samples collected. Three explosive disks initiated the explosion that destroyed the lab we were held captive in."

The slits of Batman's mask near the eyes narrowed. "How certain are you that the DNA samples were destroyed?"

"I told you," Nightwing repeated, "I destroyed them."

"How certain!" Batman demanded, slamming a fist down on the metal table separating them.

Nightwing's controlled expression on his face faulted. "I-I don't know, 90%? They were destroyed, I know they were." He never went back to check. There was no time. They were destroyed though, right? The DNA couldn't have survived that explosion.

I've had this idea for a story for a long time, just never got around to writing it. I keep hearing rumors that YJ season 3 is happening some time in 2018, I just hope that's true! Chapter 1 is about to be posted as well. Let me know what you think :)