Peter Parker's return:
Tony was in shock. Peter had just died in his arms, apologizing for dying. Dying. Who did that? He had disintegrated in Tony's arms, turning into ashes. Suddenly, the full weight of the situation hit him in the face like a truck and tears started
to roll down his face. When peter died, he had taken part of Tony's soul with him. Tony sobbed in despair. Out of all the people, why did it have to be peter? There wasn't even a body to bury. Tony didn't care if the weird cyborg lady was watching
him. Loud, ragged cries tore their way out of his throat. Tony wished that he had been the one to go instead of peter. Nebula seemed to realize that he wanted to be left alone and walked away he was crying, he didn't notice the ashes
moving, and nor did he noticethem come together to form a body. He didn't notice anythinguntil a weak voice said,
"Mr. Stark? Are you alright? What, did somebody die or something?"
Tony froze mid sob. He looked up.
"Peter?" He asked, astonished.
Peter was cut off by tony crashing into him and almost crushing him with a hug.
"Don't you ever do that to me again," tony said.
"Mr. Stark?"
"Can we get shawarma after this?"
Tony chuckled.
"Sure, kid. Sure"