A swift kick on the warehouse door and grunts echoed throughout the building. Thirium slowly dripped from the android's body as the woman carried across the room. Her breath was unsteady through her lips, exhaustion hitting her arms and legs.

"I'm not going to let you shut down, goddammit!" The woman put the android down on the table, lay it down so she could examine it. The pump regulator blinked red and the android was missing its right arm. Its face was filled with fear, worried about the possibility of shutting down.

"W-Why?" The android asked.

"Because not all humans are assholes." She gave a grin, quickly turning on the light to see better. "What's your name? Mine's is Mila."

"Suni." The android glanced at all of the blue blood on the table, it pooling down to the floor.

"Don't worry about that." Mila turned Suni's head so she could look at her. "Focus on the cartoon over there." She pointed to a small tv, it showing a talking tree who liked to sing. The android's eyes focused on the unknown station as Mila rushed to the back to get some supplies.

Her eyes scanned the bins, looking for a decent pump regulator, and an efficient right arm to patch up Suni. She grabbed multiple parts, quickly running back to see how her patient was doing. Blood pooled around Mila's black sneakers as the woman grabbed a small blowtorch.

"Hold still." Mila patched up Suni's side, blood staining her white shirt. She then proceeded to insert the new right arm, locking it in place as Suni ignored the cartoon to watch her savior. "Okay, so...I'm going to have to take the pump regulator out."

Suni nodded with permission, hands gripping the table enough to put a dent in it. Mila bit her lip as she grabbed the device, taking it out as swift as possible. Suni's body shook with shock which left Mila a few moments to put a new one in. She inserted the new pump regulator, holding her breath as she watched Suni jolt in response.

With a long exhale, Mila slunk down to a chair, head back as she sighed. Suni responded well to the new device and she wasn't bleeding out anymore. The android sat up, looking around at the dim building. She had long, straight black hair that fell to her waist with slanted eyes and a small nose.

Mila founded her lying on the side of the road tonight, broken and near death. She was tossed away like trash. A nobody.

"Thank you," Suvi said with a smile. "You are very kind."

"No biggie." She waved her hand, "I help androids like you all the time." Mila huffed, going back to a time when androids were starting to become big when she was growing up.

Six Years Ago

Mila was covered in goosebumps as her mother and she walked into the CyberLife building. There, tons of androids were plastered on the stand for everyone to see. To be sold. Bright, white lights made Mila' squint. As much as she's been in the building, she couldn't get used to how high tech CyberLife was.

She glanced at her mother, who's dark circles and eye bags stood out against the happy, cheery customers who came to get their android. Her kinky, dark brown hair matched her skin color as she wore a simple shirt, blue jeans, and flip-flops. No makeup decorated her face as if she wanted the world to see her depression.

"Mama." Mila squeezed her hand, "Why are we here?"

"Oh, don't you want to see where you may be working in the future?" Her mother let out a weak smile. "You're a smart girl, I believe you could work in a place like this."

"You've said this already, Mama. But that's not why we're here, isn't it?" Mila could see her mother pale due to the lie she tried to conceive. Instead, she dragged her daughter out towards the section with children androids, walking towards an employee.

"Excuse me? Do you mind showing us the latest children models?"

The employee, a tall, tan skinned man flashed the two an award-winning smile. "Of course. Follow me."

Mila couldn't believe how many options there were for children androids. There were options to make the android to fit the biology of the parent, making the entire experience real and so the buyer can fully connect with the robot. Mila's mother scanned them with awe, mouth gaping as she played with the features each model had.

"I know this is our first time getting an android but it's like clothes shopping!" Her mother joked and Mila let out an uncomfortable chuckle.

"Did you know that you can upgrade your child android to a teen or, better yet, just skip those horrible teenage years and have them be full grown adults?" The CyberLife employee advertised, "And the upgrade fee doesn't cost the price of a full android either."

Her mom grinned at her daughter while the latter wanted to hurry up and leave.

"Is it possible for them to alter their appearance a little?"

"Absolutely, say what you would like to change and say a color."

Mila watched her mom walk over to a pair of androids children that looked similar. The duo held hands, being carbon copies of one another that it was freaky.

"Twin androids?" Mila asked, observing them up close.

"Yes. In case you want double the trouble." A chuckle escaped the man's lips and Mila cringed at the joke.

"I'll take the twins!" Her mother pointed, her entire body trembling with glee. "I think they'll make a wonderful addition to the family, yeah?" Mila looked back at them, light brown skin, hazel eyes, and brown-black hair. Perfect substitutes to replace what they lost.

"Yeah, mama." She bit her tongue to hold back another lecture of how all of this was unhealthy. But Mila didn't have the heart to say it. The way her mother lit up was rare since the accident. She didn't want to crush that speck of happiness.

"Ok! I'll prepare your models and have them ready for you at the register." The employee left with a spring in his step.

"Oh, I should've asked for a discount." Mila's mother tsked in disappointment. "You are going to be working for them soon."

"Internship mama. Just an internship." Mila shook her head.

Emmanuel and Rose were their names. And Mila was disturbed at how much they acted like children. The coding was damn good in her eyes as she watched her new brother and sister happily play in the yard home. She sat down at the porch, the sun rays hitting her curly hair while the wind blew against her face.

Her grandmother sat down in a chair nearby, watching the android children. Mila glanced at her to see a face filled with disdain. Android children acting like real children. What has the world come to?

Mila's safe oasis was a warehouse, small enough to not attract any attention and large enough to house her tools and materials. A coworker gave it to her when he was moving out of Detroit, knowing that she was out of the few to leave it good hands.

Suni scanned the warehouse in curiosity, noticing plenty of bins filled with miscellaneous android parts and thirium. Mila took the time to go in the back and see what clothes Suni could change out of to get rid of her uniform, deciding on a pink t-shirt with a bunny on it, a brown leather jacket, black leggings, and sneakers.

"Here you should put these on if you plan on going back out." Mila tossed the android the clothing, "A rogue android causes people to be suspicious and call the cops."

"I'm aware what humans do to us..." Suni glanced at her clothes before starting to strip, making Mila look away in haste. She was aware that CyberLife made androids similar to humans in every way possible.

"I am done, Mila," Suni called and she nodded, turning back to face the android.

"So, you're now a free android." She smiled, "What are you planning to do?"

"I...don't know." Suni frowned, eyes down to the ground. "I'm used to serving people. Not being able to have my own free will."

"I know it can get weird but I'm sure you'll figure it out." Mila smiled, "Maybe go to Canada? There are no androids there."

"But there's no one I know that's in Canada," Suvi explained. The Afro-latina pursed her lips as she was right. "Let me stay with you."

"W-What?" Mila raised an eyebrow, "Why stay with me? I usually work and then help deviants out. That's not exciting."

"So? I want to help you, help my kind. I know I'm not the first android you've fixed." Suvi motioned to the piles of android parts and Mila folded her arms. She held in a sigh, knowing that she couldn't persuade Suni to leave even if she wanted to.

"Alright. I work in the morning and help androids at night." Mila went to the fridge to grab an ice cream sandwich. "Before I go to work, I wash my clothes to make sure the blue blood is off of them completely."

"Our blood disappears after a couple of days." Suni tilted her head as she watched Mila eat the ice cream. Vanilla stained her lips and she quickly licked it off before it became sticky.

"I know. But you can never be too careful." Mila threw the wrapper away.

"So what shall I do?"

"You can help me repair androids, carry parts back from the junkyard, be someone I can talk to...etc." She leaned against the table, smiling. "If you're okay with it."

"As long as I get to help." Suni gave a slight bow in gratitude, which made Mila wonder where exactly her new companion came from. She jumped when her phone alarm went off and she sighed.

"I have to go. Stay here until I get back." Mila grabbed her jacket, quickly putting it on as she heard thunder outside.

"What should I do here?" Suni looked around.

"Uh...watch tv? I have some manuals if you want to read them. Just stay there!" Mila quickly walked out of the warehouse, the sun rising over the building. She felt uneasy leaving Suni in her hideout but would have to push the worries later as she had to go to work.

Mila's day was always the same. Go to work, spend time with her family, help androids and repeat. Time flew by and life went on. Mila's job at CyberLife always kept her on her toes. Dealing with the process of making androids during her shifts was exhausting. Not to mention the fact that she was Amanda's assistant.

Mila shifted from side to side in her tight, white form-fitting dress. She put her hair up in a neat bun, pushing up her glasses while walking into CyberLife headquarters. Her matching color flats made her walk effortlessly across the sleek, linoleum floor. But she shivered at the cold air in the building.

"Good morning, Mila." An android with short, orange hair greeted at the front desk.

"Good morning, Sibena." Mila smiled at her, "How are you doing today?"

"I am well." She flashed her pearly whites, "Amanda is waiting for you in the garden. Tea is already brought up."

"Thanks." Mila dashed to the garden, hoping that she wasn't late for her talk with Amanda. Ever since she became Amanda's associate, Mila had been working hard to make sure she doesn't get on her bad side. Though it can be hard to tell as she radiates intimidation whenever she walks in the room.

With a huff from sprinting, Mila composed herself as she strolled in the garden, eyes darting around to locate her boss. There Amanda sat, drinking her tea as the birds chirped beautifully in her ears. She seemed in content, Mila taking this as an opportunity to brown nose.

"Good morning, Amanda." Mila greeted, sitting down in a chair in front of her. Amanda's curled into a small smile, putting her warm tea down on the small table.

"Good morning. I see that you're two minutes late." Amanda gently scolded, "Why is that?"

"Traffic." Mila said, making eye contact. "I apologize for my tardiness."

"It is alright." Amanda gazed at her up and down, "How is your family doing?"

"They are well. My abuela is doing well with the new android you provided for us. And the twins are getting ready to be upgraded soon." Her face was filled with gratitude, at least that's what she tried to be. Amanda hummed in satisfaction, taking another sip of her tea.

"Wonderful. I'm glad to hear that." Mila took a sip of her tea, the taste of chamomile filling her senses. "Shall we go over the agenda for today?"

"Of course. I was planning to analyze the code for the new AK models, just so there would be no problems during launch." Mila debriefed, "Same with the HK's."

"Excellent, but I have to show you something." Amanda looked pleased, having a genuine smile that Mila had only seen twice since she's worked under her. "In a couple of months, we'll be releasing an android prototype to the public that deals with deviants."

Mila's eyes widened at the news, doing her best to remain composed as Amanda continued. "But I would like to show you the model as you will be working with me to ensure that his mission is a success. You can do that, right?" The way Amanda's lowered eyes showed no emotion, made Mila's heart beat in her chest. Working at Cyberlife and dealing with deviants on a daily basis was already hitting a tension level. Now she had to frequently interact with one whose sole purpose is to get rid of rogue androids.

"I won't fail you, Amanda." Mila's pass for a determined tone worked as Amanda nodded with approval.

"Excellent." She looked past her, issuing a small hand gesture. "Come here, Connor. I would like for you to meet someone." Heavy footsteps filled Mila's ears before a person dressed in a black suit and tie came to greet the two. She looked up at the android with pale skin, seeing his brown eyes and thin lips.

"Mila, this is Connor, our RK800 prototype." Amanda introduced.

"Hello, Ms. Mila." Connor greeted, holding out his hand for a greeting. He let out a smile as she reluctantly shook his hand.

"Um, hi." Mila was shocked how the sensors in Connor's hand matched the warmth of hers. He gave out a comfortable aura that made her cheeks flush red before pulling her hand away.

"I believe Connor is one of our greatest inventions yet. His tongue receptors are useful when he analyzes blood, human or thirium. And he is able to scan someone's face and access their personal information in a blink of an eye." Amanda praised, almost giving Mila a heart attack. Meanwhile, Connor's eyes fell on her face, his LED light flashing yellow before going back to blue.

"You are twenty-three years old with a total of four siblings. Your oldest brother, you, and twins." Connor recited, making Amanda proud.

Mila wanted to shit herself, knowing that if Connor can do all of these wonderful things, her life was gonna be a living hell from now on. She watched the android stare at her flats, his LED blinking red.

"Ms. Mila? It seems you have some thirium on your shoes." Mila froze as Amanda raised an eyebrow in question, watching Connor bent down to take a sample of the blood.

"It is from an AK600, recent from a few days ago." The two stared at the woman who shifted in her seat. She was wearing those when an android got shot in front of her eyes, the blood spattering to her shoes. Mila thought she had got it all off when she washed them.

"One of the twin androids fell and damaged their knee at the park." She lied, "Some blood splattered on my shoe and I didn't know I still had some on there."

"Connor can see thirium traces even after they've disappeared." Amanda explained, "Also, you should wash your shoes thoroughly next time." Mila did her best to not glare at her, biting her lip. "Connor still has a few bugs but he should be complete for the unveiling in a couple of weeks."

"And what happens after that?"

"Then I will start my task of hunting down deviants." Connor informed her, "I look forward to it." His slight smile made her stomach churn, but also fluster even more. She couldn't help that Connor was an attractive android.

"Thank you, Connor." Amanda dismissed him, leaving the two women by themselves again. "We also have models of him on standby just in case he gets destroyed."

"What, like a hundred?" Mila joked.

"Hmm, give or take a few. Just so he won't be deterred from his mission."

"I see..." Mila tried to calm her shaking, doing her best to not have an anxiety attack in front of Amanda.

"Though, once we get enough data from Connor, we'll be able to make a new, improved version. But that's in the future." The two stood, Amanda leaving Mila to accomplish her tasks for the day. She took deep breaths to steady herself, knowing that she would have to be careful from now on.

A/N: I love me some Connor in DBH. You'll get more of him in the next chapter and possible some action. ;)