Yuzu followed Aia down the long hallway until they reached a double doored room.

Aia slowly pushed the doors open revealing a huge bedroom that looked like it was also an office.

Everything was immaculate, not one thing looked like it was out of place.

Yuzu looked at the medals and awards all hanging up in the room, carefully grabbing one she read the name to herself.

"Mina Na….." Yuzu couldn't find herself to finish the name, her hand started to tremble.

"This was Mina's room….."Aia looked around the room before making her way to a pair of french doors that led outside.

Turning the handles and opening the doors she continued to speak.

"I left everything exactly the way it was the day she left"

Yuzu looked back up at all the achievements her Granny had accomplished. Every single one was first place.

"She really was amazing, wasn't she?"

Yuzu placed the medal back before making her way over to Aia.

"You are like her in so many ways Yuzuko" Aia sat down as she looked out to the beautiful scenery.

"Even the way you just scolded your aunties and uncles just now….." A warm smile made its way onto Aias lips before she continued to speak.

"Mina said those exact words to me before she left to be with your Grandfather"

"Really!?" Yuzu said shocked as she looked at Aia.

Yuzu took in the expression on her great grandmother's face, the sad smile on her face was a clear indication of how much Aia truly loved her daughter.

No words needed to be spoken between the two as they both stared aimlessly at the beautiful scenery in front of them. Both lost in thoughts of their daughter and Grandmother.

Realising that she was showing a more vulnerable side, Aia quickly recomposed herself before she turned to Yuzu and spoke in a clear voice.

"Anyway Yuzuko, I brought you here for a reason"

Taking a seat, Aia gestured for Yuzu to sit as well before she continued.

"I have a question to ask you…"

Yuzu looked Aia in the eye as she waited for her to ask what she wanted.

"You WHAT!?" Himeko stood up from her seat as she looked at her childhood friend in disbelief.

"Himeko please sit down, there is no need for that reaction, you know how I feel about Yuzu" Mei said in her usual tone but she couldn't stop the blush that spread to the tips of her ears as she spoke.

Quickly taking in a few breaths to calm herself Himeko did as she was asked and sat back down next to Mei before she decided to speak.

"I apologise for my sudden outburst Mei-mei, its just….." Himeko didn't know how to finish her sentence. Of course she knew how her friend felt about a certain blonde, but she never knew it was THIS serious. And for Mei to openly show her feelings to someone was unheard of. Himeko couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of Yuzu but at the same time she respected the blonde. Yuzu had done something that no one else could. Open up Mei's heart.

"I really am in love with her Hime"

Himeko looked at Mei with a surprised expression, it had been years since Mei had called her by that nickname.

"I'm really glad that you found someone that makes you happy Mei-mei" Himeko gave a warm smile to her friend, but it was quickly replaced with concern as she watched Meis face change into a worried expression before she spoke.

"It's a strange feeling, the feeling that I could lose her at anytime, just thinking of it makes my heart ache. I dont know how to stop it" Mei looked down at her hand with Yuzu's ring on it. The ring made her smile as it was a constant reminder of the older girls feelings for her.

"Aihara Yuzu would never hurt you like that, and if she did I would make her life not worth living!" Himeko stood up and threw her fist in the air as she spoke.

The outburst cause Mei to smile as she thought just how lucky she was to have all these people in their lives that support their love.

-ring ring-

Himeko couldnt help but smile as Mei quickly reached for her phone and smiled as she saw Yuzu's name on the i.d.

Mei looked at her bestfriend, Himeko simply nodded as Mei stood up and went to the outside verandah as she answered the phone.

"Yuzu?" Mei answered softly as she waited to hear Yuzu's sweet voice.

"Ummm Mei hi" Yuzu spoke awkwardly, Mei knew straight away that something was wrong, she went to speak but Yuzu spoke again.

"Mei, do you think you could do something for me?" Yuzu waited patiently for the raven haired girl to answer but she didn't have to wait long as Mei answered with no hesitation.

"Yes of course, anything, whats wrong?"

Yuzu couldn't stop the wide smile on her face right now. At this very moment she wished that her and Mei were face to face so that she could kiss those soft sweet lips.

Yuzu was quickly brought back to reality as she remembered why she rang the taller girl to start with.

"I cant explain too much right now, but do you think you could come over here? Mama is already on her way home and you two can come together"

Mei knew that Yuzu was clearly hiding something, but they had been through so much together and she could honestly say that she trusted the blonde haired student with all her heart.

"O.k, what should I wear?" Mei asked, she knew that the Nara's were of the highest class, even Yuzu made a effort to wear acceptable clothes. But the answer the older girl gave her only made Mei know even more how much she was in love with Yuzu.

"Whatever you want babe, you look good in anything"

Mei went to speak but she heard some noise in the background where Yuzu was then Yuzu's voice come through again.

"Sorry babe I gotta go, i'll see you soon. I love you"

Mei quickly replied "I love you too" then the line was dead.

As Yuzu said, it wasn't long till Ume was home and the two were ready to leave. "Would you like to come Himeko?" Mei asked her childhood friend as they were just about to leave.

Tears were filling Himeko's eyes as she heard Mei speak. "Of course Mei-mei, if thats what you want"

And so the three were on their way to the Nara's function.

Mei could see that Ume was nervous, she tried to asked her step mother what was wrong but Ume simply said that it had been a stressful day for her today.

As soon as they arrived at their destination their was a flood of paparazzi and reporters at the main entry.

Ume, Himeko and Mei's door was opened by Aia's advisor Mr Motoko. "Please Lady Ume, this way" Security quickly made a path for the four as they entered the huge building.

"Miss Ume, is it true that your daughter is going to be taking over the family as the new heir?" One reporter yelled out as Ume made her way through.

"Is that the Aihara heiress Mei Aihara? What is she doing with you? Aren't the Aihara's and Nara's enemies?" Another reporter called out but Ume simply held onto Mei's hand and walked straight passed.


Ume sighed as the door closed "That was stressful" She spoke as she looked around the huge mansion.

"Sorry for asking you to come so suddenly Ume"

Ume and Mei both turned to see Aia walking down the large set of stairs to greet them.

"Aihara Mei" Aia bowed as she spoke.

Mei copied the gesture and greeted the older woman as she stood silently next to her step mother.

Aia looked at Himeko, Himeko quickly bowed as she went to speak.

"Hello Ma'am i'm Himeko Mo-"

Himeko was cut off as Aia spoke over her.

"Your Tikashi Momokino's daughter…." Aia bowed as she continued to speak.

"Nice to meet you young lady, you have an honourable family"

"Yuzu asked us to come, is everything alright? Where is she?" Ume questioned as she knew that something was wrong when Yuzu had rung her.

"Nothing is wrong, we will be making an announcement and Yuzuko asked if you two would be here, that is all" Aia looked straight into her granddaughter's eyes as she spoke. Ume could see that the older woman was telling the truth.

Aia looked down to Mei's hand and saw the ring on her finger before looking back up into Mei's violet eyes and speaking again.

"We should head inside, it's not good manners to be late"

Motoko took the three inside a large room that looked like it was ready for something special, there was a huge stage and to many seats to count.

"Mei, aunty Ume, Himeko" Lee jumped out of his seat as he hugged Ume and gave Mei and Himeko a warm smile.

"I must be going now, I shall see you after Ume, we have many things to discuss" Aia simply stated before walking off.

"What's going on Lee?" Ume asked the young man but he shrugged his shoulders as he spoke.

"We don't know either, Yuzu had a big argument with some of her aunties and uncles then Aia asked her to go with her somewhere then we were brought here"

Ume frowned as she listened to Lee's story, she had a bad feeling about this. "I hope Yuzu hasn't been pushed into anything she doesn't want to do" Ume spoke absentmindedly as she looked up to the stage and took her seat.

"Mei-mei are you o.k?" Himeko asked as she could see the distress on her friends face.

Mei rubbed the ring on her finger as she thought of her blonde lover.

Everyone waited eagerly for what was going to happen. The room quickly filled with reporters and paparazzi, luckily for Mei and everyone else they were in a separate section where none of the reporters could annoy them.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice" Aia's voice sounded through the entire room and she appeared on the stage.

The room was dead silent as the Nara patriarch spoke.

"We are very excited and have an announcement for you all" Aia stretched her hand out and Yuzu walked onto the stage.

"Yuzu" Mei spoke quietly as she watched a nervous looking Yuzu walk onto the stage next to her Great Grandmother.

"Some of you may know Yuzuko here, she is my Great Grandaughter…"Looking down at Ume Aia smiled as she continued.

"Daughter of my Grandaughter Ume Okogi now Ume Aihara"


A few gasps and whispers could be heard from the crowd, but one glare from Aia and everyone went silent again.

"As you all know , my daughter Mina who is now passed…" Aia took a moment to collect her thoughts before continuing to speak.

"She was a gentle and kind soul and was definitely taken from us too soon"

Looking to Yuzu who was trying to be strong next to her great grandmother Aia finished what she wanted to say as she looked out to the crowd.

"I have asked Yuzuko if she would sing a piece that I recently found in Mina's belongings, I think it would be only fitting to have the whole world hear it first hand"

Aia then nodded to Yuzu before walking off the stage and to a seat waiting for her.

The back curtains opened revealing Mina's piano, Yuzu took her place at the beautiful white piano and adjusted the mic before she spoke nervously into it.

"I dont know if this is how Granny would have wanted it to sound, but i'll try my best"

Taking a few breaths Yuzu glided her fingers over the top of the piano before she started playing.


Listen to the song here in my heart

A melody I start, but can't complete

Listen to the sound from deep within

It's only beginning to find release

Everyone could hear the emotion in Yuzu's voice as she sang each word.

Oh the time has come for my dreams to be heard

They will not be pushed aside and turned

Into your own, all 'cause you won't listen

Yuzu was trying her best to hold the tears back, she knew that it would be hard but she wanted everyone to hear her Grannys song just as much as Aia wanted to.

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried

To say what's on my mind

You should have known, oh

Now I'm done believin' you

You don't know what I'm feelin'

I'm more than what

You've made of me

I followed the voice you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened

Mei looked up at Yuzu, she could see that she was holding back the tears, all she wanted to do was hold her tight.

There was someone here inside

Someone I thought had died

So long ago

Oh, I'm screamin' out

And my dreams will be heard

They will not be pushed aside or turned

Into your own

All 'cause you won't listen

Ume watched in awe as her daughter sang and played the piano effortlessly

Listen. I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried

To say what's on my mind

You should have known, oh

Now I'm done believin' you

You don't know what I'm feelin'

I'm more than what

You've made of me

I followed the voice you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

Aia closed her eyes as she listened to every word, she wanted to understand what her daughter was trying to convey to the world.

I don't know where I belong

But I'll be moving on

If you don't, if you won't

The entire room was silent as they watched the young blonde student singing the beautiful song

Listen to the song here in my heart

A melody I start, but I will complete

Now I'm done believin' you

You don't know what I'm feelin'

I'm more than what you made of me

Yuzu could feel the tears running down her cheeks but she knew that she was nearly at the end

I followed the voice you think you gave me

But now i've gotta find my own, my own

Yuzu played the last few keys, everyone waited patiently until the room was silent then in seconds it erupted with applause and cheers.

"Wow she's really good." One man said.

"Definitely a Nara for sure" One lady spoke.


The room went dead silent again as Yuzu's voice came through the mic. Looking out to the crowd nerves took over Yuzu and she forgot what she wanted to say until her eyes locked on her raven haired lover.

Mei was giving her a warm smile as she sat next to Ume.

Feeling her voice come back Yuzu continued to speak.

"If it's o.k, I have a song I wrote" Yuzu then turned her head to Aia.

Aia simply nodded as she waited for Yuzu to start.

Yuzu looked down at the piano as she started to play the keys.

Yuzu singing Beyonce 1+1

If I ain't got nothing

Yuzu looked up from the Piano and straight at Mei as she continued to sing

I got you

If I ain't got something (I don't give a damn)

'Cause I got it with you

I don't know much about algebra (but I know)

Yuzu couldn't stop a cheeky smile as she sang the line, Mei tried to hold back a small giggle as she heard what Yuzu was saying.

One plus one equals two

And it's me and you

That's all we'll have when the world is through ('cause baby)

We ain't got nothing without love

Aia followed Yuzu's line of sight, she could see how much her Great Granddaughter is in love.

Darling you got enough for the both of us (so come on baby)

Make love to me

When my days look low

Pull me in close and don't let me go

Make love to me

So when the world's at war

Let our love heal us all (right now baby)

Make love to me (me, me, me, me) oh, oh

Make love to me

Hey, I don't know much about guns but I

The entire room was dead silent as Yuzu's voice echoed and the sound of the piano being played masterfully were the only sounds to be heard.

I've been shot by you (hey)

And I don't know when I'm gon' die but I hope

That I'm gon' die by you (hey)

And I don't know much about fighting but I

I know I will fight for you (hey)

And just when I ball up my fist I realize

I'm laying right next to you baby

We ain't got nothing but love

And darling you got enough for the both of us

Make love to me

When my days look low

Mei couldn't take her eyes off the captivating blonde up on stage, not even for a second.

Pull me in close and don't let me go

Make love to me

So when the world's at war

Let our love heal us all (help me let down my guard)

As the song was coming to a end, Mei knew that she would always be Yuzu's and Yuzu would always be hers, no matter what. She felt like they could take on the world together if they had to.

Make love to me (me, me, me, me) oh, oh

Make love to me (me, me, me, me).

Yuzu wiped the tears from her eyes as she stood up and bowed to the crowd who were still cheering loudly.

"Miss Yuzuko a few questions?" One man yelled out. Aia made her way next to Yuzu and spoke through the mic as she answered.

"Only if she wants to" Looking to Yuzu, Aia smiled as Yuzu nodded and grabbed a mic.

"Yuzuko, do you prefer Yuzu or Yuzuko?" One man asked.

"Yuzu is fine" Yuzu answered as she thought 'This isn't so bad'

"Yuzu do you plan on singing professionally like your Grandmother Mina?" A woman asked as she held her pen and paper ready to write down whatever was going to come out of Yuzu's mouth.

"Ummm i'm not entirely sure what I would like to do"

"Yuzu, is that an engagement ring on your hand? Whos the lucky guy?" A reporter pointed towards Yuzu's stunning ring as he waited for the answer.

Yuzu's eyes immediately went to Mei, a wide grin made its way onto Yuzu's face as she looked at her lover smiling at her and looking at her in a loving way.

"Yes it is and HER name is Mei Aihara"

Nearly every single hand went up wanting to ask more questions but a voice sounded over everyone.

"Over my dead body my Granddaughter is going to marry a Nara!"

Everyone turned to see Hioshi pushing his way through the crowd as he looked straight at Aia.