Legend 1: A New Age of Heroes

-Temple of Solomon, 1950-

"To think that this kind of place exists just under Jerusalem. But how did nobody ever find this place if all they have to do is enter the hidden catacomb underneath the city? Someone should've found this earlier."

A robed woman with tanned skin and long curly dark hair questioned as she walked with her companion down the crystal staircase. She looked around in wonder at the space she is in, and to call it 'space' is not really wrong either as the two of them are seemingly walking on crystal stairs suspended in outer space complete with darkness and stars.

She felt like she's in a magically crafted planetarium as she walked by a large replica of Saturn itself. Her body felt light as if there is no gravity here but when she tried to jump there is still gravity pulling her back to the stairs. It is an odd place to be in, and a very amazing place.

"I suspect that there is a protection put in place. The moment we passed through the doors to the catacomb, we had entered a whole new dimension entirely. I would guess that the door only allowed entrance to those who holds Solomon's blood."

The woman's companion, a tanned man with white hair tied in a small braid answered her. He is also amazed at the sight around him but he kept his expression neutral because the real prize is still ahead of them.

"That makes sense. Since you are the descendant of Solomon who inherits his name, you are allowed to enter the temple. But what about me?"

"Because you are also a descendant of Solomon, Tituba. Your ancestor, the Queen of Sheba, was said to be involved with Solomon during their time together. We are both descended from Solomon though from different lines."

"I suppose so."

The now identified Solomon and Tituba passed through the replica of planet Pluto when they finally saw a light at the end of the staircase they have been descending for the past hour. Solomon and Sheba cover their eyes as they passed through the bright light, opening them again when the bright light had died down.

When they open their eyes again, what they saw is even more incredible than the path they took to the temple; rocks floating in the sky with paths connecting them to each other. It is like they are on a temple in the sky. They look above them to see a circular hole where the stars are shown as if only that part of the sky is trapped in perpetual night.

Tituba went to explore the path to the right, seeing something that resembles a library there. Solomon though has his eyes set straight towards the central island where a grand staircase is located and he saw something at the top of the stairs. He walked towards the central island and climbed the stairs that seems to be made out of light itself. Once he got close enough to the top, he saw that there is a throne there.

Solomon rushed towards the top of the staircase and arrived in front of the throne. He then touched the regal-looking throne. The throne is cold to his touch and felt as smooth as silk despite it being made of stone. He had never seen anything like it before. He examines the throne from top to bottom, wanting to know what the throne is made of. When he examines the seat, he saw ten circular, metallic objects and his eyes went wide with his mouth gaping.

"The Rings of Solomon."

He said in a whisper as he picked up the rings that had been sitting on the throne for who knows how long. He slid one ring into each of his fingers, feeling power surging through his body with each ring he put on. When he put on the last ring, an extremely powerful surge of magical energy blasted out from his body, causing him immense pain as he lost his consciousness.

When he came to, he saw Tituba looking at him in concern. Solomon sat up, shaking his head.

"Ugh, what happened?"

Solomon asked.

"I don't know. I was reading an old book written in ancient Hebrew when I felt a blast of magical energy and the ground shook. I immediately head to where you are and found you unconscious. What happened?"

"I… I put on the rings of my ancestor and then I felt power… and pain. And then I passed out."

Solomon replied. He raise his hands and saw the ten rings adorning his fingers. Tituba took one of his hands and stare at the rings in awe. They look like simple silver rings with no decorations. They don't look like something someone wore as jewelry but there is just something about them that just captivated her, making them even more beautiful than the most beautiful diamond ring, and she had seen a lot of beautiful jewelries in their travel, but she will always say that the rings of Solomon is the most captivating she had ever seen. No, she should call it sacred instead of beautiful since the word will only do a disservice to describe the legendary rings.

Tituba let go of Solomon's hand, but with the intention to continue her examination later. She help Solomon get up and that was when Solomon noticed something behind the throne.

"Tituba, look."

He said as he point at something behind the throne. Tituba's eyes followed the direction of Solomon's finger and she gasped. The two went around the throne and up another set of stairs that was not there before. A new island had risen up after that surge of magical energy. On that island is another legendary item, one that was spoken in the Bible and was thought to be lost.

A gold-covered wooden chest with its lid covered by two golden cherubim sat on an altar on an island behind the throne. Solomon and Tituba recognize what the object is. To think that it would be here of all places, though that should perhaps be natural as this is the Temple of Solomon, but it still surprise them that the legendary Ark of the Covenant is here.

Tituba and Solomon examines it from each sides, still not believing that this thing is the legendary Ark that was thought to be lost centuries ago. How did it get here? Why is it here? Is it real?

There is only one way to find out. Tituba and Solomon look at each other and nodded. They will have to open the Ark and confirm its legendary contents. The two reach out their hands towards the Ark. Once their finger touched the lid, their eyes widen as they saw things, terrible things, of fire and brimstone and of evil.

And then the two of them saw darkness.

-Rome, 4 years before canon-

"I'm sorry, this place is not for me."

The boy in hooded white cloak said to the blue haired little girl who is crying her heart out. Then suddenly he disappeared and before the girl realized it, she had been knocked unconscious by the boy who suddenly reappeared behind her. He caught the unconscious girl before she could hit the ground and placed her on a nearby bench.

The boy looked down on the blue haired girl and gave her one last kiss on the forehead before he left. The boy pulled down his hood once he is far enough from Vatican, revealing his shoulder-length blue hair of the same shade as the girl he left. The boy sighs, feeling the pain of regret for leaving the girl alone. But he has to leave as being an exorcist is not his destiny.


He called out. Despite there being no one around him, suddenly, a figure in black cloak wearing a white skull mask appeared beside him. The person pulled down the hood and took off the mask, revealing a beautiful, serene face framed by shoulder-length violet hair.

"Master Quarta."

The girl spoke with reverence as she knelt in front of him. The boy sighs once again, this time because of how the girl, Mary, referred to him.

"I told you not to call me that."

"But Master is the one who saved me and the only one who could touch me. I owe you a life debt, Master."

Mary replied with her head bowed down. The boy internally groaned. When he saved her from that research facility when hunting Valper Galilei, he did not expect this to be the result.

Who would expect Valper Galilei to pull out another stunt like kidnapping an Assassin? And he meant Assassin with capital A. She is a child born into the Assassin community that was established by the legendary Hassan I Sabbah and had been trained to be an assassin from the moment she could hold a knife.

The Assassins was known to be able to modify their body through unknown means to such an extent that they could develop impossible powers that sometimes surpass the abilities granted by sacred gears and magic. In the past, there is an Assassin who could kill with a simple touch and one who could divide him/herself into dozens of copies. They were thought to have been wiped out centuries ago but apparently not.

Nowadays, the surviving Assassins, or rather, people descended from the remnants of the Assassins, use their ancient knowledge, even if most have been lost, to work as guns-for-hire around the world, though they tend to stay away from supernatural target most of the time. They are no longer the religious military group that they used to be in the past.

Valper kidnapped one of the younger assassins, which is Mary, to study about the body modification technique the Assassins used. Apparently he is hoping that it could bolster his research on holy elements by artificially modifying a person's natural elements. The research was conducted alongside the Holy Sword Project and after the main project was found out, he was dispatched to follow the trail left behind by Valper in order to apprehend him. Instead of finding Valper, he found Mary.

Things happen and now here they are, leaving Rome together.

"…anyway, have you managed to contact your family?"

Mary shook her head and had a very sad look. She hated failure, and more than anything, she hated failing her master who had shown her so much kindness.

"I'm sorry Master, I have been thrown away from the community for being kidnapped."


"Being kidnapped is seen as a great failure to an Assassin. They no longer saw me worthy to be one of them. I'm sorry."

Mary sadly looked down. The boy again sighs and put his hand on her head, ruffling her hair.

"You did nothing wrong. Well, it's their loss for kicking out someone as amazing as you. Hmph, no matter, that just means we don't have to take a detour. We'll head to Greece immediately by ship.

Mary is glad that the boy is not angry at her for failing. He really is a kind person, one she is proud to serve. As the two walk through the streets of Rome, the boy then said to her.

"Ohh and Mary, from now on, refer to me with the name of my ancestor. The exorcist of the Catholic church is no more. From now on, I am Charlemagne."

So here is a new... or rather old idea. This story will be kinda like Fate Grand Order but also different since this will be purely DxD or it would've been a crossover. Actually, I'm not sure if this qualify as a crossover or not. While I use many materials from Fate series, I modified them to work based on DxD logic instead of Nasuverse system since this story is purely set in DxDverse.

This first chapter is just introducing the main characters that will appear in this story. Solomon is based on Solomon of course and Tituba is Queen of Sheba and that is the fake name she used as Caster of Midrash in FGO. Now, while I base the characters mostly on Nasuverse, all heroes that will appear are essentially OCs since they are technically descendants so they would act differently from their ancestors like Solomon and Sheba here being archaeologists and Raikou here being a male OC but with Raikou's sword and power. I will also base some characters from historical facts like if said character have yet to appear in FGO like the legendary Yamato Takeru. The story will mainly follow Charlemagne's group though and I gave a clue about who he is related to.

Edit: I deleted the japan part because I'm not sure about it. For now, the focus will be solely on Charlemagne's team.