Star Wars: Shadow Wars II: Escalation

Dramatis Personae

A'denn; Mandalorian Bounty Hunter (Human Male)

Ahsoka Tano/"Fulcrum"; Former Jedi, Rebel Intelligence Leader (Togruta Female)

Akku Seii II; Mandalorian Captain (Anzati Male)

Bail Organa: Galactic Empire Senator/ Rebel Leader (Human Male)

Celebion; DĂșnedain Ranger (Human Male)

Chelli Lona Aphra; Civilian (Human Female)

CT-7567 "Rex"; Clone Captain (Human Male)

Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine; Dark Lord of the Sith, Galactic Emperor (Human Male)

Darth Vader (Formerly Anakin Skywalker); Dark Lord of the Sith (Human Cyborg Male)

Ferren Barr; High Inquisitor (Iktotchi Male)

Jaing; Former Clone Trooper/Bounty Hunter (Human Male)

Jarael Chantique; Medic/Psychiatrist (Iskalloni Female)

Kal Skirata; Mandalorian Clan Leader (Human Male)

Mitth'raw'nuruodo ("Thrawn"); Imperial Commodore/Shadow Alliance Agent (Chiss Male)

Nagme Jamaane; Shamed One/Former Shaper (Yuuzhan Vong Female)

Popara Anjiliac Diresto; Hutt Kajidic Leader (Hutt)

Tau Palpatine; Jedi Knight (Human Male)

Trachta; Imperial Grand Moff/Shadow Alliance Agent (Human Cyborg Male)

Vedo Anjiliac Atirue; Hutt Lord (Hutt)

Vega Ryal; Jedi Knight (Human Male)

Ventis Uriel; Former Inquisitor/Jedi Apprentice (Human Male)

Wilhuff Tarkin; Shadow Alliance Prisoner (Human Male)

Wullf Yularen; Imperial Security Bureau Colonel/Shadow Alliance Agent (Human Male)

Hello, all of you Star Wars Expanded Universe fans! It's great to be back into the swing of fanfiction writing. I was going to take a few days off to rest and plan my next move, but I found myself too in love with the universe that I'm helping Squasher create to stop. So, how are you doing on the hot day of June 17, 2018? I'm doing well, if exhausted, as I worked a hard four hours and fifty minutes at my movie theater, and let me tell you, when I was there, it was packed with The Incredibles 2 fans. I might have to work again tomorrow, as I'm on call for this Monday. In other news, I've been reading the second book in the Warhammer 40,000 Sisters of Battle omnibus, and it's pretty good. So, are you ready for the next story in my Shadow Wars saga, as this one will be very exciting, action-packed, and romantic? I especially can't wait to write about the deepening love between Ahsoka Tano and Tau Palpatine, and the growing intimacy between the two of them. Hey, maybe I'll even have them get married in this story, as I expect this one to be even longer than the previous one. A guy can dream, as I'm a sucker for an old fashioned romance. Oh, and it'll have our heroes and villains ramp up their preparations for war, and the Shadow Alliance will have new allies and enemies to contend with. Oh, one more thing. I'll be updating my Dramatis Personae for when I include new characters in my new main cast, as I'm not fully sure as to how many characters I'll include. Well, I'd better get to writing the first chapter, which will be in the next update. May the Force and Iluvatar be with us all, and Long Live the Expanded Universe!