It is the middle of the night in a crappy motel.

Xiang is up.

He's always up.

He sits outside of his room, smokes a cigarette he bought at the convience store early that day, and contemplates all the things that have happened recently.

Triple X was back and this time they had even more man power.

But just as soon as they had been assembled together, Xander Cage who is the defacto leader of their rag tag group, had decided that it was best if they all split up once again until the time came for them to go back into action.

The decision to break up was a wise one, Xiang knew, even if he hadn't really wanted to. It was for the best, however, especially since the US government would be looking for each individual member now that they were all officially a vigilante group dedicated more to Gibbon's memory and what is best for humanity rather than being under the beck and call to the greed of one world power.

"X takes care of it's own. When we need each other, we'll find our way back," Xander had said when he put in place the temporary disbandment of XxX.

Of course, Xiang hadn't been too disappointed at the decision. Mainly because he knows there is always another thrill to chase. And he's been finding them until the next return of XxX comes.

"Of course, you're up," A voice says from the darkness.

Xiang turns to see his old partner, Serena, walking towards him.

He smiles.

Very few people can sneak up or surprise a insomniac, but Serena had a knack for doing both.

Xiang smiles at her and tosses his cigarette on the ground.

"How did you find me?" He asks.

Serena raises her eyebrows.

"I have my ways," She answers.

The cigarette bud that he threw down sparks and threatens to turn into a flame. Xiang watches it and gauges Serena's reaction.

But she efficiently puts the bud out.

He gives her a grin.

"Why are you always ruining my fun?" He complains.

"Knowing you, you'd have let it catch and watched the whole building burn down if I didn't," She chides.

Xiang laughs.

"I'm surprised to see you here," He says as he stands up, "I thought you and Xander ran off to Paris somewhere"

Serena rolls her eyes.

"Bought a cottage and a crib," Xiang continues to tease, "Isn't that what the American nursery rhyme says happens when two people are in love?"

Serena folds her arms.

"I don't know, but it didn't exactly go like that for me," She says with a shake of her head.

Xiang chuckles.

Serena laughs, too.

They both look at each other.

"Well," Xiang asks her, "what are you going to that your Knight and Shining Armor has fallen?"

Serena smirks.

"Remain the Queen"