A/N: Hi everyone! This is my first fic for the Miraculous fandom so I hope you all will like it. Let me know what you think and check out the end of the chapter for more notes. Also art does not belong to me. Found it on Pinterest, all rights to the artist.


Chapter 1: May I Lay You Down

Marinette bit her lip as she tried to find the courage to speak to Adrien. Alya gave her a small nudge. The girls were sitting at their desk watching the boys in front of them. She was going to do it. Today she would ask him out.

"So dude, who's this mystery girl you're crushing on? I saw those hearts you were drawing on your notes," Nino teased. He glanced back towards Alya and winked.

The pair had found out that Adrien liked somebody and they were fairly certain from the info Nino had gotten that the girl Adrien liked was Marinette.

"I told you already," Adrien responded through gritted teeth. "I can't tell you who it is."

Nino rolled his eyes. "Sure, dude. Just at least give me a hint."

Adrien sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Fine. She," he paused, searching for a vague enough reply. "She has dark hair."

"That's not even a real hint. A lot of girls have dark hair. What about eye color?" the deejay asked.

"All right, blue."

Marinette could feel her heart rate increase at this. No, there's no way he could be talking about me, right?

"You know, Adrien, it almost sounds like the girl your crushing on is Marinette," Alya said suddenly.

Marinette whipped her head toward her friend. "Alya," she hissed, her face flushing.

Adrien spun around. "What? I mean, no!" he exclaimed. He hadn't realized they had been listening. He held up his hands. "I mean, of course I'm not crushing on Marinette. She's just my friend."

They all stared at Adrien in silence for a moment. Marinette clenched her fist until her fingernails dug into her palm.

Don't cry. Don't cry. She told herself silently.

"Then who are you crushing on?" Alya demanded. It was clear from the look on her face that she thought Adrien was lying.

Adrien's face flushed but he wanted to clear up the misunderstanding. He couldn't risk his friendship with Marinette.

"I like Ladybug."

Marinette's hand flew up to cover her mouth before she darted out of the classroom. A muffled sob was the last sign of her.

Alya dropped into her seat smacking her forehead with her fist. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," she muttered.

Adrien sunk into his own seat beside Nino feeling very confused. He had thought he was protecting their friendship by clearing up the misunderstanding that he might like her. He reviewed the conversation in his mind. Oh crap. I made it sound like I would be crazy to be interested in her.

His stomach felt sick at the thought that he had hurt Marinette. She was one of his closest friends. He sighed and tried to focus through the rest of the day's classes.

Marinette couldn't control her sobbing as she ran from the school. She hurried down the front steps and hid beside them before calling for her spots and soon a red blur could be seen zooming across the roofs of Paris.

I can't believe I let that happen. I shouldn't have let Alya get involved. I always knew Adrien wasn't interested in me. She slowed her speed as she reached her balcony and carefully sank down onto it, releasing her transformation.

"Oh,Tikki. I've probably ruined everything. How can I ever face him now?" She sobbed out that words.

Tikki flew closer to Marinette's head and patted her. "It'll be okay, Marinette. I know it hurts now, but everything will be okay."

After a few minutes, Marinette's crying slowed and she took deep breaths. "What if he doesn't want to be friends after this?" She asked her kwami.

Tikki nuzzled her chosen's hand. "Don't worry, Marinette. I'm sure you know that Adrien would never do that. He values his friendship with you."

She wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "I hope you're right, Tikki."

That night found Chat Noir hopping across the rooftops of Paris. "Where is she?" he wondered aloud as he landed on the Eiffel Tower again.

He had tried waiting for Ladybug before starting patrol, but when he had been waiting for half an hour he decided it was best to just start. After all, he needed a distraction from the thoughts whirling around in his brain.

I wonder how Marinette's doing. She ran off so quickly after our conversation. He thought back to the look on her face when he denied crushing on Marinette. "Why did I have to be so damn insistent?" He found himself silently wondering if Marinette would be at school the next day.

And speaking of not being somewhere, his thoughts now drifted to Ladybug. Where is she? Any other day and he might've been worried. Tonight though, he had a feeling he knew where she was. The memory of the previous night flooded his mind.

The two heroes were seated atop the Eiffel tower after an akuma battle had happened earlier that day. Ladybug had wanted to meet to discuss the way Hawkmoth's akumas had become more dangerous as of late. In the last attack, the akuma had even managed to land blows on both of the heroes. Luckily, her magic had healed them both. But as Chat waited for her to speak, nothing happened. Instead, his Lady seemed unusually distracted.

"You okay, Milady?" he asked, waving a gloved hand in front of her face.

Ladybug yelled, jumping back.

Chat chuckled after grabbing hold of her arm to ensure she wouldn't fall. "Forget I was here?"

She shook her head, as if dispelling her previous daydreams. "Sorry, Chat. Just thinking."

He watched her closely. "I'm going to guess you weren't thinking about what to do about Hawkmoth. Right?"

Ladybug's cheeks tinged pink beneath her mask and he couldn't help thinking he'd enjoy seeing her like that more often.

"You're right." She answered, tugging at one of her pigtails. "I'm sorry, Chaton. I just have a lot on my mind."

He smiled. "No worries, Bugaboo. Tell me what you're thinking about."

Her expression changed and for a moment she looked pained. "I- I don't think I should."

It only took one glance in her direction for Chat to figure out what she'd been thinking about. "Thinking of your mystery guy?" he asked. And he tried, really tried to keep any hurt out of his voice.

Ladybug sighed. "Sorry, Chat. I'm sure that's the last thing you want to hear about."

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Tell me what's going on."

His words were sincere and Ladybug really did need some advice.

"Well, I haven't exactly been able to get the attention of my crush. I try and try but its no use. I'm too nervous around him." She explained.

He laughed. "You? Nervous?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, Chaton. Sometimes even I get nervous."

"Then why don't you just try and pretend your talking to me. You don't get nervous around me."

Ladybug stared at him for a moment. Had he really just suggested that?

Chat was about to apologize and take it back when Ladybug's mouth broke into a smile. She gave him a hug. "Thanks, Chat. That just might work. I'll try talking to him tomorrow and then I can let you know how it went at patrol."

A few moments later, she had disappeared into the Paris skyline.

Chat sighed. "And she's probably with him now. Her confession probably went so well that they are off on a romantic date right now."

He hated that he felt hurt. He had been the one to force her to talk about it. He had been the one to encourage her.

"But she could've at least called if she wasn't coming." He pulled out his baton and tried calling again. It rang several times before going to voicemail. "LB, I finished patrol. Going home. Good night."

He knew he was being short and hoped his bitterness didn't come through too much. "Maybe she'll just think I'm tired," he mused.

Now as he journeyed back towards his home he spotted a light on a distant balcony and as he moved closer, he realized who it was.


He watched as she leaned against the railing. I still need to fix things with her tomorrow. But maybe Chat can do some damage control tonight.

He hopped onto the roof and slid down the railing. "Hey there, Princess," he greeted softly. "We can't keep meeting this way." His tone was teasing but the playfulness disappeared when she looked up at him.

His hand moved to touch her cheek. "Have you been crying?" he whispered.

Marinette wiped at her face as she turned away. "No, of course not. Why would I be crying?"

He found himself wrapping his arms around her middle from behind. He rested his head against her back. "Whatever it is, it's not worth it. You shouldn't have to cry. Not someone like you."

Marinette couldn't stop herself from leaning into his touch. It felt nice to be held. "Unfortunately, heartbreak is a pretty good reason."

"Heartbreak?" he asked.

She moved out of his arms enough to turn and look at him. "Yeah, you remember that time you were here, when I told you I had my heart broken?"

He could only nod silently.

"Well, this time it was worse." She stepped away from him and back towards the railing. "I don't even know how I'm going to face him tomorrow. Or any other day for that matter."

Chat winced. Surely, she couldn't be referring to him. They were just friends, right?

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, moving to stand beside her.

She sighed. "My friends got it in their heads that my crush secretly liked me, so they tried to get him to confess. Turns out not only does he think it would be impossible to ever be interested in me." She paused before glancing up at him and when she did Chat could see her eyes were wet again. "He's in love with Ladybug."

She spat out the words bitterly. Why was it that the only guys she might want to be interested in her seemed to pick Ladybug?

So I'm her crush… Adrien Agreste. And I broke her heart. He let out a long sigh as he leaned on the railing. He desperately wanted to correct her. Make her understand that it wasn't that he found her unlikable. In reality he just hadn't thought about her that way. But he couldn't exactly do that.

"Well, I get you there, Princess."

"What happened with you?" She asked.

"I only convinced My Lady to ask out her crush. It apparently turned out so well that she didn't bother showing up for patrol tonight. She didn't even call. Must have been too busy."

Marinette wanted to protest. To explain why she hadn't shown up. But that would reveal her identity and she wasn't ready for that.

She touched his arm gently. "That's really wonderful of you to encourage her like that. But maybe it didn't work out. Maybe she got her heart broken too." She muttered.

Chat gave an empty laugh. "Any guy would be an idiot to reject her." His eyes then moved to meet hers. "Almost as much of an idiot as they'd be to reject you."

Marinette wasn't sure what made her do it. The hollow feeling in her heart. Or the sinking feeling in her stomach. Or just simply the fact that Chat was there and being sweet. He was always sweet though.

So she kissed him.

Chat's eyes went wide. Marinette was kissing him. Kissing him.

She pulled away blushing. "I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking." She clutched at her head . "Now you'll probably leave and never want to come back and-"

She continued babbling but Chat couldn't take it anymore. The sight of her there, feeling so hurt. So heartbroken. He wanted to make it better. He had to. After all, it was his fault she was feeling like this.

He grabbed her wrists and pulled her back to him, kissing her lips once again.

It wasn't the most graceful kiss. Especially since the first kiss he even remembered was from a moment ago. But she melted into him nonetheless.

Their lips moved against each other hungrily. Not out of love, but out of desperation. A desperation to feel loved.

After a few minutes, they broke apart breathing hard.

"I'm sorry. We shouldn't."

Marinette stared at the ground as she spoke. If she looked at him she might kiss him again.

"Don't worry, Princess. If you don't want to, we won't." His words were quiet. Almost nonexistent.

She looked up at him again. Her eyes lighting up with emotion. "But that's the problem, Chat. I do want to. I want to kiss you. And I want you to make me feel loved. Wanted. I want-"

And he crashed his lips back onto hers. He backed her against the wall of the balcony. Pressing her into it as his hands gripped her hips. Because he wanted that too. Wanted to feel loved.

Even if it wasn't Ladybug. Marinette still loved him.

Even if it wasn't Adrien. Chat still loved her.

She moaned against his lips and he bit her bottom lip. When she gasped, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, tasting her own. She tasted sweet. Which made sense to him.

He pulled his mouth away and began to trail kiss across her jaw and down her neck. He heard her gasp when he started to suck on her neck.

"Adrien," she moaned softly.

Chat stiffened, worried his secret had been found out.

"Sorry," Marinette mumbled, her face turning red. She tried to pull away but that was difficult with her back against the wall. "That's his name. The guy I'm in love with." She allowed him a moment to process before continuing. "I'm sorry, I ruined it."

He shook his head and began kissing her neck again. Holding her more tightly. "Don't worry about it. Call me whatever you want."

She was about to protest. To push him away when he bit down and caused her to cry out in pleasure. He let out a low growl as Marinette dug her nails into his back.

I might regret this later but…

She moved her mouth to his ear. "Do you want to go inside?" She whispered.

His mouth paused from kissing her and she worried she'd gone too far. Maybe he hadn't meant this. Maybe he only wanted to make out with her on her balcony.

Then Chat scooped her into his arms and dropped her through the trap door and onto her bed. A moment later he dropped down on top of her. The room was dark, perhaps she hadn't felt like turning on any lights in her depressed state.

He resumed kissing her and she moved her hands to his head. She ran her fingers through the blond locks and massaged his head. Enjoying the purring that seemed to vibrate from his chest.

He moved his mouth to her ear this time before whispering huskily, "If we are doing what I think we are, I'll need to drop my transformation. Can I trust you to keep your eyes closed?"

Marinette turned her head to look at him. "Are you okay with that?" She asked.

He nodded. "Are you?"

Marinette gave him a small smile in confirmation. "But just in case." She climbed out from under him and hurried down from her bed, only tripping once. Then returned a moment later with a piece of cloth. "Now I can wear this just in case I open my eyes."

Chat watched as she tied the cloth over her eyes. "I didn't realize you were into those kind of things, Princess," he teased.

Marinette rolled her eyes before lying back down. She waited for a moment and then there was a green flash of light as Chat muttered, "Claws in."

She felt movement at the foot of her bed and blushed when she realized he must be taking his clothes off. At least the blindfold makes it easier to imagine it being Adrien, she thought. But then she felt guilty. As if she was insulting Chat by saying she had to pretend he was someone else. No, Chat is probably imagining I'm Ladybug too.

She felt movement next to her.

"Do you want help taking off your clothes?"

She heard his whisper and could tell that he was nervous. Maybe he's having second thoughts. She nodded. "That would be good."

She shivered when his bare hand brushed her stomach.

"Sorry," came his reply. He carefully lifted her shirt over her head. Making sure not to let the blindfold fall off with it.

Marinette heard a sharp intake of breath and her hands instinctively covered her chest. "I can take off my bra," she muttered.

Adrien's hands found hers, stopping her movement. "May I?"

Marinette assumed her face was permanently red now. Good thing it's dark in here. She pulled her hands away and felt him pull her close. His arms wrapped around her and he undid the clasp of her bra with ease.

"Seems like you've done that before," she teased, trying to make it less awkward.

It was Adrien's turn to blush and he was glad she was blindfolded. How could he explain he knew how to undo clasps like that after modeling all kinds of various clothes with different fastenings. "Just lucky I guess," he answered before pulling back and laying the bra with her shirt.

Marinette's hands covered her chest, now feeling self-conscious.

Adrien placed his hands on her shoulders and helped her lie down before allowing his hands to move to her jeans. His hands were shaking as is fingers fumbled with the button. With each step it felt more real and he grew more nervous… excited? He wasn't really sure. All he knew was that he didn't want to stop now.

A moment later, the button gave way and he tugged her jeans off. His hands brushed the skin of her hips and she shuddered.

"Are you okay?" he whispered through the dark.

Marinette shook her head, "But I will be." With those words she reached out and grasped at his arm, pulling him down to her. Their lips crashing together in a heated kiss.

A/N: So this is chapter one and I'm hoping to update again by next week. Let me know what you think in a review if you'd like! Thanks for reading!
