New story time: Here is the latest plot bunny that has taken root on my mind. it will be a rewrite of my last Dr. Who story. I have finally settled into a routine and so will hopefully not abandon this story and keep writing. let me know what y'all think.

love, Peace and Imagination,


Disclaimer: I own nothing of Dr. Who or Harry Potter

Antioch, Cadmus and Ignotus broke camp as they usually did that morning after breaking their fast. They had a long day of exploring and cataloguing ahead and it was best to get started. The brothers, driven by their magic from a young age to learn and discover the world around them had, after apprenticing under Myrddin Emrys, set out on a quest east. Antioch in search of different ways to focus magic, Cadmus looking to discover more about the magical creatures that inhabited the world and Ignotus for new potions ingredients.

Ignotus looked to the east as a Crow gave a taunting laugh. "Ignore it brother." Came Cadmus' voice as he saddled his horse. "Morgana' s foul sorcery has no sway this far afield"

Ignotus scowled at his brother, "I could swear that is the same crow for the last three days."

Antioch gave a deep hearty chortle, "Don't be ridiculous Iggy, come on lads, we have much to travel before the next town and winter approaches"

Ignotus' scowl only became more pronounced at the brash, though common dismissal of his concerns. No one ever takes the youngest seriously. The brothers rode on for many miles. Near mid day his scowl had only deepened. The Crow had been following him, he had seen it flying along with them for a while out of the corner of his eye beefier there had been some strange wheezing wind that filled the air and the crow had disappeared.

They soon came upon a furious rushing river and where made to stop for a time.

"Well it's for the best I suppose. Tie the horses off and we shall have a lunch before moving onward." Antioch declared hopping off his horse.

Cadmus immediately followed Antioch's lead and began preparing the rations they had for lunch.

Ignotus was still on edge however. He felt eyes on him, like an itching at the back of his neck. He dismounted his horse and silently began collecting stones and boulders using the levitation spell and piling them near the bank. Cadmus snorted and raised an eyebrow at him.

"The quicker we are rid of these woods the better." Was his simple reply.

Antioch kept silent not wanting to aggravate his brother further.

As they ate there was another great wheezing wind but this time accompanied by the arrival of something in their midst. A great elder tree seemed to phase into existence with the wheezing wind, solidifying with a loud THUD.

The three brothers looked at one another in great concern and quickly brought to bear their weapons, Antioch a great staff made of Yew wood and tipped with a Ruby, Cadmus a Bow and Arrow tipped with some of Ignotus' best poison and Ignotus brought to bear a wand and a sword like one would a buckler and a mace. The tree split in twain and light seemed to spill forth. As the light dimmed the shape of a woman came forward. She was dressed strangely in a high collared red and brass robe, more ostentatious then even the most pretentious of the Lantien scholars.

"Peace Brothers of the Peverell. I have no quarrel with you." Came her slightly melodic voice. Ignotus stared transfixed as the light faded and the woman's face became resolved. It was the deficition of Fae like. Black hair as wild and spiked as a bramble bush, eyes like chips of crystal that swirled with some otherworldly knowledge and high regal features.

"Who are you and what be your purpose?" Antioch's wary voice broke through Ignotus' haze.

The woman sharp cat like smile was as disarming as it was alarming. "I am nearly the last of my kind. Or so my Grandfather will believe for a time. But the Moment has warned me. I am your ancestors ancestor. And you my descendants shall pass along my legacy. So the Sisters of Karn have foretold. And in time. When Grandfather needs me most. Your descendant shall be woken through me once more."

Cadmus scoffed "what words are these soothe sayer but to confound us." He drew back his bow and glared, "Are you an agent of Morgana."

The woman's laugh was tinkling and bright, "Come now Cadmus, calm thy heart." A jewel on her ring flashed and the bow disappeared.

Antioch lunged forward but Ignotus stepped in front of his brothers, "She speaks true brother, she though her words make no sense now her aura shows she means us no harm."

Cadmus glared acidly and Antioch looked to his youngest brother skeptically but nodded. "Why have you come before us Soothe Sayer."

"To test you and to see if you are indeed worthy of the blessing of Karn. Show me the strength of your magic and surpass that river there and I shall gift you with what is needed to defeat Morgana, and in time one of your line shall be chosen to give rebirth to our power once more."

The brothers looked at each other and nodded. If it would help defeat that evil that had taken Albion then it was worth trying,

Cadmus withdrew his staff as and the brothers formed a triangle with Ignotus at the head and Antioch and Cadmus at the back ends. They began a long chant in Gaelic, wind whipping around them and the ground rumbling, power streamed from the two eldest into the youngest brother and as the chanting came to a crescendo Ignotus sliced his hand open with the sword and let the blood drop on the ground before slamming the blade into the earth. There was an eerie silence and then a bridge formed forth and shot across the rushing river.

"As you have done so shall it be. Through Ignotus the line shall be reborn." The woman said before waiving her hand. Antioch's staff shrank and became a knobbed wand. The ring on her finger flew to Cadmus and a cloak settled like night over Ignotus. "go forth and fulfill your destiny." The tree split open once more and she turned to return to its depths.

"Wait Sooth Sayer," Ignotus called, "You never said, who are you?"

She looked back with a sly smirk, "To the outer regions of Skaaro I am Death, to many in the Crab Nebula I am a traveler out of time. But you are family, you may know my true name. I am Susan of the house of Lungbarrow."

-Hundreds of years later or more specifically in the web of time 1998 in Earth years May 2nd Dawn-

The cold air was silent after a night of near constant battle. The bodies of both sides littered the grounds of Hogwarts. Chaos and death where the masters of the land now. With great solemnity Harry walked through the carnage.

No More.

It would end here. The death. The Destruction. It had to stop. So he had thrown on his fathers cloak. The cloak he now knew once belonged to his great ancestor Ignotus Peverell and the snitch given to him by Albus Dumbledore and went to stop it.

As he came to the edge of the forest Harry looked at the seemingly benign snitch and its ominous inscription.

I open at the close

A light kiss, the metal cold as death itself, and the gold melted away to reveal a silver ring with a black stone. The same ring that had, in part, contributed to the death of one of the greatest wizards of the age. The stone of resurrection.

Faintly Harry imagined he could hear drum beats.

Tap tap tap tap…tap tap tap tap….tap tap tap tap.

Like the build up before a battle he imagined music. It was a language he could only faintly recall the meaning of. Timeless in its simplicity it called to Harry, as if waking from a long slumber.

Harry in a trance put on the ring, the cloak shimmered Gold and dissolved like dust and the opera in his mind became louder. Harry walked into the forest grasping at the Hawthorn wand he won off of Draco and stepped through to the clearing that Voldemort and his Death Munchers where in.

Tom was in the middle of a rant about Harry's cowardice, Hagrid bond and subdued on his knees. That made Harry mad.

Voldemort stopped mid sentence and Harry smirked, "I'm sorry Tom was I interrupting." Harry asked casually twirling the wand in his hand. "Please you where saying something about how I would die, blah blah blah."

Hagrid seemed to choke on his name. "No worries Hagrid, we'll be out of this soon old friend." Harry said patting his friends knee as he circled his stunned foe

Bellatrix gave an inarticulate shriek and made to lunge forward but Voldemort back handed her and sent her flying to the ground. "Thank you Bella, but he is mine."

She whimpered and fell back in line.

"So you finally came did you Potter?" Voldemort trained his wand on the boy, no man, he would acknowledge his foe's accomplishments to date. If only in his own mind.

"indeed I did Tom"

Voldemort snarled and sent out a silent Crucio at the boy. It missed by a mile striking some nameless follower but he paid it no heed, "don't call me that."

"I stand here willingly for my death Tom, Deliver it and leave the inhabitants of the castle alone."

Voldemort gave a deep bellied laugh, the Death Eaters following uneasily a moment later.

"It will not be quick, it will not be kind, and you will suffer greatly." Was all the Dark wizard said before lashing out with another Crucio. This one hitting its mark.

Harry's world became pain. Every nerve exposed and raw. He may have bit off his tongue as as he screamed. There was no holding it back or even trying to. Voldemort's every ounce of hatred had been poured into the curse.

The Dark wizard watched in almost orgasmic glee as he boy writhed and screamed in agony before him. This was the unstoppable power of the Death Stick. He began to pour more power into the curse and the boys screech became nearly inhuman.

Voldemort cut off the curse as he felt the wand begin to heat up. He looked down at his weapon in shock. Was he truly that powerful? So absorbed was he that he missed the wisps of gold coming off of Harry. "You are weak Harry Potter." Voldemort said eyeing his foe. "And you shall die here broken and battered and it shall be for naught."

Harry looked up at the dark wizard through blood red eyes, he must have popped a blood vessel in his eyes. He panted and feebly tried to raise his head in defiance as the green light of the killing curse came towards him.

The second the sickly green light touched the forehead of Harrison James Potter, last son of the house of Ignotus Peverell the gold light of Regeneration sprang from his limbs and head, killing two followers of the dark Lord in the process and knocking the rest and Voldemort back on the ground. ch1