Chapter 1

Yuzu woke up slowly, the sun was seeping through the curtains. She quickly rolled to her side, her eyes shot open as she felt that she was in the bed alone. "Another morning without Mei" Yuzu sighed as she then decided to get out of bed. It had been a month since her confession to Mei, who politely decline, which also means it's been a month of constant awkwardness between the 2 sisters. Since then Yuzu couldn't help but notice that Mei was getting up and leaving for school even more earlier and she knew it was because Mei didn't want her to be with her. Yuzu made her way to the kitchen where Ume was already sitting and having breakfast "goodmorning Yuzu" Ume beamed a smile at her daughter "good morning mama, did Mei leave already?" Yuzu didn't know why she even bothered asking, she knew what the answer was going to be. Ume nodded as she gestured for Yuzu to take a seat. " Actually there is something I want to talk to you about" Yuzu gave her mother a confused look as she took a seat Across from her. Ume took a deep breath as she looked straight into Yuzus emerald eyes "Yuzu I know you have been feeling down lately, if you don't want to tell me why that is fine too" Yuzu instantly broke the gaze from her mother as Ume continued to talk "You are in high school darling, these should be the happiest years of your life. You should be out there making wonderful memories." Yuzu looked back at her mother, Ume always seemed to know when something is up with Yuzu and she couldn't have hoped for a more caring and understanding mother. "So I've decided that you have to join at least 1 club at school" Yuzu dropped her chopsticks "w...what?! Why?!" Ume expression changed to a more stern one as she spoke "because you need to get out of, well whatever this is that's going on with you. Plus you use to love being in school clubs. If I remember right you were in 5 different ones in middle school" Yuzu hung her head "I don't care what you pick, it can be sports, arts or music. Minimum 1, ok?" Yuzu slowly nodded her head she understood why her mum was doing this, but she knew it would take all the clubs to get her to stop thinking about a certain raven haired girl. Both finished their breakfast then went their separate ways.

Yuzu made her way to school, she didn't know which club to join "what should I do?" Yuzu was brought out of her thoughts as a arm swung over her shoulder "Yuzzuchi!" Yuzu gave her best friend a wide smile. Both girls started chatting about what they were going to do the weekend "ahh I have to join at least 1 school club" Yuzu avoided her friends stare as she waited for Harumins reaction "what! But that will cut into our Gyaru time" Yuzu looked back at her friend slowly "don't worry, I will always make time for you Harumin" Harumin pulled Yuzu even closer to her, they were just entering the front gates to the Academy. Yuzu noticed Mei straight away, she turned her gaze back to the ground as they carried on walking. After they walked passed Yuzu thought she would steal one last glance at Mei, as she looked back she noticed that Mei was already staring at her, they locked eyes. Yuzu der her face get hot, she quickly turned her head back and carried on up the stairs to class.

Sitting in class Yuzu couldn't help but notice the look that Mei had given her this morning "what was that? Why did she look worried?" Yuzu did her usual day dreaming during class when suddenly the bell rung for lunch. "Come on Yuzzuchi lets have lunch" Yuzu gave her friend an apologetic smile "sorry Harumin I just have to hand my applications in, I'll meet you at the canteen" Harumin have her friend a hug "so you decided on 1" Yuzu hugged her friend back as she spoke "I actually picked 2" Yuzu then pulled back as she spoke some more "I'll tell you when I get back, see you in 10 minutes" Yuzu quickly made her way to the student council room. After knocking Yuzu waited patiently for the door to open. After a few moments Yuzu was met face to face with the vice prez Himeko Momokino. Himeko looked at Yuzu with irritation as this was cutting into her Mei-mei time. But before Himeko could even start scolding Yuzu the blonde quickly cut her off "Aihara Yuzu wha-"

"I have 2 applications for the school clubs, would you please accept them and approve them" Yuzu then bowed politely as she handed the papers to Himeko. Himeko was shocked she never seen Yuzu act like this, usually she was the center of any trouble at the school, Mei was sitting at the table behind Himeko. Her head had shot up when she heard Yuzus voice, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, Yuzu was being formal and polite. Himeko composed herself as she responded to the blonde who was still bowing with her arms extended holding the papers "ahem... thank you, we will look over them and will inform you when we have made a decision" Himeko bowed back to Yuzu. Yuzu then stood up and gave Himeko one of her trademark smiles as she then left and made her way to the canteen to have lunch. Back at the student council room Himeko was looking over the applications that Yuzu had just handed her. "What did she apply for" Himeko shot her head up as Mei spoke to her. With a confused look on her face Himeko answered her childhood friend "The soccer team and the Music club" Mei grabbed the applications and stared intensely. "What do you think President? Maybe she's trying to pull some kind of prank I mean there's no way she is serious, all she ever talks about is shopping and fashion" Mei raised her hand to silence Himeko, she then spoke in her usual monotone voice "I will ask mother about this tonight and make a decision based on that" Himeko nodded as she went back at looking over other papers for Mei.

After telling a very shocked Harumin about her club choices Yuzu was on her way home, it was Friday so that meant she could sleep in tomorrow, Yuzu stopped at the grocery store to buy supplies for dinner then carried on making her way home.

Ume had come home early, Yuzu told her mum about the clubs she chose and how she had to wait for an answer from the student council. Mei soon arriving home, the three having dinner together. After cleaning up Yuzu went for a bath leaving her mother and Mei in kitchen. Ume cracked open a beer and took a seat on the couch. Mei soon following her with a cup of green tea in her hand. Ume knew something was on Meis mind so she thought she would approach her first. "Is everything ok Mei-chan" Ume looked straight at her step daughter, Mei gave a small sigh as she began to speak "actually mother there is something I wanted to ask you" Ume nodded "yes of course, you can ask me anything dear" Ume gave Mei a smile, Mei couldn't help but think of Yuzu as soon as she saw her step mother smile like that. "Well Yuzu put in 2 applications today, 1 for the soccer team and 1 for the music club. I was just wandering if you knew anything about it or why she is applying now. She has never shown interest in the clubs before" Ume thought that this might Come up today, she got up from the couch and grabbed a very large and full photo album. The cover said 'Yuzu Middle school' Ume turned a few pages until she stopped at one and turned it to show Mei, Mei's eyes went wide as she looked at the photos. Every single one had Yuzu in the middle of each group, Mei then inspected the middle photo, it showed a very happy Yuzu with 4 bands around her arm, Ume placed her hand over the photo as she spoke. "Yuzu always loves being around people, she was in 5 clubs at one time in Middle school" Ume turned the page which showed a very determined Yuzu scoring a goal in Soccer "She was the Soccer Team, Tennis Team and Track Team Captain and on top of that she was also the Vice President for her last year at school" Mei couldn't believe this whole other side of Yuzu that she never thought existed. "Why didn't she apply for clubs before hand mother?" Ume smile quickly faded as she spoke "Yuzu's last year was really hard for her, that was the year when…." Ume traced her finger around the elderly couple that had just as a wide smile as Yuzu. "Thats my Mama and Papa Mei" Mei couldn't help but notice how happy the family looked, Yuzu standing in the middle of the couple with her arm over each of them. "Did something happen to them mother?" As Mei looked up she froze as a few stray tears ran down Ume's cheeks "There was a terrible accident and they passed away, they were Yuzu's number 1 supporters, she was never the same after that" Ume wiped her tears away with the back of her hand as she continued to speak "All she said when she started at the Academy was that she wouldn't be joining any teams/clubs, I didn't want to push her into it though….." Ume turned another page to show a very happy Yuzu being thrown in the air by a group people that looked like they were cheering. "But I can't have Yuzu walking around all depressed so I told her she had to join at least 1 club" Ume grabbed both of Mei's hands as she stared into Mei's eyes "I know Yuzu wont let the Academy down, she will always try her best" Yuzu then entered the room, she saw the album in her mothers hands "Good night" Mei and Ume both looked at each other confusedly as Yuzu quickly exited the room and went into her and Mei's shared bedroom.

Mei excused herself and entered the room, Yuzu was already in bed with her back facing her.

Mei climbed into bed then in a soft and gentle voice she spoke "Yuzu I-"Yuzu cut Mei off without even turing to face her. "Dont worry about it Mei, good night" Mei woke up the next morning to an empty bed, she made her way to the kitchen where Ume was cooking breakfast "Good morning Mother, where is Yuzu?" Ume had a saddened expression as she spoke "ahh morning Mei-chan, Yuzu left early to meet up with Harumin" Mei let out a small sigh as she ate her breakfast. The whole weekend passed without Yuzu coming home. It was now Monday morning and Mei stood at the front gate as she waited for a certain blonde to arrive. After about 10 minutes Mei saw Yuzu walking in with Harumin. "Yuzu could i talk to you for a minute?" Yuzu and Harumin gave Mei a confused look "Sure Mei" Mei pulled out Yuzu's applications and handed them back to her. "They have been approved, please make sure you are at the clubs room at 3.30pm" Yuzu then bowed as she thanked Mei. Mei felt her heart beat faster as Yuzu gave her her signature smile that could light up any room.


I dont know how many chapters I will make this story, but I hope you enjoy it :)