"Love is a serious mental disease." ~ Plato
They are twenty when they make the pact. Twenty years old, and stupid and young and reckless and both broken hearted. Although the degree of broken heart is varying and the type of stupid and reckless is different.
Zoro's just been dumped, sure, but it doesn't bother him all that much. It is right before his birthday, but he supposes that's just one more sting to a paper cut. Manageable.
It was a causal relationship, like all his relationships are. It was about having fun and having sex. He enjoyed their company but knew it wasn't serious. Zoro likes it that way. His future career doesn't really allow him to have many long-term relationships anyways, especially since he's always travelling. Being a pilot is challenging like that.
But even if his relationship was casual, it wasn't meaningless. There is still the sting of rejection, and the contemplating that maybe he's made a mistake. That maybe he should settle down and look for a real relationship. Who knows? Maybe that relationship could evolve into something deeper and more meaningful. Maybe he's missed his chance?
It's right around then when the cook stumbles in.
The cook, unlike Zoro is fully drunk and fully broken hearted. He barges into Zoro's apartment without knocking and is holding a wine bottle in his hands, which he guzzles. He grins happily at Zoro.
"Heard you were dumped too," Sanji slurs. Then at Zoro's nod, holds up the wine bottle almost in a cheer and says, " Does your misery want some company?"
And Zoro, of course nods his head.
Sanji sits, or more like tumbles onto the couch.
Zoro sips his beer nervously, and tries to ignore, like he usually does, the unresolved feelings churning inside him…
Zoro has known Sanji for six years, ever since their first day of high school.
And upon their very first meeting they'd hated each other right away.
Zoro thought Sanji was the worst of condescending straight men, who was totally insecure in his own masculinity and so fucking arrogant about everything around him too. He was a pain in the ass, always whining and always making these jabs at Zoro that had him reeling like no one else ever did.
But of course, that had changed.
As Zoro had started to explore more with his sexuality and he realized that he was attracted to anyone. It didn't matter what gender as long as they had a strong personality and an attitude to match, they were someone Zoro wanted. And as he was realizing that, he also started to realize that the cook wasn't so bad. In fact, they might even be friends.
And then suddenly they were friends. And then Zoro started to realize that maybe Sanji was his best friend, because the shit cook actually had some great qualities about him. In fact, some qualities that Zoro might be searching for in a partner... in fact some traits that he could never seem to find in anyone else. And damn, the cook was hot. It had stared out with hatred, then attraction and had morphed into something else.
Throughout college Zoro had wrestled with this something else and had confirmed in first year after one significant and yet simple moment that he was in love with the shit cook.
He had worked very hard to surpass those feelings, because Sanji was – and is- straight. As straight as they came, and he only sees Zoro as a friend.
But when in second year, at twenty years old, Sanji barges into his apartment, drunk and miserable, Zoro can't help but feel a surge of those traitorous emotions.
"So, Mossy, what happened with you?" Sanji asks him, his hand still tight around the wine bottle, his eyes still glazed, and his smile stretched and fake across his drunken face.
Zoro shrugs trying to not linger on Sanji's lips for too long. Not that Sanji will notice in his state.
"He dumped me," Zoro says, before he's thought about it.
It isn't exactly a secret that he dates men. But he usually avoids the topic with Sanji. It's been tricky, but he's convinced his other friends to keep it quiet around the cook too. His excuse is that Sanji will make fun of him (to the eye rolls and protests of his friends) but the real reason is he's afraid it will make the cook wary of him. He's afraid their relationship might change. Plus, if Sanji thinks, he is firmly straight he can get away with a hug or a lean on the arm. He can carry the cook home when he's too drunk. And he can have these feelings for Sanji without him being suspicious...
It isn't exactly healthy, and he will have to tell him eventually, but there never seems to be a good time.
Although now he's blurted it out, and it's too late to take it back.
With a mental shrug and a surge of fear in his heart he awaits the blonde's reaction.
Sanji blinks stupidly for a moment and then looks confused.
"Did you say he?" He asks.
Zoro nods firmly, waiting, staring ... hoping.
Sanji cracks a large smile.
"Ha! I knew it! I always suspected you liked men! Why didn't you tell me?"
Zoro shrugs again, relief taking over the panic. And he realizes he's been stupid. Like Sanji will care about something so minor as who Zoro sleeps with.
Sanji turns thoughtful all the sudden, and he tapes the wine bottle to his lips.
"Men..." He says slowly, " Are they easier to date then women?"
Now that was an unexpected question.
Zoro stares at him for a full minute. Sanji still looks curious when meeting Zoro's eyes with his own bright blue ones.
"Uh, well I don't really think about it in terms of gender usually. I'm attracted to personalities. But I guess men on average are more low maintenance," He says, turning thoughtful himself. "Although that's not always true, I've had women who were chill, and men be a pain. And I suppose men don't take as long to get ready. … Although that's also not always true either-"
Sanji interrupts Zoro's rambling swiftly, obviously not really having paid attention to him in the first place.
"Because, you know I love women. I really, really do. They're so great. So soft and they smell good, like all the time, and they laugh so nicely. It's like... champagne and strawberries..." Sanji trails off dreamingly again and Zoro chugs his beer, feeling sour.
Sanji snaps back after a moment, getting back to his train of thought. " But… and moss head if you repeat this I'll find you and kill you, " He says glaring at Zoro furiously. Zoro nods in agreement, more than a little curious what Sanji is going to confess. Sanji glares at him for another few seconds, but eventually continues his thought, quieter, like he's confessing, "But... I get... tired sometimes. Tired."
This is a rather vague statement, but it also makes Zoro's heart thrum again. Sanji is tired of… women?
At that thought there is a large heart wrenching moment when Zoro imagines Sanji telling him he wants to experiment, and Zoro being the closest guy there and a good friend, graciously offers his services…
His normal fantasies of Sanji, fantasies he has all too frequently, take off in his mind before he can stop them. Fantasies of Sanji in little to no clothing, Sanji smirking at him, wetting his cherry lips, and whispering dirty things in Zoro's ear…
He only snaps out of it when Sanji starts speaking again. Zoro is pretty invested in this by now. Very invested.
"Just I wish... sometimes…" Sanji pauses again, his eyes distant, and then he turns them towards Zoro and it breaks Zoro's heart when he sees how sad they are.
"I wish… they'd love me as much as I love them. It's tiring you know, being the one who always loves someone more than they love me. And I don't mind usually. I mean if you think about it I'm just lucky. Lucky to be with them. But I wish… you know… like the movies... I could have that kind of trust in someone. Like a friend… or ..." Sanji trails off again and he hiccups slightly.
Zoro's chest feels tight as he watches Sanji. Sanji, who is usually so strong and so confident about himself, sharing his deepest doubts and insecurities about not being loved. And here Zoro sits, loving him so fiercely. Zoro wishes he could shake Sanji and knock some sense into him. Sanji is the best person that Zoro's ever met. Sanji deserves to be loved in the fullest. And Zoro does love Sanji like that, more than any woman ever had or probably ever would. Zoro even knows exactly how Sanji feels, because he also wishes Sanji loved him back just as fiercely. And what irony is that. How unfair for both of them-
And then Sanji says it.
"Hey, I've got an idea!" Sanji perks up, losing the sad look and grinning at Zoro with his brightest smile.
It makes Zoro's heart shudder again. Sanji is putting it through a lot tonight.
"What?" Zoro asks, and his voice is husky.
"You know how people make those… those pacts?" Sanji asks with a another hiccup.
"What're you talking about?" Zoro asks, with a small disappointed sigh at the topic change. Apparently, they're done talking about Sanji's feelings and the possibility of him not being interested in women anymore...
"You know, if we don't find love or get married in ten years kind of pacts?" Sanji says again, his grin still plastered on.
"You're not making any fucking sense shit cook."
And then Sanji sighs and shakes his head like Zoro is the one who is being stupid here.
"Zoro, I'm saying that in ten years if we don't find anyone, we should get married!"
Zoro's heart freezes, his whole body freezes, and he's pretty sure hell does too.
Sanji said … what?
"What?" Zoro asks and his voice is a few octaves higher than normal.
Sanji laughs at Zoro's shocked expression and keeps going unabashedly.
"It's perfect Zoro!" Sanji exclaims. "You like men anyways and we're friends! If by the time I'm thirty and don't have someone, then we should just do it! I'll probably never find love with a woman by that point anyway. And this way it'd be like… you know… equal! It'd be - be great. I'd cook! And you could take me on like vacations. And then I could argue legalities or something..."
Zoro just stares. Sanji is talking crazy right now. He's too drunk and doesn't know what he's saying. And ten years is a fucking long time to wait if he was serious...
But can this be a sign? A sign, finally, that Sanji has something more in his heart for Zoro? That maybe Sanji isn't as straight as he pretends to be? Should Zoro just say fuck it and try to make a move?
"You want to make a pact?" Zoro asks just to confirm. "To get married in ten years if no one else is in our lives?"
"Yup!" Sanji says with a nod. "Although, if I'm a proper law student I should write it as a contract... oh!" He sits up. " Shit of course, I'll make us a contract. Hold on moss head." And Sanji finally releases the wine bottle and shakily heads to the kitchen, where Zoro probably keeps pens.
Sanji quickly locates a pen and a takeout napkin, and he comes back to fall on the couch again, grinning at Zoro happily.
"Alright. Here we go, I'll write us up a leally - legibly- legally binding contract."
And Sanji starts writing. Zoro just stares.
Zoro knows that, rationally, this is just some kind of stupid drunk…thing. That Sanji probably won't remember it in the morning, and he should just laugh and humor him.
Zoro shouldn't be taking it seriously, he shouldn't have his heart beating in his chest this rapidly.
Oh fuck. He can't sign that.
He can't live with even an ounce of hope, even a scribbled-out napkin of hope, that Sanji might somehow, someday, want him. That will not be good for his foolish heart, not good for anything.
"There!" Sanji says with a flourish, and Zoro looks and sees Sanji has written up a short paragraph with legal phrases here and there, and then has signed underneath it.
He hands Zoro the pen and grins at him happily.
"Here. Sign on the dotted line."
Zoro stares at the pen, then back to the drunk blonde, and then at the pen again.
And maybe he is a bit more buzzed then he thought, or maybe he really is just laughing at it as a stupid drunk joke… or maybe he thinks that somehow this means Sanji and him have a chance.
Whatever the reason is, whether it's a good or horrible decision, he takes the pen and signs.
9 years, 11 months and 20 days later.
10 days from now.
Zoro yawns sleepily and reaches out a hand to stop the annoying buzzing permanenting the early morning air.
Its humid out today, and Zoro feels it even as he's waking up. It feels thick on his tongue and sits on his body like a blanket.
Obviously, he's somewhere warmer than the usual American atmosphere. He blinks blurrily at his surroundings and sees he's in some sort of room that also looks like a work space and an airplane hangar.
And then he remembers he flew to Peru and landed a few hours ago.
He flies around so much it sometimes takes a moment for him to remember what city, or even what country he's in.
He yawns again and looks at the time, the clock reads 6:30am. He knows that he's got to leave around 7 if he wants to make headway and get back to America on time as scheduled.
He sighs and rubs his eyes. That means ... getting up.
He forces himself to sit up on the couch he's occupying.
He technically had a hotel, but he must have fallen asleep in the workshop working on Kitetsu.
His suspicions are confirmed when he looks down and sees his pants and hands are covered with grease.
The door to his left suddenly bangs open letting in streaks of the sunrise and a shadowy hulking figure in the in the doorway.
"Morning bro," Franky says happily as he walks further inside carrying two coffee cups.
"Hey Franky," Zoro replies tiredly and reaches up thankfully for the cup. Coffee is life. Coffee is everything.
"Sleep OK?" Franky asks cheerily blowing on his coffee and taking a seat beside Zoro.
"As well as I can on this fucking couch," Zoro mumbles and sips his own coffee. Its absolute shit, cheap and grainy and exactly what he needs. So, heaven.
Franky chuckles lightly. " Well I told you it was good to go. As the technical mechanic you could have just trusted me."
"And as the owner of Kitetsu and a mechanic myself I had to check. You know how Kitetsu gets, she's temperamental sometimes. "
Franky chuckles again but nods in agreement too.
"So, is she ready good to go then?"
"Yeah I think so. I should just give her a double check once more. Want to make sure the gauge levels even out, and the air pressure is fine..."
"OK but hurry it up a bit. I want to get moving. It's hot as hell out there, and it's not even dawn yet," Franky says with a heavy sigh.
Zoro grunts, his mind already on what he needs to do to Kitetsu before he can get her to fly.
"I'm so happy we're going back to the states in a few days. This week's schedule has been crazy. I'm starting to forget what Robin looks like," Franky pouts again, talking large gulps of coffee as he does.
Zoro grunts again, this time paying more attention.
He also wants to head back home. Being a delivery pilot is great, and something he'll always wanted to do, but it does mean not being able to visit home nearly enough.
In fact, it had been almost six months since he had been back to America, and he's barely talked to anyone, besides a few emails here and there, and maybe a rare phone call. It's lonely, and Zoro's glad Franky at least came with him this time around. Although they are both more than ready to go home.
He can't wait to see Luffy and Ace. Not to mention Chopper. And Usopp, and Brook and even that witch Nami. Robin as well he was missing, although not as much as Franky.
And then of course there was the cook.
Not much has really change since he was twenty. Except maybe he's gotten much better at ignoring his unwanted feelings.
He might have held out some hope in college. That was perhaps when Sanji and himself were the closest. Sanji had even been his roommate in the last year of their school, and Zoro had been thinking of confessing his feelings.
But then Sanji and Zoro had graduated. They'd move into another apartment together, each starting off in their respected careers. Sanji as a lawyer. Zoro as a commercial pilot.
They'd lived like that for a year out of college. Everyday Zoro had fallen more and more in love with Sanji and more and more determined to confess...but fuck they were busy. New careers and new stresses weren't the best time to talk about it. He always thought he'd have time later. Maybe when Sanji hinted again that he wasn't entirely straight, like the night they'd made the pact...
And then Sanji had met Pudding. And everything had changed.
Pudding and Sanji had fallen in love, hard and fast. And before Zoro had known it, a mere year and a half after they'd met, and they were getting married.
Zoro felt like his life had ended when he'd attended the wedding. He'd been Sanji's fucking best man. It had been rough, but he'd ultimately gotten through it.
It was right around then that he'd stopped flying for commercial airlines (not that he'd spent long with them anyway) and started his own delivery business with Franky. He'd asked his uncle for help in building it and had even named his first plane after Kuina's old one, Wado.
So, he'd thrown himself into the business of delivering things for FedEx and other shipping companies and flown around the world, barely seeing his friends, and more importantly barley seeing Sanji.
Sanji's been married to Pudding for four years now, almost five. And he's happy. Fucking happy and wonderful and everything is rainbows and butterflies in the Sanji Black and Pudding Charlotte household.
Sanji is a successful lawyer in the big city with a beautiful wife who is probably going be pregnant soon. They have perfect lives, with bowling tournaments, and barbeques ever weekend. With kisses each morning and long talks about mortgages and grandchildren and -
And Zoro flies around the world. Having causal sex and looking for distractions and even hoping for love so that he won't have to think about Sanji again.
But Zoro isn't dwelling on that shit anymore. He likes his life. He loves flying. He will soon fulfill his ultimate dream of being the best pilot in the world. He doesn't need anything else. And if he did want companionship then he can just call up his usual lays when he gets back to America. Peroni, Daze, Wiper, Saga, Bonny. Even Ace might be into it. Depending on his single status.
Zoro can even try to meet someone again, maybe, cautiously look around for someone to finally catch his eye like a blonde cook used to (still did) and make any hole he feels fill up and any lingering flame distinguished.
"Zoro? Bro? You listening to me?"
Zoro blinks at Franky's voice and realizes that he's completely zoned out for way too long. He gives Franky a sheepish smile. "Er... what.?"
Franky sighs heavily, rolls his eyes and throws out his paper coffee cup. "I said let's get going man. We've got to get to back to America, the mosquitoes are killing me here."
Zoro with a deep happy sigh grins as he soars over the expansive earth beneath him. There's really nothing like flying. Nothing like it at all. It's only up here he feels truly free, as cliché as it sounds.
But how can he not feel free when he soars above the clouds and sees the tiny people below him, and realizes his problems are as tiny as they are? There's nothing like flying to clear his mind and relax him.
Flying is in his blood too. His uncle and sister had owned an old hangar that had been with their family since World War Two. It was filled with old crop duster planes that were rusty and barely got off the ground. The only plane that was worth anything was Kuina's Ichimonji.
But that plane was destroyed when Kuina had fell from the sky, when she was only twenty, and Zoro had been fifteen.
Zoro had used some of the parts of the Ichimonji recovered from the crash to build the Wado. After he'd built it, he knew that Wado was the plane he'd fly in when he'd become the best flyer in the world.
Zoro had been striving to be the best damn pilot in the world, in a variety of ways. He'd explored a lot of flying in his twenties, with his delivery business his only source of income. Otherwise, he'd done contract work, sometimes even for the military.
He still did it now, just so that he can one day meet the most amazing flyer alive: Mihawk. Mihawk is like a pilot legend. He's a contract flyer like Zoro and no one really knows much else about him. But the stories of him are numerous. Zoro hopes that one day he'll meet him, out fly him and finally prove that he's the best pilot in the world.
Zoro finds himself grinning just thinking about it.
A loud snore from the copilot seat has him turning and rolling his eyes at Franky, who is snoozing hard and snoring louder.
Zoro can always count on Franky to fall asleep almost instantly on any kind of plane ride. It's pretty funny and reminds him of Ace's narcolepsy but less dramatic. It's nice when Franky is asleep because Zoro gets to sit in solitude and peace while he flies. He's able to soar soundly with nothing but the hum of the engine and Franky's snores to break up the silence. Nothing is more meditative, besides actually meditating, than this.
And he's almost home too. He's flown this path so many times now, he can even identify the familiar landscape as he approaches. Soon he sees the familiar landing strip in their own home-made airspace. A slightly run-down place that Zoro converted into his center for his business.
Zoro feels the grin tugging hard on his mouth. He missed home, and damn it feels good to be back.
He lands the plane expertly, not even waking Franky with the landing.
He does wake Franky a moment later with a punch to the arm though, to which Franky snaps his head up with a loud snore and looks around bleary eyed.
"What?" he says sleepily.
"Start unloading, we're here," Zoro commands and gets out of the pilot seat with a stretch.
He turns and walks through the small plane, until he opens the side door, and unloads the step ladder to the ground. He lowers himself unto the short steps, ignoring the many packages stored in the plane for now. Franky slept all the way here while Zoro flew, so he can deal with unloading for now. Zoro meanwhile has an old man to greet.
Koshiro is waiting for him near the door of the warehouse, right beside were the plan is landed. He looks calm and composed as always. His glasses perched on the end of his nose and a soft smile the only indication he's pleased to see Zoro.
Zoro feels his own grin widen as he hops down the last of the steps and heads towards Koshiro, who now has white hair and a few more wrinkles then when Zoro first met him on this very air field.
He doesn't hug Koshiro, but he does give him a small bow.
Koshiro gives him a bow in return and nods his smile widening.
"Welcome home, Son."
After Franky and Zoro have finished unpacking the plane and putting it safely in the warehouse. Zoro checks over Wado happily, and even looks in on the newest plane that Koshiro purchased, and Franky promised to help fix up.
"It has potential," Zoro comments as he carefully examines the newest plane, named Yubashiri.
"Yes. Your mechanic friend will be able to help us sufficiently I hope?" Koshiro asks pleasantly from the doorway.
Zoro grunts in agreement and ducks out from where he was looking at the plane's engine. That is an impressive piece of machinery. He's rather impressed Koshiro found such a good plane, on their tight budget. The only concern Zoro can see is the rust creeping around the edges.
"Come," Koshiro says lightly, and gestured to his office. Zoro follows him quickly and finds the impeccably neat office space is, as always, warm and inviting.
Koshiro gracefully hands Zoro a cup of tea, without asking and seats himself on a chair, gesturing Zoro to take the couch.
"How was the trip? Any issues?" Koshiro asks lightly over the top of his tea mug.
"No. It all went smoothly. We even were able to save money on gas when they gave us some free fuel for advertising," Zoro informs Koshiro briskly.
This is the usual standard of conversation for them. Zoro would talk about his flight and then Koshiro would start informing Zoro about his end of the business.
Instead, Koshiro puts down his tea and levels Zoro with a stare that Zoro can't quite interpret.
"What is it?" Zoro asks nervously and places his tea down on the table as well.
"I feel I should inform you of some troubling news," Koshiro says slowly his eyes searching Zoro's face as he does so.
A horrible fleeing flips through Zoro's stomach and he feels terror grip his heart. This reminds him painfully of when he heard the news of Kuina's death. And he isn't sure he can take it if someone else he cares about has died...
"It's nothing too serious," Koshiro quickly reassures, obviously seeing something like panic come over Zoro's face. "All of your friends and family are physically fine."
Zoro sighs in relief and nods.
"But," Koshiro says slowly, " I believe Mr. Black has just finalized his divorce."
Zoro stares at Koshiro for what must be a good solid five seconds before Zoro's processes his words.
"What?" Zoro asks, quietly, uncomprehendingly.
"Yes, it seems in fact he was separated about the time you left and he's only now finalizing things."
Zoro's mind is spinning. Sanji is getting a divorce. Sanji. Who had been head over heels in love with Pudding and was so very happy. What on earth happened?
Granted he's never liked Pudding, but he's always thought that was because he was insanely jealous. But why the hell would Sanji give that up? Was he not happy like Zoro thought?
And what does this mean for Zoro himself...?
But Zoro knows he shouldn't be thinking about himself right now. He turns back to Koshiro, keeping his expressions carefully schooled.
"Alright so the shit cook is divorced. Too bad and everything but why are you telling me like it's so damn important?"
Koshiro gives Zoro a deadpan look that seems to ask if Zoro really wants to do this. After a moment, in which Zoro gives no answer to the silent question, Koshiro says, "Your friends have been very upset about it. I assumed you'd want to know."
"Why would I be upset about it?" Zoro asks quickly not looking Koshiro in the eyes, feeling a slight blush growing on his face.
Koshiro is quiet again and then he sighs heavily. "Zoro, even I can tell, after all these year of being that man's friend that you-"
But Zoro suddenly can't stand to hear that Koshiro knows about his feelings for Sanji and probably has always known. And that, along with everyone else, pities Zoro as well. So, he interrupts him quickly.
"What happened to their marriage? Thought he was over the moon?" Zoro's last statement comes out a bit more bitter then he intended. No wonder everyone knows about his stupid heart pinning after the cook. Damn.
Koshiro again pauses for a moment, obviously debating if he should press the subject about Zoro's feelings or answer his questions.
Apparently, Koshiro decides in favor of not talking about feelings, and says, "I believe you'll have to ask your friends. It was Miss Mikan that informed me of the affair. She told me to tell you when you got back."
At that Zoro's head suddenly pops up and he groans.
"Oh crap. I forgot that stupid witch," He grumbles angrily glaring off to the side.
"Is this something I want to know?" Koshiro sighs calmly.
"Just a bet I made with Nami at Sanji's wedding. I bet that Sanji's marriage would last and Nami said it wouldn't. Shit. I was an idiot making a bet with Nami. That's probably why she told you, just to collect her damn money."
Koshiro is quiet but Zoro can feel his amusement.
"Well it seems Miss Mikan had more of a pessimistic outlook then you did."
"I guess."
He isn't really paying attention as things begin to collide and reassemble in his head. Questions upon questions seem to overlap and pile up as his mind takes off.
Sanji isn't with Pudding anymore. What broke them up? What happened? And what did Nami know? She knew about his crush on Sanji but Nami was also Sanji's best friend, did Sanji tell Nami anything about the whole affair? What happened between the two of them? And what was Sanji doing now? How was Sanji doing now?
Probably not great.
Zoro winces just thinking about Sanji's fall out from this. Sanji had always put 110 % of his heart into every relationships he was in. His girlfriends in high school and college had all been showered with affection and love. Sanji had done everything for them and more. He would have jumped off cliffs and slit his wrists if they'd asked him too. This usually meant a lot of girls took advantage of him and then broke his heat. And Zoro remembered what heartbroken Sanji was like, depressed and full of true despair. The only thing that ever got Sanji out of the funk was another relationship and then, like a vicious cycle, it would start all over again.
Pudding hadn't been like that though, she'd been sweet and shared interests with Sanji. Sanji and her had gotten along, and she'd never taken advantage of him.
Zoro still hadn't liked her much, but everyone else had. They thought Pudding was the best thing to happen to Sanji, besides Zoro himself. But Zoro and Sanji were never going to happen no matter how much Zoro, and his friends, wanted it too. Zoro just had to deal with it.
But now ...
"Zoro?" Koshiro 's voice suddenly breaks the comfortable silence.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"I was just asking about the fuel prices. I was hoping to talk to you about that as well as the schedule coming up..."
And just like that they are both back on track, talking about the business of delivering packages through the air. Zoro shoves all thoughts about Sanji deliberately to the back of his mind and focuses as much as he could on Koshiro and the business they'd built together.
Still though, even with his highly honed self-control, he feels impatient to be released. He wants to go talk to Franky, and then call up Nami or better yet Robin or Ace and ask them what the hell was happening with Sanji.
Koshiro seems to sense this, if those quiet amused smiles were anything to go by, and he ends the conversation a bit earlier than usual.
"I'm sure you are tired. We'll talk more about the schedule tomorrow," Koshiro says finishing his tea. Zoro does as well, trying to hide his eagerness.
"See you tomorrow," Zoro says standing up and heading to the door.
"Good night my son," Koshiro mumbles. With a final wave, Zoro heads down toward the cabin where he last saw Franky. Koshiro usually sleeps in the room above hangar, and the cabin is usually reserved for Zoro and the few other employees and pilots they had working for them. By the light of the main entry, Zoro figures Franky is already in there.
He only hears the hum of the heaters, and the sounds of June bugs and crickets in the night as he hurries towards the cabin. It's a peaceful night around Zoro, but inwardly he feels like a storm is brewing inside him. Questions and emotions rise and fall in him like ocean waves.
And just as he is about to enter the cabin he looks up and sees the moon is bright and shining down on him.
And a small smile pulls at his mouth. A full moon the night he finds out Sanji is single again?
Maybe this is one of those stupid signs of fate or destiny that Sanji is always going on about…
With a small shake of his head and a laugh under his breath, Zoro heads into the cabin hoping to grab a phone as soon as possible.
Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed and are ready for a seriously cheesy romance ;) 3